Watching him play Apex is physically painful

Watching him play Apex is physically painful.

He spent MONTHS hyping up Titanfall and Titanfall 2 and how much he loved them and he plays like he's spent maybe 10 hours total in both games. They're all such poser fucking surface level faggots, holy shit.

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Attached: woolie9.png (115x132, 40K)

he's just bad at games. nothing wrong with that

There is when you've been playing them every day for 30 years and it's your "job"

Tbf I'm a god at titanfall but struggle to play apex. It feels off from titanfall as it sorta feels like it but titanfall experience really doesnt help. Idk, maybe I'm a tard who sucks at competing with BR autists

His job is to entertain. The people who watch him are entertained. He's doing his job fine.

>watching a stupid nigger play video games is painful
And you're surprised?

>literal who eceleb
>dead games
This thread will die in 20 posts. Why bother?

He loves the concept of the games. Just because he can't kick ass at them doesnt mean he cant love what the series does.

At least post this thread when he'll read it, not while he's in Japan

You bothered to post here.

Does Pat make good content anymore? I tuned out of his trash streams a while ago

>This thread will die in 20 posts
First time on Yea Forums huh?

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Apex and titanfall aren't a 1 to 1 if only they were.

remember to sage and report eceleb threads

>They're all such posers
No shit. This should have always been immediately noticeable from their entry level as fuck surface knowledge of shit they pretend to care about. Same deal with Pat and Monster Hunter, where he acts like a big boy but then he gets a bunch of no-lifers to carry his sorry ass.

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He does 4 hour streams with 45 minutes at the start and end of him talking about his boring life, takes a 10 minute break every 30 minutes and constantly stops playing the game to read chat or play with his mangy cat.

If you complain about this he throws a tantrum and refuses to play the game. If you don't give him money he "jokes haha" that you're not even a human being worthy of basic respect. Woolie agrees with him, all detractors are just nasty trolls.

>Pat thinks he's oldschool because he started with Tri

>Woolie actually thinks that his enjoyment matters more than making an entertaining video
It's absolutely hilarious that both he and Matt were on SleepyCabin despite being such Canadian cunts, while people like Zack, Chris, and Corey will say shit to your face straight up.

>surface level faggot
>coloured hair & JOJO poses
>Literally has a name so unique it is often interpreted as a nickname

No shit sherlock. And there's nothing wrong with being a scrub at games, its about fun & entertainment

Don't forget

>Let's read donations for fucking ever and """""""""""""banter"""""""""""""

I hate to admit it but the other three were carrying his overweight ginger ass weren't they?

*actively lowers your IQ*

Attached: paige.jpg (600x600, 58K)

I think you're projecting a little bit chum

>Woolie actually thinks that his enjoyment matters more than making an entertaining video
It's just so fucking ignorant and self absorbed that I can't believe a human being who claims to be an entertainer believes this.

I actually don't think it's completely Woolie's fault his current LPs suck. He picked the absolute worst choices for his co hosts. His LP with Wolf in contrast was hilarious

How am I projecting?

I'm not an obese, manlet, balding, ginger cuck who needs a machine to stop him from not breathing while he sleeps.

>Implying you wouldn't let Paige infect you with her stupidity

His DMC 5 video is pretty great. Too bad pat's lazy and wants that streamer life.

No but it's ok she's hot hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh mustard XD

Pat and Woolie are honestly just extremely self-absorbed people at this point because they've had their dumb as bricks loyal retarded fanbase justifying every single one of their actions for so long that they actually bought into it and are incapable of thinking like actual rational people.

>Hahahaha big tits, hahaha redhead, hahaha sexy body
>Hahahaha Paige is so funny hahahahaha mustard mcdonalds hahaha
>She spends more than a few hours on stream and people realise that's all there is to her as a person

>with Pat and Monster Hunter
I cannot listen to him talk about MH without getting annoyed. Starting with FU is the most basic pleb starting point, but Pat here only got into the series with Tri and acts like his opinions are the only right ones to have about the series.
No wonder his streams are getting less and less views.

that's good candy