What went right?
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bottle that sayd Ogay
Fragile fags, I guess.
They still cucked out
big schut and nice explosions
>one side promotes giving kids puberty blockers therefore denying them a chance at a normal childhood and devastating effects to their mental and physical health
>the other side wants to stop this
Woah guys like horseshoe is real, thats why im a cool centrist, like both sides are really the same when you think about it
The masses made their voices heard and it paid off
Anybody who says the protests weren't worth doing because they wouldn't achieve anything must feel pretty stupid now.
Give yourselves a pat on the back for strong arming a small developer
We did it reddit
>this thread again
It's an unfortunate situation but you don't back out of a charity donation, it's just not right.
This has nothing to do with the game, censorship has been averted, if you are still mad at this point you are literally a never pleased SJW
there's no way to make rescinding a donation look good
Wasn't this something insigificant like a shampoo bottle called GAY or someshit
How is that homophobic in any way
>small developer
*large publisher
Redditors and Pedoera trannies mad.
So you guys are proving this was never about censorship and was absolutely about trannies.
This. It's dumb that they made that donation, but you can't back out now. It looks really bad.
Why can't it be about both?
Like I said last time, puberty is the thing that comes after your childhood, and what puberty blockers are intended to do in this case is prevent the child from going through changes which produce gender dysphoria, which is in fact detrimental to their mental and physical health. The procedure is considered fully reversible. Hormone treatment and surgery aren't allowed at that age.
t. cripplechan gator
Everyone say hi to our tourist friends
Pretty sure it's both bro.
Is this the same shit as the Peace sign now being a white power sign?
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Autistic virgins finally pulled their balls out of mommy's purse and took their spine off layaway.
Turns out that when companies see that their actual customers are causing as much of a stink as the SJW faggots they choose to listen to the people who actually pay for their games.
Based Mark Kern, making some of my favorite video games and blasting trannies on twitter.
Don't hate on any charity over this, that's what makes you the moron, even if it's trans advocating
/pol/ is getting desperate. They failed to turn the rainbow flag into a symbol of hate now they want the peace sign? Pathetic.
Seething retardera user detected
>dude its about both
That just makes your complaints about censorship seem facetious then. This is all because of LGBT shit.
Fuck off back to TrannyEra, mentally ill tranny
Kill yourself. You are a blight.
How is writing the word gay homophobic?
Except it doesn't, and the rule book doesn't say anything about dogs not being able to play basketball
LGBT shit is inherently political. You need to deal with the fact that nobody wants to see your deviant sexual orientation and mental illness represented in games you degenerate faggot.
It's not, that's just the excuse they use to gain control of your work. I doubt half the reseters so angry about it even know what the "homophobic" content was.
t. assblasted cripplecucks
It was about the dev saying parents should not go around deciding their children (in the post in question newborn babies) are transsexual.
When the sjws realised the masses weren't ready to disagree with the dev yet because fucking with children is exactly why hate for transsexuals is higher than it has been in decades they shifted the narrative to be about the soap and an out of bounds room which were previously treated as secondary issues
I think you mean OK sign
I sure hope Yea Forums is the facto place where this shit gets blown out of proportion, because let me tell you - this is some of the GAYEST shit to argue about
They literally don't understand how they managed to make it work the first time. And to be fair it was pretty impressive for a bunch of spergs who apparently have no understanding of social dynamics.
Now that the tables have turned, remind the trannies that it's silly to complain about a soap bottle.
and denying a kid a normal growth while everyone around him goes through puberty surely isnt damaging at all right? instead teaching the kid how to deal with his mental issues, instead you give into the crazy voice in his head that says he is the opposite sex. and stopping puberty does affect the kid both physically and mentally
>LGBT shit is inherently political.
The people who say this are the homophobes triggered by it.
I'm not a cripplecuck but I'd rather be one than a pedoera user, tranny.
Both you disengenius retard.
>can't ever disagree with your own "side"
You're the real NPC here. Lefties make similar appeals to extremism by comparing everything to genocide, when in reality non-schizos have a stance on each issue individually and often do research instead of spreading their ass to the good boy cuckservative living in their head.
>meaningless pun for a quick chuckle
Ok so can /pol/ go back to their containment board so we can talk about the fucking game now
yeah we know. I'm just baffled by the outrage
> They failed to turn the rainbow flag into a symbol of hate
lol they actually thought that was going to work
They dont want the peace sign. They just want to see what leftists will take from you. No more "OK" gesture for you, pal. Unless you want to get fired.
what was the 'homophobic' content?
>muh homophobia
Again nobody wants your sick orientation shoved into games fag.
It never is about the game.
None of these threads are about the game.
No Ion Maiden thread is going to be about the game.
It's always about the trannies.
its a joke
the joke is the hands in the photos are flipping them off
Literally who?
>the crazy voice in his head that says he is the opposite sex
you mean his mom lmao kids don't normally think about this shit
Its not a pun, its a play on words. /pol/tards continue to be retarded I see.
They will never stop crying about the tranny charity donation.
>There's no horseshoe theory, there's only FASCISM vs. FREEDOM!
>There's no horseshoe theory, there's on DEGENERACY vs. STABILITY!
Why are authoritarians like this?
Can we please stop calling every middle school level joke "(something)phobic"?
A sprite and a voiceline.
a pun is literally a play on words my ESL friend
Guess you're not the force of shame and will you thought you were, resetera. Ion Fury sets the new precedent against you that devs will now follow, suck to be you!
Why do they have their own suicide prevention charity? I hate when certain groups of people get special treatment. This is unfair towards individual people. Everyone has different problems, but somehow people with other issues don't deserve their own charities.
Based beyond belief. Trannies literally performing seppuku with their pseudo phalluses as we speak. Fuck trannies. Fuck censorship and fuck tranny jannies
So was the Ok white power sign. But we see how far that shit went
>Trannies mad at your game
>So you donate to a suicide prevention charity
Holy fucking LOL what a master level move.
You are a fucking moron. Go look up the definition for a pun.
