Why arent you stupid racists buying my game?
Why arent you stupid racists buying my game?
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe if the game wasn't completely garbage in every way, shape, and form
Maybe if the narrative was actually compelling
so now im a racist for not wanting to play a game with niggers in it? fuck off
No! Gamers are the problem!
They shoudnt have mad the nazi outfits so slick. How can I say no to that trench coat and boots combo? And the hat just ties it all together.
I've been shooting nazis since the 80s.
>call conservatives nazis
>wait, why are conservatives now sympathizing with nazis?
maybe if the game didn't equate people protesting evil with nazis.
Lol no one fucking cares about Youngblood so they have to stir up fake controversy to go noticed. This is so fucking sad. Maybe stop making shitty games that never surpass your typical FPS and it'll sell.
You hate TNO?
I mean yeah, if that's the reason you don't wanna.
>advocate for the literal genocide of entire races of people
>w-why are people calling me a nazi
Old wolfenstein was about killing nazi with a pollack
New wolfenstein is about killing nazi with some lgbt nigger because of america political correctness
Counterpoint: Nazis and those inspired by them look very nice and are often the most interesting part of a given setting.
Fighting nazis isn't problematic. I like fighting nazis, I did it back from the original Wolfenstein to this new one, did it more in Medal of Honor and early CoD, and will likely keep doing it if good games centered around it keeps coming out. It's fun to shoot a nazi in a good game.
The problem is THE GAME ITSELF is shit. Why can't devs own up to their mistakes in an honest way anymore? What happened to realizing you did something bad and improving yourself? Even fucking No Man's Sky devs did that and they're all the better for it.
To be honest the story wasnt good. Gameplay is medicore and nazis are long time dead. Most of games have nazis in them in some form. It's like zombies. People get bored of it.
I'm not a gamer,the term "gamer" is fucking retarded
But I still think wolfen 3 had a pretty shit gameplay
Wolfenstein developers are "incredibly disappointed" that their lack of sales and profit is now "problematic"
Not them, but TNO > TNC.
its the fucking 80s. they shouldve been fighting commies, not nazis. not even considering how anyone who doesnt subscribe to alt left ideology is a nazi, fighting nazis in the 80s is extremely unappealing to me and doesnt feel right at all. world war 2? yeah. cold war? fuck no
>but its an alternate timeline!
well then dont complain about no one buying it cause in an alternate timeline its doing very well
Are you SURE Bush-era conservatives were advocating for that? Because really I think that Bush-era Liberals created the Trump-era alt-right simply by demonizing those they disagreed with so heavily that eventually the right just threw up their arms and said "Okay, fine. I'm a Nazis. Let's go gas some Mexicans."
Nazi label is placed one people who literally aren't Nazis. So its not because of racists, its because of snowflake leftists
Who did that?
>We decided to double down on the current retarded McCarthyism.
>It went over as excepted, Poorly.
>This is everyone's fault, but Our's.
It's EA-tier tactics. Legitimate criticism is translated into "I'M A NAZI AND I HATE THIS GAME"
But the Jews did just that DURING PEACETIME before WWII started - Look up the Bolshevik Revolution and the resulting Holodomor.
Also, the Holocaust didn't happen.
"get out of my country" is not "genociding entire races of people"
Do you think the liberal jerks being mean to you justifies that position?
>make game
>it's shit
Nuke yourselfs American faggots.
>>advocate for the literal genocide of entire races of people
that's exactly what you are doing
are you a nazi?
>try wolf 2
>the first proper mission is about killing starving white people trapped in a submarine
Why do all leftists want to genocide the white race?
swedish team
The more horns they put on nazis the more i think they werent so bad, if anyone is nudging me into "HITLER WAS RIGHT" territory is the constant use of "nazi" as a catch all term for "people i dont like", not to mention the multiculturalism e periment they keep pushing for.
>Any disagreement with the far-left is a slippery slope to genocide.
Calling everyone you disagree with nazis had consequences? No way!
>The Helghast were justified
What did Killzone mean by this?
No, I think saying that everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist alt-right racist extremist normalizes those extremists.
Let me put it this way, if you compare Bernie Sanders to Stalin often enough, then by reflex Bernie Sander's supporters will start defending Stalin.
Redpill time
The real villain of the cold war was usa
can't we have a game where we shoot communists for a change
Why do you leftypol trannies hate the white race?
Revanchism is one hell of a drug.
>/pol/tards having a meltdown over this
i thought they loved arguing with FACTS and LOGIC
Fighting Nazis =/= hating whites and promoting communism
The helghast were the good guys, at least in the first game.
Why should they have to apologize for a bad game? You can't apologize to anyone anymore because it makes you look weak. If you admit you were wrong people will respect you a whole lot less. Never apologize and never admit you were wrong.
>implying the left cares about jews
They seem very supportive of Islam and do you know who hates jews more than Nazi’s????
based and redpilled
i thought all the gamers died back in 2014?
Try making the women sexy and not filling the game with niggers
i want to see a RTS were WW2 is prolonged with super advance nazis vs super advance soviets with both sides being show to be pure evil.
So that's why they're so cucked, and why they use exaggerated caricatures of what they think Americans are like. BJ's dad in the previous game was basically the stereotype of what every sheltered urbanite shitlib thinks a "conservative dad" is like.
>"get out of my country" is not "genociding entire races of people"
Ohhh right! I forgot we weren't supposed to be so obvious with our xenophobia! ;)
>sending people to mexico is the same as trapping them in poison gas
Fuck, we better build a wall to protect ourselves from such a dangerous place.
>don't buy game cause it looks like boring garbage
Okay? What's the next step in your master plan?
Damn i cant believe stalin controlled the weather so the ukranians could die
From the team that made Wolfenstein 2009.
Do you know what I hate the most about nu-Wolfenstein? Conflation. The second KKK were FDR-tier Southern Democrats who hated Catholics and non-Americans as much as they hated blacks and jews. German Nazis should have had a tough time fighting against neo-Confederate insurgents, and hey maybe that'd be a cool enemy to have in the game as well.
