Can the Nintendo Switch be redeemed?

can the Nintendo Switch be redeemed?

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It's 4 IPs, now 5 with me.
They're all different people.


I'm a different people too :D

it was dead in the water

I must be getting too old for this, I don't even know what I'm supposed to see in these pictures.

do you like playing games on the go?

Yeah, I think it can be redeemed.

Attached: dragonquest860fps.png (891x511, 62K)

let me help you catch your tongue, switch bad ps4 good

Not until every model is hackable.

Switch port is actually pretty good, it's a smooth 30 in handheld mode.

You should really play the game on PC though.
That version not only supports 4k, but it supports 144fps too if you have a high refresh rate monitor.
Considering PS4 pro is stuck at 30fps and without the Orchestral music mod, the choice is easy.

Funny how Sony ponies care about grass now.

Attached: 2aa094z[1].jpg (1025x1151, 200K)


>because of this mod, the Switch version can technically run better than the PS4 pro
fucking hell

Attached: 1560222351262.png (232x220, 75K)

dragon quest sucks and has always sucked

formerly fucked

Shut the fuck up zoomer. Go back to Fortnite.

I was also like "wtf am I supposed to see here"
but then I saw the enhanced version, looked in the distance... oh how I regret it

Attached: lol.png (1920x1080, 3.75M)

It's expected that ports don't looks as good on the Switch, but OP's pic does a bad job showing that or it's trying to make a different point.

yea, xenoblade definetly looks good on an emulator, in the PC(tm). play it on the console tho, and it's an easy recipe for a 72h migraine, kek
the series are trash anyways, so it's not much of a miss

Is it the lower LOD on the distance? That's one of the easiest ways to decrease rendering times in open areas, is OP implying that are better ways to do that? I have the feeling OP was trying to make the opposite point and we're all just blindly guessing in this thread.


Attached: 2019-08-21_22-48-19.jpg (3840x2160, 3.87M)

Look at the scenery in the distance here Compare the shadows and many elements in the landscape
Then for the final cherry on top, compare the blur and antialias between the two characters

based autist


you just made me cancel my plans of preordering. how much is a ps4 pro nowadays?

Attached: 1537902516470.png (358x488, 281K)

Xenoblade 1 (and X) literally have the worst character model textures I have ever seen in a video game.

>same generation
same generation
>same generation
same generation
>same generation
same generation
>same generation
same generation

Attached: sigh.png (1280x720, 2.29M)

It's the PC version, PS4 Pro is just 1080p

>PS4 can't handle orchestral soundtracks and extra content
>Switch can

why this thread again?


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That's really not that bad if you consider the fact that it's a portable system, which it literally is.

thank god im not a consolefag

switch was made for indie and low-end pixelated games like octopath
I don't know if switch owners are able to notice this with ease, but if you play on any other modern console or PC and has grown accostumed to a somewhat decent fps by now, the slow motioned fps along with its instability experienced in most modern titles that are ported or AAA 3D titles that are made for the switch is impossible to bear

Yet kek

fine considering you'll see this on a 5 inch screen

I have no idea what that means but the switch version looks like 480o and I could not stomach the demo longer than cliff scene

That's final fantasy 13 on the bottom, and that is release XCX. The pic was made when XCX first came out.

It legit looks like shit on Switch. I'm not buying it till it gets a price cut.

Funny how Sony ponies only care about grass when it's more prevalent on their corporate brand of choice

I play PC and Switch mostly, and I honestly don't notice most of the downgrades when playing in portable mode.

ps4 version would probably run at 120fps if you dropped the resolution to 240p like the switch version

>if I make up bullshit it makes it look better
too bad ps4pro struggles to hit 15 fps at 40p, right?

>switch version has worse graphics
No shit Sherlock. The appeal of the Switch version is all the additional features it has. From 2D mode, to QoL fixes to additional challenges and more items.

But muh grass.. delet this

you seriously don't notice the differnece in frames per second? you must have a really shitty pc rig

You know I have to wonder if the people complaining about the switch's hardware would (or have) paid at least $700 USD for a phone/tablet that is still weaker than a regular xbox one.

Says the retard whos first dragon quest game is xi

Fuck off nigger.

No one with self-respect actually likes Dragon Quest anyway

I did say most

What's funny is how people constantly shit on Switch version and beg for those additional stuff to be released on PC and PS4, but... They don't actually play Dragon Quest. Remind me, how many copies of DQ11 were sold in the West?