Why does Yea Forums hate this genre so much? Even RTS isn't this dead.
Grand Strategy
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Settings don't interest me and the notions of Visual & Sound Design leaves much to be desired.
Not everything needs to be an Action Game but i'm not gonna pretend like i'm interested in Grand Strategy.
>this dead
Grand Strategy is more alive than RTS seeing as how every DLC Paradox shits out sells like fucking hotcakes, where as every RTS released within the last decade has bombed
the only problem with modern gsgs is that Paradox is the only company that makes them, have literally anyone else enter the market and the games will improve drastically.
>tfw we will never have Vicky 3 or a new GSG without mana
Yea Forums is like a abused spouse with this genre
They love it, but they hate it for what its become.
Attract Immigrants doesn't even work for European countries and provinces. It's purely for American countries.
There was "They are Billions" which I think sold well for an rts
overcomplicated menus, terrible design, everybody is buying it and mostly realizing how boring it is, it sells a lot because people got duped thinking one of those genre would be fun. But theres still some fans that are super addicted and make it seem as if Yea Forums likes it, its just a minority of people who had the patience to learn the game.
AI is usually lacking, and good job getting a player for each country together at once (not to mention how painfully long it'd take to play out fully). Unfortunately they usually end up as map painting sims with the majority of the mechanics making it harder/less fun to do so. Grand Strategy games always suck at implementing diplomacy in a viable way.
What could have been... Damn...
I think it can work for Paris specifically because they get that event to make it the highest liferating province in the game.
I don’t even care about it being a grossgermanium but those borders are fucking vile.
I repeat: Attract Immigrants will never ever work on non-American provinces and non-American countries, because pops can only actually leave for American countries and provinces. Liferating does play a role with inner country pop movement.
You just need more welfare.
This sums it up pretty well
It's a genre I want to like but takes too much time and effort to really get the feel for it.
That's what I thought Attract Immigrants did for European countries, encouraged internal migration.
That's probably fixed in one of those mods /gsg/ shrieks about.
Why hasn't Portugal been annexed
To make the picture as ugly as possible because Germany and Byzantium blobs were meme-tier on /gsg/ for years and now people have gotten a hold of their old autism memes and use it to push an agenda that anyone having fun in a strategy game is a school shooter in waiting.
why would you annex portugal?
That building would've been impossible to build in reality. It's too big and the ground in Germany would've been too weak to hold it.
Because of (((Paradox)))
after some time you realize that these games are very swallow and very easy with very stupid ai
>why does Yea Forums hate this genre?
/gsg/ influence
I'm bored. Recommend me some countries to play.
Imperator is getting a no mana patch, if you have the game you can try the beta. it's still boring sadly
georgia or wallachia
Play Malacca and form Malay. Also if you want an easy run, just play Timurids into Mughals and conquer asia.
>Imperator is getting a no mana patch
So there's still hope for Victoria III
What makes you think 15-year-olds have the attention span for Victoria II?
try Waifu Universalis Mod
Victoria 2 is on sale on Steam right now
Do I need the expansions?
It's pretty much confirmed, let's hope they announce it in paradoxcon
Yes, also try HPM or HFM.
I'd like some game that played like Master of Orion 2, i.e. requiring moderate autism instead of the full fledged, doctoral thesis summa cum laude autism all those paradox grand strategy games require. I play videogames to have fun, not to study a second degree. And if I wanted to waste my time like that, Dwarf Fortress seemed less tedious and more fun lat time I checked.
Any tips for fast unite Japan in EU4?
Pretty much all paradox games require only moderate autism, all of them have easy starting nations so you can learn the game.
Play as a big nation and conquer it all, then you have to contend with the europeans and the chinese, I would become a tributary and conquer korea, then expand in the pacific.
if you become socialist it works
I've done it for Germany where my pop is going insane because every eastern Euro is immigrating into my country
also it's necessarily for South Africa to become liberal to attract immigrants as you can't assimilate Africans
>Play as a big nation
But I want Oda's ideas.
Exactly my experience with Paradox’s games. Not gonna lie, had a lot of fun with Vic 2, EU III/IV and CK II, but nothing Paradox has done in years interests me anymore. EU IV expansions are just super boring and do nothing to address the real problems in the game, CK II expansions may be a bit less shit yet still boring, Stellaris just isn’t my cup of tea (yet it’s certainly the one where they actually managed to improve the game most since release), HoI IV feels too damn barebones probably needing couple more years before it’s mature enough, and Imperator Rome is literal garbage.
