>xbox "exclusive"
>also on PC
Has Microsoft given up on the xbone brand at this point?
>xbox "exclusive"
>also on PC
Has Microsoft given up on the xbone brand at this point?
Nope, they expanded the xbox brand to pc. It's still xbox game pass, even on pc.
Why make people buy your console if you can just sell to them directly.
>xbox one
>xbox one
>xbox one
reminds of the crash trilogy cover that kept reminding you that there were 3 games on it
So what, Microsoft owns Windows, what? You think Microsoft should just give the middle finger to their own OS, you stupid Sonyfag? Microsoft has been doing this for years, the only time it stopped is when that undercover Sony plant, Don Mattrick took over, underage Europoors should shut the hell up.
>80 GB
no thanks
Thanks Phil.
because you are getting 30% on anything digital and can press the consumer to buy bullshit like xbox gold.
>expanded to pc
You mean expanded to thier OS.
Windows is commonly referred to as PC
no, because they keep putting their games on steam where they can be played on linux through proton.
Nope. If they gave up on Xbox then they wouldn't bother with Xbox Scarlett or Xbox Game Pass.
As far as I know, Xbox game pass is making them tons of cash. They don't really have anything to compete with in the console wars, so they're making the right choice.
i think you mean 150 GB
>Top Tier: Sea of Thieves
God what a mediocre lineup
lol ok dork
is this after the update? It says 80 GB on steam
Why would you use any OS that isn't Windows?
>literally incomplete game is god tier
And then you faggots complain about MGSV
They gave up few months after Xbone's release.
D4 is perfect faggot
Play Anywhere has been around for a while now and only now do you react?
Are they even trying this this boxart? What the fuck is this?
>Below Sunset Overdrive
>not coming to EU
I didn't ask to be a yuropoor, why do I have to suffer even more?
Is the PC version better?
>uncapped framerate
>mouse aiming
>crossplay to style on consoleniggers
Yes. The multiplayer tech test ran like butter
You didn't see the box art for the Gears 5 Ultimate Edition?
Windows 10
Can't there be a work around door that? Kinda like playing the japanese version?
It's not even a good render.
>complain when game doesnt come to pc
>complain when game comes to pc
>Not calling it Gear5
Its not even good character design.
Its not on PS4 or Switch, thats why. Its the same deal with games like Nioh. PC is superior, and sooner latter, consoles will die, but if you want to get a console, then exclusivity deals dont change, because Nioh is PS4 only, so you cant do it on Xbone. Same with this game, if you want consoles, then XBone is the only way. Just because a game is avaliable on PC, doesnt make it a full multiplat game.
Xbox Play Anywhere has been going on for a while now, at least since Forza Horizon 3.
It's way more fun to make threads criticizing things than it is to express enthusiasm. Wouldn't want to be a reddit basedboy now would we.
Xbox this gen has been a disaster and they DESPERATE for you to get gamepass they constantly offer it for a 1$ amonth at the moment they are offering ganepassulitmate for 2$ 2months
Gears 4 has been on PC for 3 years now, slowpoke.
Except that cover literally has "console exclusive" on it. That's plain false advertising.
Is that a tranny on the box haha
Started with ReCore around the middle of September 2016, if I remember correctly. Microsoft sort of tried to do it earlier with Quantum Break in April. If you preordered Quantum Break on the Xbox store then you got the Xbox One version plus the Windows 10 version for free, along with Alan Wake.
to let you zoomers understand, consoles dont make money, the deals regarding games on that console is what makes money. if you knew that your question would never be asked.
>Except that cover literally has "console exclusive" on it. That's plain false advertising.
But it is a console elusive user
>People shit on consoles and say they're PC only as it's better
>Then shit on Xbox for putting their games on PC
If you faggots hate consoles so much and weren't going to buy an Xbone surely MS have lost nothing by letting their games on PC.
She looks like antifa member
>surely MS have lost nothing by letting their games on PC.
They haven't. Most people are one platform only. MS and Sony are the only two competing. MS could put all their games on Switch and PC and see fuck all loss in console sales.
gonna play this for pennies on xbox game pass btw microsoft has been pretty based recently
They have this plan to get everyone under the windows flag. Here is a visual representation to help you understand
No, but this is
The future of the Piss5 and the Shitbox man the world has brain cancer
>Console Exclusive
Can't you read?
Nobody's actually taking this "game" seriously, right?
Dude, you don't play Gears games, you don't even have a xbox.
I want to fuck an antifa member
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.
>console exclusive
It is only on one console and a pc operating system
>b-but it's not on ps4 or switch!!
This is how you know it's also on PC. When they have to specifically mention it's "console exclusive" instead of plain exclusive.
What the fuck
It should just say "not on PS4". Because thats all they mean lol sad
>when somebody calls you "she" when you identify as a he today
Sony will as well soon.
would be based as fuck if it said that
Sara Ryder having steriod induced chimp out
Gears 4 was really good though, other than the retarded loot boxes
Read the article. They mean indie exclusives that dont do well with playstation players
xbox and PC were always linked, it's only natural. it seems like there was a weird period where they tried to keep them separated for some reason but it looks like they're back to normal with the MCC and everything.