But nope, KKK automatically = Nazi. And showing up in Roswell, New Mexico of all fucking places. Yeah, sure were a lot of carpetbaggers in New Mexico for the KKK to lynch. What did the Nazis do? Import them?
>implying the left cares about jews
They should considering jews are the hand that funds them.
>do you know who hates jews more than Nazi’s
Modern Warfare technically has you fighting "communists", but they're more like just Russian/Slavic nationalists who use the hammer&sickle as their emblem. They also made allies with a sandnigger dictator.
underrated game
>Youngblood was fucking shit
making shity games and inserting current politic into game oh boy why people not liking it...
Did they hate Christians?
Nowadays lefties equate saying offensive things to be a Jew hating, genocidal Nazi. They call people Nazis and then use that to call for violence. MachineGames took advantage of that in their marketing. So good it’s finally coming around.
Because the Nazis were right
MW2 ends with the revelation that the americans (at least some of them) were the bad guys, and you have to kill US soldiers in the last missions.
When nazi's started meaning people I disagree with.
Kill yourself jizzbrain
>in the end you become a communist
Was this a premonition?
Based. Also
You’re right liberals are nazis
This is all part of Machine Games plan to make the next Wolf set in modern times with the player character as a nazi whose entire family is killed by rampaging retarded Americans in Jew armor.
What a fucking World it would be if that happened, building up slow how fucking horrible BJ and his family are from the ground up, having the audacity and balls to make a game with two utterly detestable main characters only to rug pull on the next release because you were always meant to hate them anyway.
Sweden Yes.
Communism is nationalism
>not killing both
Your fault that you chose the bad ending
Christ faggs are not planning multiple terror attacks on the Jewish home land and they don’t openly “joke” about killing jews on tv consistently.
Terms like nazi and white supremacist are thrown around like mad these days, turns out people just go all the way when they're labelled as such anyway.
>implying human fuck-ups weren't the main cause of famine since the mid-1800s
The Bolshevik leadership confiscated grain from Ukrainians because they were essentially the Russian Empire with red paint, and Ukraine was one of their vassal fuckpuppets. They also wanted to punish the Ukrainian nationalists who helped the Poles fight-off the Soviet invasion in 1919.
this is why zoomers shouldn't write articles
I already said they hated Catholics, didn't I? :^)
But seriously, KKK were some flavor of English Protestantism. The burning cross was from Scotland, for example. I would not say the KKK was broadly pro-Protestantism, merely anti-Catholic, because it's one of those 'not MUH denomination' issues. However, English Protestantism was a major part of the KKK ideology and I doubt they'd get along with Nat Soc ideas about the church's role in society (which were "appendage of the state", like all other things because organic theory). All in all, the KKK were simply too independent and too Anglo-American for any Nazi occupier to tolerate as-is. Could they co-opt it? Yeah, but it'd be easier to just say it's an English cult.
but square mustache man bad
Yet muslims always bend the knee t the Jew and always become their attack dog. ALWAYS
If they had marketing more subtle than "No, here are no "good people on both sides". Make America Nazi Free again by removing it's new fascist leader by whatever means necessary!" then no one would have had a problem. They were just so fucking over the top obvious with the Trump comparisons that it made the game look like it was really advocating for killing conservatives and not just actual Nazis.
We should be obvious. Why should I pay more and more taxes to feed, house, and educate foreigners who just walk in and demand shit from me? Even if they work, my work is devalued because now I have to compete with tens of millions of other workers, which pushes down my wages and makes housing exponentially more expensive.
This isn't some radical shit I'm talking about. It's very recent that suddenly even discussing this became "racist".
I get what you're saying (whether ironically or not) but the funny thing is I'm not saying they have to apologize, just not make completely irrelevant complaints like "when did fighting nazis turn problematic" and instead just move on to either update and improve your game or make a new one using what you learned. I hate this whole 'every player that doesn't like what I make is against me and hates me' mentality devs have now. People say shit things on the internet, it's been like that for decades and most of the time they aren't even serious. It's like somehow they're out of touch despite being online 90% of the time they're not working.
It sold like shit because it's very identical to first one.
There are nationalist versions of communism such as NazBol and Strasserism, but Orthodox Marxism itself is faggy and globalist.
Also apprently the USSR communist are pure good guys in new-wolfenstein even though in real life they were far worse then the nazis in every way.
Catholics aren't Christian and protestants are diet catholics.
>being this ignorant
Stalinism was pro-nation state. Trotskyites were anti-nation state. Marx was "eventually there will be no nations".
>recruit some civilian ghetto rat resistence group in louisianna
>they're all secretly trained radar technicians and ship navigators
Crashing this franchise, with no survivors
Bases educated user
Proof on that? Not surprised, but post the screenshot
Anyone in this thread want to suck my cheesy cock? Send me a private message if interested.
Fun fact: the KKK literally opposed Hitler during the 1930s-1940s because the KKK believed in more of a libertine democracy, and they were also Anglo-supremacists.
NPCs just lump "KKK" and "Nazi" together because they hate everything white.
No you fucking retard
Theres nothing globalist on marxist theory
Fucking patriotism was a prime element of the ussr
Nobody, fucking NOBODY outside of legitimate butthurt stormfags was complaining about "killing nazis" in The New Order or The Old Blood. It's when The New Colossus chose to steal control from you every five minutes to focus on the story they shove full of hamfisted messages. They're really going to make this about "killing nazis" with their volatile marketing campaign of "Make America Nazi-Free Again"? When you have the nazis lamenting why the resistance has to resort to violence? When you retcon your original story laid out in The New Order from a red dawn scenario to everybody being okay with having their rights trampled upon and literally being forced to speak GERMAN because they got rid of the black people? When they release Youngblood which everybody panned, irregardless of story, because it played like shit? This is the next step of anti-consumer practices, you're not just entitled if you aren't licking the boot of AAA companies, now you're a NAZI too!
Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox are all Christians; and this kind of denominational "NOT REAL CHRISTIAN" bullshit was exactly the opposite of what Jesus wanted. It happened, we can't fix it, but for the love of God stop perpetuating it.
Don't swear in your posts.
5 grain law, retard.
