Thoughts on Dying Light 2?
Dying Light 2
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Watched the stream, it looked fucking great
based CHADvellone
Looks like it'll at the very minimum be at least as good as the first game, which is great. I was a bit on the fence at first since they announced the game without showing anything too substantial or interesting, but the game play demo today got me excited. They did a terrible job casting the protagonist though since he sounds almost exactly like Kyle Crane.
Why the fuck are the graphics worse than in the first game?
>Scripted gameplay
Basically showed nothing
I thought E3 was months ago
>written by chris avellone
day 1 buy
Cringe, but redpilled.
it looks so bad, apex legends level of lighting
The combat looks shittier than the first game. Parry system looks clunky. Humans don't take noticeable damage until they're dead. "Choice" system will be fully exhausted within 2 playthroughs. Gonna have to pass on this one chief.
one of few games i'm looking forward to
hey fuck you
why are "journalists" like this
It looks quite good desu, this is the only aaa game which I am waiting for thanks to the gameplay, it also seems dialogues and voice acting improved and won't be so big chore anymore.
polymeme or memetaku?
Blind retards
Just google "dying light 2 white supremacist".
Dying Light was a pretty good 7/10 game and the worst part by far was the story, so having Chris Avellone take over seems like a great decision
Cope. It looks like a fucking PS3/X360 game.
ya but, how's it play?
360 is actually more powerful than what you would consider a "high-end" gaming rig.
>zombies are all inside
Does this mean no spike barricades, car traps, nor electric fences?
I will buy it because I liked the first one. If it sucks I will refund it. Simple as.
It means shut the fuck up and buy the season pass.
I should probably get around to finishing the first one.
You could still do nasty stuff to humans
Clunkily judging from the gameplay vid in the OP.
Pic related is literally why i'll buy this. Thank god techland is still based.
Nobody asked for a sequel.
I couldn't finish the first one after many tries. The game mechanics are solod but they're so uninspired. The plot is really boring as well.
>Yeah I didn't buy DOOM because the Polygon reviewer played it like crap
what are you talking about didn't it end on a big cliffhanger
There's a difference between playing like crap and the game being not good.
Looks better or just as good as the first one, and this is without the Global Illumination raytracing.
Fucking everybody asked for a sequel. People loved the first game
first one was shit, this one looks terrible
It ended with the bad guys losing and the good guys winning and a doctor telling the protagonist that a cure for the disease is very possible and likely.
Raytracing's not worth it yet
Chris? Chris avelone?! I'm getting two!
Fuck off back to the dragon quest threads autist
But aren't humans a big thing with all the factions in this one? They're not as dumb as the zombies as well to walk into electrocuted puddles, or at least I hope so
fuck you scum
This shit was more scripted than a purely cinematic trailer. The jumping looks so floaty compared to the first one.
But I like the game to some degree. I just couldn't finished it because it's a chore to play.
I loved the first game and I'm hopeful for this one, but from what we've seen so far it looks like you'll be fighting a lot more humans with some "rise up" tier story. I just wanna drop kick zombies and watch them fly 20 metres.
Don't say "nah" to me.
It is, looked great in Metro.
Maybe if you shelled out $2000 and are happy with 45fps
consolefags coping again
dont worry you get your raytracing next gen
Did you not play the fucking DLC? It ends with either Crane nuking Harran, or him turning into a volatile and escaping the quarantine zone. All the "good guys" die either way.
I liked the first one alot
If they improved the story like they said and made the map more interesting to explore I can easily see this being a 9/10 for me
I'll probably buy it just for this very reason
I dunno user, I could see this mechanic of trowing something and then a few punks go "eh? what was that" while walking over to your trap. And don't forget zomies roam the streets during the night
what kinda gay fucking name is aidan lmao fucking trash shoulda had character creation hahaha aidan wtf kinda name is that lol
>hmm, how should we display our parkour game gameplay demo?
>I know! by sneaking and going 1mph!
Why do game developers do this?
no, I have a 2080ti actually
Do I look like I pay for fucking DLC, faggot?
Sure but aren't the night zombies the fast tough ones though?
Its not a dlc but more like a big expansion like witcher 3 and its expansion
It's called an expansion user. You might be too young for those, but they used to be pretty common
Don't comment on something you haven't even played then, retard.
>survives a direct harpoon gun shot
>moments later steals it and it oneshots every other enemy
how the fuck...
Do I even need to point out how absolutely cringe these posts are?
You mean your posts?
Honestly looks amazing tbqh
lol cope
Cringe, without a doubt.
There's the super night zombies and there's the normal zombies that are slightly more agressive during the night but you could still use traps on em
Hope there will be more and less stiff gunplay in this one, liked the last one but it was at its best when you had the grapling hook amd plenty of ammo
reminds me mirrors edge more than dying light. way way more emphasis on parkour this time
That's a very good thing.
>sliding under the door and using what held it as a weapon
100% it won't be usefull after the first couple missions
It better have
>at its best when you had the grapling hook
No way. The grappling hook broke the game and made it too easy. I purposefully avoid using it when it's unlocked
Might get it. The only zombie game I can give any fuck about.
>le epic cinematic scripted event where everything falls beneath your feet (but you never feel tense and in danger because you know it's a shitty script)
>mash x to another boring QTE
>playable character grumbling and muttering to himself with generic super cinematic but poorly mixed acting voice that's in every soulless AAA game now
>press x to silent takedown an enemy that's obviously scripted to remain with his backed turn when you reach his location, actually 'cinematic' stealth for absolute mongoloids
>scripted enemy surprise jumping you out of nowhere, because ADHD retards might get bored with organic encounters that are the consequences of their own exploration choices
>'cinematic' slowmo when killing enemy
>unskippable exposition dialogue 'immersive' cutscene that remain first person but take all control away from you, with one dimensional bland characters, generic soulless voice acting and diverse and inclusive gangs
>quest markers compass and yellow icon all over the screen to follow the truck
>focus on melee combat in a first person game (literally always feels awkward and floaty)
>obviously demo'd on a console with a gamepad, with the obligatory cliché walk and tilt camera very slowly to show the scenery and progression points, literally no one ever plays like this, why do devs always do this awful forced handholding retards shit instead of just playing the game normally
>obviously abysmal AI
I don't know how many awful clichés you can cram in a single presentation but they are really trying. I truly hate how cancerous and formulaic the industry is. This is supposed to be the new immersive sim/Chris Avelone gem which I should be super excited about but everything about it completely turns me off.