Fantastic idea, user. Can't believe the entire medical establishment has never thought to try that.
Not voiceline.
A bottle of soap and an out of level leftover message.
Imagine taking it this seriously and thinking you're fighting some brave culture war
>because fucking with children is exactly why hate for transsexuals is higher than it has been in decades
maybe on Yea Forums and /pol/ but reality luckily disagrees with you.
>Its not a pun, its a play on words.
thats exactly what it means you fucking retard. go back to school
Imagine being mad about someone donating to charity
>The pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words
based retardbro
They claim to want equality but what they really want are special privileges for their identity group only.
Person who absolutely supports the rights of gay and trans people, here.
Anyone who messes with kids or tries to use them as puppets for an agenda deserves to be slathered with honey and staked spread eagle on the plains.
/pol/tards continue to be fucking retards.
I bet you think me calling you a /pol/tard is a pun.
So anything that has "gay" written on is automatically homophobic? Is the dictionary homophobic too?
Did you get that prescription for antipsychotics yet? I really hope the FBI is watching you. Oh well, any day I guess I'll turn on the news and see another mass shooting has taken place in America and then I won't have to deal with your shit any more.
This. They wont even say what it is in their articles, only calling it "homophobic content", since no one would get worked up over a bottle of "Ogay"
They never say how much :^)
I miss him lads
I know right? Can't find a single study where they tried to cure body dysphoria without chemicals and mutilation. Not a single one
Why is it that /pol/tards can achieve racial diversity much better than even the most dogmatic SJW?
>since no one would get worked up over a bottle of "Ogay"
Yea Forums and cripple Yea Forums did
The dictionary hates all races and creeds equally. Do not judge the dictionary, it's on another level.
not sure if that's pro trump, anti trans or what
No I’m not but thanks for asking.
Because /pol/ is half brown people roleplaying and half white people being serious about their retarded views?
It’s not fucking revisible you evil fuck. At the very least you’re delaying physical bone growth. It’s impossible to fully block all hormones. It’s a bad idea to fuck with the endocrine system in general.
fantastic, they buried any studies that try to suggest any alternative methods besides pills and surgery
How is that /pol/ known for white supremacy is not even white?
Not that you've looked
too late
Let me remind you that your gay little forum pedoera was the one that got offended by a bottle that says OGAY.
It's called SATIRE. It doesn't have to be any of those things
Something about mentally ill Twitter trannies trying to present themselves as the most mentally sound makes me sick
It's a funny thing that isn't really against or for anything.
You got btfo. Transgenderism is a fucking cult and you should be hung for trying to bring it to kids
>swapped out the 'l' from Olay with a 'g' for a grade school level pun that's good for a cheap chuckle
>starts an actual controversy
Fuckin clown world
Fuck it. It's just going to make the retards on Reera look even more stupid when they complain.
This was the dumbest thing to get worked up over. It's a silly, raunchy pun in a Duke Nukem knockoff, grow some thicker skin and learn to laugh at yourself.
It's like being offended at Blazing Saddles.
>Yea Forums and cripple Yea Forums did
shit didn't happen for 500 alex
If you can paint everyone else as crazy, that must mean you're not!
Ok so why are you so buttblasted about them then? You seem obsessed.
you guys are more loud than the crybaby sjws you claim to hate, fucking faggots.
Anyone still seething is literally no better than the whiny SJWs they claim to hate
Yeah stay mad resetertard, that's why you devoted all that energy and didn't get jack shit, because you're too kewl to "take it seriously" like me, right? Stay SEETHING!
seething tranny
It's called a celebration tranny. Like that day you cut your dick off and made your dad kill himself
You crazy discord trannys need to up your variance.
Devs and publishers have shown again and again they listen to the loudest groups. So why not?
Get loud.
>if you're not with me you're from retardera
You niggers are moronic SJWs of a different color. I wish your shit site was back up so you could fuck off again like you claimed so many years ago.
user who are you trying to fool.
>bow to group A for getting angry
>group B gets angry
>bow to group B for getting angry
who will group C be?
the irony in this post is fucking hilarious
especially after two random people made the same observation at the same time
>Some people have it harder than me but why does that mean they should receive more attention RRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GIVE ME ATTENTION
brown people can hate fags and jews too
>Reputation as flip flopper, knee bender and tranny panderer.
>Hundreds to thousands of lost sales.
Huh, it seems like a pyrrhic "victory" for the developers.
Kids have it hard enough growing up, when girls grow too fast or not fast enough compared to their peers. You mean to tell me that when you purposely delay that process, the kid comes out even more fucked up with a chance to join the forty percent? Wow what a shock. If your child doesnt think he is normal, imagine how he must feel when he goes to the locker room and sees boys growing mustaches and beards while he has to inject pills to stop that from happening to him.
Don't let /pol/ set the narrative for you. No one wants to do that shit so don't /pol/tard turn you against them.
Lotta brown people in this picture
Hey Yea Forums, how come tax dodging corporations pretend they care about the underclasses yet take away the most money from the public interest?
Hey how come corporations began marketing towards minorities that specifically have disposable income and less kids?
Uh, excuse me but could you remove that homophobic bullshit right now? I'm literally shaking and will add one to the 40 if you don't do it so please do
user. you can go back to your sjw forum now and continue your silly review bombing outrage over ogay soap
>being this much of a hysterical sjw
Beggin ya to dilate
The best response would have been no response.
Blame your buddies at pedoera for starting the avalanche that got the site taken down ;')
based trans bro
Based and latinopilled
>At the very least you’re delaying physical bone growth.
There's some natural variation between people anyway, even within the same sex. It's hardly the sort of thing that'll have a lasting impact.
Gee, its almost as if when your "side" involves mutilation, child abuse and mob justice you are generally always on the wrong side of justice.
