Are you buying my game, Yea Forums?

are you buying my game, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1564640622033.jpg (382x476, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread: warriors&qid=1566836322&s=gateway&sr=8-4

No, I'm only interested in the porn.

Yes, AND Wild Guns Reloaded.

Attached: 23485.jpg (1280x720, 302K)

what's the difference

Attached: 1564205526082.webm (1280x720, 144K)

I can't fap to pixels, sry


>US physical release delayed
I'm just gonna import with my next paycheck.

Attached: 1563465498904.webm (226x252, 44K)

the EU physical is out friday, but the JP one is also multi-language

where the fuck is the digital at though?

Depends is it fucking coming out in the west or what?

I am going to play Blasphemous and even then I will only pirate it. warriors&qid=1566836322&s=gateway&sr=8-4

I already bought it.

How can a robot be fat

I really despise shill threads that target cumbrayns.

Already did

>still can't beat the game on Normal without dying

Please help. I'm using Kunoichi and I want to 1CC the game. The hardest parts of the game for me are the bosses for mission 5 (the old martial artist), 7 (the green giant) and 8 (the final boss). Those are the bosses I die to the most. What can I do to mitigate damage?

I wish this game had a dedicated throw button. None of the shoulder buttons are used, so why doesn't the remaster use them? Imagine if the shoulder buttons are used for things like throwing sideways and throwing up. Or for charge attacks and shit.

when does it come to pc?

So is the game fucking available or not? I was hyped but the "worldwide release date" came and went and it was nowhere to be found.

What's different from the original SNES game?

see limited run already sold their physicals in the US, there might be another run
otherwise just import the JP or HK versions, the game is multi-language so you'll be fine

no digital exists yet still

Alright bought the Asian release, arrived weeks ago.

Waiting for a PC announcement. If that doesn't happen I'll just buy it on console. I'm in no rush though, my beat em up backlog is already retarded enough as it is.
Game looks fucking fun as shit too, but I need to hold back.