Dying Light 2
Colonel did nothing wrong
Can you fuck his daughter though
What a shame, I think I must've had spent a few hours just throwing and kicking zombies onto spikes in the first game. Hope the parkour would be enough to quell the urges, but now I'm not super interested in buying it
I was really surprised that Dying Light was so good.
I hope the sequel is just as enjoyable. and that we get some confirmation on whether or not Kyle is the Night Hunter
>picks up metal bar
>weapon breaks after 2 swings
Sick game.
>This is supposed to be the new immersive sim/Chris Avelone gem which I should be super excited about but everything about it completely turns me off.
It's supposed to be a goddamn sequel to Dying Light and it looks exactly like that
yeah, probably
get fucked man
Dying Light is great
Dying Light 2 seems like it's going to be even better
Dilate, tranny
It's obviously one of the first missions so all of that scripted shit won't be during the whole game
And the floor falling below you can really fuck you up during free roam
I've put about 2 hours into Dying Light 1. It's a B- game so far. Does it get better or is this what I can expect for the rest of the game?
Every poster here is cringe except me, even those who I agree with.
I'm interested but what the fuck is wrong with the movement mechanics? They look so fucking unnatural and assisted. I remember 1's being much better than that.
my only real concern with this game is that humans might not be as interesting to fight as the zombie hordes
hopefully they'll give you an actual reason to go out at night and fight some zombies
We'll see how it is, maybe you'll be able to do that and new things in buildings and to humans
Hope there's not an option to skip the night
At best you'd get better moves like the dropkick and grapples
First one was really fun, this one looks good too
Much like Far Cry which the game heavily ripped off, it gets better when you have better weapons and skills. Until grappling hook ruins the game I guess.
>zombies are absolutley harmless now
Why bother tho
You retarded? First one looked way more blurry and washed out with the yellow tint. This one has a much more clear color pallet.
Grappling hook was dumb. Completely ruins one of the core aspects of the game. I never used it, and I hope it doesn’t return.
>That song playing through 11:13
I need the name bad
And never mind, instantly found it
they look the same what are you talking about, either way dying light is only worth playing on hard
Blvck Ceiling - Fountains
they always were harmless except at night
>the absolute state
wait, so the developers are cucked?
If most of the zombie action in this one is meant to happen during the night, then I sure as shit hope you can't skip it as well. I also hope they got rid of the absolutely retarded survivor sense from the first game which completely ruins the suspense of night time once you realize you can just spam press one button to know where every dangerous enemy is at all times.
this, looks like shit
>Being a graphicsfag
blind retard
A 10 dollars game worth to be played with cheat engine permanently on
Looks incredible. First one was kino.
You should play the first one again
demo looks same as the first one
idk what the high sys reqs are for
absolutely disgusting
probably because its one big map now instead of 2 smaller ones
I've played it, looks way better, only bad thing was the chromatic aberration
shill retard
>Characters look like they're made of clay.
>Weapons made of metal "break".
First game is on sale and I'm on the fence whether I should buy the Enhanced edition or just the normal version, which is cheaper.
Does the DLC add anything to the main campaign or is it all just separate modes and content on the side?
>looks way better
Nah, youre just cherrypicking that one area that's been underwater.
Looks about the same but it's one big city now instead of two or three areas.
enhanced has the expansion pack which has new weapons and takes place out in the countryside
>Does the DLC add anything to the main campaign or is it all just separate modes and content on the side
the following adds a completely new map and the bozak horde is fun in coop.
the rest is just skins
Emhanced edition all the way, The following DLC is a big expansion that continue after the base game story ended and adds in a new big open world and buggy vehicle that you upgrade.
this literally looks like fallout 4 just with better draw distance, disgusting
Only the following is worth it, it's a whole new campaign that ends in a conclusion to the whole story.
they managed to create underwater sections without water
apparently this is washed out but this isn't holy kek what a retard
Are you referring to the speed at which the main character moves? You moved slow as shit at the start of the first game as well until you leveled up your agility
Dying Light will always have a special place in hell for killing Hellraid.
looked like shit
Dying Light was always going to be better anyways
no, the dark areas with infection, it's like underwater and no breath
Woah yeah chromatic aberration is bad, thanks sherlock
>Unironically defending zombie survival schlock and thinking it is better than a fantasy hack and slash inspired by Heretic and Hexen
Neck yourselves m8s
lets not forget the low res buildings and shitty mountain in the back
this game seems a lot better than death stranding tho, the only thing that i complain is the awful graphics but we will see.
>parcour game is better than generic fantasy hacknslash
>Attaching yourself to the window dressing of the games and not the mechanics they provide for gameplay
There's a serious lack of good first-person parkour movement games
I have never understood the hype behind Hellraid. Wasn't this just suppose to be Dead Island but with dark fantasy skin?
let's not forget it's a 2015 game which had better draw distance than any other AAA game, fucking retard
I don't see how dying light is to blame for hellraid. Also i don't think techland said the game is kill yet.
Go play Mirror's Edge, fags. Techland has been absorbed into this shit series for several years now, making absolutely nothing else.
or I could have a new game with good parkour since I already played ME
Mirror's Edge have been played to high and heaven and Catalyst is absolute shit tier. What else is there?
Dying Light turned out to be a sleeper hit, which caused Techland to focus all of their resources on developing DLC for it and now a sequel. They've also been saying that Hellraid isn't dead for over six years now.
>chilling and running around
>00:00 - 00:30 starts playing as the sun starts to set
The ambient music brings the atmosphere to 11
>Go play Mirror's Edge
I already played that in 2008
the maps arent really big so its not hard to have decent draw distance
go play Skyrim
It was supposed to have freeform character building, diablo-like loot and a much improved combat system (compared to Dead Island), with active blocks and even more sophisticated locational damage.
