How's bfV nowadays? /pol/ stay out

How's bfV nowadays? /pol/ stay out

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Still trash. Better than BF1 I suppose.

4 is better

4 is dogshit compared to 3

few servers and a lot of hackers

3 is pigshit compared to 2

Everyone is a sniper and you'll never have fun if you actually play for objectives

4 Premium is just 3 with better graphics.

Also, 4 still has a good amount of active servers.

Better then 1, not better then older titles. A poor live service attempt

2 is horseshit compared to hardline

muh stronk womyn sjw shit

Piss-poor balance, a microscopic dripfeed of content, bugs out the ass and trashy maps. It's been 7 weeks since the last new weapon. The whole game is a giant fusion of poorly executed ideas.

As a player from launch, it's bad. Community has lost patience with the content drip and lack of overall content. This game will be empty unless they bump forward the Pacific release.


So youre telling premium pass was a good thing


fight me faggots

The women part in the campaign isnt even that bad
It was the forced Nigger French battalion that was the worst
>da real french treat us bad fucking racists
>despite them hating us we still won the battle anwyay lol, we are literally kangs

>unless they bump forward the pacific release
lol they can't even keep their own weapon release schedule, I bet a shiny shekel Pacific will get delayed until 2020.

The terrible maps killed it for me. I can barely remember what some of them looked like, let alone what they were called.

>In b4 "muh Pacific"
That'll be trash too.

Fucking terrible, wait for bc3 or bf6 whichever comes first

I know that "lul the streamers even are pissed" means nothing to real gamers, but the fact that even the most hardcore EA and Battlefiled shills are voicing their frustration and going back to 4 is really bad. Would be happy if Dice came forward and said "yeah we fucked up and were abandoning ship, see you 2 years from now" and worked with a clean slate.

i know you are memeing but i wish hardline would've taken more shit out of the game to make it feel more like cops vs robbers (helicopters with guns on them, all the explosives in game)

4 even after DICE LA yanked the game out of the dumpster had worse maps, worse weapon balance, and worse vehicle balance than BF3 not to mention the retarded gadget/unlock bloat

I agree, even the Über good goys like Levelcap getting tired of DICE's shit is really telling of how bad they fucked up.

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>4 Premium is just 3 with better graphics
I found BF3's Premium expansions more unique than BF4.

bf3 > any title released after bf3

Half of the maps are just generally unfun because you know exactly how the game will go depending on what map it is
Everyone is going to fight over the bridge in the center of the map
Air hangar in the center of the map will have 5 people fighting over it while snipers around the cliffs on the map pick off anyone who dares walk out of this building
Lots of church fighting and sitting in prone waiting on someone to walk in front of you
Teams will just roam around the map trading objectives the entire game instead of just staying and defending the objectives you've already taken
Same problem as Narvik but in this map someone with a tank will sit in spawn and either waste tank shots all game, or snipe people from 20 miles away
you will win if your team manages to outcamp the other team
Maybe the only map in the game that isn't utter dogshit

Piece of shit garbage dumpster

The game basically has a skeleton crew working on the game doing the bare minimum. Most of the devs have moved to working on the next Battlefield release for next year.

The fake enthusiasm of people like levelcap, westie, and jackfrags is very amusing. Always followed up a week later with them whining about EA.

>Battlefield: Warhammer 40k

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I never played it but watching the cutscenes for the german tank campaign made me want to claw my eyes out.

wasn't levelcap taken off of the list of "community influencers" because he was too critical of dice?

still fucking nothing

Didnt know about that, but of the 3 I have listed he has been the most critical of them. Meanwhile Westie posts a video about a data mine of shit we will never get, every other week. Wonder how much Dice is paying them.

It wasn't but paid content is better than no content

The campaign is absolutely terrible
>White brit guy is a criminal turned super soldier
>Norwegian resistance is literally a mom and her daughter
>Germans are either portrayed as giant cowards or heartless monsters who shoot deserters for not believing in the plan

Vaguely better than launch.

>The campaign is absolutely terrible
really rustles my jimmies that they keep forcing campaigns into BF games. the whole point of BF and why it was so popular was the multiplayer, thats what the game is entirely founded on. DICE still hasnt made a single good campaign for a BF game yet.

Has anyone else been having the bug in the StuG IV where when it reverts to the low rez model it literally blocks half the screen in first person?

Best gunplay since 3 in my opinion.
Bad maps.
Very few maps, barely any content
Some of the changes made to reward squad play with friends (limited health regen and low max ammo capacity) were good in my opinion, a lot of people seem to disagree.
People also claim there are a lot of hackers in the game but really I didn't encounter that many. That being said, almost every single round, either me or one of my friends would get called a hacker so I think the average player is just bad at identifying hacks.