Vic II is still probably my favorite, but I’ve had my dose of it already. Shame, I really wish that they could do something worthwhile again, but I’m very disappointed with them, especially regarding the development of EU IV.
none of paradox games come even close to dwarf fortress in autism requirement; they're actual games with UI
>become a tributary
I fucking hate all the stupid magic bullshit surrounding the Chinese Empire.
>HRE is just based on the decentralized political structure becoming centralized
>France is just broken up with some duchies and other internal minor states
>but China has to have this stupid magic system where if some illiterate savages aren't offering some shit and grass to the Emperor every month the whole Empire collapses
Fuck the other magic governments like Prussia, Russia, and Ottomans too.
I really don't want a Vicky III if Paradox is going to keep doing what it is doing
if anything Victoria needs to be more complicated with financial and central banking gameplay, and more detailed military stuff
Any good map mods for EU4?
i liked my florence into roman empire run
Then get some good allies, preferably one of the big ones, you won't unifiy as fast, but Oda ideas let you have a really good military.
>especially regarding the development of EU IV
What, you don’t like stuff like
>non-features such as ”innovativeness” that give you bonuses that matter fuck-all even in the best cases
>new resources like coal giving even more money to endgame when everyone already has too much money at that point
>magical bullshit China making Asia an eternal chore to play
>institution system that encourages players to cheese ez tech parity even as 3rd world nations with one or two artificially over-developed provinces
>immersion packs that add more bonus buttons to nations
Recently played as the northern most county in Ireland. Was trying to annex the entire island. My claim fabrications were not working, so I decided to aid the pope in a crusade with 3000 levies. Went to Egypt and started capturing shit. After the end of the crusade which we won, I somehow became King of Egypt and Arabia without actually owning a single tile outside of my single one in Ireland. My rank was so high I was able to make vassal of most of Ireland. Became ruler of Ireland without killing a single Irishman.
What it could had been...
All of Paradox's Grand Strategy games play the same. You build your death stack and then slide it across the map leaving behind your color. Sure, it has all these economic, population, religion, diplomacy, and technology features but it all can be mostly ignored and can easily roll your brush around the world.
For a genre that calls itself "Grand Strategy," it has less meaningful resource management and strategy than Lego Rock Raiders, a fucking kid's game.
just a reminder that even if Hoi 4 is really a fucking horseshit it's still worth at least a download solely for the great mods it has to offer
It's pretty bad in china, since the empire can collapse pretty fast if someone like Russia gets a border.
Have you seen this put Paradox is putting out these days? Grand Strategy is dead too.
They aren't actually complicated.
You don't need to pay attention to everything. Just bullshit your way through.
Of course, I haven't played an actual game in Vicky II is ages, I usually just use commands to paint the map and fuck around.
Take it back, OP.
>autists giving germany and the uk free cores and infamy free conquest casus bellis for no reason
I hate every single grand strategy mod or game
and America too. I have never seen the Mexico AI crap on America because they get too much free shit.
>Easiest and most casual friendly GS on the market
Embarrassing. You might as well hate the genre, so OP's point still stands.
I'll admit it's pretty easy, but I do a lot of self-imposed challenges.
Brandenburg into Prussia :^)
anyone else up for some wiggly waggling pure psy/mayaka style? i say we waggle it HARD tonight willy boys
how 2 clean beano comic book of willy juice stains? i was waggling my willy in my treehouse with me good mates willy gordon and cousin nicky all over the page of the beano with beas fat baby ass...mmhhmmm!! i would waggle my willy to that bum all day...when my willy erupted and ruined me good comic for good!!!! i dont want my mummy 2 see it..help?
you cant stop the willy wanking!!
you cant stop the willy wanking!!
you cant stop the willy wanking!!
Yea Forums hoi4 match NOW
cope's mod
Byzantines, remove kebab
>no mana patch
Bullshit, the whole game revolved around mana. Did they redesign it from scratch?
Paradox monopoly
None? Really?
Pretty much.
EU4 with the character system of CK2 would be my perfect game
are you johan ?
>Britain still unconquered
Dai Viet
Germans will always find the solution for that.
I don't hate it. But I do hate Paradox and it's telling that you used a picture of Vicky 2 from a decade ago instead of EU4.
Sorry champ I am not paying $150+ for DLC to a fucking mana management simulator. Oh I'm so sorry Hitler, you can't invade poland you don't have enough fuhrer mana.
How are you not over your vassal limit?
>tfw they'll never give out the source code for victoria 2
don't need it
what's this?
open source Victoria 2
It doesn't look like he has one.
holy shit, is it just a recreation or it plans to add more stuff?
Looks like QoL improvements so far, but the developer said he might change some stuff
mankind fears what it doesn't understand
>American countries.
