How long is the timed exclusivity on this one?
How long is the timed exclusivity on this one?
9 months till PC
I cant wait to beta test it for free on my Switch
>already seething
Never EVER
I have a Switch, I bought it at launch, I got it specifically for Sonic Mania, I have over 145 hours in Sonic Mania alone, and I think Astral Chain should and will come to PC at least.
80 years
>145 hours
autistic speedrunner
Nintendo owns the IP.
Its a nintendo IP, similar to W101, so never.
as long as persona 5 is on playstation
>Hitoshi Yamagami
Sorry snoyboy! You don’t get to play!
Ask Bayonetta 2
Forever, you have better luck waiting for the DQ11S update for PC and PS4 which is probable considering the type of company Square is regardless of Nintencels say
>Astral Chain was initially envisioned as a fantasy game where the player would utilize magic, however at Nintendo's recommendation the game was changed to a cyberpunk setting as they felt it would make for a more unique setting.
>however at Nintendo's recommendation
Nintendo was involved in the development and publishes the game.
So never.
Go to the Astral Chain website, scroll all the way to the bottom.
>Copyright 2019 Nintendo/Platinum
>Astral Chain is a trademark of Nintendo
After Bayonetta 2
You already bought a SWITCH you gave money to nintendo already hahahahahaha
Man, Nintendo owns a bunch of platinum shit now, crazy. It's actually really wild to think that Bayonetta was initially a 3rd party character and then Nintendo gave platinum a bunch of money and now the character is just theirs.
Not when I bought it used
Listed as a first party ip on Nintendo's financial report, and the website says it's a Nintendo trademark
why is there so much hype over this game? didn't hear anything about it for months and now it's everywhere.
Go start a petition and beg for ports, bitch.
What's the matter you got nothing to play, huh? Really sad to have no games bro.
Because review embargo lifted today and it comes out this friday. There have been frequent threads here since E3.
Shitposters gotta shitpost
The sock puppeting on this board is atrocious
>he didnt pirate his Switch
For the same amount of time as Bayo 2
Which has been playable on PC for a couple years now?
>Sony.ggers and PCu.cks will never be able to play the GOTY 2019 and one of Platinum's finest games
>To cope they delude themselves into believing that creatively bankrupt shit like DMCV and Sekiro or weeb shovelware like Code Vein or River City Girls are good and therefore they totally don't need to play Astral Chain.
Feels good man
you wouldn't download a onions
Yeah, like emulation means jack shit when most people are too retarded to be able to do it.
Playing on emulator is the same as playing an official release? OK then. Ask guys who made Yuzu emulator.
>glitch up the ass
It won't unless you count Yuzu as it getting a PC version. Nintendo has never ever put any of their games on PC. I don't know why you think this game would be any different.
Bayonetta is still owned by Sega, Nintendo just owns 2/3 of the games in the series.
officially? Never ever seeing as it a 1st party game.
Emulated nicely? Give it 6 months to a year
>playing on a toaster
>blaming the emulator
about 10fps per second
*6 years to a decade
PClards still can't emulate N64 games accurately lmao
As long as Bayonetta 2's.
Not like the N64 had good games. :)
More than the playstation :)
Now you're lying user.
That's a lie That's a fact
The N64 literally revolutionized gaming with game changer like oot and mario 64. no other system have that kind of godlike games beside the snes.
Long enough.
>revolutionized gaming
Nein nein nein nein years
There's been threads about it for weeks.
It releases same day as Persona 5 on Epic Games Store
>it's a retard seething about epic games store episode
It's a Nintendo IP you retarded snoys
>shitpost about PC port
>M-muh Sony
absolutely obsessed, I bet you also pay for Switch games too numbnuts
>9 months till PC
it's taken 2 1/2 years just to Mario odyssey working at a stable rate and you think in months
if anything's a joke about the switch it's the hacking community with their code gatekeeping, tranny sucking, money scamming "devs" wanting to be first at doing a ok job of doing anything halfway right
>Platinum game at 30FPS
Not like this...
>playing a fast action game at 15fps
how do you people do this? 60 should be the bare minimum for this genre
This game is published by Nintendo, permanently exclusive.
Post yfw didnt fell for the ps4 meme
how does an embargo lift before release? are they that confident in their product?
feels good
the fuck China
There is no need to port it to PC; PC owners are Nintendo console owners, PC being their complementary platform.
Same length as Bayonetta 2 and TW101
Come on, you know they'll pull an Atlus and release a new version with the Switch content for 60 dollars.
It's not unusual for review embargo to lift a couple days before release. Embargos come in phases that limit what journalists/media are allowed to show at a given time. AC's preview embargo lifted a few weeks ago and allowed content up to chapter 6 to be shown. Review embargo probably still prevents them from discussing endgame and certain story spoilers in their reviews. On release date anything goes.
