Was this the worst Fallout DLC ever?

Was this the worst Fallout DLC ever?

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This and dead money.
>inb4 faggot hipster contrarians tell me I'm wrong

I thought it was a fun little detour. Then again, I didn't pay for it.

All of New Vegas's DLC was trash except for GRA

I liked it. Then again, I think this was the only FO3 DLC I ever actually played.

it gave me motion sickness and made me uninstall f3 for the last time. Never again will I be rused into playing that shit game

Hi wrong I'm Dad!

OWB is the worst one.

Yep and after this is a tie between honest hearts and owb

which do you guys think is the best? the pitt, point lookout? i always like PL for the massive upgrade in difficulty. if you got used to overpowering enemies it would kick your ass

Yes it is
the only good things about are the loot, namely MPLX Novasurge and Alien Epoxy

It's pretty bad. I think OA was worse just because it's only there to give you good items right at the end and the quest itself is a pointless slog.

MZ at least attempted to do something new. Attempted, not succeeded.

I like all the DLCs from FO3 and NV besides this and Dead Money
Point Lookout gives the Swampfolk a handicap of bonus 35 damage, they aren't actually more challenging

Better than any of 4's DLC


That would be Dead Money. DM is in the running for worst DLC any game any genre.

>All of New Vegas was trash
fixed that for you

>posts the contrarian feelings

>b-b-but you're the contrarian

What did he mean by this?

It was one horrible ride. Old World Blues was good though.

Zeta had a good twist.

Yes, followed by Nuka World and Lonesome Road.

This was cool, besides being a corridor shooter.
I personally think Old World Blues is the shittest

yeah we get it, you wanna fit in

The only good thing to come of MZ was the starship trooper mod where you lead your own faction.

I enjoyed it. It felt like being on an alien spaceship as opposed to a convenient sequence of setpieces

This was the worst

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That would be Nuka World. In a game plagued with theme park level design, you go to a literal theme park, use a squirt gun to kill a guy, do a bunch of kill quests, and pick which gang you want to be the leader of.
There isn't a single molecule of nuance or good writing in the entire DLC.

no the sierra madre one from new vegas was worse

at least mothership zeta was fun even if it didn't fit

Mothership Zeta wasn't even bad Dead Money and Old World Blues on the other hand were fucking awful the latter being Rick and Morty tier

>latter being Rick and Morty tier

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Okay I know this is a meme thread. OWB is the best Vegas DLC.

No it’s this one, so bland no one even remembers it

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I'm playing through NV now for the first time. At what point should I tackle the DLC quests? Any particular order?

It was
Venture Bros was Rick and Morty before Rick and Morty bite me

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it mightve been the least shit fo3 dlc if youre not a nma lore austimo

point lookout was a single questline superimposed on a map far too large and empty for the scant content it offered, literally did not even have proper vendors implemented
the pitt was generally the same thing, a single questline adjacent to a completely empty sandbox dotted with generic enemies and a shitty pixel hunt to justify it that took them probably like

What was Zeta's "twist" again? I haven't played it in years.

it must be exhausting being so unable to enjoy anything

Both the The Pitt and Point Lookout were great

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>no one remembers the unlimited HP Winterized T-51b Power Armor or the Gauss Rifle
yeah ok

I enjoyed Mothership Zeta

I wouldn't know, it crashed and corrupted my save file.

>implying Yea Forums dislikes new vegas
based retard

>unlimited HP Winterized T-51b Power Armor or the Gauss Rifle
nigga whos gives a fuck about that when this exists

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Good idea on paper but terrible execution.

Like OA, you're just shooting your way through corridors full of bullet sponges for the entire DLC.

The Pitt was great

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yeah that too i just forgot

I don't recall any twist. pretty straight forward alien kidnapper story.

Honest Hearts or Dead Money first
Dead Money or Honest Hearts second
Old World Blues third
Lonesome Road fourth

I would say alternate between doing DLC and story quests, starting right around the point you kill Benny. Honest Hearts is level 15 and Dead Money is around 20.

Too bad Fallout modding sucks and you'd never get it to look like that ingame

dead money was kino

there is nothing this metal in fo4

Don't forget that the only not-asshole path is to just kill everyone as soon as you become leader.

But you just said "Zeta had a good twist" tough...

>Too bad Fallout modding sucks and you'd never get it to look like that ingame
that's an ingame screenshot from Fallout 4

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it's a mod

>Fallout 4
Damn FO4 looks like THAT?

I hated Point Lookout for all the ridiculous bullet sponges.

It was kinda fun desu

Different user.
I jumped in without reading the whole convo.
The other user might be talking about the Ayys starting the great war as that often gets brought up. It was cut from the game so I don't think it actually counts.

I went and help clean the park with my raider buddy to make the most out of yhe experience and once it was all done and all that I had left to do was invade the Commonwealth I killed all the raiders and freed the slaves.

I liked the Pitt but I hated how you only had 2 choices

The pit was great
Yeah, me too.
I dislike enemy sponges in general, they could have done it difficult in another way

I'm not even against the idea of aliens in Fallout but this was the most retarded and meatheaded way to go about it.


Whats wrong with dead money ?

Don't forget the glitch where you could transfer ship for OA to the main game

He was right.

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it hinders exploration

yeah man i abused that the second time i played it, loved it

Far Harbor was great.

Daily reminder that they post updates every week

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It literally pay you to play it

i don't like my loot being taken away that i've worked hard for

>DLC is so bad it's only memorable because of game breaking bugs

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Any good sex mods?

You are correct but don't say that kinda stuff outloud

I liked it
Wish there was more alien tech/items to play with though - having all those useless objects laying around was the only thing that annoyed me

I thought it was cool, you were supposed to be in a shitty position.
Honestly lonesome road is the worst one in my opinion, you do nothing but murder stuff while being berated by a Rastafari smoking a joint talking about bears and bulls, although nuking stuff at the end was fun


the Elite Riot Gear makes it worth slogging through

>literal babby tier complaint

Players like you deserved 76

kinda but they're still clunky

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her abs are bigger than some girls' boobs

>the pitt
I loved the idea so much but then it turned out to be only like two quests. why isnt this a main story. start as a slave, do some tedious quests (with a choice to timeskip I guess), then get into big arena fighting. weeks of fights, different opponents. then the master makes you his right hand, you do normal quests (still confined to some location to not run away) and then riots happen an you either go with or against him, starting another line of quests.

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Maybe I am a bit of a masochist but I love when games put you in difficult (but fair ) situations, You had to survive with what you had and your companions it really made me feel sometimes like things were out of my control and had to adapt to survive.

pretty sure that the twist was that the little girl was actually 200+ years old and that the aliens did something to make her not age

Yeah I agree

Bethesda is afraid of doing new things, they had to stick with the nostalgia for fallout 3.
Also Bethesda will now stick to the norm again after the fallout 76 experience which was a experiment more than anything

>Bethesda is afraid of doing new things, they had to stick with the nostalgia for fallout 3.
They had to tho. If 3 was a huge departure from the first two games it would never had sold

They aren't afraid, they're just lazy as fuck.

Yeah and Fallout 2 was Venture Bros. before Venture Bros. was Rick and Morty.

The Pitt is only 1 of 2 I had, Operation Anchorage was shit and the stealth armor was WAY overpowered crouchwear.

The Pitt had ingot collection world with 2 dozen spots to get permanently stuck and it's where save files began to corrupt in my experience.