>tfw forgot to dilate
Well yeah, that's exactly how it is and it's not a secret either.
Microsoft owns both platforms retard.
Do you really think they give a shit about exclusivity?
And they're right. Exclusuvity is stage 4 cancer.
that's Mrs Potatohead.
>pc fags: reeeeeeeeee anti consumers! bring your console exclusives to pc already!
>microsoft: ok lads here ya go
>pc fags: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee they're putting console games on pc!
Just play the fucking game and stop bitching about it on Yea Forums, and be glad they brought it to pc
I wouldn't worry about it. Someone has been shitposting about Xbox for the last couple of days now. Usually happens when something negative happens with Sony or when Nintendo gets a good game.
Yea Forums isn't a cringe hivemind, retard. not like your home site you need to go back to
Oh now they dont care about indies? Did people suddenly forget how much gaming sites and fanboys used to suck Sonys dick over the indies they had?
never ever
It's the slowest crawl ever but it will come, eventually.
The indies dropped in quality. PS3 had great indies and early PS4 too and then Sony opened the doors to all developers and now the store is full of shovelware trash. So now basically all indies get ignored
>xbox "exclusive"
but it is an exclusive though.
can i play gears 5 on ps4 or switch? no
lol, what? are you another one of those faggots that considers PC a console?
fucking dumbass.
Theyre only competing to manchildren. Sony literally pays Microsoft to use their servers. If the PS5 flops, Sony is a dead company, their tvs have fallen behind, their movie division is dead without Marvel. If MS kills the Xbox brand, they are still a billon dollar company that sells servers and to businesses.
You faggots think on too small of a scale.
> Game targeted at young men and horny teens.
> Ugly female on the cover.
How hard is this going to flop?
>Game targeted at young men and horny teens.
if only, from what he have seen its mostly a walking simulator with barely any parts of gameplay thrown in.
Why in the hell is Halo Wars 2 below 1
Why is the first Titanfall so high
D4 and Phantom Dust are dope as hell though so I'll let it slide
Excuse me retards, didn't you see this?
usually when someone do /thread on a thread like this it's because no more replies are necessary, can't you dog brains understand that this thread is made by a sonyfag trying to say that xbox is not worth buying? do you guys believe he will even see the page of gears 5 on the store? jesus grow a brain brainlets
What happened to my nigga Marcus Fenix?
PS Now is hot garbage though. Streaming a game is not a substitute for a proper port.
Xbox is fine, PS went to shit and isn't returning.
Story trailer changed my opinion on it.
Yeah betting on shooters for another gen is a winning strategy when even COD and Battlefield are flagging you utter retard...
Nintendo owns the Switch and Switch Lite, Microsoft owns Xbox and PC so why is it bad for Microsoft to put their games on their own platform but okay for Nintendo to do the same. You contradicting newfag, Microsoft's been doing this shit since 2001. They've been wanting to merge the console and PC space into one for years, you're a fucking retarded underaged nigger.
>somebody actually sat down and though Billie Eilish would be a good fit for a Gears of War trailer
What an embarrassment
he fucks your mom every now and often
if you can play a game on another plataform then it's not exclusive, period.
and the retards keep going...
>Microsoft owns PC
Probably going to die in this game
That's just typical boomers strategy though hey who's the hippest new person on the wireless let's add their song to our trailer that'll show the kids we are hip
TF1 was fun as hell
>given up
They literally doubled down on their gaming division, they made Xbox one of the core pillars at MS. Bought a bunch of studios, new console, more services, they are playing the long con. I don't see it as MS dropping out but as MS expanding and future proofing their gaming division. If Sony were to fuck up their one and only console they would be screwed since they are anti-PC and they don't want any games leaving they ecosystem.
You aren't actually playing PS Now games on another platform, they're literally being played on a PS3/4 somewhere and the image is being displayed back to you with a healthy heaping of input lag and streaming artifacts added on top.
It's like connecting your PS4 to a monitor and saying you're playing it on PC, except worse.
Its a Microsoft exclusive
Reminder that Microsoft also owns Windows.
look at the retards falling for the bait and replying, Yea Forums is not the same anymore
that just means sony services are shit, pc gamers have to stream games instead of downloading it directly, and still, they will be playing ps4 "exclusives" on pc lol
Nigger faggot
Just getting out of school champ?
Microsoft realized long ago that the pc gamers are smart and won't buy into things like xbox gold, and it's been clear for a while that people hate using the windows app store to buy pc games
By putting their games on steam (the largest, most popular pc platform by far) they can get at least a 70% cut of profits as opposed to a 0% cut from people who wouldn' t buy the game otherwise
No, they’re just expanding their market, because software has always been where the money is. They almost always sell consoles at a loss. There will also always be a market for people who can’t afford/don’t know how to build a PC.
Exclusive to that console.