>le epic cinematic
i was just some FPS camera movement for 40 seconds
>playable character grumbling and muttering
yeah that's just a voice actor "acting" i guess but still not awful just innecessary
>press x to silent takedown
it was just a fucking zombie standing behind a door again just unnecesary
>unskippable exposition dialogue
>quest markers
easy way to deal with complex building/city design
>focus on melee combat in a first person game (literally always feels awkward and floaty)
yeah but it is fast enough to so not that bad
>obviously demo'd on a console with a gamepad
>obviously abysmal AI
this is your only good point and yeah most of this kind of games suffer a lot from bad AI i hope this wont ruin most of the combat system
fucking boomer kill yourself lmoa
That looked fucking amazing. I loved DL and if the promise of a branching narrative holds true and gives the campaign modularity and replayability then this is shaping up really well. I doubt that this level of attention and work has been poured into the majority of the content though. They have been talking this mission up for what feels like a year by now - that might be telling. Even if it's just for the main quest it should be fun. Honestly, I had pretty much forgotten about this game at this point. That presentation upped my hype significantly. Seems as though the music isn't as good as in the first one. Bummer
that was on ps4 so it didn't have any of the global illumination shit
Who here detonated the bomb?
this looks fun is the first one worth?
>Detonating the bomb
>Not properly roleplaying Kyle
I'll never detonate the bomb
>they added self shadows
finally, the lack of it really fucking bothered me in the first game.
>it was at its best when you had the grapling hook
it trivialized the whole game and makes it possible to kite pursuites forever
if you turn on RTX there will be a lot more shadows thanks to global illumination raytracing
how much of a big boy computer do you need for rtx
the biggest
>zombies are actually lethal 1-on-1
>you can get infected and there's no more antizin
Holy shit, YES.
People can not like or be hyped for games without being a shill?
4fps wow
agreed word for word, games like this are pure cancer, every decision is made with the most retarded casuals in mind, purely profit driven trite
>Another zombie related media that shifts the focus away from surviving the zombies and the infection to the relationships between people and factions
This is how TWD died and became the cringefest it is now
i dont even care if i can do more new ninja shit and dropkick everything to death ill give them all my moneys
There's a point where you adapt and grow beyond the threat. The threat of a zombie is only unpredictable when in arm's length or its pursuit, but with enough experience or weaponry only a slip up, a really bad situation or really shitty luck is enough to really cost you in future encounters. The problem with The Walking Dead wasn't that humans became the dominant threat specifically, because the seeds were there from the beginning; it's that the drama overtook the survival, and everyone started acting like retards to justify conflict among one another so that the human threats can standout. If a series just continued to focus on the zombies you'd have to kill veteran cast members off in succession every once in a while or else invent yet another arbitrary situation for a zombie to be threatening yet again, and eventually that arbitrary nature would devolve into the same stupidity.
And by the TV show, season 2 was already full of stupidity when the zombies were still the focus, so it was doomed from the outset.
Zombies are fucking boring and can only serve as a setting foundation. The whole point is to depict a complete collapse of human society as we know it now. People adopting caveman logic and returning to the concept of basic fear of wild and predators at night is a much more interesting theme.
should I get dying light or should I wait for this? The game looks interesting
Get the enhanced edition.
Dying Light 1 is awesome, it comes with all the dlc for 20 bucks. You'd have lots of time to play it until this is out.
This man gets it. FUCK humans. If I wanted relationships between people I would just fucking go outside. Give me zombies for christ's sake
Zombies only really ever lose their threat factor if there are enough people to form communities. If it's just you in a 15 mile radius, you're not going to be building settlements that keep you safe from the zombies. Think of I am Legend, for instance. It's just one guy and the entirety of the story focuses around him trying to survive on a day to day basis.
The problem is always introducing too much of the human element and thus diluting the threat of the zombies/infected.
First game is honestly much better than this shit looks so yeah
appreciated, fellas
Metal isn’t as strong as you think faggot, especially when cutting through flesh and bone.
To be fair, I Am Legend is also a movie, so it can afford to have its entire plot be focused around the survival of zombies and the protagonist's efforts involving them. When you're a long running comic series or TV franchise, the only way you're avoiding a community aspect is by making humans nigh-extinct or as sparse as the reader's willing to accept. Because the long-term result is almost always gonna result in communities otherwise if there's plenty of people still hanging on that won't die in seconds if zombies catch a whiff of them.
The polish game that deserved all the love that other, shittier polish game got
>climbing drains stamina
and you lost me. penalizing players for climbing away from danger is fucking lame. just make the zombies faster, don't make the player slower.
I'll give you that a long running series probably does have to mix things up if it wants to keep going, but Dying Light is a contained experience just like I Am Legend, so there's no reason for it to so heavily shift its focus into communal survival and human on human conflict. If I'm not mistaken, zombies are relegated to only appear in interiors which, to me, sounds like a very bad idea.
It looks like it has
It's the start of the game in an RPG, the character grows.
Also I recommend farming some agility points so you have some moves and faster climbing early.
This is an easy way to do it but there are other great ways.
I'm sure it'll be ok with some upgrades. You can probably get infinite stamina like the first game.
TWD died because the good writers fucked off and the bad ones did it for the paycheck
>climbing drains stamina
Isn't it the same as in first game without leveling?
Enhanced for sure, the base game was alright but the expansion is what made it genuinely good.
>implying anyone here plays games
It's pretty obvious why the human focus is here, Chris Avallone wouldn't be able to flaunt his MORALLY AMBIGUOUS narrative choices affecting the entire city if there wasn't. But honestly the infected still look way more dangerous than the humans for a scripted trailer, and you still gotta run like hell. It makes more sense to contain all the infected you can in-doors than to try to wipe them out or ignore them entirely.
I didn't enjoy Dying Light.
Clearly wasnt scripted though lmao. That was very obviously all real gameplay. Definitely found someone who hasnt played DL1
Thanks. I guess that settles it then.
>Why the fuck are the graphics worse than in the first game?
Because Dying Light 1 was at one point considered to be a last gen game.
This meant that Dying Light 1 was designed to be way more optimized and less demanding with its visuals, which IN TURN allowed the devs to not cheap out on stuff like good texture work once the game finally went next-gen.
I guarantee that DL2 [technically] has more dynamic lighting, higher polycount, whatever; but I agree with you it looks worse. Looks too clean.
I am Legend is about fucking vampires faggots. And how he was the boogieman to them rather than vice versa
read the goddamn book
>Love Avellone and think Techland is a great dev.
>But dead sick of zombies.
>I am Legend is about fucking vampires faggots
>no way, what a fag
>read up on it
>he is right
kek nice
we're talking the movie not the book, dipshit. if we were talking about the book, we would have said so because it requires that distinction from the film.
There's barely any zombies in the game by the looks of it.
>several minutes of escaping a zombie-filled mall, and numerous buildings filled with the fuckers while traveling around
>also they're mutating again judging by the end
They're still there and they're probably gonna fuck shit up all over again.
