In the mood for a World War 2 shooter. Already played the obvious ones like CoD and MoH

In the mood for a World War 2 shooter. Already played the obvious ones like CoD and MoH.

Tell me a WW2 game only YOU have played. Preferably shooters but strategy/simshit are allowed if they're good.

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Have you played the Brothers in Arms series? The shooting isn't all that great, to be honest, but it makes up for it with the ability to command fireteams and (sometimes) tanks.

I just started downloading road to hill 30, tabbed in to Yea Forums and see you suggest it

that works out quite nicely

it's also a blast in coop although the campaign is short.

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Medal Of Honor: Frontline is kino

Is it actually kino, or do you just remember it being kino from your vague memories of 2003

I played it about a year ago and it wasn't kino at all especially not towards the end


Still the best

Bf1 was pretty cool

He said world war 2, and no, Battlefield 5’s campaign is garbage. Battlefield 1942 is okay if you can deal with very basic looking visuals.

darkest hour

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Brothers in Arms on the Nintendo DS.

Brothers in Arms series.

Rising Storm: Red Orchestra 2
No better feeling than being an MG42 gunner and the soviets come over a hill thinking they got a big charge going on and you just-

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Seconding BIA. The Third one is kind of crummy, but its basically Gearbox's last good game.

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>No better feeling than being an MG42 gunner
He is gonna be raped right? Why are you so gay?

Hidden and Dangerous 2 is amazing, but it's extremely challenging and downright unfair at times. Basically it's an SAS simulator in that you have to use stealth and subterfuge to accomplish your mission, it's great for people that like to plan ahead. Gunfights are tactical, the enemy is just as sturdy as you, that is to say, not at all because bullets hurt. Also has a Rainbow Six style character system where you choose from a pool of soldiers who specialize in specific fields, and if they die during a mission, they don't come back.

The unfair part comes from having to deal with armored enemies who can hit you with pinpoint accuracy from a mile away once they spot you, and you kinda have to corner cheese them by playing peek a boo. Other than that, super solid and thrilling game.

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Please buy Wolfenstein The Youngblood. Its really good and fun! Plus you can kill nazis in it. :P

Fuck off boomer

Wolfenstein enemy territory

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Yeah, its kino, and you're just a retarded zoomer. Played it within the last year and loved it like I did nearly twenty years ago.

Forgotten Hope 2 mod for Battlefield 2.

Sniper Elite 4 is pretty good sniping game. Unfortunately, the sniping mechanics carries the game hard since everything else are so bland.

Heroes and generals
Mad fun. Sadly some updates were shit. With one update I went from 30 fps to 12fps. Had a lot of fun maining Germany

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Have you played Medal of Honor: Airborne yet? I really fucking liked the paradrop mechanics in that one, insofar as how that was how you began each single player mission.

I tried to like Heroes and Generals but I just couldn't. Maybe it's fun once you've leveled your character a whole bunch, but all of the matches I played were boring as hell.

>Tell me a WW2 game only YOU have played.
*ting ting ting*

But other than that, aged like fine wine. Pity that all of the good maps you'll probably never fight on more than once - if at all - and the absolute worst maps for both Allied and German are shitty forests with almost zero actual cover but WAY too much concealment so you can never see the enemy until you're right on top of the tree they're hiding behind.

There are newer Close Combat games, but NONE are as close to perfection as Bridge Too Far.

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I played during the closed beta and really enjoyed it, easily one of my top gaming experiences. But when I came back to try it a few months ago it plays and runs like absolute dogshit.

finally someone with actual taste up in this bitch.

Red orchestra
Post scriptum
Darkest hour

Battleground europe is fun. I haven't played since they increased the pay wall so I hav no clue if it is even active anymore.

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Day of Infamy

based and redpilled

If you don't mind older games, easily over half of the shooters made before November 5, 2007 were set in WWII.

Hidden & Dangerous 2
MOH Allied Assault
those are the classics.

Not very happy with Brothers in Arms. Just sort of dumped into an ugly oversaturated area with really crappy looking enviromments for 2005, and then I broke the game because I planted a charge, only for a teammate to roll up 5 minutes later and tell me to plant said charge, softlocking the game.

Allied Assault is really, really bad. It starts off alright but everything after sniper town is obnoxiously terrible. Just a constant fuckfest of quicksaving and loading because you get one shotted by some enemy 1000m away hidden behind two trees and a rock with only one visible pixel of him and no muzzle fire. And then you can't fire back because before you've even popped your head out you're getting shot by snipers with semi auto rate of fire and every hit you take forces your camera off in all different directions
Allied Assault is really bad and it took them until Call of Duty to make a good shooter.

Looking for single player games rather than multiplayer timesinks, I probably should have specified in the OP.

it absolutely is kino, Plebian