Overall it's pretty disappointing. There are some rumors circulating around, claiming that BFV saw supposed to come out after BC3, but after BC3 got leaked, and because of other factors, EA had a panic attack and forced DICE to switch the two games release orders, resulting in the unfinished mess we ended up with. If that's true then it's pretty pathetic.

The campaign wouldnt be so bad if they weren't so obsessed with portraying their very polarizing opinion-piece politics as historical accuracy

just because your a mouthbreathing retard who only plays mp doesnt mean they dont have good campaigns

Like I said before, I wouldn't even be mad if Dice came forward and said they were abandoning ship to focus on the next. It sucks because WW2 games are my favorite and the gun play is great in this one.

>Germans are either portrayed as giant cowards or heartless monsters who shoot deserters for not believing in the plan
that's bullshit

>worse vehicle balance than BF3
Attack Helis and Jets aren't as ridiculous as they were in BF3.
>but scout choppers
Learn to shoot the pilots/blow them up with SMAW or RPG exactly like in 3 (or even the TOW since it's even more good in 4)
>worse weapon balance
Same story, BF4's "best" guns are nowhere near as strong as the M16A3, AN-94 or AEK-971.

Every patch introduced new bugs
The maps are atrocious even by BF standards
Grand operations is not nearly as good as operations

Still only 2 countries in a World War 2 game. So pretty shit

>/pol/ stay out
You're just asking for it, fuccboi.

Lol which game did you think had a good campaign?


Does this game have the garand yet?

every game before 1

Prove me wrong
You follow the tank squad the whole time, and the first thing you see is them driving past other officers executing deserters, your crew slowly dies off one by one, and then the guy you send off to scout out for you gets hung as a deserter because you abandoned him so you weren't discovered by the Americans
The same mission ends with you getting shot for surrendering a lost battle because "DA FUHRER ORDERED US TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH"

>Jets in BF3
*sips* Man... Member BF2 jets? now THAT was ridiculous

>The same mission ends with you getting shot for surrendering a lost battle because "DA FUHRER ORDERED US TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH"
Literally historically accurate.

the driver and the commander were normies. executing deserters is standard military stuff

Still doesn't have the main character of WWII in it. What a joke.

No. It will be available with the Pacific update in fall 2019

>World War 2
>2 factions for months, barely 4 right now

BF1 had more factions during the fucking beta

I always felt like the gunplay was shit and that the guns just didn't t feel right. Bf1 always had decent feeling guns and I fucking loved the guns in the alpha for MW.

>historically accurate
>standard military stuff
And yet if either of these parts were true, the second and the third campaign mission would never have happened

still not enough guns, still not enough maps, still not enough factions

Are you fucking kidding me? They still haven't added America yet?

At least BF2's fighter jets had better physics + armament system.
If it only wasn't for the goddamn MOAB-tier bombs.

2142 remaster never

You dont want nuDICE to do it

>you could lock on and fire gun at the same time
still pissed they took that out

fucking hated how they fucked up operations. Say what you will about battlefield 1 but one of the things they did right was operations. That feeling when you capture an enemy sector and then gun them down as they retreat then pushing on to the next sector was fucking great.

They literally just had to copy paste that but no dice needed to "improve" things. It's literally now just a bunch a game modes slapped together, and takes 3x as long with 1/3 on the enjoyment.

seriously how do you fuck that up?

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breakthrough game mode

Women soldiers=no buy

ww2 is a meme that needs to die
its time for iraq war games

Forgotten Hope 2 is still the best.

They fucked that up too though. Doesn't capture the same feeling of chaos as operations did in bf1. Also you only get 1 attack which is fucking stupid

the best autistic manchild simulator, sure.

More attacks wouldnt be fair cause no Behemoth. And no Behemoth cause it caused people to have massive shit fits like everything does.

You can tell that that Daniel wanted to make "cinematic" games with the way he pushed hard for BFV's campaign and emphasized graphics and spectacle above all else.
Map design and gun mechanics were not polished as much, netcode literally was the same as all games for the past 5 years.

I agree user, Operations in BF1 was absolutely amazing. Best experience I've had in a battlefield game ever. But then, much like everything else, they completely fuck it up in BFV.

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I unironically miss behemoths
take me back eddie

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Good? fuck no. Basically reworks of plots from CoD:MW with threadbare characters.
Enjoyable? Absolutely! Moreso than the cinematic "i want to be like mgs4" pile of donkey crap with turret sections. At least you play the fucking first person shooter you paid for in the old campaigns.
Hell BadCompany1 was excellent for having a comedy movie feel to it.

They’re expected to arrive this November along with the Pacific. But the fact that the British recently got American uniforms has me worried we’ll be playing as Brits in the pacific

BF5 is shit but not for the reasons people think

>BF4 has 3x as many players!
>black cyborg nazi wahmen!
>just a BF1 asset flip! no changes to gameplay!
>core BF5 fanbase fled the game, just virtue signaling basedboys left!
Every thread, none of this shit is remotely true but that doesn't stop the circlejerk

That said the game is trash because they're releasing 1 map every ~4 months and refusing to unlock content already in game like the Chauchat, which is already fully modeled, textured, and animated

I play Battlefield V almost every day and have a great time playing it. But I have little good to say about it and wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

It's a terrible failure of a game. But it's MY terrible failure and I love it.