>Survival ride that required careful planning was bad
>Sandbox with waves of bullet sponges was good
I'm afraid I have bad news user...

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Finally another user gets it

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Because you'd get the same complaints as Dead Money about


bethesda's fall can be traced all the way back to that game, as that game is where the lore butchering began, ether that or the horse armor thing in one of the elder scrolls games.

>Finally get to Ashur.
>Everything he says is correct.
>Siding with the slaves means essentially sending Trogs out into the world to infect and kill others.
>The only known working metal plant at the time.
>Ashur's goal besides healing everyone was to keep the mill functional enough to prove to the BoS it's worth investing in so he can finally give the slaves their freedom and repay them for their grueling work while getting actual workers that aren't indentured.
>The leader of the slaves doesn't care about the kid's well being at all and only wanted to rule over The Pitt, he didn't care about the people he was "helping" at all.
Was surprised with the DLC.

I guess you are right but I feel that the people who bought fallout 3 was mostly the ones who didn't play the previous games and fallout 3 was their introduction to the series.
I mean I bet those rpg boomers hated fallout 3 even before it came out and were probably complaining that it would be shit and for plebs

Skyrim sex mods are also clunky

no. automatron was aside from isabelle and the robot making

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I don't know about worst, but The Pitt and Point Lookout are definitely the most overrated. If Honest Hearts was a DLC for 3 it'd be suitably praised as "fucking great" when in reality in the context of the game it's actually attached to it's just mediocre. Vice versa, if Pitt and PL were New Vegas DLCs they'd be the lowest ranked consistently.

Both have great setting premises and that's about it, and I think that's what people in their minds conflate with the DLC entirely because if you actually stop and think there really wasn't much to them. The Pitt had a great setting idea and the moral dilemma was interesting if not somewhat falling into the Skyrim Civil War trap of making a morally grey choice presenting two shitty options and making you want to pick neither. However quest wise it's absolutelty tiny. It can probably be finished in like less than an hour and the quests themselves aren't memorable at all or worthwhile. Same for characters. Ashur was about the only memorable character. Compare that to Joshua Graham, Think Tank, Christine, Elijah, Dog/God, Domino, Mobius or fuck even Ulysses.

Similar thing goes for Point Lookout. It's a really neat setting idea and whilst in difference to the Pitt there's one or two interesting quests (Eldritch one with the commonwealth missionary and the drug vision) the story itself is extremely lackluster and shallow.

They only get that much praise because Fallout 3 itself is mediocre and the other DLCs for it were abysmal.

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FO3 was my first one and years later I played FO2 and enjoyed it as well

>liking Old Reddit Blues

Ada was great

The only good Fallout DLC was Far Harbor.

You guys really need to believe in Todd, he is a chess club dork just like us.
Granted I believe he doesn't understand fallout at all and should stop making them, for Bethesda fallout is about blowing shit up while 50's songs blast out of a gigant clock in our characters wrist

unironically this but unironically

Same with me, fallout 3 was my introduction to the series

I honestly can't tell if people calling OWB reddit are baiting or if they are literally so brainlet that they did not understand a simplistic plot.

But then you work your way there instead of having to do a clunky forced stealth DLC

The Pitt and Point Lookout are great while every NV DLC sucks ass. Don't @ at me, nigger.

Unicorn here.

Introduced to Fallout with Fallout 2 from a friend, but the first one I played and beat was 1.

Played and beat 2. Bought Tactics on release. Bought F3 on release.

I love F3. It was fantastic for when it came out. The flaws didn't take away from the fun I was having.

I also love NV and I think F4 is fine as a game but the plot holes are too glaring. Luckily mods.

I didn't play 76 because I don't like that type of game. I'm sure any lore they want to add to the series will show up in the next sp game.

It kinda has an annoying humor

Dead Money literally lamented the state of the series itself, to let it god damn go. It had an amazing story with messages that transcended the fucking game itself, and you're saying that this dumbass fucking piece of trash that spiraled out of a small easter egg in Fallout 1 is anywhere near fucking comparable? It has shit gameplay and shit narrative, it's completely fucking linear while compared to Dead Money, a fucking speech check means Dean can't be convinced not to follow through with trying to kill you. Your opinion is hot fucking garbage

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Not a single person in history has ever called OWB reddit because of its plot. But it isn't surprising that OWB fans are brainlets that can't read and make stuff up.

Fallout 3's DLC's were better then New Vegas's, Fallout 4's """DLC'S""" need not apply

Pretentious assholes actually believe this.

Honest hearts is the only good New vegas dlc, what are you talking about

lol fucking fag likes stabbing immortal zombies a million times over an epic wacky space battle. Enjoy your narrative so deep Hbomberguy propaganda while I have FUN pulverizing Zetans and blowing up shit from space.

>Big Empty is absurd and farcical on purpose on first meeting
>Big Empty is actually a grim and fucked up place and the Think Tank are twisted characters that have been dollied up and you are hit over the head with the fact that the silliness is a deliberate veil to hide the reality

I didn't find penis-fingers funny either but claiming the dumb humour in that first scene is the summary of the DLC and makes it "Reddit" is fucking retarded

Disliking Dead Money used to be a very common opinion, he's probably just an old fag who has here circa 2011-12

Eithet that or part of the nu-wave of redditors from /r/gamingcirclejerk that arrived a year ago and defend the bethesda games and can't let NV threads be.

They probably should of just had that in the main game through a patch because it's really not worth paying for

>he didn't sneak around while over encumbered, sneaking all 37 gold bars out of the DLC

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Um. You know there were like 6 or 7 different side quests in Point Lookout, right? And an entire new map to explore?
And least play the games you shit talk

Broken Steel should have been a patch

>seemingly joyful place is actually a cynical wasteland! xD
Oh wow, how original. It's not like this scenario hasn't been used ad nauseam, right? Only literal redditors are entertained by that shit. Go back.

>dude, you have to let go tho

>sneaking all 37 gold bars out of the DLC
>he didn't take all 37 and drop them into a single gold brick and escaped while holding them in front

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The main enemy you fight are ghost people, who are supposed to have 0 perception, but Obsidian are a bunch of retards, and they didn't notice that there was no zero number in SPECIAL calculation, meaning the number overflowed, giving them infinite perception.
There are other problems, this one is just the funniest

the concept of a Fallout DLC where you're abducted by pulp aliens could, if handled competently, be really weird and creepy and actually enjoyable.

Bethesda can't handle it competently though so we got a retarded meathead shooting gallery.

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>Elijah is sitting in the vault wasting away.
>Everyone had a good ending.
>You end up smuggling everything out of the Sierra Madre.
As if I'm going to "let go" of unique items.

what the FUCK was his problem

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Bad writing

>>seemingly joyful place is actually a cynical wasteland! xD

Not what OWB was at all but you're just proving yourself to be the literal dribbling brainlet I thought you must be so keep going.

Being stuck in a shit DLC.

He's a nigger

>it's actually true

The OG fallout boomers absolutely hated Fallout 3 and the very Idea of Bethesda majking a fallout game. That reason alone is why Bethesda felt the need to cram as many Fallout trademarks into 3 since they were desperately trying to not be seen as misappropriating the license. I really like fallout 3 though

Chris Avellone trying to tie a bunch of good ideas/motivations, being unable to decide which one to go with, mixing them all together and blending them with one gigantic Van Buren reference and trying to carry out the climatic duel they'd been hinting at in the other DLCs.

