Should i buy a wii? is only 20 queendollars nowadays

Should i buy a wii? is only 20 queendollars nowadays
How is the homebrew?
Best games?
wii thread i guess

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Sin and Punishment is fucking great.

Yeah honestly, get the files going and you can run backups of Gamecube and Wii games flawless on the hardware.

Why would you want a Wii? Unless you want to work out its pointless.

yes theyre great, be sure to get the HDMI converter things for them it helps a lot unless ur playing on a CRT then rgb>svideo>rca

Battalion wars 2 better be on your buy list

get a wii u instead

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Wii seriously has the best exclusives of its generation

it's very easy to hack, im fucking stupid and i was able to get homebrew channel on 3 wiis. pic related is one of my favorite jrpgs of the generation so if you can grab it go do it. i would invest in a decent external hard drive so you can just put games on it and play via a usb loader

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Splurge a little and get a Wii U instead.

Very, very easy to hack.
I had mine like, kinda start refusing to read wii games from my hard drive?
I also had to use the outdated WBFS format to get it to work with wii games from hdd in the first place.
But, altogether a great time.
It's honestly worth it just to have like two 32gb sd cards filled with gamecube games.
And if you have a problem like mine, in which you just can't figure out why it won't read wii games through your preferred method anymore, you can simply buy a new one for literally no fuckin money at all.

Im waiting for a Madworld copy i bought in ebay, how is it compared to other platinum games?

gets boring quickly

Like Nier Automata's gameplay? I liked Automata but ive gotta admit that the combat wasnt very fun

Don't know if a wii is worth it because it's pretty easy to emulate.

It's piss easy to hack and Nintendo makes the best n64 emulators so the virtual console games all run really well. Plus you get a ton of gc games and the few good wii games, and then games like project m. It's not a great console on its own but softmodded it becomes a really fucking good value

Wii U is backwards compatible. Why buy a Wii in current year?

>Buying a Wii U
Funny joke.

Why do zoomers talk like this? Are you unsure of your statements? Grow some balls?

Lmao Nier actually has some variety in gameplay. Madworld is just one gimmick stretched to the absolute limit. I don't know why people still pretend it's good.

It has all the same modability and can emulate better than the wii

>duuuuude nobody owns a wii u
I know you newfaggots have convinced yourself of that so that your new port machine feels more valuable but Wii U was universally loved on Yea Forums and it still has great exclusives that weren't ported to your port machine

>was universally loved on Yea Forums

A normal Wii is a 7/10.
A modded one is a 9/10

just be sure to get one with gamecube stuff so you can play gamecube games.

For 20 dollars it's pretty amazing.

You would remember that if you were old enough, user. Remember the Bayo 2 threads or the W101 threads or the Splatoon threads or the Smash threads?

The Deadspace rail shooter is suprisingly good.

Then obviously Mario Galaxy and Smash are worth it. If you don't have a GameCube it can play REmake too.

The aesthetics are 10/10.
The gameplay definitely gets repetitive though. Luckily it's short enough so it doesn't become a slog.

And talking about RE, I highly recommend Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles, on rails FPS shooters that are actually really good and can get pretty hard, along giving more insight about several plot points such as Wesker's escape from the mansion, the fall of Umbrella and how Leon and Krauser met before RE4.

Emulating Okami on Wii, so cash.
Just needed a usb sensor bar added to my old wii mote. Pretty crisp and smooth.

I meant Dolphin ffs

>Bayo 2 threads
People were whining about Bayonetta 2 being on Wii U.

>old enough to remember the wii u
Jesus this board is unironically full of zoomers

No more heroes
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Kart Wii
Wii Music