>Why should I pay more and more taxes
Bruh just stop paying your taxes. Problem solved!
They do hate everything white, but it has more to do with the fact they're ignorant of history.
The problem is that people are bringing politics into everything.
Now anything people don't agree with or doesn't agree with them is either "the left" "the right" "nazis" or "liberals" and "conservatives"
Most of the time people don't even know what the labels mean, they are just buzzwords for people they don't like.
There are literally communist partisans you have to be allies with in Wolfenstein 2.
Wow...who would have guessed...politics and history are complex like when hitler allied with muslim groups...wow
>nothing globalist
(((Trotsky))) was unironically more true to (((Marx)))'s vision than Stalin was, because he supported globalism and less central authority. Stalin was just taking advantage of the "communist" movement in order to make himself a de facto Tsar of a new Russian Empire. I'm not saying I support globalism, I'm just telling the truth.
I remember a movie about the life of a jew in Poland in 1939 and everyone was panicking because both of the USSR and the Nazis were attacking at the same time and they didn't know where to go.
And the jews still wanted to be on the Nazi side.
That shows how much USSR was terrifying.
>christians hating jews
Many christians would say they are jewish as well since Jesus was jewish and act like the dumbass step brother to jewish people.
The first Wolfenstein did have Nazi killing, but it was not a political game. It was just a WW2 corridor shooter with inexplicable mecha-Hitler.
Then Return to Castle Wolfenstein (which was awesome) doubled down on the weird Nazi occult science which had already been popularized by Mignola's Hellboy, and it was STILL not a political game. Now it was more of a horror shooter.
When Bethesda took over, it was done by a team unable to separate fiction and reality. They look at medically altered cyborgs with implants and a swastika branded on their chests and think, "This is precisely what I'm fighting in the streets when I put on a mask and throw stones at people with shaved heads".
Completely insane, and their decision to try and make Antifa their main target audience was even more batshit crazy.
chill it with the ableist slurs, alright?
>ISA stole Vecta from us
>what do you mean we can't fight back
They dumb hicks and BJ doesn’t like them. I thought you meant actually the USSR
Jews are the Synagogue of Satan. Jesus calls them out as the children of the devil.
>system where you are rewarded the fruits of your labor
>ban gleaning
National socialists were people too. Fantasizing about mass murdering them is psychopathic and sick.
Yeah the KKK only cared about the 'American race' or 'southern race' and socialism has always been a dirty word in America whether it's white or not
LEL Neo-nazis got their panties in a wad over a video game
amazing how it only happened on ukraine
I guess...the ukranians were a bunch of retards
Exactly, leftist pussies like to think they'd be brave underground resistance fighters in a nazi regime but they'd be keeping their heads down like everybody else.
Good source of information
the USSR and communism even indirectly caused the nazis and fascism to rise as people wanted a counter to the communists.
I don't care about the newer Wolfenstein games, they seem really movie-like to me. Also Nazi went through a memetic evolution where you say it to anyone you disagree with, giving it a very bipolar-feeling marketing strategy. Do you want to kill those of the Third Reich or kill people you disagree with?
I'm 99% sure that the USSR in nu-Wolfenstein is just a bunch of slav partisans in the Ural mountains that the Nazis occassionally invade just for shits and giggles. Well, that was Hitler's real life plan anyway.
Look up Generalplan Ost. Nazis thought larping as teutonic knights forever and ever was a good long term foreign policy regarding Russia. "Just kill off the vast majority, set up trenches, and then fight border wars with them forever". Oh yeah, because that worked out SO WELL for the Roman Empire.
I didn't say many of the christians were smart. I mean before I left the Catholic church, there were many people that would get tattoos of the cross on them when the bible said no markings on body.
The leftists always start the fighting and the right always end up finishing it.
Yea Forums is the worst board on Yea Forums.
Yea my german teacher was lazy. Anyway the story was true.
>the bible said
nobody reads that shit it's just good for making yourself look righteous
Socialism wasn't THAT dirty a word in 1930's America if you moderated it to pro-worker and pro-union language. There was a time when Bernie Sanders types actually gave a shit about preserving American identity and not just opening up the borders to the third world for cheap labor. Even old Bernie will admit this from time to time, you can't have socialized healthcare and such while also having open borders.
No one is calling liberals Nazis
my girlfriends dad blames everything on "the liberals" and "the gays" and are convinced they're plotting to destroy his country.
>blah blah im a retarded faggot who doesnt know shit but still talks a lot
Go search about marx opinion on jews and then go back at me idiot
Because Swedistan keeps trying to push the anything right of far left is a Nazi narrative and alludes to their games being simulators to kill your current enemies in. People should avoid games made by Swedistan as they are trying to change peoples views on history and Nazi's because they were an ally of the Nazi regime in all but name during WW2. They supplied the Nazi's with steel. hundreds of soldiers volunteered to join the Nazi's, they were guards at the Treblinka concentration camp and their central bank the Riksbank was dealing in gold stolen from Jews during the war. You will never learn about these things because they don't want people to have a clear understanding of the war or their own contribution to atrocities.
Nazi fighting can work in the 50s and 60s, even early 70s if you really push it, or the distant future if you want sci fi shenanigans.
They don't work in the space between because they end up too antiquated and alien to the setting to still "feel" like Nazis. No to to mention the entire appeal is that they're the perfect targets. While some individual soldiers might not be cunts, if you don't kill them here they're gonna go die on the other front, and if Germany somehow pulled a victory out of its ass the resulting Axis Empire would be highly unstable and quickly crumble, and quality of life for humanity as a whole would be severely impacted. So yeah, stories where you fight in WW2 or get revenge in an alternate future work, because you're literally saving the world. History vindicated the Nazi as a punching bag.
When you place "Nazis" 40 years ahead and don't make your story about the fucking horrific crumbling of human civilization, you've ruined the point. There's nothing to save anymore, you may as well replace them with any hate group. You lose the hindsight and are left with a feeling that's basically the same as killing any other "bad guy." You're left with what's essentially a Malcom Xtreme: Amped Up simulator, but with "Nazis" stapled on to deflect any mixed feelings. Dealing with an alternate history Nazi regime struggling in the 80s sounds fun, but that's not what TNC is.
