Holy fucking goddamn shit this game is actual kino

holy fucking goddamn shit this game is actual kino
I'm sorry for never playing it until now
I'm sorry for disregarding it because I thought it was overrated
I'm sorry for thinking the graphics were irredeemable dogshit
it's so fucking good
I haven't had this much feeling playing a vidya in a long goddamn time

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Get the fuck out of here before you're spoiled. I'm not talking about Aeris.

the fun you're having is not real

I just got the highwind
everything that's happened in the past few hours has been fucking ludo and I can't believe how much I'm enjoying myself and how emotionally invested I am

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I'm glad you like it but there's a part coming up that can be spoiled if you're still Cloudless.

this game doesn't have much of a story or twists lmao
what are you on about

I've been playing for 15+ hours straight or something fucking ridiculous now
I stayed up all night and well into today just playing nonstop, I finally got hooked to it
there's finally some kind of lull where I'm comfortable taking a break for a bit

There's one major death and one major twist. He's not at the twist yet.

I just saved you from Sephiroth!

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can someone tell me when it gets good? I got past the part where you meet Aeris and escape the church and so far it's not that fun.

VI >

can't believe know one even knows what you're talking about.

If it didn't hook you by now then jrpgs just aren't for you.

it gets good when you start, and it stops being good when you exit midgar

happy for you OP i played it the first time back in march too and its top 10 ez

That thing with the blue Shinra soldier

>Top 10 Copes that went way too far

Don't listen to or The Midgar section can be a little slow. Just keep playing and see how you feel once you enter the overworld.

With everybody spaming Aeris memes for years our little friend went under the radar. People probably only talk about it on specific FFVII discussion

I'm convinced that all "OMG FF7 SUCKS" and "OMG PLAYING THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME IM LITERALLY CRYING" threads are nothing but the same 2-4 posters every time.

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Reaching the overworld can be either a good thing or a bad thing depending on your personal preference. Some would argue the game massively loses focus while others say the freedom allows it to reach greater heights.

I'm a bit in the former camp, myself.

I'll keep pushing through to the end anyway. I think I'm just not a fan of jrpgs. I want to have a fair opinion on if this game is good or bad.

I felt this exact same way 2 years ago when I first played it.

Glad you're having fun.
The game really is great, a constant stream of new ideas and cool fun stuff.

You to.

It starts getting good when you get to the Shinra Bldg.
It starts getting great when you leave Midgar and get to the world map.
It reaches the absolute peak during the time-lapse that goes from Gold-Saucer date to Weapon awakening (last hours of CD1 / first hours of CD2).

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People like to shit on fans of older games and tell them they're wearing rose tinted glasses, that it's just just nostalgia. What a crock of shit. Games don't age. I've had plenty of people who grew up never playing many of the classics and when I introduce them to these games well into their adulthood, they still find the same love for them that we did as kids. Classics are classics for a reason. And FF7 is up there as one of the all time greatest games ever made. It damn sure was the last (dare I say, only?) good Final Fantasy game.

This is the only game I still enjoy replaying no matter what. Happy to hear that you liked it so much.

Best game ever made

I've been enjoying the game (playing through it for the first time) and have got to the Gold Saucer and it feels like I'm just doing loads of random shit that has nothing to do with anything, like Chocobo Racing. Am I missing something?

uh, I did it for real nigger.

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>phoenix down
>this should of really happened.

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>Avoiding something because of overhype or contrarianism
>Actually trying that thing and being shocked by how great it actually is

That's a damn good feeling user

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>and have got to the Gold Saucer
Is this your first time in it? If so you have still a long way to go