>t. cripplechan tourist who just review bombed a dev over ogay soap
Go ba-oh wait, you cant.
make up your mind
based terminx
Just like turning your dick inside out won't have a lasting impact.
what the fuck trannybrxs, you told me we had won, you told me the bigots got owned, i don't even, UGH, I JUST CAN'T
>stopping normal human body development is good actually
Only you can help raise the 40%
It's not reversible, you lying faggot. And hormone blockers ARE hormone treatment. It's incredible how you niggers can manage to lie about this when there's a major cable show called I Am Jazz that follows a transgirl who began puberty blockers as a young child and thus couldn't even get proper SRS because her dick was still baby sized. Not only that, she had never experienced any sexual drive in her entire fucking life. This information is available to anyone, you're just counting on everyone not looking for themselves.
t. actual tranny
because gender dysphoria is so niche and weird it requires someone with actual understanding to help someone with suicidal thoughts and gender dysphoria
Joke about it all you want but if infinity tourists are here then it's only a matter of time before another one of them shoots something else up and this site gets taken down too
Skub is perfectly safe and healthy for consumption and the body.
As I gotten older I've come to tealize that saying nothing is usually the best way to play it.
There's that word again. Can you people stop resorting to histrionics for five seconds? It's so incredibly obvious you are arguing from emotion in the first place and facts in a distant second.
Reminder to ignore shills telling you to buy the game, the devs still cucked out
They couldn't get this site shut down if they tried.
fuck off pro-skub
>mfw the hacker known as Yea Forums collectively celebrates fighting the tranny boogeyman by reverting pixels in a 90s FPS mod
keep fighting the good fight, i guess
As someone who has to take medication in order to produce any testosterone at all it sucks ass seeing everyone mature and you’re stuck as a hairless muscleless wimp idiot boy.
>>Person who absolutely supports the rights of gay and trans people, here.
>Anyone who messes with kids
do you see supporting kids who are trans and allowing them to transition as messing with them? how about kids being gay and exploring their sexuality?
note that Yea Forums is full of bullshit about the actual transitioning process.
>If your child doesnt think he is normal, imagine how he must feel when he goes to the locker room and sees boys growing mustaches and beards while he has to inject pills to stop that from happening to him.
Better than she'd feel having it happen to her, otherwise she wouldn't be taking them, now would she?
so much this
Puberty blockers have devastating lifelong side effects. To do that to a child is inhumane. Not that you give a shit or anything.
>No one wants to do that shit so don't /pol/tard turn you against them.
Some people definitely do want to do that shit, though. It isn't just /pol/ spreading bullshit. There's a very small minority of sick, demented fucks running cover using everyone else to shield themselves in the hope that they can get away with their vile depravity and/or push forward a monstrous agenda.
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the goobergate board is two blocks down.
>that'll have a lasting impact.
Ok, lets go talk to all the 50 year old trannies whose parents forcibly stopped their body development with pharmaceutical grade hormone treatments and ignored the fact children cannot consent
Oh wait....
>Buying a game that is 90mb
are you retarded?
>You got btfo.
Oh, are we at this stage of the argument already? Where hardly any argument has been made yet but you've just started saying BTFO over and over and refuse to argue any further?
Based, but kys. I prefer a mentally sane person to say this
sup skeleton
>we can't accept apologies
We would then become ResetEra if we did this user. I have a feeling you know that and that you're not being genuine though.
Probably because her "therapists" and all people of authority have been telling her that he was a she and needs to take pills to correct it. Instead of you know, actually trying to help him accept his body. But no you are dumb as fucking rocks.
>It's called a celebration tranny.
Except for the people saying it's not good enough.
Another day not joining the 40%, right?
>has a penis and testes
Select one(1)
One is singular if you understand the concept. I know you trannies have a hard time with singular and plural pronouns.
As a faggot myself, I don't see what's homophobic about this.
10 grand
Or so they say :^)
Why do they introduce the extremely slow and weak zombies in the later half of the game when red crossbow dudes and flying rocket things from the beginning of the game can one shot you?
No fuck you leatherman. Why don't you get outta that uh jabroni outfit
Fragile straights, you mean. No gay person would complain about this. Just like how most complaints of racism are from white college kids.
why does the child have to go to the locker room to see moustaches and beards
why are you /pol/types so fucking dumb, holy shit this is hilarious
Kys tranny loser ;)
I think a lot of children are being groomed for a variety of reasons to identify or give the illusion of consent to those who wish to abuse them.
You really did, couldn't produce a study showing that it was ever attempted to treat dysphoria without mutilation. You are part of a pity party cult and you want to indoctrinateat kids. You are demonic and will find hell on earth soon. Whether it's you staring at your ugly, mutated and mutilated body for what it is for the first time or its you realizing you have aids. You will find hell for your faggot sins
There really isn't.
>Just like how most complaints of racism are from white college kids.
>No gay person would complain about this
what.. you have an entire thread in resetera complaining about it and they're all fags
Did you read the discord convo that sparked the scandal? It was published on resetera.
It said exactly that: one of the dev said a parent shouldn't be allowed to give a 4 yo hormonal treatment.
This is a huge decision to make, and doing it to a barely sentient person is at least questionable. I don't think it's hateful to point that out.
And neither would anyone if they were able to step out of the tribalist frame of mind for 5 whole seconds.
Dude, you're literally being called soap! SOAP! IN 2019!!!!
Gender dysphoria is not real, it's been thoroughly disproven. The only thing that causes trannies to exist is the anti-male narrative which freaks like you push constantly.
Yup, no one is trying to put pedos under the LGBTQRIAKDIA++++. Nope. Nothing to see here. Also, Desmond Is Amazing is just a normal 10 year old who likes to dress up as a woman and strip for 30+ year old men for money
There are, though. They exist. There was just a rather loud and open shit show where a bunch of people took one of them to task out in the open.
Delete this.
Well, that's for them to decide when they're old enough, innit
The NHS disagrees.
That's not how it works. It needs to be approved by several medical professionals, you know. They have to talk to the child itself.