They can just change the name around you idiot.
It sounds like the consensus is that it's less fast and more methodical
I'm actually sad I bought a Shitch when next gen is right around the corner.
Noy really. They own three which is bayonetta 2, w101 and this game. There's many more platinum games out there.
Nope, most PC people just emulate Nintendo shit if they want. The Switch is too shit of a console to compliment PC at all. Too many games that look and perform like shit on the Shitch.
bayo2, bayo3, tw101, astral chain
four games
>>To cope they delude themselves into believing that creatively bankrupt shit like DMCV and Sekiro
What the fuck are you talking about? Astral Chain looks like shit compared to those.
>30 FPS
>Damage Numbers
Ass Chain is already infinitely worse than either.
The architecture of consoles and pc nowadays are very similar making emulation very easy. Just look at yuzu and mario oddessey.
Why is that chinawoman biting into a playstation move controller?
What a good fucking call by Nintendo holy shit nothing but respect
Madworld, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2 and 3, Astral Chain, Infinite Space, and Star Fox Zero are all games that are made exclusively for Nintendo Systems.
It's hard to look worse than DMCV to be honest.
>not new post IPs
>makes this post multiple times in every AC thread
You already know damage numbers can be disabled too but you don't acknowledge that.
Sure, if you are legally blind.
all of this is true except the DMCV part. DMCV is oozing with creativity
are madworld and infinite space OWNED by nintendo though
I'm still iffy about bayo 3 being owned by nintendo. We barely known anything about the game and sega still owns the ip technically.
>Disable damage numbers
>Still plays like a shitty pseudo RPG with recycled platinum combat since Bayo 2
No thanks.
no they are owned by Sega
>sega still owns the ip technically.
They do?
DMCV is a slow piece of shit with the most cringe lead character in gaming.
>snoys mad, snoys mad snoys mad
Why does this game make you seethe so much that you post in every single thread? Game is literally rent free to you.
>action hack and slash
I can't believe people are defending this
nintendo announced the game so it's very unlikely they don't own it 100%
>20fps action game
This is my first post in an Astral Chain thread in a month. What the fuck are you talking about you retarded loser?
I can literally get the game for free on my shitty ass Switch, doesnt mean I need to pretend its going to be a good action game because of this stupid Switch hype mentality.
Next year. It'll be a double pack with Bayonetta 2.
>Astral Chain
>hack and slash
Way to out yourself you dumb fuck lol
With drops, framepacing issues, resolution scaling.
ANNNDDD dont forget JOYCON DRIFTING!!! on the worst controller this gen.
Hype. Hope it and Wonderful 101 get acknowledged in the future with Smash and shit
you're falseflagging but it's okay, it's clear the game wasn't for you
Then what the fuck am I looking at with all the gameplay then?
>still posting
Talking about the fps poster then. Always uses the same terms in green text. Literally every thread.
Sega owns the copyright for the character of Bayonetta, Nintendo owns the copyright games for 2 and 3
3 years ago and no other info. Like I said it's just been iffy and we don't know alot.
21fps is ONLY okay in action games when they are made by BASED FROMSOFTWARE
mmmmmmm love that from cock 8===D~~~ q:
> 0FPS on PS4
>why is there so much hype over this game? didn't hear anything about it for months and now it's everywhere.
That's what people called "Advertising", user. Crazy, ain't it?
People take more issue with every Switch game not only looking like trash, but running like shit too.
From Soft games run fine on PC, Nintendo has just became the shit performance company this gen, moreso than the fucking PS3 gen.
>Medieval Chains, Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest
>All Medieval shit
It would start dragging on people hard
Now it at least has an identity to itself
>3 years ago
Imagine being this delusional
I know lots of people who wont play a game if it has a medieval or fantasy vibe.
Happy DXM and Astral Chain are varying up the visual style of the library
I dont have to be delusional when I own almost every game on the platform. Its more fact than delusion. Even shit like Onimusha, a fucking PS2 game, makes the Switch tank with its fire effects. Its embarrassing.
>pseudo RPG
Nothing about the game is remotely like an RPG though
Shut the fuck up Boco.
>being that redundant
That's more due to the difference in the architecture that the game was optimized for.
>damage numbers and scaling
Already shit tier like that Transformers game
kek, In five years you'll be able to play with glitches up the ass
Sure thing champ
Sorry 2 years ago.
Yes sir...
Did you just insult Transformers Devastation? Go fuck yourself.
When are we getting the switch pro
Need to play it at its best framerate.
I’m just happy DxM has gyro aiming and button remapping
All I gotta do is set it up Splatoon style and I’m pretty much sold American
I’m just happy the next few months are /m/ as Fuck
Are you actually this dumb?
It's the same as asking when FE or Zelda will be put on PC. It's a Nintendo franchise. Oh sorry, you're so retarded you probably didn't notice that in any of the Nintendo advertising.