>that one Wolfenstein Youngblood ingame email where they own Drumpf by saying that the Nazis don't like him because he's a dumb dumb
Drumpf BTFO... by Nazis? Aren't those the villains?
They were too obsessed with sneaking in a Drumpf dig that they forgot their own message and accidentally made Drumpf look like a good guy that the Nazis hate.
A few reasons
1 the marketing sucked
2 nobody uses the word "problematic" on the other side. Get out of your sjw bubble.
>implying /pol/ has good discussion anymore
It's literally the new Yea Forums. There was a time I liked /pol/, and that time has long passed. Shitposters ruined it.
No no bro you don't get it, the lefties cannot forgive the Nazis for their subversive actions to steal power and attack the jews that they could not forgive for their subversive actions to steal power and attack any non-jewish race.
Yeah you're right, how about the goon squad Lenin sent to execute the royal family and fondle their dead corpses?
Im sorry but we hate games here.
1.It is stories with a theme/message to teach to not be a dick
2.you just helped my initial statement anyways
>good "conservative" man waves an actual SS flag
>liberal calls him a nazi
>"Why is everyone calling me a Nazi its just because you disagree with me isn't it?!"
like clockwork
*shits in my hand and throws it at the screen*
also if Hitler and the nazis didn't exist then stalin and the communists would of most likely be the one to start WW2.
I hope you're not trying to disprove something, because modern Social Justice is just an evolution of that same language. Only now all the Christian aspects have been stripped away, and we've been left with "ORIGINAL SIN, AND NO REDEMPTION SO GUILT GUILT GUILT GUILT GUILT".
I wasn't arguing with you faggot but good job getting your blood pressure up for nothing ;)
Is a fucking they are not real fycking retard pussy faggot
I hope your mother gets raped by a nigger
you could even say that the 1950s was a political correct era.
Reddit. Americans invited reddit with open arms during the election and the board never recovered. The site never recovered.
/pol/ actually was on to conspiracies, interesting events over the world, and talks of governmental shennanigans...then Trump became president and then all the fuckers who hated /pol/ or saw them on the news became /pol/. So now it is shitposters pissing off people who hate /pol/ while also being the shitposter that pissed them off to begin with.
If you weren't born you would've not left this shitpost on Yea Forums and Yea Forums would've been a better place.
General Patton wanted to continue the war and steamroll through the USSR and crush them while they were weak. Faggot congress said no.
this kills the libtard
I would actually say it's more leftist operatives coming in to troll with shitty bait.
>frothing leftist equates disagreement with them to owning and parading nazi paraphernalia around in pubic
like clockwork
>over 20 years of solid games
>first two reboot games were enjoyable and different takes
>fuck up somewhat with TNC
>fuck up even more with Youngblood
How do you fuck it up so badly? How?
How did you know my blood pressure went up from fapping :O
Nu-Wolfenstein sucks and is severely overshadowed by nu-Doom, the only way it could make a name for itself was fishing for contemporary sociopolitical controversy. It's biggest problem isn't blowback from an indeterminate amount of far right detractors on the internet, but that they're pretty much the only ones even talking about the games in the face of utter indifference from the general public.
Kek. I understood this joke. Good one user. You see, he was saying something racist and then asking if he is racist. It's funny if you think about it!
>Everyone right is conservative
I'm curious why do you guys come to Yea Forums if you don't like the culture wouldn't Reddit be more up your ally ?
>enjoyed the new order
>old blood was ok
>hated the new colossus
Maybe it's the shitty game and not the killing nazis part.
shooting nazi is cringe
sadly this /pol/ was really funny place even if you did not buy into the madnes now it is just bad shitposting with edgy kids and bots
are you disagreeing with me you fucking nazi? thanks for proving my point!
>>retarded strawman
>like clockwork
like clockwork
shit fuck pee poop fart cum
swing your based from cringe to cringe come on it's time to go do the epic cringe
Well, Stalin was just as bad really
I'm like Santa I'm always watching you even when you masturbate. Better be a good boy!
>/mlpol/ was the best time for /pol/ post election
It still makes me laugh now
youre such a fucking loser retard I really fucking hope you get hit by a car. you and everybody like you
In 1945 the British and French armies were pretty much non-existent, and the Americans were flat out tired. Not spent, but at the limit of what they were capable of with no going beyond it. The USSR on the other hand had recovered from the purges, looted all of Eastern Europe, and already begun building the pro-Soviet armies of what-would-become the Warsaw Pact from the partisan forces of Eastern Europe.
>but muh nuclear weapons
Were small and reliant on strategic bombers, which could be shot down.
I hate the betrayal of Poland as much as the next guy, but in 1945 we simply couldn't have done it. Really, we should have never supported the USSR to begin with.
Read this other user's post: You must be a Slav yourself if you defend the USSR this hard. The Soviets literally blew-up churches and history landmarks with dynamite, and defaced the baroque architecture in places like Budapest, and replaced it with ugly brutalist designs because they said the old stuff was "too nationalist". The USSR literally had censors on Western media and songs that included things like "nationalism" or "racism". After Stalin died, the only patriotism was "loyalty to some fat guys in suits who live in Moscow". In 1956, Hungarians started a rebellion against the Soviets for their independence, and lynched Bolshevik Party leaders in the streets. The USSR sent-in tanks to kill the protestors, and that's where the term "tankie" comes from.
Marx was a secular Jew. Who wrote against Judaism (the religion), in order to gain legitimacy for his plan, but he still supported Jewish oligarchs ruling-over white goyim, as long as they waved red/yellow flags around.
This is what the people complaining about Wolfenstein look like.
Focusing on making your game more complex when the simplicity was its strength.
Focusing on story when you can't write.
Not appealing to history nerds and pulp nerds with your alternate universe WW2.
Reddit is filled with retarded americans, just like twitter, i come here because i can speak to people from different countries.
People get called nazis for everything you don't need to wave an SS flag, Trump is a nazi despite having jews all around him and even in his family
Oh, then you weren't looking at the porn I was fapping to.