Gameplay-wise, this doesn't look that bad at all to be completely honest. This is one of the few upcoming AAA/AA games that I'm positive will deliver. The first game was an 8/10, so far this one doesn't look like it's going to be less than an 8/10 either.
It's still about one person surviving in the midst of hostile creatures, which is what the discussion was about.
This one is more focused on character and faction politics, personally I think it could be great if the factions are compelling, zombies, nuclear fallout, it's all window-dressing to what is really important.
>instantly blacklisted for the word dying
>all ai algorithms attribute it to gore
Unless DL devs pay out of pocket for ads, it will be advertised nowhere. Even then its only for what they pay.
Anyone uploading or streaming it, will be blacklisted by the ai as goreposters and will be slapped permanently with a mature adult rating and be dropped from seo rankings and memory holed.
Sales will only be related to those advertised views, word of mouth, ads in things like steam, and active subs/mailing lists thats it.
Gaming devs and all artists/creators need to realize that we lost the war a decade ago and its only getting worse and you MUST create child friendly and ai friendly content or you get blacklisted, PERIOD.
What a waste of time and effort and skill to just throw your project in the trash.
wow thats pretty gay
So the wristband with the dots. Is that an indicator of just the time or something else? I remember in a trailer as soon as it hit night the player character got more confident, does that mean we get a form of the zombie's powers?
IIRC it's something to do with the level of infection or something.
imagine thinking this shit matters, word of mouth is everything and this game will sell like shit because it looks like shit
Maybe you should get an RTX if you have 4fps, dumbass.
It will sell well because it is the sequel to the first.
It won't because it looks worse than the first.
The worst part of the first game was the story, so if it has the same gameplay as the first but with better writing, it's gonna be pretty friggin good.
The only real question is how they're going to do proper 4-players with that dialog tree Unless they don't do a co-op. I FUCKING HOPE but i know they wont
Nobody watches trannytube, dilate
Where the fuck are volatiles?
I always thought they looked too much like the vampires in Blade 2
more like dying hype lol
I guess the autistic shitposter is targeting this game now. He must have got bored shitting on DMCV.
No clue but i loved their design and it would be shame if there would be no new volatiles.
Just don't fuck up the last boss again.
pic related
I don't think they will drop dangerous zombies though. that was the whole night gimmick.
Lmao they look identical.
I hope they add even more night time monsters especially the ones from early dl1 concept art.
They said there will be new zombie types and all the ones from the first game returning as well
depends how SJW is it from 1 to 10?
>Yea Forums shits on a game I like
>it must be that one person who shat on the other game I liked
I think the autist here is you
I realized it's the same voice actor from the first game, hell yeah.
Uh huh, keep telling yourself that.
>Yea Forums
i know you have multiple personalities, but samefagging doesn't count as multiple people or the entire board.
I thought the same thing but according to other sites, it's not the same guy. He does sound strikingly similar though. It doesn't help that some of the animation yells and grunts are currently reused from DL1.
>dead sick of zombies
try 5 years ago, I am sick of cyberpunk and neons nowadays
ohh ok those were the grunts from the first game, that had me fucked up
When you retards spend a bit more time on this board you'll realize Yea Forums shits on pretty much every game.
Dying Light is one of the few games that gets a "good to great" reception from Yea Forums. To pretend to be multiple people shitting on the sequel and then act like it's the entire board is pathetic.
nigger fuck off.
TWD dead died bcs the writers are trannies.
No one said it's the whole board, there are always multiple people shitting on a game regardless of the consensus, also liking the first doesn't mean automatically liking the second, keep crying boogeyman though, that's not pathetic at all.
I'm watching the demo and I like how the grapple can be used in new ways like pulling down a barrel to take out some enemies or making an opening to a vent shaft
>also liking the first doesn't mean automatically liking the second
And what good reason would a fan of the first have for disliking the second?
This is one of those things where I'm super hyped about it but keep forgetting it exists.
>dude it's totally normal to hate on the sequel that improves everything based on the footage we've seen!
>drinking water will end
>a man with the bad reputation
What the fuck.
If they make a comeback, they better be unkillable this time. The first few nights when you couldn't do shit against the volatiles and actually had to sneak about were tense as fuck and that should be how all nights should play out. But in DL, once you got good enough equipment and abilities, you could kill volatiles in droves.
Also it seems like you actually swing with it instead of just zooming directly to a point. It'll be a lot more satisfying to do aerial attacks off of.
Does the game have horizontal wallrunning yet?
The first game was missing a bunch of mirrors edge moves they need to add
I dont want to watch footage. We talking legit swinging physics and momentum or pre-baked shit?
dying light was a really fun coop game hindered by a terrible story
getting avellone in there should hopefully fix that
get metro 2033
The story was pretty fucking mediocre but I thought you could skip cutscenes?
At least they gave us nearly 30 minutes of footage, can't be said about Cyberpunk 2077
I can't wait to find out all the replayability we'll get with the different story choices. In the demo turning on the water pumps opens up an entire new area that was flooded before but also releases a new enemy type out of the ground. I also wonder how they've expanded on the stealth and if it's possible to take out lots of people without ever being detected. The guy could automatically crouch under lower objects, like in dishonored.
Fortunately yes.
Looks like actual swinging physics. You can also quickly use it in combat for a swing kick or something without looking up too.
It looks more like a shitty mirror's edge now
Yeah lets make it titanfall 2
>the only thing I wanted in DL1 was mario style wall jumps
>have long since accepted that the game is too realistic and cinematic to include such a mechanic
>my ACTUAL face when I saw it in this video
Im hyped I admit
dude are you retarded? explain how that's exclusive to titanfall
Wallrunning is not realistic.
Especially mirrors edge esque.
You can make wallrunning unrealistic and not enjoyable or way too unrealistic and enjoyable.
Titanfall got wallrunning to the perfect level and you cannot top that.
Its not just youtube moron. Its every platform you choose to post on.
AI censorship is universal now.
>word of mouth is everything
buuuuutt you realize I mean word of mouth as in you directly told your friends
posting it goes back to the same ai censorship problem.
You post it and it gets listed as gore, so your friends dont see it in your twitter,insta,facebook,youtube WHATEVER because its blacklisted as gore and simply because you post something doesnt mean it gets fed to other people.
It simply gets memory holed and blacklisted and nobody is served your post. The only people that will see your post, are the ones that actually navigate to it directly on your wall/whatever which if you know anything about seo, means effectively nobody like less than 1% of all clicks. If it isn't served by the website itself, it gets no traffic.