Nah, they are getting more funding. By year 4, the 4 games worth playing on the console (if that) will be fully emulated. They always start with a base game.
I mean it's true
It's why the Switch can run Bayonetta better than the 360 or PS3 versions, despite being a handheld
The issue is that the jump in architecture is bigger than from one console to another, since now you're dealing with all the fun and joy of ARM
Bait but also retarded
The only thing I wish was different for DXM was if it had the same flight system as Armored Core
I'd rather it had a faster, bouncier feeling than just hovering in the air for no cost
>Even the upcoming Astral Chain being created under an agreement that sees the IP remain with Nintendo and not Platinum Games.
Sounds like cope. How come other systems run it fine then. Face it, switch hardware is crap and can't even run older games perfectly.
so how shit is the performance looking lads
So is Ninja Gaiden Black shit tier for having upgradeable weapons with increasing damage? Other action games just have hidden damage numbers. AC's are on by default, like what MHW did (which also made people like you seethe).
>It's why the Switch can run Bayonetta better than the 360 or PS3 versions, despite being a handheld
Because it was downgraded and still cant hold 60 FPS. There are plenty of engines (great ones like MT frame) that still run like shit on the Switch.
Yeah no.
I see Mario Odyssey, Smash and Botw 2 being the only working Yuzu games
Even Splatoon 2 will remain an unplayable mess
around 10-20fps, depending on how much is going on, and that is while docked. in handheld mode it's even worse
Framepacing issues and dips into the 20s often
I understand that Nintendo legally owns the Astral Chain IP, but I just want to point out that you posted doesn't mean much. At Momocon, Suda talked about Nintendo requesting changes to several cutscenes and that ended up multiplat.
Seriously. Fantasy would've been super boring. They already have Zelda.
Tokyo Mirage Session was working within 3 months. So yeah, no.
Also, no one gives a shit about Splatoon, its a garbage TPS.
Because optimization, it turns out, matters for a lot.
Other systems run it fine because they're built on the same core architecture as the PS2, just beefed up. There's a lot of things that x86 systems share that they don't with ARM that affect how basic shit gets done.
I know it sounds like I'm making excuses but search up the difference between CISC and RISC architecture and how instructions are executed and presented on each
I wouldn’t know
Custom Robo GameCube, TV shows and the figures got me into Mechas
I’ve heard about armored core but I could never find it in stores so I just forgot about it.
This is a very sad post.
I fucking wish this was coming to PC but I think Nintendo owns this IP.
How come?
Proof Nintendo owns the IP:
"Even the upcoming Astral Chain being created under an agreement that sees the IP remain with Nintendo and not Platinum Games."
>DMCV and Sekiro ports w-when?
>W-we have a weebshit juggling simulator s-so who cares about those 2 games a-anyway?
Why do Nintendies always beg for ports and then when it's obvious that they won't get the ports due to Switch's shit hardware, they pretend that they never care about the ports in the first place? Sounds like coping to me.
This would hold more weight if many even first party games ran well. But they often dont. From Kirby and Yoshi running at 30 FPS as well, to BOTW and even the optimized MHX running like shit.
>You can emulated shitty musical persona that Atlus tried to push on SMT fans and failed miserably
>no one gives a shit about Splatoon
Bottom feeders, with shit taste.
Except Bayo1 on Switch is visually identical to the Xbox360 and PS3 versions and runs at a pretty stable 60 fps
It was a late Wii U game with a new engine. Its not the quality of the game that matters, retard.
Again, no one gives a shit about Splatoon. Most non-retards can enjoy plenty of other shooters with better mechanics and higher skill ceilings. But keep pretending a game with no tourney scene outside of Nintendo events and ZERO longevity being something "great".
The amount of denial. It hasn't even been 2 years since it was announced. Nintendo published 2 and Reggie, not a Sega rep, announced 3. The only other platform it'll show up on is Switch 2
More like
>Sekiro and DMCV won’t work lol make your own game
Ok Fine I will
>Puts out an excellent game
Wtf we wanna play that
NO! you got Sekiro and DMCV we got this
Make your own game Lol
>this level of delusion
just go idort already
>Again, no one gives a shit about Splatoon
Best selling shooter in Japan, isn't it?
Not stable at all.
The Switch seems to have issues maintaining ANY framerates.
Sold 9 million too
It’s more popular in Japan but sold better in the states
>Japan being anything but children buying kids games and adults playing on phones
W101 is 30 fps
Way to move those goalposts.
W101 was a shit game.
Are you that scared of Sony?
why? what was wrong with it?