Honest hearts was fucking great though. And so is Point Lookout

All acceptable answers

Well that explains why the only thing I remember FROM the DLC was the climactic duel

>claiming the dumb humour in that first scene is the summary of the DLC and makes it "Reddit" is fucking retarded
You're right. The summary of that DLC is being a string of boring fetch quests, merely complimented by its reddit characters and dialogue.

I thought it was that the Aliens started the FO universe.


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>what the FUCK was his problem
He's Christie from Alien Resurrection

broken steel is by far the worst, but mostly for its performance on pc it lags to high hell and on the ps3 it's downright unplayable reaching single digit fps near the ending

i feel like i won that DLC
>saved Christine
>saved dog/god
>killed that uppity bacon skin
> left elijah to waste away in the vault
>got all 37 gold bars
Yeah i feel satisified

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Kek, that explains a lot

Fallout 3 was much more about exploration and flaire than questing or characters. So Point Lookout, with it's flashy drug trip scene, and whole new world to explore was a great DKC that played into the hands of Fallout 3. The Pitt also focused much on flair with the whole setting being so damn interesting it make the thing worth playing alone to see a fallout perspective of something akin to "I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream"

>it lags to high hell
what shit tier toaster do you have?

my game freezes if i try to fast travel to the Jefferson Memorial on PS3
haven't played that version in over a decade tho

>Fallout 3 was much more about exploration and flaire

It was bad at both of those.

If I fuck a thick bitch in the chinese stealth suit and she goes invisible do I become invisible too? If I jizzed would it just look like it was floating in the air?

Far harbor was almost an actual Fallout game, so that was pretty coo.

It was a lot better at exploration than NV, this is fact.

Where the fuck did they come from? It wasn't like this until like 2-3 years ago at the latest, but it's really fucking ramped up in the last year or so.

Eh. Changing the ended should have been a patch, they actual gameplay changes and new quests on Broken Steel are fucking Terrible and almost make me want to play basegame


>immediately deflects to criticizing new vegas

Classic bethesda apologist tactic. Defend Fallout 3 on its own, without moving the conversation to NV.

i only cared that it let you continue to play the game after the main quest

>playing New Vegas vanilla so there's bullet sponges
i could also say the same fucking thing about Mothership Zeta, shoot the enemies a million fucking times because Bethesda can't be bothered to give you a challenge so they make every enemy over Level 10 a bullet sponge.

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Chris Avallone is like the reverse Bethesda. He ruins shit by trying to write too much

Albino Radscorpion vs. Deathclaw vs. Feral Ghoul Reaver

NV had poor explortion if by explortation you mean draugr dungeon diving in which case i agree with. Which yeah is fun but NV had more shit where you'd stumble across actual characters and questlines

penis fingers xDD

It was far better than any other Fallout game at those. In New Vegas they don't even have any real ceremony when you walk into a town. You just in, it's boring.

You forgot Super Mutant Overlords that are bullet sponges AND they have a modifier for certain weapons, same with the Swampfolk

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Be honest, you were afraid weren't you?

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how else are you supposed to make enemies difficult in an RPG

>ghoul mask
nah i wasn't afraid

Give them powerful abilities that you have to counter via equipment or abilities of your own. Bullet sponges is lazy design.

Fallout 3 also has that. You'd just sometimes randomly walk into some town with a major quest, like Big Town or Smith Casey's garage. Sometimes there were places completely unmarked by anything other than you just randomly finding it with some of the coller shit in the game. The republic and Dave and Andale are two of the most memorable things about 3, and there wasn't even a quest.

Fallout NV though has practically every place that's important or interesting be part of a quest, so there's never really a reason to go to them until you have the marker. Only real exception is vault 16. Which I feel is different than exploration

I see it as three possible things

>Yea Forums is above all things contrarian, internet culture in the last few years has strongly moved to admiring New Vegas so obviously Yea Forums has to hate it and prefer Fallout 3
>An entire generation of zoomers has grown up with Bethesda games like Fallout 3 and Skyrim and they're formative vidya for them so they defend them, and they'ved come in with the generally massive post-2016 newfag wave like the birth of the unironic prequel support on Yea Forums
>mix of the above

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>The republic and Dave and Andale are two of the most memorable things about 3, and there wasn't even a quest.

They're also retarded, shallow and generally poorly written theme park shit that is totally and utterly disconnected from anything going on.

I like how one of the most interesting places you can go to in fallout 3 is a place with no quest (Unless you're playing with point lookout) assigned to it and only one rando tells you about it.

NV has so many marked locations with literally nothing of note, like Toxic Waste Dump, that if you removed them like half of the marked locations would disappear
Why didn't they make them unmarked?

It's also almost literally a theme park haunted house.

Holy sauce on any of these please.

>inb4 just image search

google, tinyeye, iqdb are such constant shit its almost amazing. They manage to miss everything that isn't a blatant stock image or some shit animay.

This applies to Fallout 3 also. I assume bethesda and obsidian did it because it makes fast travel more precise/convenient.

To give the illusion of content.

Fallout 3 is a deserted, lonely post apocalypse. The places you go to are disconnected because they're supposed to be.
Bethesda went for the Mad Max/Table top idea of things were you would walk a long ways and find some new experience separate from the past ones.

>"Shallow" "Poorly Written"
Why don't you inform us on how it's poorly written and shallow instead of just spamming buzzwords.

or it could be unironic actual shilling from bethesda

made sense in FO3 for the Metro entrances, I don't remember anything blatantly as stupid as the Toxic Dump Site

Why should you be celebrated every time you get into a town?
Give them different attacks? Things like humans should use crossfire but have accuracy and fighting style based on their origin or group?
I'm not being payed to be a game designer and i can come up with better alternatives in a moment while Bethesda had 6 fucking years to think of one

Honest Hearts.
Worst environment, worst enemies, worst story, worst meme character

And they were right fallout 3 is inferior to the previous entries but it wasn't bad it still had many rpg elements unlike fallout 4.
All Bethesda games are going away from the rpg elements i noticed, I wonder what is Todd thinking? The guy is a dork he should know better than all of us what made their games unique

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Survivalist's Rifle tho

Yea, but it's fun. In new vegas you walk into a building and there's just nothing there.
Eh, at least 90 or 80% of the locations in 3 had at least a little mini dungeon. sometimes in New vegas it's just a room or a crashed car. Ir a cave with nothing in it.

FPBP, Dead money was so fucking boring.

I had a good computer back in the day and it lagged awfully in some parts, also extremely buggy

It was pretty tedious but at least the aliens didn't lecture you about "muh bull" and "muh bear" the entire time.

No wonder that expansion was fucking trash. Dead money bugged out at the end and the fucking old dude wouldn't walk out the door and it fucked my new vegas run. I'm still mad about it all these years later.

I never got what was scary with this place. People meme it up but it was just a building filled with ghouls and some holotapes with a phallus at the bottom.

>Why should you be celebrated every time you get into a town?
Because it's fun and a good moment to see some sort of flare or action when you go someplace that can tell you more about what this town is like. If you just walk into a town it means nothing, and doesn't inform you what kind of place the town is.
Do you remember the first time you walked into Novac? No, you don't, because there was nothing getting you invested in this new location

>worst enviroment.
Not when Lonesome Road and Nuka world exist.
Zion is fucking cool, man. I've been in real life

It was dogshit but Operation Anchorage takes the cake, it was absolutely fucking heinous.