I love the dying light series, but they are completely playing the entire game wrong and headbutting into a wall.
Exactly how many posts of the dying light BR game did you see?
Do you even know what its called?
>successful zombie game with fun gameplay
>lets make it about humans and focus more on story because surely that's what people want
What were they smoking?
I have no actual clue but they should've kept the safehouse vibe make each of the safehouses seem a bit bigger with its own community and make them fight eachother with player acting as freelancer helping them ect.
Dying Light 1 had next to zero advertising and it sold enough for them to support it with content and events for 4 years.
There's a lot of new zombie stuff they're still hiding. Maybe the whole story won't be just about dealing with people.
The game would be a million times better with less ebin parkour and melee that gets old after an hour.
"If I stumble
They're gonna eat me alive"
lol Help I'm Alive is such an appropriate song for a parkour zombie game
Parkour was unironically the best part of DL1. The addition of the grappling hook diminished the enjoyment of exploration. I like how it looks in DL2 though.
ur smoking loads of fucking crack dawg the parkour is what made the first game so fun
it would have just been dead island basically
the problem with dying light, even the first game, is that the zombies arn't much of a threat to the player, gameplay wise, only during the beggining of the first game (and that was the best part of it)
i like the medieval feel
>The game would be a million times better with less ebin parkour
This is a very American post.
>tfw no culture
Yeah its american for sure
Parkour means you can escape any threat at any time by running in a random direction. It would be more fun if you had to fortify buildings to hide or find a car to escape or a sewage drain rather than just running.
Where is the new city anyway?
I presume it's Poland.
sounds pretty gay to me i like parkour and vertical level design like dishonored
>it would be more fun with less options and more realism
Dying Light 1 was Turkey, this looks like France to me.
Trying too hard.
Dying Light 1 was Syria I thought.
go outside.
I think there would have been even browner people and more sand if it were syria
That was half a decade ago in ai and corporate censorship.
Before the adpocolypse tightening. Before the failed ai raids for trump.
Its so much worse now.
You realize the ai programs train themselves daily on billions of new entries of text, visual, and audio files right?
Not including human tampering.
On top of that, you would also assume all of the dying light 1 footage mature ratings, hard f bomb cursing, etc rankings seasoning the ai's decisions on the new dying light content.
hellraid looked shit.
No it would force you to use different options. Right now all you need to do in the game to escape threats is to run, almost like Saints Row 4 with it's ridiculously overpowered abilities. It gets old fast.
you wouldn't have been able to dropkick people into spikes and off rooftops in hellraid
dying light > hellraid
Dying Light is one of a handful of games that Techland made that isn't shit.
go back to /pol/.
>It would be more fun if you had to fortify buildings
COD zombies connoisseur huh?
although i do agree that parkour was the way to go, he has a point
how many times in Dying Light 1 did you see a group of zombies and then just effortlessly climb a small house, rendering you completely safe from danger?
A very grounded zombie game which encourages fortification and defense is not a bad idea, its just not dying light
That's why special zombies that jump up and destroy cover exist.
But they only come out at night, it needs a real 24/7 threat
And the fast ones that climb structures are far too weak to pose a threat unless theres like 8 of them
Guess nobody gives a shit about zombies now, looks like this one will be much more human relationships focused. They even give you pocket UV and flares and shit to make zombies just an obstacle.
Based, hopefully we get faction kino like new vegas.
Deep Silver fixed the entire Dead Island/Dying Light franchise and completely fucked it with the next game
Why can't we ever have nice things
Honestly i think im ok with it, aslong as they improve the human combat because right now it looks clunky and easy
What did he mean by this?
have they changed the writer, the first one was pretty bad
Chris Avellone is the narrative director for this one.
An important part of the first game was the runner zombies, those guys would come at your fast as fuck.
The other day I was looting a chest inside of a building in sector zero thinking I was safe and two of those fuckers just ran up on me out of nowhere.
There will be even more zombie variety in this game so hopefully there will be a good amount of mobile zombie types.
If you play on normal and can see them on the minimap they aren't nearly as scary or threatening. I hope the new fast zombie types will be a good challenge even on normal mode in late game for DL2. I also think they shouldn't show zombies on the minimap for any diffculty so they can surprise you.
The only strategy for them is to throw flares or run. The most fun part of Dying Light honestly was the gunfights with humans.
but it's better as a night threat, it's more cinematic and gives the player much needed relief between stresses.
that's why resident evil doesn't have enemies in every single room at all times
>gunfights with humans
You mean humans with guns getting wrecked by my pimped up weapons being thrown in their faces.
user, your geography knowledge is astonishing
It wasn't turkey but it was close by
The DLC area was supposedly even closer by and had a turkish name or two
nice im dying for a decent written AAA games, looks like they took those criticism in the first game.
First person melee is a chore after the 5000th zombie. The game's a bad mash up of too many awkward design choices.
Dying light was one of the few times a game didn't meet my expectations in a very positive way. It was quite a bit better than even user reviews said. Not perfect but still solid.
I will try the sequel.
hopefully there will be places that still have zombies
the area they unlock in demo looks like is full of special zombies
I know. That's why I started throwing weapons.
Where the fuck is gothic 5 you polish bastards
But most of the game takes place during the day.
Unless you never sleep ever, a good 80% of the game is "relief time"
They better be.
The city map was the worst part of DL1, thankfully the hook made it bearable.
I hope they keep the guns/melee balance.
I still remember the 1st time I found a 9mm after hours of fighting melee.
Probably only the host will choose, your just in the hosts world so you're just along for the ride.
I hope they wont overdo the edge and drama, story might have been mediocre in the first but the second's choice-driven structure should not be at the cost of fun gameplay. (not enough zombies at day, only op zombies at night, too much parry simulator with human npcs)
Since when has Yea Forums cared about Dying Light?
Why not want Coop? Aslong as its optional it doesnt effect you at all
When Dead Island 2 went missing
since it came out
Yea Forums generally likes Dying Light a lot, but threads are made once in a blue moon if even.
Can't wait for the QTE final boss.
They already fixed that fuckup with The Following, so I doubt that's gonna happen again
There will still be plenty at night.
Im really glad the Colonel isnt just some edgy chaotic fuckhead like the other guy from the first game was, he actually seems to be level headed
yeah but then they will also be bullshit that you cant slap around
i want both
Pretty sure you could side with him against the blue armored guys if you wanted to, I don't think there's going to be a straight up villian in the same way there was in the first game.
