Arc has gone full SJW...fuck, expect I-no to be cut

Arc has gone full SJW...fuck, expect I-no to be cut

we lost one of the good ones boys...

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>Another falseflag thread

It's those damned Woolies.
They're ruining vidyagames

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must - rise - up -

venom was black.

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I don't get it

You sound like the same kind of retard hypocrite who would also make a shitposting thread about 'WOW NO NEW BLACK CHARACTERS IN GUILTY GEAR OTHER THAN VENOM? IS ARCSYS RACIST NOW?'

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Venoms gay for zato-1

Holy shit that's me! That's literally me!

If the bait wasn't so obvious I'd tell you how much I hate niggers like you, but you clearly just want a GG thread so whatever, trailer looked great, getting back to short hair ky makes me happy and as always the artstyle is fucking tops, I'm pretty excite

What a retard


>having a black character is SJW
This is bait but also what is the logic behind this

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I'm glad Ky cut his hair. He looks way better with it short.

Everyone always forgets Potemkin.

>The stream reveal just being endless entiries of Woolie
shit was hilarious

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He's not black

cause most people know him for his xrd design

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Why else would you put a nigger in your game?

Because they want to?

>straight hair
>pointed nose
>no bigger lips
He's not black

What do you expect its woolie? He cant even navigate a simple 3D game without getting lost.

Why in the world would they wanna do that?

Why wouldn't they?
Speak objectively here.

Yes fellow gamer, all black people are a threat, this must be those discord trannies at work.

For the same reason you’d put any other race of character in a game. You’re gonna tell me rashid, dhalsim, and balrog are SJW?

Sales. They don't even need to bring them back. Just having one in is good enough.

People who like niggers don`t actually live next to them. Prove me wrong.

Why put a white guy in the game?

Who plays fighting games you fucking moron?

Do you think they should pander to people who don't play their games? Where have you heard that one before?

Why would a Japanese artist wanna draw a black character

I had black step brothers and i like black people

Not even though. Sometimes a game designer just does it because they thought of a design that’d be cool for a black or brown character. Is that actually unfathomable? It seems like you’re (people who are unironically like OP, not you exactly) the one racializing this, not the designer

I believe Venom is ethnically Egyptian.

Because white is the default
Niggers dont buy games

Behold, your brain on /pol/, everyone.

that dude is brown not black

You do realize most the characters are white and not Japanese in alot of anime

>not black

This is what we've come to, decades and decades of people putting black people on games and now because of this fucktards, every time a new black character shows up, some retard will always spout this shit.

I'm just glad he's not wearing his Holy Orders uniform. It made no sense in Xrd.

I live next to a good amount of black people. It’s your inability to differentiate the poor black communities from the rest that blocks you from seeing exactly what you don’t like about them

>he's still scared of black people

My black step brothers bought the game
Also white isnt the default retard.Whites evolved from blacks when they left africa and started to hide in caves to escaped cold snow

Same reason Capcom has Rashid and Balrog or Tekken 7 has Raven and Shaheen
Because they want to.

I live next to them, I hang out with them, I play games with them, I watch stuff with them, and I even fuck their bitches.

>white is default
Black people are the weebiest people ever and buy tons of games.

Yes now answer my question

>I had black step brothers
Your mom is Tarantino tier


>Whites evolved from blacks
Nice meme
>buy tons of games.
No they dont

kill yourself yo inferior white bitch, your time is up and you are dying off

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If everyone was white they’d have no variety and the characters would all have the same color pallet
Color variation helps visually differentiate characters and gives more variety

They’re not. They’re drawn in mukokuseki, meaning racially ambiguous. This is why FF has ambiguous East Asian features while FFX’s tidus is ambiguously southeast Asian / Pacific Islander inspired, but ultimately they are a comic character first and actual race second. The fact that you read them as white is actually a testament to your cultural upbringing. Iirc, there are studies on this

>self hating anti-black coon woolie agrees with racism against blacks
wow im so surprised

>best girl of the franchise is delicious brown
wha tdaisuke mean by this ?

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Yes they do. lol have you found a black dude who doesn’t own all the budokai games and doesn’t have a huge library of weeby shit? Not to mention fighting games due to their prevalence in arcades
If anything black people buy Japanese games more than any other minority group in the US

Woolie's stupidity is just unbearable sometimes.

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why would you put crackers in your game unless you are a racist white supremacist? or a white supremacist supporter aka gooks

Whites are the most varied race on the planet unlike shitskins

no you are the racists who have white supremacist and you need white in everything or else ts a threat to you inferior devils, you are still gonna die off you know that right?