I mean, shit. To deny the gay community has a pedo problem is to be willfully ignorant. It has always had a problem of 40+ year old men courting teenage boys and doing shit like taking in runaway teenage gay boys as sex pets. Always. For decades.
it's a charity that advocates pedophilia and mutilating childrens gentitals so i dont see how backing out is a problen
yeah, nah. it's unfortunate they donated to some tranny cause but you never ever back down from a donation.
that's like taking back a gift just because you stopped being friends with a person.
you are the green skeleton subhuman who started this whole mess in the first place. go away and die.
Honestly, it ain't a bad game, but I'm just not really into it. The enemies are meh, guns lack any real oomph to them (crossbow is just outright useless), and the levels aren't terribly interesting. The secrets are just extra ammo and not worth really exploring.
It's not a bad game, it just didn't hold my attention after the 3rd area.
>Desmond Is Amazing is just a normal 10 year old who likes to dress up as a woman and strip for 30+ year old men for money
Why is this a bad thing?
I don't know what this is. I'm at a loss.
please tell me this isnt real
He's gay, not jewish.
Oh Jesus
so you believe in conspiracy theories. people don't get anything out of kids being trans or gay. there's no point in grooming them to be when they could just groom them for something they actually profit from.
>Well, that's for them to decide when they're old enough, innit
Same for puberty blockers.
It's an ingame screenshot, what do you think.
Leave you fucking pedo.
You can’t be serious
loss has been rageface tier forever
literal teenagers that have never been here can recognize loss
they should censor it with an actually funny joke
>crossbow is just outright useless
It one shoots humans when hit in upper half of body. Its ultimate charge attack kills everything.
The main issue is its random shoot pattern when you move. Extremely shitty.
Not to mention, these people will never pass as the opposite sex never. When they get rejected by someone with half a functioning brain because they dont want to date mentally ill people, they'll be reminded. When they want to have children but they can't because they have no wombs, or cut off their vagine to make a frankendick, they'll be reminded. When people notice the manly lurch and gait, and give them odd looks, they'll be reminded. The answer of course, is not to teach these people to cope with the fact that they will never, ever, be the gender they want. They instead feed even more into their delusion and say
>No no of course not! Its everyone else who is wrong. You are a real girl! You just need to practice your voice, your walk and a little touch up surgery!
All this web of lies until one day, they finally realize they can never be and hang from the rafters. So fuck you and fuck tranny enablers. These people are sick and need help but not the help you're peddling.
imagine being so fucking disconnected from reality and morality that you think experimenting on children makes you the "good" guys
No fuckin way
Sometimes it is. Just like cutting someone open and taking something out of their body is sometimes good. That's how the medical profession works.
>And hormone blockers ARE hormone treatment.
No, hormone treatment is not merely suppressing testosterone/oestrogen, it's specifically supplying opposite sex hormones.
>there's a major cable show called I Am Jazz
Okay, cool, haven't seen it. Sounds like sensationalistic American "reality" tv garbage.
At 12yo, maybe.
But how can a 4 or 8 yo child have agency in such a context? They literally had no outside influence. They'll just answer what their parent told them too.
>people don't get anything out of kids being trans or gay.
They get attention. They get virtue points. These are classic excuses for child abuse. It's textbook Munchauses-by-proxy.
Fine I'll buy next week. I going through a loss right now.
Are there even any people playing this game in these threads?
good thing this literally never happens.
Munchausen-by-Proxy, rather.
>resetera permabanned someone for linking to "a hate site"
>a hate site
what the fuck?
Remember to buy the fucking game now . If you contributed to the review bombing guess what it worked now go and buy the game dont be like those trannies that wanted the game censored and when the devs complied none of them bought the game .
I just think you're living the past with outdated morals governing your thoughts. Try to enlighten yourself a little.
Yeah okay, you're literally resorting to hypotheticals and conspiracy theories now to be able to remotely defend your point.
If you're worried about them passing, well, the sooner they transition, the better their odds.
It was a euphemism for pubic hair. Probably.
>people don't get anything out of kids being trans or gay
Liberal parents get a lot out of it. I remember when every liberal mom wanted to have a gay son, now they want a trans daughter. It's not about the kid, it's about them.
>No, hormone treatment is not merely suppressing testosterone/oestrogen, it's specifically supplying opposite sex hormones.
How convenient that your definition of hormone treatment only includes applying hormones and not blocking the natural function of already-present hormones. The fact of the matter is that you're using synthetic drugs to change the normal function of the endocrine system which is vital for growth. There are permanent, irreparable changes involved in it. There are even potentially-fatal effects. I know from personal experience.
>Okay, cool, haven't seen it. Sounds like sensationalistic American "reality" tv garbage.
Of course it is. I mentioned it because you can literally go watch this fucking show and see verifiable proof that not only are children receiving hormone treatment, but that it does have permanent effects.
No you just want to see child boys strip and you won't say it out loud because someone like me would beat the fuck out of you
>removed one tiny object
>"cringe and bluepilled, refund game now"
>say they won't drop tiny object
>"based and redpilled, what went right bros?"
why is everyone so shallow
user, I am not going to argue with an actual paranoid schizophrenic. If you can't even give the appearance of being reasonable for a second it's just a huge waste of my time.
HAHAHAHA!! Lets all laugh at REERA!
user, that's still fucking retarded and believing in conspiracy theories. doctors are also involved in medical procedures. also time. the child needs to spend like a year convincing doctors that it's their wish. several years in shitholes like the UK even.
Imagine thinking that dressing a child in drag clothing and sending him to strip at a gay bar is progressive at all. What a fucking subhuman you are.
But you are literally mentally unstable with a mutilated body?
user, I repeat, literally no one is giving 4 year olds hormone treatment. There's no point to it. Not a doctor would agree to it. Have you considered that people are mad at the dev for spreading harmful misinformation?
>When they get rejected by someone with half a functioning brain because they dont want to date mentally ill people, they'll be reminded.
i just married this wednesday :3
I'm glad this is done. Both sides we're wrong. Anti-SJWs were just as bad as SJWs. Maybe worse.