Excuse me. That one was terrible but honest hearts was worse for one fucking reason. You can't leave that shitty little valley till you're done. Although it did have Joshuah Graham... but Dead Money had no redeeming characters

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Yeah. I enjoyed all of the other fallout 3 dlcs but this one was boring, felt like a corridor walk

You can't leave the Sierra Madre until you are done either

Tied with Operation Anchorage, yes.

>dude let's center two whole DLC's around our incredibly mediocre at best combat system what could go wrong

Honorable mention to Broken Steel for having to be made at all. If their ending wasn't retarded to begin with, it never would have happened.

Not trying to defend Dead Money but Dog was a pretty good character

The fucking head explode radios and constant fucking bear-traps and mines when when the fog and filters make you can't see shit blew my fucking lid

Except the NCR dude telling you that the place is on lockdown, you stepping on landmines and getting into a gunfight the first thing you do. There's your flare. There's also the fact that Fallout isn't some action movie, it's a post-(post-)apocalyptic roleplaying game where people are struggling to get by because of whatever raider gang, drought, radiation poisoning, mutated creatures and diseases, and you expect a town to just prepare fireworks for every single occasion somebody comes into the town?

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>Fallout 3 is a deserted, lonely post apocalypse. The places you go to are disconnected because they're supposed to be.

Fallout 1 was a deserted, lonely apocalypse but basically all of the towns were connected with eachother in a way that seemed like an actual region of civilization rather than a video game map designed for a player. They had active trade routes which were relevant to the setting and even tied into the main plot, and many of said towns and the characters in them had ties to the main story itself and the overall theme, despite being a wasteland that was shattered by a much more recent nuclear conflict than 3. Each town was memorable and had its own distinct theme, but they weren't absurd 1 dimensional cartoons.

>Table top idea of things were you would walk a long ways and find some new experience separate from the past ones.

This is literally a meaningless statement and it's very clear you don't play tabletop.

>Why don't you inform us on how it's poorly written and shallow instead of just spamming buzzwords.


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FO1/2 also had infinite space between hubs unlike all the games post 3 which have to fill in the gaps

Literally every character in dead money is cool to some degree

Fallout 1 was also a fucking tiny game there were only like 6 towns to explore.
Now if you're making a game that focuses on exploration and the cool things you can find in it's open world, you need many more interesting places to visit.
And the best way to make a place seem interesting is to have people there.

If Fallout 1 was open world, it would have just as many unrelated characters and places, because having a region separate from the main plot is imperative if you want to reward exploration.

>Do you remember the first time you walked into Novac?
Yes, because a legionare happened to walk by and got his brains splash all over by the sniper in the dinosaur, scared the shit out of me

>>Why don't you inform us on how it's poorly written and shallow instead of just spamming buzzwords.

It's for the reasons above. To explain I'll take an example of a similarly strange gonzo group from New Vegas: The Kings. They're a group of Elvis Impersonators who think that Elvis was a God and that his school of impersonation was a church, their leader is the best impersonator and all their dress sense, way of speaking and quests are references to Elvis. They're ridiculous and silly as a concept, and yet they aren't shallow theme park features because they have actual relevance and connection to the world and story. If you strip away the "concept" or "idea" of them in the theme park sense (i.e the wacky elvis gang) they're still a brutal but strangely well meaning street gang with their own sense of morals, internal strife and genuine care/fierce loyalty for their people and community with a connection with the world, with a sub-plot about what it's like to be part of a fiercely independent group of locals resisting colonization from an annexing force that is both in equal parts millitant and uncomprimising through its millitary branch but equally genuinely altruistic and involved in the development of an area stricken by poverty in its aid branch.

I ask you this genuinely, what if you stripped away the "concept" or wacky "idea" behind Andale, Cantebury Commons, the nuka-cola girl, the vampires or the Republic of Dave? How much actually meaningful content is there? What is their connection to the world and the overall storyline? How does its shape the theme? It doesn't. They're neat gonzo post-nuclear ideas but they're totally shallow.

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Also to answer your question, yes i do remember it as i had a lot of fun in my first clueless New Vegas playthrough.

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it's deepest lore you must be knew here pleb

Yeah, not even a contest.
>worst thing ever lorewise
>no real plot to speak of
>tedious as fuck to play with energy shielded aliens, pew pew guns and super linear generic scifi corridors
>basically no RPG elements

Sure, Anchorage was also a linear and forgettable slog, but hey, at least it still had some lore relevance and it had some environmental variety. Wasn’t good, but I didn’t hate playing it either. Dead Money is also divisive and I understand why gameplaywise, but nobody can deny that it has great story and lore. Zeta is just a dumb asspull with no story or interesting gameplay, it very much takes away all the good parts of Fallout 3 and highlights the worst ones. I can see myself replaying all other addons if I ever decide to replay the main games themselves, but I will never touch Zeta again.

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Having diverse enemy types with different tactics? There can be so much more to an enemy than the HP and attack damage. Having humanoid NPCs actually try to run for cover and using grenades to lure the player out of said cover can be a start. If you're dealing with experienced humanoids it can be fair to assume they're going to use actual tactics, such as suppression and flanking.

Animals, especially social ones, can use pack hunting instead of just trying to swarm the player without any sort of logic.

i'm glad i'm not autistic like you who requires there to be a deep story to everything
it's a bloody video game mate

In a roundabout way its real value was glitching the DLC items into the main game, making it a roundabout pay-2-win scheme

>play RPG for deep story, player choices and character building
>get opposite of what i ask for

pic related

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>If Fallout 1 was open world, it would have just as many unrelated characters and places, because having a region separate from the main plot is imperative if you want to reward exploration.

Again I can kinda tell you haven't played Fallout 1, or if you have you weren't really paying attention. Not every one of the places was DIRECTLY linked with the main plot, but they all worked to form a cohesive whole, if not about the Master and the Unity, then about the sub-plot of the groups of the region developing. This is better evidenced in Fallout 2, which walks the line pretty hard on the theme park stuff but tows it back in by having stuff like the Vault City-Reno-NCR factional sub-plot which runs throughout a huge portion of the game's exploration and content.

The NCR/Reno/Vault City plot is very loosely, if at all, tied to the Enclave and GECK storyline and is completely optional. it's something the player finds through exploration, but it still makes the map into something of a cohesive whole rather than a disconnected theme park. Same goes for minor stuff like Modoc and the Slags, Gecko and Vault City etc.

It's not one or the other. You're creating a false dichotomy where it's either every map is tiny and only relates to the main plot or it's this shallow sandbox designed to cart past the player with no cohesive world building at all.

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woops wrong picture

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Fallout New Vegas needed all of its people and groups to be interconnected with one another and the main plot, because the world of New Vegas in big, interconnected and dense. With the main plot being something that everyone has to deal with.

Fallout 3 has a very isolated world, with only few pockets of humanity sticking together admits a vast swath of wasteland. The main plot is something that doesn't involve the wasteland, only a group of two armies fighting over one specific area. In this sense having the regions be so interconnected would only be out of place and go against what world they created for Fallout 3. Because of this there also no big factions other the BoS and Enclave, because that too would make the world less lonley.

I can see why you would prefer New Vegas's storyline and world. I think I might too, but you have not proven to me why the loneliness of fallout 3 is worse than the acting and teeming world of New Vegas.

fuck off Pete Hines

It creates an entirely different tone though for the games.

NV just has a believable, cohesive world. 3 does not, which is fine, but theres alot of great reasons to love NV

And here we have the end root of Fallout 3 fans. Actual RPGs aren't for you and that's fine.