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>self hating anti-black
Sounds like a smart guy too me

Nah I'm pretty sure he's black. He just has anime hair like everyone else in this series.

>Putting a badass nigger is SJW.
Besides his feminine lips Arc did another good job

Art design. Dark skin can actually help a character design because of how it contrasts differently than light skin.

>Guilty Gear character design isn't garb-

because not every person is a faggot who was raped anally by a big pedophile black man when he was a kid

Know your place subhuman.

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complete lie again cracker bitch, you are the most inbred race and has the least variety in genetics thats why you are going extinct too you dumb fucking cracker.
you're a white supremacist tho

Learn english

>Niggers dont buy games
They buy fighting games evidently, you're thinking of Yea Forums. Yea Forums doesn't buy games, especially fighting games.

Venom was how to do it right. New guy looks way too normal black for GG. Black samurai is already kind of a trope and there's already a foreigner weeab in Chipp. Honestly does feel like Arcsys consulted a westerner and made a not really interesting new black character.

>badass nigger

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Not all africans are black you uneducated MUTT

Its proven by the fossil record,genetics,and cave paintings
They want black characters for color and design variation so the designs arent boring
Also blacks exist in real life so it would be unrealistic to have none in the game
Actually my dad married a phillipino girl who had black kids
But having the skin be one color for everyone is still boring and unrealistic
There skin color is white still retard
Most are blonde too

we wuz aryan kangs
you know what it said you dumb cracker bitch

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Are you forgetting the crazy mask with the big chompers?

Africa has the most genetic diversity on the planet, retard

is he coming back to kof?

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It's fine if the character isnt a nigger
Triggered nigger


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>the most
Except that’s not true lol.
1) your own perceptions of variation come from familiarity with your features and your family. The same applies to other races. You will always most easily see variety in your own race
2) “white” as a definition evolved a lot in the US. Before it was no Czechs or Irish, etc etc, until a series of events (mostly taking black peoples jobs for low pay and then refusing to work with them to get whitey’s approval) absorbed them in. So in the same token, “Indian” has to include Sri Lankan’s, South Indians, North Indians, Bangladeshis, etc., “Chinese” has to include, Han, Hmong, etc. and so on.

cracker dying off faster than being born

make his mouth bigger

It's a video game

I dont mind black guys. As long as no woman hold an important role im sold

The mere presence of niggers does not make something SJW shit

>normal black
What do you mean by this?
>venom was black but not so much to remind me of black people

It does there's no other reason to have them

My black step bro played lots of games
No its fine if there black your just mad

I hope they fix his mouth. It looks like a tranny with those lipsticks. Besides that he looks like a total bro

You don’t even play Guilty Gear, do you?

We get it your dad is a cuck

Enough of your bullshit
Let's talk about why Arcsys is casualizing all their games

That's not his default look going by the trailer, OP probably doesn't know that though


Its a video game...
That takes place on earth,therefore they should represent earth
And more races is more varied character design
See above

History has shown time and time again that skin color and race are two different things. There are white Indians out there. There are white Koreans out there. Having light skin or white skin doesn’t mean a white character
Hell half of Europe wasn’t “American white” until after the 1940s census dumdfuck, and they had pale skin

that's because "white" means nothing

there is no reason to have ugly crackers in games, blacks are superior of course they should be in games,

I want a spic in the game now. We are better niggers.

you are just crackers too go suck white dick you spic bitch craker

Look at this fuckin lightskin! SHIEEET

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>gets proven wrong
>uses buzzwords
My dad and step mom may have been drugged,abusive retards but my step mom was philipino and better than my white dad at getting a job and being nice and my black step brothers where cool
My point is more races is more variation
He grew up with blacks


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It was ok because he wasn't a threat to anyone's waifu. , however, is definitely going to bend Baiken over a barrel and blast her bum.


Based and cunnypilled

This is Yea Forums now, triggered at everything

My first serious gf was black. Shit was fucking crazy.

>championing a 22 year old thot
Stop it.

So what's up with all the GG shitpost threads today?
I've seen 4 so far.

I’m not undercutting your point. I’m saying that light skin anime characters are not magically of the white race. They’re not at all lol - they’re intentional “culturally odorless” which is why there are ambiguously brown girls in Japanese games in the first place

Well I guess he's black then

>Jack-O is gone but is replaced with Happy Chaos
Hope you’re ready for some house planting in 2020

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Ion Fury outrage fags are bored

to be fair to him, he straight up never learned the difference between left and right

Wasn’t there evidence that the west was funding japanese entertainment but was pushing them to throw black characters in?


GG has:
>gay black
>genderless samurai (Baiken says she abandoned her gender)
>brown girl
But suddenly they are SJW's because they added another black male