Calling it now, halfway through the story there's a security breech or sabotage followed by widespread infection, and the game turns into zombie chaos
im glad, this game is looking to be extremely replayable just from this one 30 minute segment, cant believe im actually excited for it
>followed by widespread infection
We're past that point with this game. This is like 20 years after everything went to shit. Also at the beginning of the demo you can see multiple people with those green bracelets on, which means they're infected
Gonna protect Frank in my first run, you guys can't trust Matt.
When using the hook got boring for me I used the kuai dagger with pyza suit, it's really fun. You can get around so fast with a full stack of speed. The pyza suit starts to fly insanely fast too, letting you cross huge gaps while still doing parkour on more parts of the level. I also prefer it because the grapple slows you down and can ruin your speed stack.
I wonder if a lot of new enemy types are only released after big decisions and if you would need more than 2 playthroughs to try everything.
It has nothing to do with /pol/.
Its how the world works now you sheltered sheep.
Everything is ran through gigantic filters now as well as many posts themselves are even ai generated.
Hell even you could be an ai set to a list of trigger words to respond with anti-awareness related text with take youe meds, go back to /pol/ etc, even when its not even really related and seems out of place, because its just a response off those trigger phrases.
Just go to any popular thing and scroll through the comments and you can see how weird and robotic all of the replies are.
Youre a fool if you think what you see and what you get is genuine.
I meant something like a mutated virus someone releases which activates dormant carriers or infections in remission and overruns the city. I'm just guessing they're going to go the "fallen city" route.
i wonder if the "branching story" is actually anything or just them trying to hype up their game
yeah well whatever man
The story looks much more stupid and incompetent than the first and it's gonna piss me off 5 times as much. But the city is comfy and gameplay seems okay.
Will you trust the Colonel in your playthrough?
Thats exactly the type of design that im hoping for.
From what we can see from the old trailer with Avellone narrating it, siding with those thugs at the water pump will bring alot of criminals to the streets, but helping the Peacekeepers reinforces their presence. This game better fullfill this aspect i swear
Im gonna go for a Pro-Colonel + Save Frank run if i can, it said that you had to find a doctor for Frank but if you go and do that you may not be able to hitch a ride with that one stoner kid, so your gonna have to sneak into his embassy most likely
Loved the game, pirated it when it came out, bought it 2 years later, replayed it about 7-8 times and made my friends buy it, propably my favorite game not even kidding.
I thought the latest demos/gameplays were a bit shit, but after seeing this i changed my mind 10/10, also that heart of darkness analogy lmao
Yeah but only because matt is a coon
>((((They)))) played us, don't you understand!?
I guess it should have been called LIVING Light, then.
ill rape ur dog
He did not try to sustain the hungry with KFC, that's down and dirty in my book.
>The story looks much more stupid and incompetent than the first
The first had a terrible story, from the first 30 minutes alone it seems more compelling here.
This aside, he is clearly sketchy, wouldn't be surprised if his guys shot Frank.
I wonder if it's that simple. I don't think they would spoil something like this in a preview.
This looks so dull and barely looks like a zombie apocalypse happened. They should've set it in a city.
1 was great.
I'll be honest I'm looking forward to 2 and will likely buy it when it comes out.
The developers really put alot of love into 1, tons of free shit and optimization, I have no complaints, it was a rock solid and fun parkour ninja zombie game with cool characters.
>Frank struggling to tell Aiden something after he gets wounded
>Matt trying to get Aiden to leave and follow the truck
>"lol can't find a doctor, he ded"
>all those people hyped for Genericpunk2077 in the comments
I wonder what the overarching story will end up being. Obviously post-apocalyptic faction politics is a big part of it, but to what end I wonder
Everybody is probably a little guilty, Matt was being very dodgy and the colonel clearly made a very impactful but maybe necessary choice just prior to the game starting.
Only guy we can trust is Frank.
>Dying Light 2 comes out before Dead Island 2
What kind of timeline is this?
This. I quite liked 1 and the following DLC a lot. Looking forward to this one.
You know that shits gonna go sideways, right?
Dying light 1 is like that. Everything is fine then bam, fast glow fags are wanting to chase you around at night to bite your dick off and the military decides to say fuck it and dabs on some city because it's fun
The timeline where people are still lying that Dead Island 2 is is still totally in production
How do we know the true baddie isn't Frank?
It's THQ's property now, so it will probably be made.
>Frank got himself shot fatally
Damn, we are being played like a fiddle.
That is a city, retard. It's also one out of a bunch of different types of areas they haven't shown.
I'd hear him out before I murdered all of his men especially considering the decision could result in everyone dying if there is indeed something about the water that needs to be addressed.
Do people actually care about Dead Island 2?
I for one actually enjoyed Dead island 1, its one of my favorite zombie games even though admittedly its not that good. and with that being said ive completely forgotten about Dead Island 2 and pretty much only care about Dying Light now
Yeah honestly and he didnt seem to know anything about killing frank
So glad it's a multi-layered story, or at least it seems to be, with no clear right and people just trying to do what they think is right.
Like New Vegas.
The Colonel probably has a traitor in his ranks that Matt is working with or for.
Go dilate, Nintentranny.
yes thats the entire point
ai cant tell the difference between "Dying Light" and "Dying kid dog mauling"
they are both labeled with the same level of gore context
Its why you see everyone doing dumb shit like "Cool Thing I found in minecraft!"
The ai on youtube is even smart enough now to read censorship audio and classifies you based on that. So if you go Eat a BLEEP you BLEEP, the ai can understand that you are filming violent audio and slaps the violent content label on you. It also can very accurately read visuals and censor based on what it sees as well (what do you think all the captchas and thumbnails are for?). It can read in-game text and anything in the video pretty much too.
I dont know if most ai can read lips on people yet, but that doesnt apply to video games, but I could imagine with video games, if someone were to put the same thing in (because its all scripted events), and they dont censor it and you do, then your censorship is invalidated because of the ai's index on that content being mature or whatever on the other scan of it and much like Yea Forums scans stuff on say /r9k/ but much more complex just compares the two and finds and match and fucks you over.
Much less doing a playthrough of dying light with the word DYING on it and people screaming YOU MOTHER FUCKER CAIN! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND STAB YOU TO DEATH.