>any Fallout game

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that one is decent compared to the dlc from 4

>you enjoy things for another reason??? fucking autistic retard

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It's okay mate, maybe just stick to FIFA next time yeah?

>unironically giving the "Not interested in talking about realism in a game w/ ghouls and robots" defense

Oh wow that's even worse...

t. pete hines

Fallout 1 and 2 had triving and developed societies, Fallout 3 only has arguably two. You can't have them intercinnected and always referring to one another because there's no reason for them too. In Megaton or Rivet city, most people never leave the walls because there's nothing out there for them to see and the traders all come to them. If say megaton wanted a war with Rivet City, it would feel out of place as the whole world is too destroyed for anyone to start looking outwards.
Fallout 3 just has a different world than 1 or 2. you can like it less, but it doesn't make the writing worse

Operation anchorage was my least favorite

New Vegas's DLC is pretty subpar in general. Point Look Out and The Pitt were actually worthwhile additions even if NV is the better game.

This is the exact trend (aka issue) that started with 3 and full manifested its self in 4 where they game became.

>Explore the wacky retro 50's apocalypse future themed world
>You can do "everything"

That isn't even getting in to nuka-world, it sounds like something meant to take the piss, but is portrayed and set up as equal in scope and theme to DLC like the pit and dead money.
Its like someone making and "ironic" unfunny joke as far as possible.

Nuka world is the most tedious shit of all time

>having literally zero standards
Just because you don't understand what an RPG is about it doesn't mean those who do are autistic.
Also, no fucking shit videogames are becoming shallower and shallower, there's no need to even put effort in a game anymore because masses of retards like you will buy whatever crap gets released regardless.

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>but you have not proven to me why the loneliness of fallout 3 is worse than the acting and teeming world of New Vegas.

Because you can still have it be disconnected and well-written, taking the fallout 1 case as an example. The Glow is basically entirely optional and totally and utterly disconnected from the rest of the world but I'd argue it's one of the strongest areas in the entire series.

The disconnectedness isn't what sinks Fallout 3's towns but it is part of it, the main one is that it presents gimmick ideas and that's it. Again refer to the King's example I made, The fact that they're just gimmicks and they're totally disconnected is what provides the theme park effect.

I agree that having isolation in a Fallout game can be really compelling, like with Shady Sands, the Brotherhood and the Glow in Fallout 1, but it has to have depth to compensate, and the Fallout 3 towns didn't have any.

Are you retarded?

You can't leave the big MT or the Sierra Madre either until you're done either With Honest hearts, you can just kill Joshua and then leave.

I am tired of you lies Todd, I know its you. You president of the chess club manlet.

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It's not worse, it's supposed to be harsh and punishing. The first time I played Dead Money I was just exploring and I didn't pay any attention to the quest markers, when the gas kicked in it took me by surprise. It was a frustrating experience but it felt actually rewarding to get out of that hellhole.

>you can like it less, but it doesn't make the writing worse

It does when the game is set a full 200 years after the War and doesn't give a reason why no cohesive regional culture/theme has developed unlike the LA region which got hit even harder than DC according to the game's world, and managed to have that after only 80.

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Dead money was the worst one, it just wasn't fun at all. For all mothership zeta's flaws you can at least have a good time playing it, dead money was just a total bore

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Why do you even play a ROLE PLAYING GAME if you dont want to ROLE PLAY?

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The Pitt was great but ludicrously short. Needed some serious expanding.

I'm not sure how to feel about a DLC concept centered around "the whole experience is frustrating, the rewarding part is being able to stop playing it". I still don't know how to feel about Dead Money.

>I agree that having isolation in a Fallout game can be really compelling, like with Shady Sands, the Brotherhood and the Glow in Fallout 1

That kind of isolation had importance specifically because they were isolated not just in distance but in terms of event, factions, characters, ect.
It was juxtaposition in a sense.

Where as fallout 3 had a bunch of unrelated shit isolated from each other by a long walk through empty grey wasteland. Literal only related by magic good boy points and loot.

>dead money

> Again refer to the King's example I made, The fact that they're just gimmicks and they're totally disconnected is what provides the theme park effect.
Oasis may have a themepark ride of a lovely Forrest hippie place, but it also a community of various people who have concerns and trouble on the future of the big discovery.
The meresti vampire may be vampires, but they are also a support group for those inflcted with a desire for blood, and a gang that's both willing to torment an innocent town to get their people to leave and get killed, but are also willing to protect that very same town if it becomes beneficial.
What you said with the Kings is only that they have a theme as well as more going,, on when even the republic of Dave had undertones.
It was a family that acted like a republic, but still a family with their own divides and conflicts. You can attactch anything deeper toa group because all of them are more than a sentence, they only difference with the kings is that they have more of a connected world to show their actions. They are not innately deeper in and of themselves.

I remember there being a quest mod that expanded the Pittsburg ruins quite a bit, full on ruined streets that lead deeper into the city and all that. Was pretty decent as far as Fallout 3 mods go from what I recall, just can't remember the name.

Fallout was the first open world post apocalpsee, and so was made to be a played straight post apocalypse, since there was no reason to differentiate itself and make it's world even more confusing to new audiences. Fallout 2 also had the same problem with the world feeling to empty for the amount of time that had past.

I agree with the Oasis one and think it was one of the best quests in 3, but the rest I feel you're pulling blood from a stone.

>Fallout was the first open world post apocalpsee
Are you being serious right now?

I disagree, not that dead money wasn't a slog but that it doesn't have a merits.

Zeta had a shit layout, mundane game play, and a completely brain dead setting ruining story.
With DM it had game play the most people seemed to hate, but the setting, and characters were top notch. Some of the best in New Vegas.

Even if someone didn't want to deal with DM's combat there are 2-3 other decent DLC's and the option to mod out the explosive collars.

I did just that the last time I played through New Vegas again and was honestly surprised but how much it changed Dead Money.

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. Fallout was originally going to be a sequel to another """open world""" post-nuclear RPG that existed before it.

> Fallout 2 also had the same problem with the world feeling to empty for the amount of time that had past.

This is blatantly untrue if you'd ever actually played 2. 2 has a civilization that's beginning to thrive.

>play Dead Money for first time last weekend with high luck build
>break the casino
>buy over 100 superstimpaks with chips
I didnt even cared about the gold after this, just took two bars as souvenir
Also why the fuck you couldn't tell Christine that you know Veronica, and she is waiting for her in Mojave
>inb4 courier couldn't have known that it was her girlfriend
like how many BoS lesbians are there that he didnt connected the dots

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People hate Dead Money?

I was in a sense, but that's only because the world of Fallout 3 was made in a way that there were very little places were factions could interact with one another, there isn't a place where you can see how the family acts towards some other place, because there is no other place. The world's supposed to be empty which makes the factions less deep because they are not the focus.

Big Town or Arefu aren't what Bethesda focused, they focused on the wasteland between them and the horror and loneliness that comes from it. Something no other Fallout game managed to create to anywhere near the same great effect of fallout 3.

Yeah, I do hate it

another reason could be extremely austic user. your kid tells you he likes legos because he can organize them in his room from largest to smallest? warning bells should be ringing, loudly

nigga type in chinese stealth suit in the nexus

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First main one, yes.
Small computer games that were either segmented or randomly generated don't compare to the effort and mechanics involved in making a Bethesda, hand-made open world. If you wan't to change it to say "Big-budget hand-made open world" sure. But there was no other apocalyptic game of fallout 3's scale or type before it.