>years later all of the mainland and Ireland starves and Britain is unaffected
I see, does he have any release date or anything like that?
Euro-hours Yea Forums seems to like it enough. I just don't think that NA Yea Forums grew up with them as much where they were popular.
Yeah I notice the thread are more alive during Euro day time.
well its one of the hardest types of game to learn, took me ages to get good at ck2, i had such a hard time understanding the barony/count/duchy/dejure shit and looking back its so fucking simple its hilarious
Is it better to unite Japan or stay Shogunate?
unite japan
EU4 1.29 + M&T 3.0 when
My brother loves the genre. Never really clicked with me, but that's mostly because I like to have full control of my characters instead of telling them where to go or what to do. Which reminds me, Goblin Commander was a pretty good game.
Sooooo... I've only played native american countries. When is paradox going to fix them?
also RATE
next dlc you better get buying goyim
what a baby
Based other CK2fag. I haven't idled at all, though.
t. My brother has over 2000 hours in XCOM2 but most of it is idle time.
random lucky nations on? wtf
Yes? There's quite a few of them.
Play as The Knights.
nah all on default.
Burgundy key to success is to take out France the quickest way possible. ally her rivals, in my case Austria, Spain and also Brandenburg. You have a lot of vassals to feed so influence ideas are recommended, also got an union over Austria (pic related).
Its niche and Paradox is at max incompetence and malevolence.
Nazi's had S-tier aesthetics in anything other than architecture. Stripped-neoclassicism is shit.
>Protestant Austria
Everyone loves grand strategy games. No one loves having to restart because this months newest paradox dlc broke their game or some patch removed a fun detail theyll convoluted and readd in three months time.
>Be protestant
>Get on the catholic side of the religious wars
>Catholics won the war
>fast forward and everyone is protestant and the pope is kill
Too many abstractions, and my ideas of what is a good strategy for building an empire are different from what the developers think.
Even just the notion that imperialism is sustainable is flawed. Empires are always a net loss for the imperial power. The only way for them to continue is by conquering more lands and people until eventually it becomes logistically impossible and you create too many enemies. History proves this.
paradox doesn't have a monopoly, there's been succesful grand strategy games that aren't made by them but you faggots only want to play victoria2 and thus you never see them
see: Age of Civilizations 2
And yet imperialism has always been a constant theme in history. Rome became insanely wealthy thanks to its conquests, even though aside from the Eastern Mediterranean they always relied on genocidal destruction rather than clever division of their enemies. Same goes for Ottomans, the Spaniards etc. There's a lot of money in wars and dispossessing people.
Yeah, every state is a major drain on Washington, retard, they wish the country was just Virginia
would unity work for a small strategy indie project?
these games are so niche it's extremely hard to get into developing them (due to lack of tutorials/best practice)
i ment more that ottoman and egypt got fucked over by Aq Qoyunlu
Ottoman allied with Aq Qoyunlu, and silly Otto gave the Aq some land that blocked the turk from getting to the Levant. Then I came with Spain, Austria and Brandenburg plus all the my vassals and we broke Ottoman in half.
Aq then fucked him even futher.
Rome prospered for centuries and only began its decline because Marcus Aurelius succeeded in having a son.
The best thing about Grand Strategy is that I can post maps, might not even be mine, and someone will get mad at it.
It's not even 1500 yet, Ming. Get your shit together.
Are you just allowing Australia to exist, or are you in the process of conquering it?
Gotta put the prisoners somewhere. besides, they're just a puppet state
world conquest is so fucking lame, is this the end game of every paradox game or something?
Age of Civilizations 2, really?
A game made by a single person, and then quickly abandoned despite being unfinished and broken is Paradox's "successful" competition?
>the state of mutt intelligence
You do realize Jewish Germans made all of the innovations right? Once they were gone, the Germans couldn't invent shit.
Oooh you meant America's countries
Karaman and be kebab with a prettier color
lol yeah Planck and Heisenberg along with all those Imperial German noblists pre-WW1 were Jewish, sure. lol.
>desert Irish
Germans lost a lot of brainpower with the loss of prominent Jewish scientists, but it is absurd to say that they were incapable of innovation on their own. Hell, America had to use German scientists after the war to jumpstart the space program
>retarded trumptard
Few exceptions, 90% were Jewish.
>Hell, America had to use German JEWISH scientists after the war to jumpstart the space program
>Nazi scientists given amnesty after the war
>One of which was personally appointed by Adolf fucking Hitler himself to overseer test flights of the V-2 rockets
Are you trolling or actually retarded
>yfw you're an immortal werewolf who worships the sun and you ain't even running mods