I heard it switched developers recently, but I don't know why they still bother. I agree, dying light is way more interesting.
*familiar ringtone on him*
>Excuse me user deadrising 2 main character, I have to take this call.
... Dummy thic? ... Snake... Answer me? ... SNAAAAKKKEEE
You're trying too hard to be contrarion, Nintendies. Bitching about a game because it's not on Switch is pretty pathetic. You sure don't care about all those points you make in your post when you dilate over BOTW.
Considering he is helping the UN LARPer faction Matt is probably a spook, a literal glow in the dark cia nigger
It's still a big name that reached out far.
Shame it fucking killed Yaeger.
Well no, but technically yes
>Main character doesn't have enough standing with him for him to say who snake is....
>Thinks snakes are the reason for the outbreak
>Colonel can't disclose Snake's PII info
" I'm sorry user.. That's... Need to know "
>Rallies another faction to fight his from a poor misunderstanding
>Turns out snakes are actually the cause of the outbreak
Post sneks.
That was only one of the iterations, that said unless Nordic actually slap down deadlines that shit ain't coming soon.
Thisssssssssssss consssssspirassy sssssuccckkksss..
Epic Exclusive announced soon :^)
I don't think so la
And maybe it'll be a good game as well.
didnt they announce an epic exclusive not that long ago?
>choose your follower
The last game they made was Dying Light 1.
wa la
You! You caused the outbreak, you killed millions, billions... Die die die die die die
>calls "crane" to stomp you out as a possible story arc
What does this have to do with Nintendo you fucking mongoloid
That's clearly a mustard race boomer post
Deep Silver was only associated with Dead Island, this is Techland's own thing
If there was some form of SJW faction you can just sell them out to another faction so they get driven out.
Is Dying Light 1 worth getting
oh yeah it was deep silver i was thinking about
its dope as fuck and theres a big sale rn
Yeah its $18 with all the DLC. Great game.
playing a dead game
This is how the choices are gonna go
>you help the colonel
turns out matt was a murderer that killed babies for fun
>you help matt
turns out the colonel was a murderer that killed babies for fun
>have to redo animations and cutscenes anyway
Yeah, I don't think so, it will turn out both killed some babies and you got to make moral decisions in the middle.
am i rememberin wrong but wasnt this guy dead at the end of the DLC? or is the DLC not canon
literally the only good game shown at E3
Looks nice, people who are saying scripted are retards, the whole chasing the truck part you can easily find another way to go after it, they just chose that path to lead into that zombie pit to show it off but there was no markers leading you that way, you could have just ran on the street or used the glider to fly past all that.
the canon ending is you joining the zombie woman and breaking out of the zone
I think the right ending is he becomes teh demons
im just hoping that they fix my 3 main problems with the first one
>very cliche and predictable story
>every quest is either a fetch quest or a go here and do this thing
>guns become abundant halfway through and make melee near useless
I know this is scripted and it’s not gonna come out for a long time, but I have full faith the new movement options will work and feel great. Anons who didn’t watch Techland work on the first game don’t know that Techland actually gives a shit and continues support for the stuff they work on well after it becomes financially viable. They have soul and I believe in them
I just hope the early game won’t suck like the first game. Early game weapons were shit, but you ran like a fat asthmatic kid. Then late game you one shot everything but it’s pointless since you can basically fly. They need to remove either the damage scaling (so movement is everything) or “movement scaling” (so speed is available from start) and it’ll be way better
>lose frank
>get steve if you side with the colonel
>save frank if you side with PKs
>lose steve
Presumably they come out at night like the first game.
They probably haven't shown any night gameplay/volatiles for a reason.
the timeline where dead island was considered by many to be a massive disappointment and dying light was considered a solid game
do we go sturdy man or feeble weed boy?
what guy? I don't remember seeing anyone from DL1 in this unless I missed something, it's a different protagonist this time around
>lose steve
>Dark zone infection kills you
I'm not so crazy about that. How's it going to work come nightfall? You have to keep refreshing yourself in the UV?
>vee shits on dead island
>play dying light because people here praise it so much
>its literally dead island with parkour
Yeah bro it's the same as dead island if you ignore the physics, melee combat, gun combat, well designed world and parkour.
Also the story and characters aren't great in Dying Light but they still run circles around that stuff from Dead Island
So which DL1 ending is cannon? The Nuke that fucking obliterates the infection, or the eventual recovery of Harran, only to have the infection restarted by Crane.
Probably just don't stick around large groups of zombies or their areas
We'll find out but I assume it's Crane turning into the hyper volatile after refusing to nuke it. Or they did nuke it but someone slipped out and it kept spreading.
I fucking hate zombie games but this looks amazing
well it doesnt look very nuked so i would assume that its either crane becoming zombo or none of the endings
It's definitely the 'don't nuke yourself' ending. Crane escapes to an area outside of the quarantine zone, starts infecting people left and right as a super zombie and would be nearly unstoppable if his Night Hunter sound effect is to be believed
If the infection spread to the rest of the world, then odds are the nuke ending didn't go through.
The one where crane leaves harran and btfos non-infected as a chadfected was confirmed to be the canon ending, I think.
It's the only reason I hope Crane appears in the game as some sort of super hard miniboss infected that uses weapons and grapple hooks around and is mildly intelligent in tactics.
>well it doesnt look very nuked
DL2 doesn't take place in Harran. Harran was not-Turkey, this game takes place in something like not-France
So it's the volume of zombies rather than just being a dark spot? I figured it was since you are infected you need light/UV rays to not turn. But that'd mean everyone would turn at night unless they sleep with UV lamps.
This isn't Harran, it's a city in central Europe while Harran was Mediterranean.
Dead Island isn't a bad game honestly.
well in that case its 100% zombie crane escaping
But will we get cute girls like Jade?
It looks fun.
Considering we got even cuter girls like Ezgi in The Following, I'm hopeful that that's a yes
First game any good? No memes serious answers
its alright
the combat against the zombies is fun if you like slapping around some guys
pretty solid, though night time up until you get good weapons and skills is probably the best part of the game and the story was mediocre
I pirated it expecting some 6 hour bullshit cheap game and I felt bad because I got some +40 hour really fun 80s action movie. Atmosphere is stellar, music is fantastic, the night periods make you feel abject terror as prey. Never felt like a slog and it is a lot of fun.