I think it's great. The tanks really hit the spot. Planes are great too but I get instantly shot down too often by guys who do >nothing< but fighter planes all map every map.

The ground-based gameplay is excellent, and the tank gameplay is the best I've seen. The tank whore community HATES BFV's tanks, though.

What do they complain about? Best tanks by far, i been playing since 1942.

Compared to what we have now? Definitely. BFV is almost a year out of the box and it barely has enough content to classify it as a full game. Premium was only a bad investment because you were putting all your money up front for content that wouldn't even be released for over a year. If each map pack for 3 and onward was only $10 instead of $15 it would have been a good deal (map quality excluded)

It's very clear that most of Dice is working on the next battlefield and that a smaller team is supporting bf5.
>takes ages for new shit to get added
>when the date of arrival for new shit comes its usually delayed due to bugs
>when the new shit finally gets added it's STILL filled with bugs
>takes ages for some bugs to be patched

people said the same about battlefront 2 for years while constantly being given more content.

It's good to see that basically everything EA's released in the last few years that isn't FIFA has crashed and burned.

not even remotely true

Still trash.
Hahahaha, nope. The only good thing you could say it has over 1 is that it doesn't have gas spam.

3 is dogshit compared to Bad Company 2
2 is dogshit compared to Bad Company 2, before some smart-ass tries.

Let's hear some of the non-sports games EA's had succeed recently.

brush up on history

I mean, paying for the content sucked. But at least the maps were quality and came out with like 4-5 maps every few months.

Im sick of having this argument, everything they released sold well. BFV is up to like 8 or 9 mil sold and Battlefront 2 without a doubt has over 10 mil


Both of those games missed their sales targets by quite a bit you moron

It's like youre all literally robots, programmed to repeat everything endlessly.

So you don't have an argument, neat.

Not meeting ABSURDLY RIDICULOUSLY LAUGHABLY high sales targets created by a nameless suit != crash and burn.
So many companies flaunt numbers not even close to 10 mil.

Meeting previous the sales target of the previous title isn't "ridiculously laughably high", it's the bare minimum you'd expect something to do.

I'm tempted as I'm sick of small scale multiplayer. Problem is that I remember the setting means no helicopters or jets, the vehicles aren't in set spawns, no big buildings to bring down.

>bare minimum
Sure bro, only made 8 billion dollars instead of 8.7. It's game over.

Shock Operations were unironically the best thing to happen to BF1 when they dropped Obliteration.

based FH2 poster

die, tranny

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Not the user you're replying to, but do you think Battlefield V is a success?


Battlefield V sold half the amount that 1 did. You're a fucking idiot and you should quit before you reveal more of how stupid you are.

Ya i know you read the copy pasted article from your favorite games journalist, ive heard your fellow bots repeat the like thousands of times.

Explain why

>wanting swedefaggots to ruin w40k

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Can you speak english, please. This is embarrassing. Learn how sales targets work.


It gotten worse, I used to play this game in ultra with stable 110 fps. Fast forward to now and the game is unplayable to to stutter even at lowered video settings.

Best battlefield game out there. EA please bring its servers back online, thats all I ask for.

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What i wrote was perfectly fine except 1 type. You're just parroting a shitty article.

You can play it right now

They fucked up Operations? Oh shit. I don't think I'll buy the next BF

Where? Revive shut down. I know there's 2 servers, but not 2142.

RNG trash ruined BF1
only casuals disagree

Everything continues to feel half-assed. Like with just weapons alone and quickly listing a few issues cause there's so many

>Selb1906 still has the spotting bug with one of the recon class perks
>RSC still has a magical bullet dropping down from the sky when you swap from secondary to primary while sprinting
>MAB 38 bolt? slide disappears and reappears with certain actions
>The damn Karabin my favorite gun reloads 2 bullets instead of 1 when you reload at 9 remaining

Even their monetization attempts have been shit. It honestly feels like they wanted/want the game to fail.

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yea I just realized they'll probably add female spesh mahreens and all sorts of heresy.

I miss attachments.


Buying it when it's 5 bucks like 3, 4, and 1. This one should get there a lot faster this time. V for 5 bucks.

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Are you fucking dense?
4's campaign with Omar's sappy death was rancid diarrhea, and pretty much the length of an actual movie.

Also, might not even buy it for 5 bucks if they insist on keeping the women randomly screaming like stuck pigs or talking shit in it. If there's an actual work around then I will get it from the bargain bin but i'm not interested in hearing mary sue cry over getting shot in the distance.

Bad company had an OK campaign. The gameplay was shitty but the characters were memorable