Explain FtMs
>Yup, no one is trying to put pedos under the LGBTQRIAKDIA++++.
I mean, pedos are, but that's like Nazis latching onto "free speech" for fake legitimacy.
Lol post that freaks face
>the child needs to spend like a year convincing doctors that it's their wish
And all during that time they're under the care and influence of a person who could coach, encourage, and groom them. Give them little rewards. Buy them new toys. Tell them how good they are and how proud they are of them.
>GMOs that make fruit grow bigger and hormones that make cows produce more milk and beef are genetic manipulation and are therefore immoral and must be stopped
>At the same time, it's totally okay to give a child hormone blockers
Lefty is a mental illness. Keep them away from our children.
get fucked cucks
They do a lot more than suicide prevention.
>Nazis latching onto "free speech" for fake legitimacy.
You have to go back
They're all straight, actually. Some of them are trannies but trannies have been proven to just be failed straights with an obsession with females.
Gimme sauce bro!
I hope this board gets fucking nuked
Right. The proper age for that seems the onset of puberty. Not much point otherwise.
>At 12yo, maybe.
That's literally when it's prescribed, yes.
lookie here. we got ourselves a centrist
Reminder that anyone who tries to equate complaining about censorship to demanding that censorship in the first place is a censorship proponent.
you mean better since we just WON.
anti-SJW intellectual deepweb chads ROLL OUT!
>A kid dressing flamboyantly is abuse
You disingenuous idiots and your ever-shifting goalposts.
Nazis get free speech too. Everyone does.
I hate to say it because it's so cliche but you're on the wrong side of history.
Go outside. Honestly, who the fuck cares.
>gays, trannies, drag queens other degenerates
>completely obsessed with little boys and girls and how to turn them into the "perfect" willing and malleable specimen using chemical or social persuasion or destroy their mental resistance
Really makes you think, about how this entire movement is just a thinly disguised sexual fetish and grooming operation.
Reminder that biggest red flag pedophiles have is how they gravitate to places and jobs where they can interact with vulnerable children ;)
remember.. NO REFUNDS!
you don't do that for virtue points. it's far too much effort and close to impossible for nothing but a couple of pats on your back at the very most. you're being nuts.
>dressing flamboyantly
You're sick.
Group C are the people who actually bought and enjoyed the game and didn't participate in review bombing and refunding after .4 hours put into the game.
FtMs barely exist, and the ones that do are 90% women who make no effort to appear masculine but just say they are to get virtue points. The remaining 10% just think they would get more respect if they were men. Trannyism is not legitimate as a lifestyle or as an identity. If you're a tranny, you fucked up and made wrong choices for wrong reasons.
>the other side wants to make them gay hating racist fashists
A parent can convince a child of almost anything. You used to believe a fat guy in a red suit came down your chimney every year because your parents said he did. Can you tell a 4 year old boy "you were supposed to be a girl. you're not yourself. you're not normal. you want to be a girl" and have him believe it? Absolutely.
Nice buzzword you pedophile. You are going to die an unloved mentally ill pedo so have fun with that.
>There are even potentially-fatal effects. I know from personal experience.
Shame it didn't go all the way.
Kind of like how we've had problems 40+ year old men molesting little girls for decades?
Children can't consent
Anyone who tells you they can is a pedophile
t. censorship proponent
There's a "Washington Foreskins" ad up there, they're just shooting the shit
>tfw liberal
>every day have to deal with retards that think because I believe it doesn't matter if grown, sane adults want to fuck other grown sane adults of the same gender, I approve of mutilating little kids' genitals
>and some of them even claim to be liberals, same as me
I hate politics, I hate life. I just want to live in peace, why does everybody want to be fighting all of the time?
False equivalence, the horseshoe equivalent of pedotrannies would be something like a mandatory circumcision for all boys due to religious reasons
oh wait, this is literally happening in the US every single day LOL
Jazz from I Am Jazz was given hormone blockers starting when he was 6.
Why are you leftists always so dishonest?
I don't know or care what that means. Video games.
1. Freedom of speech applies to everyone, even nazis
2. There is an overrepresentation of pedos among LGBTQMIA++
>verifiable proof that not only are children receiving hormone treatment, but that it does have permanent effects.
Can't really find any details about it right now but it's still just anecdotal evidence anyway.
It doesn't though. Government statistics show that 98% of child predators are straight. If someone is openly gay, they are not a pedophile.
Because letting grown adults fuck each other led to this crazy bullshit, the slippery slope is real
>I don't know what proponent means
Imagine being this ignorant of basic vocabulary and thinking that you're cool for acting flippant about it.
See, you can really only imagine that everyone you argue with is trans (because you're a paranoid schizophrenic) but everyone can see the evidence of your insanity in your ramblings about divine retribution.
>reacting to people wanting censorship is even worse than censorship
Imagine being this retarded
>children are not receiving hormone treatment and all effects are reversible
>"Actually they are and there's a widely-publicized TV show that displays both of these things as true."
>j-j-j-just an anecdote doesn't mean anything......
You're genuinely sick in the head.
user. People physically poison their kids so they can operate where they tell everyone their child has some serious chronic illness or disease so that they can get attention and prestige from others. This is a psychological disorder. It's classified and documented. Munchasen-by-Proxy.
So brave
Because someone is a doctor doesn't make him or her automatically a good person.
Not only that, but a person might do evil even when he is convinced of doing good.
Making kids into trannies is fucked up but stop trying to equate it with pedophilia, it just makes you look retarded and therefore makes the anti tranny kid side look worse.
imagine caring about acting smart on Yea Forums while arguing about politics on a video game board
kill yourself
Go away Felix
user, read the post. 4 year olds have nothing to do with this discussion. your parents told you that santa claus was real but you most likely didn't believe in it when you were 12 and your doctors sure as fuck didn't believe you when you tried to convince them of it.
okay, well, that's too bad. guess we need to let all the kids die from cancer and any illness because sadly kids can't "consent" to medical procedures anymore i guess. what the fuck are you talking about?