But I hate Trump and loved TNO. What does that make me?
of course they didn't let him then the USSR got the bomb and turn all of eastern Europe into puppet states.
oy vey
That's the thanks we get for supplying them with 50% of their transport vehicles
>why do you guys come to Yea Forums
When did I become a team of people?
Also Yea Forums is exclusively for shitposting. There's no other reason to post here. If you want a real discussion you will have to look elsewhere and even then good luck.
Anons on Yea Forums fall for literally anything. It's too fun. People here MUST RESPOND to literally everything no matter how crazy. Inflated egos and inferiority complexes mixed with massive insecurities all over the place. Its like dropping a chicken leg into a pool of of starved sharks. I love it.
Jeez it's almost like demonising half of the american population and calling them nazis was a bad idea
America first sounds nazi enough to me
Spoken like a true Nazi!
Like Cockwork
I miss early 10's /pol/.
>Guys, we need to stop with the toxic masculinity, its okay if you aren’t strong mentally or physically, you should never be ashamed with who you are
>If you disagree you have a tiny penis
Were those signs supposed to make Trump supporters sound good? I'm laughing my ass off at this.
No, dumbass.
sound more like an isolationist to me.
I hate all you newfags who think every board is fucking Yea Forums shitpost central. You read some epic screen caps from funny junk and decide to migrate over here. Fuck off
looks more like what people who support wolfenstein look like. Considering thats a jewish loser being ironic.
What are you talking about? That guy is a Trump supporter who is, for some reason, proud of having a small penis.
>Also Yea Forums is exclusively for shitposting
Why Redditors make every website they go on awful?
USSR didn't get nuke technogy until a couple of jews stole US schematics and turned them over to the soviets. In the 1950s.
Do the time, do the crime.
That's why you don't treat your opponents like subhuman dirt, or else they'll do the same with you.
>we made a devil's bargain with an authoritarian hegemony that has sworn to convert or kill us all AND OH GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT
And the worst part is that after the USSR collapsed, we did the exact same thing with China. Idiots in charge just can't stop fucking up.
Western propaganga
Hungarians are subhumans
Your last point makes no sense
Kill yourself
I wanna know have you ever seen the cringe.
He's an atheist actually but nice antisemitism bro. It's amazing how quickly you guys go from "We're not Nazis, we're just conservatives!" to screaming about "duh Jews" when someone disagrees with you.
because they have a massive ego, like tumblr, who they are rivals with.
Looks like another Jew doing a false flag:
Are you fucking retarded? The guy holding up that sign probably isn't even white.
Not 50's, mid 40's. Russians had A-bomb in 1949.
Then that's what he should've said instead of going full blown America stronk.
>we're losing to china, we're losing to russia
>america first bruh
Nazis were the good guys. Protecting your country from predatory bankers and degenerates is the right thing to do.
is that why the 1950s is the most common era for a cold war movies and stories?
listen I've been here since 2006 and watched this board devolve into the shitstain it is now. I'd wager you're the newfag cause you haven't realized you're never going to get good discussion from any board on the Yea Forums/nel domain. If you've been around long enough you'd realize that. But you're so new and naive you think this site is for more than just shitposting. You're fucking a corpse at this point. You want discussion go somewhere else. Yea Forums is for shitposting only!
You'd say wrong. It's not about left or right. It's not about fucking opinions. It's about form. You used to have people engaged in actual discussions, taking a thread and running with it, seeing where it goes. We had fucking jokes, a ton of them self-deprecating. It was entertainment. People went on there to have a good time, and to be funny in return. We don't have that anymore. Now, the internet is serious business. No troll left unfed, it's devolved into a shouting match, trying to drown each other out spamming their babyspeak, not a fucking ounce of self-respect between them. Actual posturing, on an anonymous fucking imageboard.
It's not about right or wrong, you nigger. They're fags. All of them.
If it wasn't for double standards...
Apologists never fucking learn that eventually they'll get their turn at the gulag.
>Your last point makes no sense
You don't have to actually believe in God in order to be a Jew. Jews are an ethnic tribe that exist regardless of their actual belief in the religion. A Jewish atheist can still support Jewish ethnocentrism.
I don't see why fighting Nazis would be any more problematic than fighting Americans, and you can do that in lots of games.
Is there more to it than that?
/me cums
This doesn't make his middle eastern genes go away.
replace "castle wolfenstein" with "african village" and "nazis" with "africans"
makes you ponder
Bethesda is going to cock up Starfield by building it around micro transactions then getting scared and pulling them at the last minute.
>join a WoW classic discord for guild advertisement
>guy with a soviet symbol on a transgender flag constantly filling chat with blathering about the news & how much he hates the president
>nobody can talk about anything else for more than 5 minutes without this happening
>after watching him drown out and derail conversation for the fourth time I say we should have a separate political channel
>he immediately asks what my political beliefs are
>"national socialist"
>immediately booted and banned
>PM'd by four people telling me not to come back or they will find out my real name and address
Thank god we got rid of those nazis, you guys
fuck off
There's no proof that guy is Jewish. Not that he'd deserve the harassment if he was, but you guys are hating on someone for being Jewish that might not even be Jewish
Because fps are fucking gay and using nazi villain for 1000th time is lame and boring get some better material
Well the good thing with china is that they aren't doing so well right now economically, and they have very few local investers. There's also quite a bit of social unrest in various provinces thanks to their heavy handed methods of policing.
>screaming about "duh Jews" when someone disagrees with you
Listen nigger, if anyone disagrees with you they're either a jew or a nigger. If you don't think so then you're definitely a tranny and the niggers and jews will most definitely tell you to cope seethe and dilate.
That was probably it. I see more shitty bait from lefty/pol/ that think they're disrupting the alt-right's ability to organize, maybe you see more shitty bait from /rdonald rejects; but either way it's just newfags who don't know how to make a proper OP.
Yep. Thank fuck the US actually has a president who recognises the threat of China.
I cringe daily.
How about they release games with more than 6 hours of content?
Because nazis and zombies are over done and nobody wants to play that shit anymore?
>Western propaganda
Which is why the Russian Federation declassified the records of these events, right? I'll bet you think the Soviets dindu Katyn as well you fuckin commie sheep.