Right and again I'm not knocking the idea of trying to cultivate a Fallout that feels lonely, desolate and isolated but that still doesn't mean that those isolated places must by definition then be shallow gimmicks. I also still think it's an issue, whilst overall a minor one, that this is a game that takes place 200 years after the War. If you wanted a Fallout that feels desolate, shattered and lonely then set it 30 years after the War, or 40.

It's more like
>kid likes to play legos because he can build random shit and stack blocks with most times making a whole bunch of nothing
>kid likes to play legos because he is creative and can build cool shit using his brains

Just quit while you're ahead, m8.

Wouldn't 30 or 40 years after the bombs be, I don't know, literally inhospitable?
It seems like it would be too early.

Nah. It would be savage and lethal for sure, but not inhospitable no.

You can't have very well developed towns, when there's nothing they can interact with. Goodsprings is too small and isolated for it to interact with anything, and so Goodspring is just a town, with nothing else too it.

In the same way Gerdershade has nothing to interact with and so it is just a town with two memorable characters in it. This, though, is for both, as you don't need Goodsprings to be big or developed, since it's the starting town, and you don't need the town and places in 3 to be developed because they're not the focus of the game.

well gee if only we had an example of a place that got hit by a nuke or two that we can see pictures of what it looked like 30-40 years after detonation

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Dead Money had good characters, but I hated playing through it. Just absolute torture for my build.

76 takes place 25 years after the War and looks like the garden of eden.

I'm ahead?

lmao same, completely trivialized it

>a nuke or two
yeah but DC was hit by more than one or two genius

No way, far harbor is way better than this shit

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In fairness Fallout nuke logic does not work on real life logic. At all. It would be boring if it did.

Not for a while, no.

I didn't realize it was that early, I thought it was like 60 or so years.

You didn't play Far Harbor

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Far Harbor's better than the entire game


I actually enjoyed Operation Anchorage because of its setting. I always wanted to find out more about life just before the nuclear war and getting to actually be involved in the Chinese invasion of Alaska felt awesome. For me, part of what I enjoyed most about Fallout was trying to discover clues about life before the war and how it got this way. I loved reading the messages hidden in the game written just before the war. This is why I enjoyed Fallout 3 more than NV, because I felt more connected to the pre-war world in 3, and I didn't care as much about the factions and the world in NV

I sorta understand but I also prefer the old world to be a lost, inaccessible civilization like something out of medieval fantasy.

>felt more connected to the pre-war world in 3
because bethesda doesn't realize how long 200 years is, I still believe they wanted the setting to be 20 years after the bombs and not 200

>mfw the raging threads about people screaming how aliens were not cannon and never would be cannon
>in a series literally copying its robot design from lost in space


is that pic from fo4?


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what cool looking armor and weapon is equipped?

it was fun

looks ten times better than Diamond Shitty

People don't like the aliens because it expands the action scale. If you've got an alien spaceship that blows up the planet as an issue of conflict, suddenly the story of a tribal slave army and manifest destiny republic fighting tooth and nail over a lake dam isn't as important or engaging.

you dont want it becoming bombastic capeshit. That's more where the problem with introducing aliens in a large capacity lies.

The pitt imo.
Good concept. Shit execution.
>you might've arrived in power armor wielding a gatling laser, but these 3 thugs, one of whom has a lead pipe will 1-shot and disarm you lmao
I made it my mission to kill everyone there

That's not what I asked. what does the fact that the protectron is copied from lost in space have to do with anything?

Yeah it was shit.

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also, it's forbidden planet, not lost in space.





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the implication is that the entire series is a affectionate parody of the entire space and alien invasion genre popular in the 50`s and 60`s, almost of which all heavily featured encounters from alien entities. that and the alien laser gun was actually available from vendors in fallout 1-2 and not just in the "easter egg" scenario

mate look, details dont matter in shitposting. alls fair in war and love

You haven't played 1 and 2. Stop making shit up.

It's a shame that they spent their time and resources making that pile of shit as opposed to fleshing out more of the game's world. The Pitt and Point Lookout were very cool because it gave you insight into the rest of the wasteland, each with it's own atmosphere and identity. Mothership Zeta is just a generic 1950's alien trope which could fit into any game other than Fallout. Completely fucking up the Fallout canon is also a pretty shitty thing to do.

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What armor is it in the picture? I've been using the Merceneray pack for 3 years and i've never seen that.

No, you're making one hell of a jump here. Fallout has references to everything and anything from sci fi from the past 60 years. One robot being from a movie about space doesn't make aliens a valid option. The theme is still nuclear post apocalypse, not alien invasion.
>mate look, details dont matter in shitposting
it matters to my autism.

>you could get the Alien gun from vendors
no you fuck retard

>Fallout 1
grind out random encounters till you get it, based on luck and RNG
>Fallout 2
found in the Oil Rig after completing a luck and skill check

>What armor is it in the picture?
it's not on the Nexus, it was assets ported over from Sniper Elite and Start Wars, but this one is kinda similar


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i only ever did this and the one with the swamp hillbillys
i played mothership zeta on ps3 so whenever i went to the ufo crash site the game would just freeze
when it worked i liked how much dammage to alien weapons did and how much ammo they had

You're right and he's wrong. Fallout, while wacky in its presentation, is focused on the human condition, the horrors of war and the consequences of unchained acceleration. "Aliens did it lol" has no place within Fallout outside of non-canon easter eggs.

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>You haven't played 1 and 2. Stop making shit up.

there dosent need to be an alien invasion for there to be aliens, bruh. aliens and alien tech is canon, but not the primary focus

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a fun little detour made by a 2 year old kid with a keyboard

Both. They are both.

but they are the primary focus in mothership zeta, that's the whole issue.

It's an easter egg. The developers never intended for it to imply that the base lore of Fallout and the entire cause of the Great War was due to aliens. This defeats the purpose of the game's narrative.

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and mothership zeta is a sidestory, a dlc. your upset that something thats not the main focus of the game, has something thats not the main focus of the game in it?

agreed. then we reach the next line, where its also available in areas NOT easter eggs. huh.

What dictates what is and isn't an easter egg area?

FO3 DLC was more fun and interesting than NV's tryhard shit. Give me The Pitt and Point Lookout over Dead Meme and Old Reddit Blues any day.

Dude you are Reddit for saying that.

I like the atmosphere of Dead Money and The Pitt.

Crap, you're right.
I'll go back to r/gaming right now, sorry for the mistake.

Yes, I am upset that a sidestory makes a 180 on the theme of the game and retconns a bunch of stuff in the process. But you might want to cool off with the attempted gotcha gymnastics, that sentence of yours did not make a lot sense, grammatically or logically.

considering you get a geck in there, the entire purpose of the entire adventure and/or game in the first place, id say the area isnt an easter egg. maybe.

The Pitt is objectively superior to every NV DLC and Point Lookout was more interesting than all of NV in general.

its more like a 360 since its just continuing with something that was already established my dear fren

Considering that the alien blaster can only be obtained in 3 ways between Fallout 1 and 2, and 2 of these methods are special/random encounters, I think it's safe to assume that the alien blaster is an easter egg in and of itself.

two is special. one is random. and random dosent make it not canon, or then about....half the game wouldnt be canon either.

So, by your logic, having one alien blaster in a previous game is establishment enough, lorewise, to nuke New Vegas, retroactively destroy the narrative and commentary of why the nuclear apocalypse took place, and create some sort of malevolent deus ex machina for everything major that has taken place in universe?