But it's not even the grown adults fucking each other that are championing this shit, it's a wholly separate sect of freaks that latched onto that movement. It's disingenuous to blame them when even the gays are disowning this nonsense.
>Go through thread
>Not one post citing an actual statement from the devs about deciding not to change anything
You Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs
Ignore shills telling you to buy this game, the devs still cucked out
Of course they they didn't care if that one offended anyone or not.
>Jazz from I Am Jazz was given hormone blockers starting when he was 6.
Ah, I just found some information about it.
She was given hormone blockers at age 11, the onset of puberty. Oops, you lied!
Actually explain to me what the problem is with this picture.
Even if we could reverse this to normal gays in 20 years time we'd end up right back here
Hello Mr ostriche.
Gays are going to eventually get kicked out of LGBT when it's too normal for people.
Nothing. The outrage over it was retarded, and the backlash over it was retarded. All I'm grateful for is that Amid Evil (a better game) got spared from being another "culture" war battleground and turned into something it definitely shouldn't be.
>kill yourself
I can't, I'm cis.
It doesn't take any effort at all. Children will believe their parents, no matter what they say.
Do you honestly believe you can make rescinding donations look good?
It shouldn't need to be explained what's wrong with a child dressing in fetish clothes and dancing at a fucking gay bar for money you demonic freak.
They just want the next generation to be accepting, user. Just like you want the next generation to hate them like you do.
Then doesn't that just mean I wasn't wrong to fight for them, only too slow to stamp down on these parasites that slid in along with them?
No, it didn't. Grown men who fuck each other are 100% against trannies and their bullshit. No group on earth hates trannies more than gay men.
you'll die of stress early while getting offended at everything nowadays.
take care. good luck adapting to 2019! ;)
Imagine thinking that 12 year olds can make rational decisions. Hang yourself, tranny.
A few decades from now, sex reassignment surgery will be looked back on with the same disgust and disbelief as we do at lobotomies.
Okay buddy, I'm sure this kid made this decision all on his own.
There is literally nothing wrong with a developer editing their own game. I do not understand the at-right outrage.
Yeah don't kid yourself, the only people who were going to buy this game did so during pre-order/first-week. No one participating in the drama that didn't already own it actually gave a shit about the game.
They're fags but they aren't gay.
kmao I guess 11 make a it better? I agree with the other faggot, you are a looney Troon. Jazz's dick wasnt even big enough to turn into a neovagina because of said blockers. Guess you didn't know about that, ey retardm
poisoning is fucking easy compared to what you are suggesting.
that's a post without any substance. just further reiterating that you believe in conspiracy theories.
lmfao and then kids will rebel against everything their parents say.
But trannies are a subset of gay men.
>Can you tell a 4 year old boy "you were supposed to be a girl. you're not yourself. you're not normal. you want to be a girl" and have him believe it? Absolutely.
Can you? Because a lot of trans people actually started to recognise their own gender identity around that age despite being told the opposite by everyone, including their parents, and often don't even come out until much later. If it worked like that, a lot of people who are trans wouldn't be.
Fag here. I literally don't care. If I want gay content I'll just turn on morenatsu
Screencapped this.
>bet you didn't know about that huh? heh... got em
>literally said immediately after being factually wrong
lol trumplets
Someone already posted that and like other people have said, you'd have to be absolutely fucking retarded not to realize backing out of donating to a charity is a bad idea that'd fuck up your company's image. Besides, it's good ammo against trannies trying to claim they're homophobic and transphobic
Children don't even know what gender is at that age you god damn psycho.
Nothing went right. The game is still getting stuff removed and they're still donating to a tranny charity while still getting mandatory sensitivity training. If anything they're a bunch of flip flopping pussies that can't stand their ground and tell people to fuck off.
It's called AUTOGYNOPHILIA Tone, these guys got a fuckin fetish about havin a pussy. Swear to god.
Most people dont have any memory of being 4.
Not even close. Trannies are actually straight men who are such failures they become too obsessed with females and want to become them. No gay men wants to be a woman or associate with people who want to be women. Trannies belong to straights.
This sounds like this bitch was a child trafficker working as a foster mother.
>you'd have to be absolutely fucking retarded
And guess what 90% of the people obsessed with this "controversy" are?
Don't care. They are attacking all SJWs on their Twitter right now which is ballsy. I call this victory, good enough
any kind of sense of humor is now bigoted.
I imagine that if she hadn't gone through with hormone therapy and instead had just had a late onset male puberty that might've been a bit different
Whatever, as long as they don't cuckout on the actual game, I'm fine.
Still a retarded decision to flush 10k down the drain for faggots.
Actually all trannies are AGP addicts which is a straight fetish. Gay men could not be farther from trannies. Even traps and femboys are the polar opposite of trannies, since traps and femboys celebrate male beauty while trannies absolutely hate anything male and want to destroy the idea of male beauty.
>poisoning is fucking easy compared to what you are suggesting.
It's a trade-off for being able to call anyone who criticizes you a bigot and evading the potential of being charged for child neglect and manslaughter. It's an insurance policy for the narcissists in question.
that's taking the middle stance which is absolutely right.
There's hotlines for a lot of different groups, like alcoholics for example
>can't drink or buy guns unless you're an adult
>can transition at age 4
clown world
There is however plenty wrong when a developer edits their own game under pressure from the publisher in response to threats from harassment groups, which is the cause of almost all instances of developers editing their games. This is also an extra disingenuous comment to make because there are practically no cases where these edits would not be made by the developer, wilfully or not.
protect cute twinks of the future from dickchopping psychopaths. deus vult.
Apparently she did, yeah. Anyway, it's just letters on a piece of paper at that point.
>Trannies are actually straight men
Empirically wrong. If you want to be treated like a woman by other men, then you're gay. Wanting dick inside of you is wanting to be treated like a woman. Almost every tranny wants dick inside of them, most of them were simply gay men before they transitioned. Therefore trannies are a subset of gay men.