>curly hair
>engaging in trickery
Yeah pretty sure he is. Also the woman off-camera who was apparently with him tried to claim that "white and Jewish are the same thing" in the Jew's defense.
nigga, he just shortform answered why modern day politics are like this and you are asking if people feel justified? are you retarded?
The problem is they equivocate nazis with modern white men.
>Yea Forums is exclusively for shitposting
Why is that cat slurping so smugly?
Implying that if you troll pretending to be an SJW in some sort of a gamergate community you won't get permabanned as well.
>cool technology
>colonizing planets
>strenght & order
>filthy kikerats in a cave
hmm dunno
>We don't have that anymore. Now, the internet is serious business. No troll left unfed, it's devolved into a shouting match, trying to drown each other out spamming their babyspeak, not a fucking ounce of self-respect between them.
This sounds more like a generational problem to me. Also its not a popular opinion but I'd say the lack of quality moderation leads to this kind of issue on any discussion forum, something Yea Forums lacks in spades.
>Idiots in charge just can't stop fucking up.
They're doing it intentionally.
Because it looks like dog shit.
Also, because I'm "racist." Wolfenstein does what many people in the media and academia have been doing for decades, which is they conflate racial thinking with the Nazis and this sort of racial egalitarianism with the Anglosphere, when that's not how it was, and if it were anything like that, it was actually the other way around. The Anglosphere held international conferences on eugenics and banned Germany from participating because, despite being interested in eugenics, they liked environmental determinism much better; there were actually experiments where Jewish children were taken from their parents and put into German homes in the hope that they'd grow up to be German-ish instead of Jewish. The Anglosphere was in love with IQ, the Nazis called it a sham perpetuated by Jews as evidence of their supremacy (sound familiar?). The Nazis invaded Poland and blitzkrieg'd France so they could slaughter a million Russians, and they believed themselves to be Aryan, some special ethnic group from a magic island or some shit, while the Anglosphere was ran by literal white nationalists and continued to be until the 60s.
It's not that fighting Nazis is problematic. Nazis suck. The problem is people today are being called Nazis in spite of believing in almost everything the Nazis didn't and the people calling them this are a Holocaust away from being Nazis themselves.
I hope he collapses the Chinese red menace so the real Chinese government (Taiwan) can resume its rightful control of the country.
I honestly want a game where Jews and/or Americans are the enemies for once.
BJ should've been the man to finally defeat the Nazis. Let his incest twin daughters fight the Soviets turned up to 11 and do something fucking different
>discord for a very large game devolves into a left-wing propaganda dungeon
Theres a difference
You blame all soviets, while in fact these were a specific group of people.
There was nothing wrong with USSR aside from the fact that it made some capitalists buttmad.
>Bruh, just go to jail, problem solved!
China's method of policing is pretty much their only option. Their huge military exists almost purely for population control - not just in terms of anti-riot, but to give poor Chinese men a pension and be taught loyalty to the state - and is arguably incapable of invading anybody other than maybe Taiwan (which is a major objective for China, so I'd assume at least they're able to do that). What's worse for China is that eventually that huge almost-all-male population is going to grow old, and start demanding that the state help take care of them. And if China doesn't do that in 50 years, then nobody at that point in time is going to want to join the army (and the army itself will probably be pretty pissed off at the commies in charge as well).
So China knows that it has a very narrow window of time to displace the West and take over, or it's going to end up not in a situation "like" Japan but even worse than Japan. Biggest demographic kick in the ass in history. They better hope that robot soldiers/workers are a thing by then, otherwise there will be riots up the wazoo demanding their pension money.
I shit and fart and cum and poop and pee and squirt
People ITT legit think this is morally acceptable behaviour. You guys need to seek therapy.
Antifa behavior shouldn't be normalized. They're just as bad as the far right
>some sort of a gamergate community
Ah yes, the dreaded Gaymurgayte boogeyman.
>Buying SJW Wolfenstein
Be the change you want to see in the world, user! Do it!
Nazis are the lesser evil compared to Winston Churchill. Hitler only hated Jews and Slavs whereas Winston Churchill hated pretty much everyone except Jews and Anglos.
And they fuck up at that. The plan was to make China a puppet by getting them on board with pseudo-democractic corporatism; but instead it turned out that the CCP was fascist all along and planned to colonize Africa and the Americas with Han bugmen.
>soviet symbol on a transgender flag
Yea Forums's been shit since the beginning, retard, but not every board is Yea Forums. Yea Forums, and the other top popular boards aren't representative of the greater parts of the site as a whole.
>There was nothing wrong with USSR aside from famine, labor camps for sedition, stripping individual rights and being totally unable to keep up with the rest of the modernizing world
>literally projecting your mental boogeyman on real people that disagree with you
Holy shit, you're literally mentally ill.
>Gaymurgayte boogeyman
Can you name a more pivotal moment in how games are discussed in history?
Call it whatever you want, the fact remains, we're fucking swamped by outsider faggots. And they're not going to adapt. They're the inflow, and they're already far too numerous to bother. Mods shutting down any attempts at self-moderation have done a great job of running this place into the ground, too.
i beat the rebbot and its prequel and theyre both bland as fuck and have no replay value. why would i buy another game that is the same.
I'm not a fan of dildo capitalism either, but pretending like the Soviets were pro-nationalist as a coping method is just wrong.
fighting nazis isn't problematic.
It's associating real world people with nazis, and telling anyone who doesn't like you shit talking them that they're a nazi, that is problematic.
Maybe make a fun game instead of trying to market a turd and people will buy and enjoy it, even if you stick in overtly political messaging.
I don't care, i call all nerd pro-gamer right-wing communities gamergate. It's much easier that way since and it's legit cause all of them appeared after gamergate.
poop fart
Okay, the Sephardim can survive, I'll focus entirely on the Khazars.
That way I'm not advocating genocide of races (plural), since I'm only advocating genocide of one!
>all of them appeared after gamergate
Zoomer detected.
Well they are lol
Both are disgusting yakubian creations that should be killed desuu
>listen I've been here since 2006
Oh my this changes everything! Sorry oldfag sir, please continue shitposting!