The following is pretty awful because it replaces parkour with a car and feels more like a standard open world game.
narrative is nothing special at least for the base game haven't played the expansion yet, but the gameplay loop is quite enjoyable, doubly if you have a friend, but then again, everything is better with a friend
Guys BIG QUESTION minor spoilers
Are we going to see Crane making his appearance as the chad Night Hunter in DL2, or is the Night Hunter in the main menu of DL1 was Crane all along, and the sandbox was the aftermath of the non-nuke ending?
Im slightly unsure. Dying Light had a shit story, yes whatever. I liked it because it was fun to fuck around in coop. Worried the story focus will harm it. Combat also seems very choopy so far, and the parkour feels too OP, like at points I swear he shouldnt be able to jump that far and get there. Regardless I didnt waste 400 hours in DL for no reason, hoping they dont fuck it up because I was shocked to how much I enjoyed it.
I hope so, I want to see some of the stuff mentioned here.
it's not like chris avellone is the only guy making the game
it's still the dudes that made the first game
Canon Ending is Crane turning into a volatile (or possibly the night hunter thing).
Guess what, there are no happy endings irl either.
yeah, the pitch for the sequel is probably just "hey guys, what if, we made dying light 1, but we hire a writer"
Is that even bad? That honestly sounds pretty good.
I meant it as a good thing, I hope it's really just 1 but better, I mean, what more can you ask from a sequel
>people hating the grappling hook
Either you hate fun or you didnt play on NG+ where they fucking put the worst nighttime infested of The Following in free roam, by that point the grappling hook is your wife.
Would be nice if they improved the gameplay.
Fair. Honestly as long as they add new parkour moves and they let me kill shit in fun ways on coop the story could be trash and I wouldnt care.
Fuck americans
I liked the fact The Following mutated Volatiles spread to the city.
Showed how fucked shit is getting and zombies getting stronger.
Hoped we see what evolved zombies are in DL2, the dark zones are a good idea too, some Virals had the eyes of Volatiles in the making in that demo.
am i stupid for not understanding what this person is trying to say?
Like they said in the video, they really focused on the parkour, hoping that means every building has these things to swing off in combat.
I'm on the second city, don't even have the grappling hook, how close I am to the ending? I level up soo slow.
Also any of the DLC missions worth doing?
what the fuck?
I did but I just got a bunch of scholarly articles about white supremacy movements in North America
what do you mean by this?
The grappling hook was fucking ez mode to the point that the game became trivial
I approve of any game with dropkicks in it , but will there be another Parkour cutie like Jade?
no romance, no buy
Not like this, romancebros...
bozak is pretty good, but prison isn't that fun, only do the following after the main campaign and also focus on not dying even if it means running away, second city means you are about 50% done.
I don't like how often scripted events occured in this demo but the upgraded parkour system has me interested
First game was weak story wise for me but I loved the open world having parkour
He wasn't dead, he became infected.
I'm pretty sure the first DL2 trailer included him saying he was infected.
They're STILL updating the first game from time to time, which amazes me. I can only hope they add in proper boss fights this time around; the ones in the first game were complete dogshit.
am i the only one hoping the multiplayer from the first one is back? it was fun even with all the exploits
they just need to add a big cooldown to it or something
>switched the grappling hook to a swinging rope
>increased parkour moves that are built into melee
>modded weapons are more than just increased damage
>more pseudo-interiors to run through
>more full interiors and without loading screens
>Avellone forcing almost all zombies inside during the day and making the game act more like Far Cry + Parkour so he can tell another one of those boring human-focused "zombie" stories where the humans "Truly Are The Walking Dead(tm)"
>still no night gameplay footage
>pointless "immunity failing in the dark" mechanic that will most likely make night gameplay a chore
If you're talking about coop, then I agree. I'm curious if there will be any special implementations of choices for multiple people, like a voting mechanic or if it just be the host making all of the choices.
Looks super floaty.
i spent days kicking and drop kiccking zombies into various things/places
the pvp invasion mode, co-op is cool too
>voting mechanic
>playing game
>get to choice point
>want to go a certain way
>some autist decides not to play along
>now have to play a different story than the one you wanted because of some rando
>>pointless "immunity failing in the dark" mechanic
where was this shown
when he falls into the zombie pit, I kinda assumed it was an exclusive thing to the pits and won't be a night thing. I mean I thought that the reason it was like that was because the infection originates from those pits so falling into one is like falling into a radioactive zone, but at night the zombies just roam, but because it isn't an infection zone you won't have to worry about infection.
>it was at its best when you had the grapling hook amd plenty of ammo
this. tasteless shitters will disagree
Huh, blocking is the same as it was in Bad Blood. Also they got the same grapple-and-chute technique from Just Cause, but we'll see if it will work well in first person.
Was the dlc for the first game good?
I was too burnt out to do it after finishing the main game.
Its not as good as the main game but its worth your time
i pirated the first one but might buy this one because i felt guilty for enjoying 1 so much
I never thought I'd be hyped for a fucking open world zombie game in the year 2019
Its something in the air, man......Im even hyped for that new Watch Dogs game....
Im fucking hyped for a Ubisoft game......
>"the area was flooded for a reason"
>zombies with bone spikes appear out of the mud and moss
Shit must've been flooded for a very long time. I wonder if a zombie could also survive a nuke.
Same. Will buy it day 1, they earned it.
I hope they add a lot more melee attacks overall (especially with your hands). The video seemed to show a couple of new cool ones, but I hope there's way more. And I hope they make the 3rd person animations look better. It was so janky seeing other players in combat.
Oh, and add analog combat back like Dead Island had! Makes things more immersive.
Looks great, first one was a blast
So you can keep the entire chunck of the game world underwater and never explore it? Yeah I don't beleive that, modern gamedesigners can't into skippable content
Has there been any mention of a cozy room like the one you had at the Tower in the first game?
Looks like it, they said every player will have a vastly different world due to the choices
I...I did...
It gets better, early on its super hard to kill anything and its quite frustrating. For me once I got the judo throw it made the game a ton more fun and strategic. Once you unlock more blueprints for better weapons it continues to open up.
I think it was a recut though. Great album, Metric at their best, right before Emily Haines past the point of no return on being absolutely full on her own nonsense. Shes always been totally into the smell of her own shit, but it became way more apparent in synthetica and PiV.
Dying Light? More like Dying Sales, LOL!
Meanwhile, dying light 1 sold enough copies with zero advertising to support the game with updates, content, and events for 4 years, most of it being free outside of the bigger DLCs.
It's the parkour.