>its not on nexus
Ok, where then?

why not, sounds fun

Yeah, 2 are special, as I said. I believe that a third alien blaster wouldn't be treated in any different regard.


just say you faulty logic got assraped by my post and move on with the shitposting, m8

it's from my pc user, if know how to, you can just port assets from any game and the creation engine will just render them in


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no, you specified the circumstances of its acquisition negated its canon status, which was Easter eggs. ones not, but your implication changed to quantity for some reason. theres only 2 gecks, does that make THAT non canon?

My implication never changed. I'm saying that the alien blaster is an easter egg in and of itself. This is evident by the fact that the blaster can only be obtained 3 ways. 2 of them are "special", thus non canon. I don't see any reason why the third blaster would be different.

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>because theres a non-canon way of acquiring an item, the canon way isnt canon

>I don't see any reason why the third blaster would be different.
>besides the fact its not in an easter egg, the very difference that makes it not an easter egg

>100 sneak
>Move 1 step
>It's some robot like 100 meters away
Who thought this was a fucking good idea

>know how
Yeah, thats the thing, is it not?

>he doesn't have Silent Running
here's your (You) stupidhead

if you keep failing instantly, then its Project Nevada's stealth rework fucking it up

Well I guess that's the main divider here that prevents us from reaching an understanding. You don't understand that an item can be an easter egg in and of itself. I suppose the argument can't go much farther at this point.

Robots have fucking HEAT VISION you stupid fucking LIBTARD REDDITOR. Of coarse they can fucking see you even if you tip-toe around like a fucking fairy ballerina.

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>Import your .obj file to Blender and edit it to your liking, cutting pieces using "Separate" (P) in Edit Mode after selecting the polygons you wish to separate from the original mesh, increasing the definition of your mesh by doubling the number of polygons using "Subdivide", mirrorring parts using "Mirror" under the Tools tab on Object Mode (then pressing X to mirror your X axis, it's great for creating gloves and boots for example), etc.

>Once finished, don't forget to select every polygon (A) of each mesh on Edit Mode and press W, then select "Remove Doubles".

>Now go to your Shading/UVs tab and select "Smooth" for "Faces", "Edges" and "Vertices".

>Export your object as an .obj file again.

>Now you'll have to copy the bone weights, the bone weight will determine how each part of the outfit interacts with the character's body, if it's a hard object, a soft object, etc.

>Open OutfitStudio and import the original, non-modded .nif mesh you wish to copy the bone weights from.

>For example, if you wish to copy the bone weights of the boots, you import the original .nif mesh, select the leg parts (which in this case would be attached to the whole body), and under the meshes tab, right click and select Set Reference.

>Now Import your edited .obj file to OutfitStudio.

>Navigate to the Bones tab and select every bone.

>Now select your modded mesh under the Meshes tab, right click it and select "Copy Selected Weights", set the Search Radius to 15 and Max Vertex Targets to 12 then press OK

>Don't forget to copy the original Material file for the textures by double clicking the original mesh and copying its "Material" directory, then paste it to your modded mesh

>Now you can use Creation Kit to create your new pair of boots by using any ARMA and ARMO form type as basis for your new outfits or pieces of armor.

>Make sure you checked the right Biped Object types - creationkit.com/index.php?title=Biped_Object

It's the worst one I played, never got around to the Anchorage DLC. I didn't like DM but at least it was something different, with a couple interesting characters.

yes, because it makes sense to put an item thats supposed to be a rare easter egg into a static location thats a guaranteed drop if you have the right stats. in the same area as the main item the entire game is centered around.

Yeah like I said this is the logical leap that neither of us can cross. Therefore the argument can't progress at all.

Anchorage is a shooting gallery, with like 2 speech cheks, Loot is nice, but that is it.

i guess we will have to agree to disagree that your not supposed to possibly find this alien blaster in a room that wont let you leave without exploring it and finding the geck as well

Nice, thanks user.

Anchorage is mediocre but you get an overpowered piece of power armor which is a unique version of an already unique vanilla counterpart. You also get a gauss rifle which is kind of epic might I say. Dead Money was cool and if you disagree you are a Redditor. Sorry, not sorry.

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You can keep writing the same thing over and over with slightly different structure and it's still not gonna change my mind. I would think that this much is obvious.

you can keep writing the same thing over and over with slightly different structure and its still not gonna change my mind. id think that this much is obvious.

At last we've reached a conclusion.

i'm gonna have din dins, anyone want some these meat pies?

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yeah. the canon item, in the canon room, containing the canon item the entire game around revolves around and wont let you leave.

ignoring the entire fact the second location isnt a easter egg which makes it 2 out of 3 locations canon locations for the blaster: ergo, the easter egg version being the outlier.

Mirelurk cakes were a weird addition because the recipe implies that random self-employed wastelanders have access to large quantites of eggs, break, mayonnaise and cooking oil. Should probably just sell the fucking meat for more profit and more nutritious nourishment.

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>in a series literally copying its robot design from lost in space
I agree with you in theory but this example isn't very good. Why point to that when you can talk about the fucking ghost in Fallout 2? It's from actual quest and not a random encounter.

You can not like MZ all you want, in fact I'm not a big fan of it myself, but I seriously do not think that ayys are nearly as big of a leap if you consider that literal ghosts are also canon in Fallout.

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The aesthetic and exploring is based but the story and quests are fucking vomit .

literally what does this have to do with aliens

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Eh, that's still not enough to justify having aliens as anything but an easter egg. There was a brahmin in Arcanum, when you go to that museum in Tarentum, but if they went and introduced, say, a faction of people wearing blue numbered jumpsuits and wielding laser rifles, it would still stick out like a sore thumb.

Probably just the protagonists going crazy and experiencing hallucinations.

No, the ghost is real. it comes out of a sarcophagus iirc and starts haunting their old decrepit house, there is a mini quest associated with it. Old rpgs used to have a buttload of isolated "whacky" shit like that (back when whacky didn't have that negative of a connotation). Problem is, there is a difference between placing one outlandish element for the hell of it, which doesn't impact anything beyond the quest it may be associated with, and doing what Bethesda has been doing with Fallout.
>That Robot is a reference to 50s sci fi?
>Let's make our entire game modelled after 50s scifi

>Fallout's intro music is an old timey jazz song?
>Let;s make the entire soundtrack old timey jazz songs!

>That drawing of a blond boy is on the character creation screen?
>Let's make it the mascot of the entire franchise!
See, they take one isolated reference and make it a core component, after which they modeled the games. That's why the disconnect is so strong. It's as if a new studio took on making Diablo 4 and they centered it exclusively around repelling an invasion of 7-feet tall cows with scythes.

Fallout 4 is a good game.

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i remember the day i pirated it, back when it first came out...

i havent played it yet, but, still.

Pretty sure that got patched. It wouldn't let me pick it up.

I've softened on it a decent bit over time. It definitely still isn't what I wanted from a mainline Fallout game, but I still got some enjoyment out of treating it like a strict scavenger sim. Far Harbor is great though.

>Far Harbor is great though.
>both Fallout 3 and 4 DLC out shine the main game by a long shot
There's some B-team writer showing up the A-team on a shitty budget. A budget that forces them to patch work voice lines like in the Brain Dead quest in Far Harbor and Neloth's voice in Dragonborn.