Fuck off dumb tourist
>t. Wolf marketer who tweeted a comparison that nazi=the right and played dumb when there was backlash
>Montgomery intentionally sabotaged the allied war effort in an attempt to ensure that the British Empire remained a major world power post-WW2
Reminder all the lives lost in Market Garden were in service of RULE BRITANNIA larping when they damn well knew they couldn't handle major casualties.
Should the American paratroopers land on major objectives like the fucking bridge you need to take in order to cross into the Rhineland industrial sector? NAH, IT HAS TO BE THE FUCKING BRITISH! RULE BRITANNIA!
why can't we have an african castle enchanted with voodoo magic, were we play as a white Afrikaner who must stop the witch doctors from casting a dark spell of bad juju
you're all fucking gay
Aw sheeit, we got a true nigga Jew ITT.
All Jews are annoying, which includes Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mirazhim. It's in their genetic makeup. However, I would argue Levantines and Persians are okay when they're not Muslims. Cyrus the Great made a mistake, and ethnic cleansing Jews is in our right.
And none of the boards are even half the quality of boards outside the Yea Forums/nel domain so what's your point? If I wanted to make gross tasting broke food I'd go to /ck/ or if I wanted to kill myself by mishandling a gun I'd go to /k/. I'm sure the ricers on /o/ give great automotive advice if I wanted to fuck up my engine. I can get better discussion from better people literally anywhere else on the internet.
>anglo pretends they werent the most aggressive people on the front other than japan
>I mean yeah, if that's the reason you don't wanna.
Not wanting to play a game because of a character's race is racist? I don't think that necessarily implies that someone thinks they're racially superior to someone else. It's just the assumption that you want to make to feel morally superior.
People don't need freedom. Give them too much freedom and they will turn into animals, start some sort of a pointless war over stupid ideals that no one cares about. Young people need boundaries and occupation, especially, since they have too much energy they don't know where to spend it.
>the people complaining about Wolfenstein look like a false flagging kike
I cum. When I run out of cum, I fart. When I run out of farts, I cum again.
Britain has always been the champion of morality.
>killing nazis good
>killing black people bad
I don't get it.
Even the US Army recognizes that it was the 82nd's failure to take Nijmegen in time that fucked up the operation. Anglo-bashing is popular these days, but don't let it cloud your perception of reality.
>someone thinks they're racially superior to someone else
That's not what racist means, mouthbreather.
Is this the whitoid incel general?
Imagine a game trying to tell you that these are the good guys.
Churchill was fucking based and you would be lucky to clean his shitty toilet bowl.
You can easily tell he's a jew
Bruh you aren't helping yourself here
his head is so deformed.
take your meds gramps.
>Wanted that
Nonsensical. Germany wanted to extend over all of European Russia, the Baltics, the Caucauses and more, enslaving everyone within it to have them work producing food and oil to solve the shrinking markets (a stupid Commie theory which Hitler believed in) issue.
You can tell people's religion by looking at them? That's really impressive.
>American education
Then you're a fucking idiot that doesn't know what national socialism is.
The entire operation was a farce and diverted resources better spent elsewhere. You can bicker about where the battle was technically lost, but the revelation about Montgomery's motivations for having the operation in the first place cements the fact that the British sabotaged the war effort for their own ends.
Furthermore, capturing the Rhineland would not have ended the war at all - just made the Germans more desperate and more reliant on partisans.
Yeah, WTF was Hitler thinking trying to colonize the world 'n sheeeit?
take your estrogen pills tranny.
Of course, why would i?
I'm not a fucking nazi.
Why can't I have a game where I play as a Nazi that kills all the fags, trannies and shit skin minorities?
>Make a mistake
>Admit you fucked up
>Listen to the fanbase
>Make a better game/sequel as a result
Plenty of game companies have done this and are better for it. Stop spreading shit advice because you're a pridefag.
you are are a genuine retard, it's nice to see sometimes I guess. I bet you think the Russians won the war for us too.
>Plenty of game companies have done this and are better for it
Name one
Capcom with DMC, twice, but they only apologized once.
because that goes against the Religion of the Left.
Just like his ideas.
Anglos are retarded though.
Then you either rarely browse the site, don't actually read anything or you're a pessimist beyond hope.
I probably sound like a fag but I've gotten good advice around the site on everything from building a PC to getting a job, I've seen people go from obese to skinny on /fit/ and people go from hopeless to genuinely good artists on drawfag threads on Yea Forums and Yea Forums and on beginner threads on /ic/. There's shit advice, there's always going to be shit advice, that applies to the entirety of the internet, but in that shit advice is people genuinely willing to help you and see you get better. Yea Forums isn't a friend, it's not the best site ever created and it's not pretending to be. It's an anime imageboard 2chan ripoff that overtime expanded beyond its britches, and as time progressed quality has gone down. But the site is what you make it, like most sites. Stop consuming shitty memes and shitposts and actually browse the site, more importantly take the advice always given to newfags and lurk for 1,000 years before posting.
I’m not the guy you were talking to but I came here in 2015 and I know what that is
Angry Goy 1 & 2 are literally that. Hard to find a download for them though, since Jews keep censoring it.
Sola scriptura is a Protestant thing, not Catholic. "Bible says X" without any filter of tradition or history is literally one of the five solae of the Reformation.
Jews are a middle eastern race with a religion, you can be an atheist and still be a jew most in america are
it is not because of moderation /pol/ was really funny even when that place was barely moderated and you can see a lot of crazy shit but people shitposted for fun now if you look into pol it will be 30% nigger dick posted by some lefty or tranny then you will have 30% nazis who taking everyting seriously but atleast understand the culture into that you can count 20% Trumpsters from reddit who belive that Q is real and then you have 10% of anons who still have hope that these people will go away
Nintendo with Fire Emblem
Sega apologized for a shit port of Virtua Fighter and offered a trade in for a much better port developed specifically because the first sucked so hard. It ended up selling way more.
Why do conservatives always elect Nazi presidents?
Go back to sucking Shlomo's dick.
Oh yeah this is why I lost all interest in it.