Hope all of you transphobes enjoy being put on a list. The switch from Yea Forums to 4channel wasn't just for the brand, you know.
They probably don't have a working definition of it, no, but they have a sense of identity.
Gender identity isn't a real thing, you lunatic. You're either male or female, and that has no bearing on how you dress or act. If you're a boy and you want to wear a dress that's fine and should be encouraged if it makes you happy. But you aren't a girl, you weren't meant to be a girl, and you wouldn't be happier as a girl. Teach people to be happy with who they are and accept their quirks and oddities. Don't teach them they have to mutilate themselves and conform to some stupid fad or stereotype to feel normal, because that's not true at all. Crossdressers are always happier and healthier than trannies, for obvious reasons.
i bet they have doge memes too, those are hot and fresh right now!
I miss old bioware. I just want some optional romance in some gays.
Listen there are a few people who you can look at age 6 and know they're fucking gay as hell. That's not most people and trans people have to go through unalterable bullshit. So don't subject kids to it until later when they are sure.
Did they specifically refer to it as "homophobic content" as the headline implies they SAID, or is this legitimately slander and fake news.
Which is odd considering bigots have no sense of humour
I don't get it
No one gets it now and it's already discouraged by damn near every medical professional you can find. You shitposters have built it up to be some society-destroying boogieman when it couldn't be further from it.
You are right, I got confused about his age when the story was published in a newspaper.
Said that an 11 yo is still an idiot who can't consent to shit, worse if he's been groomed since he was even younger than 6.
I just hope this means we can talk about the actual game soon.
Actually most trannies call themselves "transbians" and only want to be with women.
>"My body my choice!"
>Forces their child to become a different gender/sex.
>Has their genitals mutilated.
When the doctor asked if my mother wanted my cock snipped she asked if there was any reason besides aesthetics to have it done. The doctor said nope.
Thanks based Mom and non-Jewish doctor.
Even insurance companies won't pay for circumcisions these days since it's considered an elective cosmetic procedure.
keep going, user. first you say that the parents are pretty much acting without reason and thought but out of a psychotic disorder and now you make them into an evil mastermind who have planned this all along. your mental gymnastics are of the chart and i'll wish you a good day.
I live in NYC. I've been acquainted with trannies. They're gay men.
its actually YAGO you read from bottom to top
I don't care if they are cucking on some things resetera can't handle not getting their way 100% that's fine with me
Changing your birth certificate is not just 'letters on a piece of paper'. It's a major legal change. And 4 year olds don't even know what a birth certificate is, let alone the concept of gender identity, or differences between male and female.
You can't "feel like a girl" when you don't even know what the differences between male and female are. If a boy likes playing with dolls, all he knows is that he likes playing with dolls. He only thinks this makes him a girl if his parents tell him that it makes him a girl.
You can even see the disgust on her face.
> The 57-year-old is a keen supporter of same-sex couples adopting children. One of the foster "families" mentioned in the case was formed by a same-sex female couple and, according to Il Giornale, a few of the foster mothers under investigation have been previously involved in a lesbian affair with Anghinolfi.
>Gender identity isn't a real thing, you lunatic.
Don't let verifiable facts about society get in the way of your wishful thinking, I guess.
Cope more, tranny.
This is correct.
You think he would have ever gone off it? After years of mental abuse? Get off it. By that point his entire support network is full of people who are telling him that he is a girl. Like hell he would even admit that he was wrong.
we did it bros. We saved the video game.
Kids aren't subjected to anything unalterable. For that matter, not even adult trannies have to. It depends on the severity of the dysphoria.
Imagine being such an attention whoring SJW faggot that you have to post a screen shot proving you removed the game from your account so you can get vindication from your fellow mentally ill transfriends that you're a good person and everyone else is white and evil. I am thankful every day that I'm not a tremendous FagBag.
>No one gets it now
good fuck trannies
Gender identity is not a real thing. You've been fed lies. Educate yourself.
Homone blockers have long term effects. You can't just go back to getting everything running well again.
Where's your PhD on child developmental psychology, user
>Portion of the community.
More like all of it, you knee bending tranny pandering faggots.
You need to be taught a stern lesson.
Burn it down, senpaitachi.
You're right this is stupid. I let them get in my head.
Is still believe the whole scandal is pointless.
The devs didn't spread the information, thought. They discussed it on a private chat, which an user leaked.
Are you trying to be ironic? Because you're literally letting verifiable facts about biology get in the way of your wishful thinking. Gender identity is not real at all and has been disproven. Your clothes don't determine your gender and your gender doesn't determine your clothes. It's just a matter of what's fashionable in the current year. You don't need to mutilate yourself to wear heels just because men wearing heels isn't in style anymore like it was a few hundred years ago.
>Still gave them money
The state of liberals.
Where's yours?
There we go again with the conspiracy theories and slanderous accusations. And then you're still just riding on a single anecdote. You're desperate.
"Flip flopping" is a meme invented to discredit politicians who actually think for themselves and don't just toe party lines.
>wake up
>"oh boy today's gonna be a gr-"
>mfw I remember trannies are still being normalized
God I really fucking hope so
I weep for that child.
>Yea Forums still standing strong against the tumblr scourge unlike Yea Forums and /tg/
Unironically based.
Dysphoria isn't real, user.
How is this acceptable?
A four year old hasn't established an identity, much less thought about gender past girls can wear skirts.
for the trannyera faggots it was never about the ogay bottle, it was because the dev said tranny shit shouldn't be forced on a child by the parent
this is absolutely right.
you'd be surprised. i could probably find you some racist long island guineas that are fucking hilarious.
The study you're citing literally proves the opposite, though. David Reimer suffered from gender dysphoria. He'd been told his entire life that he was a girl. He had no material reason to question it. And yet his identity told him otherwise, from a very young age.
How are they not outraged about this line?
Based and truthpilled.
>Because you're literally letting verifiable facts about biology get in the way of your wishful thinking.
No, we're just not talking about biology.
