Bad Company 3

Bad Company 3 will release next year as a launch title for next gen consoles.

>Frostbite 4 debut
>Full Ray Tracing support
>Levelution 2.0, destruction is completely dynamic now entire skyscrapers can be demolished with enough damage
>Game is set in the Canadian/American border
>Multiplayer takes BC2 approach of smaller maps and less players with a 40 player cap

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>will look exactly like ea battlefront
no thanks

Bad Company 2 wasn’t that good of a game.

>40 player cap
>next gen consoles

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Bad Company 2 was fantastic

>More players is better game


It's a Battlefield game you fuckass. They should be doing 50v50 matches at this point with fuck loads of vehicles and commander roles and more interesting use of gadgets and the environment. If you want to play small scale shit play CoD. Oh wait, CoD has a higher player cap than BF now, nevermind.

so long as they make a proper server browser

It’s a spin off battlefield game

ah yes, i too enjoy getting killed by random campers on 64p clusterfuck
1v1 me on locker scrub

I just need information on whether or not it will feature the ability to prone, if they add that shit I will instantly know it's not Bad Company and just some soulless cash grab.

>64p clusterfuck

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>Bad Company 2 was fantastic
>baby's first BF
It was complete shit compared to BF1 and turned the series into CoD

This or 2143 or else my favorite series is dead to me

even playing BF2 with 64 players the level still feels empty as fuck, 40 would make BC3 into a ghost town

I enjoyed the Bad Company games well enough but it sucks what they did to the franchise. The kind of game Battlefield fans can generally be split into two sections, the pre Bad Company fans who want big combined arms maps with at least a token nod to faction differences, and the post Bad Company Battlefield fans who want slightly larger CoD with tanks. It's sad to say but we'll probably never get anything as fun as Titan Assault again.

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I'd be OK with some smaller maps if they were well designed like the CQ maps from the BF3 expansion. I just don't see any reason to intentionally limit to 40 players. That's just not Battlefield imo. They limited it in the past because of consoles, there is no reason to limit it today.

>2019 Yea Forums hates BC
What went wrong?

we know that any sequel will be absolute dogshit if its made my dice
i dont want them to taint it

hol the fuck up, do you mean REAL BF1 has 1942 or the shitshow that is "one" ? Bad company 2 was always a spin off title made first for consoles, 2 was ported on PC because there was a demand and of course EA fired most of the dev studio as soon as they got enough experience to get a "raise" so now you are stuck with permanent interns and the occasional few guys that you know before they have too many friends in the highter up

>destruction is completely dynamic now
I'll believe it when I see it

No it won't.

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>more is better

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Meant to say BC1

Who cares? Battlefield is now shitty COD with vehicles.

In a game about fucking WAR yes MORE IS BETTER

>DICE games in 2019
no thanks

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you do realize it is modern dice that would be working on it right?

>40 players

>Ray Tracing
Stop with this meme already.

>amdrones enter the thread

2142 was so special that I doubt anything that tries to emulate it would be anything other than a let down, if for nothing else than the thick nostalgia glasses.

Disabled black tranny special forces

>Battlefield game made by modern DICE

Sorry but I have zero faith this will be good.

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>Bad Company