>What's Third Strike?
you mean liberals and antifa calling for the genocide of white people?
Why is an old-school liberal like Trump likened to a neo-nazi?
I dunno, maybe it has something to do with the whole putting little mexican kids in concentration camps thing. Just a hunch.
So we're on to ad hominems now? Can't take criticism that Montgomery was pro-British first and foremost, or that the British Army was given a HUGE deference throughout the war simply because they didn't have the ability to recover from losses but still had to be present during major engagements?
In my own opinion, we should have dispensed with this whole "MUH BRITISH TAKE THIS OBJECTIVE, AMERICANS TAKE OBJECTIVES ALONG THE WAY" bullshit and just go for fully mixed units; and a completely different location that wasn't a fucking swamp. The entire plan was stupid, and led to the Allies losing momentum on the western front. All of the gains that the USSR made in the meantime were the result of Market Garden's utter failure.
Namco after Soul Calibur 5.
So Nazis make supporting Israel their top priority now? Galaxy-brained leftist take, my dude.
>concentration camps
You mean the holding cells set up by Obama?
>Why do conservatives always elect Nazi presidents?
If only.
Maybe they should have followed the damn law
Animefags cumbrians are also nazis ?
No wonder why they will never get Laid lmao
Bush and Obama and Trump were all de facto Zionists.
Obama bombed Libya because they were about to start an African currency based on gold, and the Jewish bankers didn't like that.
Uh... yeah? Was that supposed to be an epic burn or something?
Obama had concentration camps too. He just had the media cover it up for him.
Trine 3
You can call me a pessimist all you want but its not going to make what you're saying true. You are looking the site through rose colored glasses if you think it's for anything but shitposting. That's not a meme. If you had looked to any other forum, even fucking Stack Overflow, you'd likely have gotten better advice on building that PC and there's a good chance you wasted money somewhere in your build by listening to completely anonymous strangers who have no accountability to their own comments. But what do I know, I'm just another anonymous poster like yourself. Maybe I am a pessimist beyond hope but it's not for lack of trying to see the better side of this shit site. I'm just accepting something you haven't yet. Maybe one day you'll come around.
Is the HIV in your brain preventing you from typing properly, Jonah?
I wish I could disagree, but the concentration camps in Germany also had beds, food, water, entertainment and absolutely no mass extermination.
So Obama is a Nazi now.
Creating a minor inconvenience for brown children = automatic Nazi.
I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or you're unironically dumb enough to criticise something you don't know anything about.
Extermination is not a necessary factor for something to be a concentration camp. Not all concentration camps have to be exactly like the Nazi ones.
Nintendo did this a few months ago with Prime 4 because they didn't want another Other M.
>thread isn't being bumped anymore
Again, yes he was. I'm not one of those neoliberal hypocrites who is going to pretend Obama was an angel just because they never heard of his crimes on CNN.
Obama and Trump are about as fascist as each other. It's just that Trump's fascism has received a lot more attention in the media and on social media so people think it's a new thing for Presidents to be like that.
Sega with Sonic, which led directly into Colors and Generations, which sold way better than previous games.
Then they started making shit games again because lolsega.
Remember guys, this Orange Man is a Nazi.
You can tell because he went to Israel and put on a kippah to worship a sacred Jewish religious icon "the wailing wall". Also he let his daughter marry a Jew, that's totally something Nazis would do.
So Obama was a nazi as well? Who isn't a nazi?
To be fair, it's tradition for Japanese devs to apologize and take the fall when something is poorly received, meanwhile Western devs have to pretend a game is doing well when it clearly isn't in order to keep investors happy.
Because the left know of no other insult. It's funny, because as I've stated before, the left created their own monster in the Bush era. Go back and listen to old Green Day albums - American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown - and you'll find they fit our current era of politics than they EVER did during the Bush era.
The Left desperately wanted a republican president who hated minorities, wanted a majority white country, was a businessman first and foremost, was surrounded by cronies, and talked like an utter fool. Bush was none of those things, he was a "compassionate conservative" who probably would have been utterly unforgetable if it hadn't been for 9/11 and had no other motivation for the Iraq War beyond finishing what his father started. Trump, however, is all of what they claimed Bush to be - except maybe a war hawk, but likely only because Trump knows starting another war is political suicide (and good finally someone figured that out).
The Left hated Bush so much that they normalized all the things that they claimed Bush to be. And so, inevitably, we got Trump. Who knows what the next monster the Left will create looks like.
So they are not fascist in the least bit?
Its a bigger problem that people think its new than it is good that the humanitarian crisis is brought to light by the MSM
user your entire argument is "there's better sites so this one is only for shitposting" as if that's valid. The point isn't that this site is the best, it's that if you're smart, the site is useful and friendly. It doesn't need to be the best site out there, it's as good as you want it to be and is willing to reach out an arm for some assistance. That's the important part.
You don't know what fascism is. Stop using words you don't understand, retard.
Good, the thread started out as fucking /pol/ bait and I'm glad to have helped is bringing it to its death.
>y-you are nigger please don't make fun of me over the fact that I'm an anime faggot that will never get a girlfriend because I spend 70% of my time on the internet
You could say they're "fascist" in that they support American nationalism, but they're not white nationalist. I literally listen to white nationalist podcasts (TRS) and they call Trump a Zionist cuck all the time.
Also I'd argue that "fascist" isn't even a valid term. They're just neocons/neoliberals who support proper immigration laws.
If not letting literally any immigrant just waltz into the country unchecked is "fascism", then literally every country on Earth right now is "fascist" by your logic.
>delete /pol/ posts
>clean thread
>ban shitposters
>problem solved
>Why arent you stupid racists buying my game?
The gameplay is getting significantly worse and the setting so fucking inconsistent at this point that it's unbearable even as alt-history shlock.
some traditions are good traditions then, fuck the investors
if jim sterling's theory is right, the western gaming market will crash in the next 2-4 anyways
This is the biggest load of shit I've read all month. Tell me why Yea Forums/nel doesn't have a medical discussion board? Do you see anything wrong with the idea of a /med/ board on Yea Forums? What could go wrong??