They were. Right now they're focused on the soap bottle for some reason but i'm sure they'll get back to it.
But there was money involved. Clearly this had more to do with giving unfit people children for money.
I haven't been to /tg/ in many years but at this point I am kind of scared to go back because I want to avoid the potential disappointment.
There is no such thing as gender dysphoria you retard.That shit has been debunked hard. The fact that somebody can be tricked and abused into thinking they should have been a girl is hard evidence that dysphoria is not a real condition and is a social sickness that can be forced on people by adults who don't know any better. Which is the entire fucking point everyone arguing against you is making.
this THIS
As I straight male who doesn't like traps, ladyboys or dickgirls I disagree. I've had gay friends and they don't act like trannies whatsoever.
They like having a cock and using it to ream other men with cocks. They even refer to trannys are 'those freaks'.
I hear that mentality is common among homos.
Okay, well, everyone arguing against me is wrong, then.
>The fact that somebody can be tricked and abused into thinking they should have been a girl
The actual fact is that in spite of all the effort, that somebody wasn't.
>Gender identity isn't a real thing, you lunatic
It's an abstract concept only found in our thoughts that's about as much as a real thing as ideology and logic.
>and you wouldn't be happier as a girl
How would you even know that? There are many accounts of trans people who have found themselves to be happier than how they used to be.
>Teach people to be happy with who they are and accept their quirks and oddities
You want people to be happy with being fat? Where's the problem in wanting to change yourself in areas you're not happy with?
>Don't teach them they have to mutilate themselves and conform to some stupid fad or stereotype to feel normal, because that's not true at all.
HRT is about the most reliable help medical practices can offer to those suffering from gender dysphoria, and has provably reduced suicidal ideations and signs of depressions compared to those who didn't take it (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
>There is no such thing as gender dysphoria
>dysphoria is not a real condition and is a social sickness
This doesn't sound contradictory to you?
> sensitivity training
Space out and secretly play with their phones while a feminist cunt gives them a powerpoint presentation about the benefits of diversity, gender equality, and blah blah blah and not give a shit about a word she says. Wow, it's fucking nothing
> Donating to an LGBT suicide prevention hotline
What do you expect them to do? Rescind the donation? Yeah, there's absolutely no way rescinding a donation to a suicide prevention hotline could possibly make them look bad. Also it's not like they can use the donation as proof against SJWs claiming they're transphobic and homophobic. You've got a natural talent for PR there user. I could see you being extremely successful in that field.
This is the true light of reason.
Depends on the gays but yeah. I can't stand trannies. If they don't have a working cock what's the point of having sex with them?
Wow, an actual McCain shill?
>f you're a boy and you want to wear a dress that's fine and should be encouraged if it makes you happy
if by boy you mean child then fuck no
>mental illness isn't real
What? Do you not think things like schizophrenia exist too?
>This doesn't sound contradictory to you?
it's not contradictory at all. "gender dysphoria" isn't something you're born with, and it's not something you develop out of your control. it's something that people claim to have because they've realized society treats men worse and with less care than women. you don't treat "gender dysphoria" by telling somebody to mutilate themselves, you treat it by reminding them that the grass isn't actually greener on the other side and that they should be true to themselves instead of lying to themselves.
Repeat after me; this is helpful. This is medicine. This is not insane.
>i was eating a sandwich
Thanks bro
When I was 4 pretty much all that was on my mind was crayons and toys, "a lot of trans people actually started to recognise their own gender identity around that age" just sounds like trannies coping with the fact that they got memed hard. If a 4 year old is "deciding" that he's trans then you just know that his parents have been forcing their insanity onto him.
This. cute males are a treasure and should never be encouraged to mutilate themselves.
I would fuck a FtM, preop that is.
It's no different than fucking a tomboy.
>no timmy put down that barbie doll you're not allowed to play with that because i'm insecure so you should be too
You're just as fucked up as the tranny scumbags to be honest. Stop letting stereotypes rule your life you pathetic weakling.
you are a literal pedophile
Reminder that you cannot argue with a useful idiot.
You could legitimately have their leaders driving a boot up their ass and then throwing them into a gulag, and they're so programmed that they would believe it's their own fault instead of asking why. You could have their media darlings and agenda proponents walk into their house, decapitate babies in front of them, and they'd call it "okay" because the baby belonged to parents that didn't have their political bend.
tomboys have beards and body hair? and a dried out vagina.
yea nice study there, literally an online survey for at most one year
holy shit, but its in a science journal so i guess putting kids on hormone blockers is ok then
Oh god, why?
kys ironic weeb faggot
>it's something that people claim to have because they've realized society treats men worse and with less care than women.
It's kinda funny how transphobes just flat-out deny the existence of FtM trans people.
Do you tranny scumsuckers ever get tired of lying? Literally every single thing you posted is straight up false.
>Right now they're focused on the soap bottle for some reason
Wrong, you faggots are the ones obsessed with the soap bottle
Resetera trannies were obsessed with the hidden dev text
I was just dropping by to give my two cents, you know. You don't want to challenge a Hunterchad. Trust me.
>When I was 4 pretty much all that was on my mind was crayons and toys
Pretty sure you had a good sense of your gender by then. Of course in your case it wasn't really remarkable considering you're cis. But I bet you knew you were different from girls.
once you call them out they just say that ftm are poor girls brainwashed by feminism. they can't help but indulge in their victim complex.
> removing stuff
> OGAY soap is still in
> Only thing that was removed was a single message that you would never even see unless you noclipped outside the level
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
So they're keeping ogay but removing the fagbag debug text. That's reasonable given only one of those two things was meant to be in the game to begin with.
Normal. The word is 'normal'.
lmao he posted links to actual studies, meanwhile your side has been panicking about child mutilation which has literally been debunked before our very eyes
This is child abuse
Why the fuck is this legal
Based and gaypilled.
you may be cis but you're sure as fuck not normal being on Yea Forums and in this thread.
Right, as in "transalpine Gaul" and "normalalpine Gaul"