>Its just a timed exclusive
>M-muh 20FPS
>I-it'll be shit anyways, Nintendo Bonus reviews
Never change Yea Forums
so many people ITT defending this imagine playing an ACTION GAME at 30fps (not constant btw), 900p
Yes that 30fps continues even on the new Switch, even undocked. You are getting a mediocre experience and you're PROUD of that hahaha holy shit
im gonna buy this with the $30 gift card i got from ebgames when i bought a switch
>Goalposts when everything I said is true
Way to pretend kids taste in shit games is important to you. Maybe play a real shooter sometime like Siege.
What denial... I will admit how long ago it was and I was wrong that it was 2 years ago. But I'm just saying we don't know much about the game and the eel this time with Nintendo and sega. It might be a timed exclusive, it might not be who knows. Look at what happened with Travis strike again and octopath traveler.
>mediocre experience
>at least 30fps more than the ps4 version
Why would I still defend that?
>This would hold more weight if many even first party games ran well
That's not necessarily true, given that it depends on the team that's developing a given game and whether that specific team knows a lot about ARM development.
Remember, up until the Switch, half the teams at Nintendo likely worked on consoles while the other half likely worked just on handhelds.
Splatoon, Odyssey and MK8D are examples of situations where optimization was a big priority. I'd argue they have more going on visually than msot other first party games on Switch too, so it seems to primarily be a matter of know-how for the system than the innate capabilities of the system itself
That's a generally inoffensive drop for a particularly busy area, considering the 360 had drops to 30 in similar areas
No one even mentioned PS4 but have fun with your "seething snoyboy" narrative. By the way I'm a Switch owner. 30fps is inexcusable. I was really looking forward to this game and it plays like shit, looks like shit.
Sega owns the IP and Bayo 1, but Nintendo owns the rights to everything that came after it
>Most non-retards can enjoy plenty of other shooters with better mechanics and higher skill ceilings
The only shooters I can imagine with higher skill ceilings and comparable mechanics are the Titanfall games and CSGO (and other tactical FPS games like that)
I hear Siege is good too, but that's maybe 4 games total
It would be piss easy at 60 fps if it's designed for 30
Then make an Astral Must Chain difficulty or something
>Thought the big game Nintendo and Sega working together was gonna be Mario and Sonic: Super Chaotic RPG.
>It’s actually Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games and Bayonetta 2
Constantly left field with Nintendo man.
>Look at what happened with Travis strike again and octopath traveler.
Nintendo wasn't involved in the development of those and isn't a copyright holder on them. They only published the western version of Octopath, while Square Enix published it in Japan. TSA is all Marvelous. Daemon X Machina is in a similar position to those two, Marvelous could choose to publish it on PC (they are self published in japan on switch). Astral Chain belongs to Nintendo.
Forgot you guys were talking Bayo 3, but the copyright holders are Nintendo/Sega so Nintendo has to agree to which platforms its on.
TSANMH and 8path were never announced or published by NINTENDO in Japan
bayo3 is almost the same deal as astral chain, except ALL astral chain sequels will be nintendo-only forever, while there's a tiny hypothetical chance bayo4 might go to some other platform
also technically speaking bayo3 was only teased 1 year 8 months ago, that's really not that long
>coping this hard
>l-lower fps is just a difficultly curve
get your head out of your asshole
That's not how emulation works. Progress goes towards all games, not just one.
>no one gives a shit about Splatoon, its a garbage TPS.
I'm sorry, what?
Meanwhile this is what PC cucks are excited about right now, must be a bliss playing this turd at 240 fps.
WoW was never good
>every single switch exclusive gets shitposted en masse
when will snoyboys stop having anal pain?
Holy fuck lol. Can you imagine a company doing this?
Oh. You are just a retard. Understandable then.
yeah, just imagine if some madman actually did tha...
You know that's all it is when you have some people losing their fucking minds over an eceleb's presence shattering their perfect 2004 immersion.
Fire Emblem has ICBMs, Mechs and Dubstep
>reminder that there has literally never been a bad game that would become good if FPS and graphics were improved.
W101 targeted 60fps and would drop into the 20s during the Vorkkhen fights.
I played it a month ago and in the final battle the game would turn 0-1 fps every time I did a hero time dodge against the laser attack. Would freeze the game for a couple seconds. Framerate didn't bother me outside of that.
I dont think you know what 0-1 fps is.
It happened for Halo 2
The red lasers can lag the game pretty badly at times, just saying I had some actual freezes, but here's an example of the slowdown:
When they actually get games lol
Bait thread. Why you gotta be like that OP? You only hurt actual discussion for the game.
Fuck you. That's how long.
6 months and we'll be playing the steam release in 60 fps
>creatively bankrupt shit like DMCV and Sekiro
i see the switch discord is still SEETHING at these games.
oh look, it's this delusion again.
>Not taking advantage of Astral Chain's sweet console warring properties
I bet a girl offered to suck your dick and you refused because the night was cold
To this day, it isn’t available digitally