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Emil's amazeballs writtng blows that b-tier trash out of the water

it's not April 1st user

fucking this except dead money was so bad that I reloaded a save just to not play it anymore

Come on user, you ought to know that 2 year olds don't have the linguistical and motorfunctional abilities to operate a keyboard

Dead Money, obviously
Shit balance, very drawn out for not much reason

Does there even need to be any other reasoning?

muh story fags will attack you

mate have you seen modern kids

fuck you buddy DM was good

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The King is supposed to look like Elvis, is the modder stupid and such an obvious thing went over his head?
Isn't Nash supposed to be black? He went from a thin black guy to a fat white guy.
Doc has hair for no reason, Veronica is an emo scene girl, Dr. Henry is decades younger.
Why do modders change things like this for no reason, what compels them to do it?
Dead Money is great, your opinion is what's shit.

Some of those are different from what I got on my last run. Are there updates? Did he finish the other factions?

>Isn't Nash supposed to be black?

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No, Operation: Anchorage was
the only reason i ever go back to it is for the glitch so I can bring indestructible weapons and a fuckton of ammo out of the simulation with me

the Pitt is the best FO3 dlc but it could've used more sidequests, more of Pittsburgh outside the safe area to explore
Point Lookout is pretty fun but the story just isn't as compelling as the Pitt and ultimately has no bearing on the broader fallout setting
Broken Steel always gets an honorable mention for fixing the ending

I didn't think Veronica could be any easier to kill until I saw this picture.

Attached: veronica_santangelo_by_dragbody-dbv8zus.jpg (1024x1311, 112K)

i did it the other day

i cant believe i played 300 hours of this game with a laptop trackpad

pleb lmao, trackpoint is better in every way if you don't have a mouse

Point Lookout and the Pitt being the best FO3 dlc isn't saying much, the reality is they are both barely better than mediocre but that's how low the bar was for FO3 dlc
All of NV dlc is better than FO3 dlc, Point Lookout and the Pitt are just the only ones that come close to the level of quality NV would later bring

Looks like a knock off bitch from Shittylands

I cut Veronica into small pieces and keep them in the Lucky 38

fucking kek
Todd is based

Have you ever tried enjoying the environment of a game? Anchorage was bland sure, but pl was a totally new and interesting map, zeta had cool shit to see and think about. Idk why you need cross your arms and huff about shit that you can play for literally $5 if you grab a goty edition.


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will this be released in our lifetimes? are they going to restore cut content? am i a cuckold? wait, i can answer that one

its yes.

>will this be released in our lifetimes?
probably, especially considering the F4 Capital Wasteland and F4 NV teams have merged into one team


this should be obvious to anyone that sees what falout radiation can do.

whats even the point of this discussion

Why did they do that anyways? I know obviously 3 should be set after 2. But no reason they couldn't have set it 50 years after the bombs. Which would explain all the bullshit.

>they couldn't have set it 50 years after the bombs
I think that was bethesda's original goal, there was even a leaked image of red screened pipboy map that had the time and date on it. Beth probably changed the plot to fit groups like the BoS and Enclave in

The Pitt
Point Lookout
Dead Money
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Broken Steel
Operation Anchorage
Mothership Zeta
Lonesome Road

He thought RPG meant it had bazookas like in his Call of Duty.

Kids these days don't even know what a bazooka is grandpa.

>heading to the den to rescue vic
>pop into tubby's to sell some shit
>find vic
>radio gone even though i picked it up in klamath

who the fuck thought this was a good idea

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PL was good tho

>Old Reddit Blues that high

Would have been better if it was more like old world blues or OWB wasn't so "le random lmao"

B tier doesn't mean its bad tho.

Broken Steel is a gigantic fucking F

paying for a developer after thought which also has a shitty storyline, why the fuck would the BoS destroy the Mobile Base Crawler after capturing it?

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>GRA that high
lmaoing at your life

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2bfair I just pirated the damn thing and never actually bought it. If i was taking price into account for content it'd be much lower.

That said I liked the meme weapons they added

>why the fuck would the BoS destroy the Mobile Base Crawler after capturing it?
>why the fuck would the BoS destroy Helios One after capturing it

the didn't capture the Mobile base Crawler, they send one guy in and he dropped bombs on it

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wew, actually looking back at GRA I was rating it that high only cause I remembered the fucking nuka cola sign weapon on a melee run I played. Besides that it was just a bunch of special named guns. I gotta put that shit lower on the tierlist.

>why the fuck would the BoS destroy the Mobile Base Crawler after capturing it?

That's why you blow up the Citadel instead. A shame that you still can't join the Enclave at that point.

Not just that, GRA attachments only went on GRA despite them being the same gun

That's dumb, I don't think i tried using GRA attachments on non GRA cause GRA weps were stronger weren't they?

But Automatron was the best because of isabelle, ada and the robot making


Have fun Patriot

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I think they had better durability and DPS

Nope, they were exactly the same weapons except they had (GRA) at the end of the weapon name.

Nope, stab yourself.

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Zoomer who only played the game recently spotted. Must feel shit knowing you'll never get to experience the game at a younger age huh.

i accidentally triggered mothership zeta DLC. knew i had installed it, but didn't know how it started, so i went to the playground to see if it respawned any of the alien ammo cells that were there, and it started the DLC while i was carrying a bunch of cool & heavy weapons, so that limited what i could take back, and made me kinda rush through it.

>Doc mitchell is now rick and morty
>arcade gannon is now 48 years old
>Alice McLafferty is now a bitchy secretery instead of someone holding enough power start an organized crime business
>the king doesn't look like "the king"
>veronica is now an Emo
>Lacey isn't actually that bad for some reason
>Johnson Nash
>Cliff briscoe looks like he just woke up and is for some reason now in a fallout game
>Doctor Henry looks like Steve Irwin's cuck soiboy bastard child.

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Watkins is literally RE6 Sherry Birkin.

One thing I can say for Bethesda is that theyre slowly bringing the aesthetics back to the way theyre supposed to be 4 fixed the armor and weapons, 76 fixed the pip boy, the vault outfits, and the vault doors. Now they just need smarter, less antagonistic Mutants and get rid of the stupid feral ghouls

Anchorage was the absolute worst

Bethesda engine limitations right there.

Yeah, that's the thing about Dragbody's facial reconstruction mods. He can cook up a mean set of NCR armor but for the life of him he can't utilize ripped models of other characters from different IPs for the life of him.

>no open world where me can one shoot enemies

Enjoy something different for a change, Ubisoft drone.

>Bullet Sponge Blues
I bet you liked point lookout huh faggot

I liked the ironic Reddit humor when you compare it to the real Think Tank being horrible evil people before the war.

Anchorage was at least somewhat enjoyable first time through, also made early game pretty fun

Lemme guess, you waited till at least level 50 to do it.

i was level 24 nigger

>this thread
Dead Money is NV’s casual filter. If you can’t appreciate it, get some taste and then kill yourself

Dead Money is the run away winner in that category.

it's from all the retards that passed speech checks but didn't read them first

>Sherry Berkin and Ishi from Bulletstorm

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When the fuck will Bethesda give us a Fallout game where we can join the Enclave

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>thread starts with shitting on Fo3
>immediately try to spin it into a fuck NV thread
>another post afterward asking if the Pitt or Point Look out where the best
lol. fuck off. Fo 3 sucked dick and NV was good. Deal with it.

said handicap bonus translated into giving the shotgun which had 9 projectles 35 damage on each, which meant they were shooting 315 damage at you per shot, which made them lethal at low levels or without adequate DR
but this is nothing to the superior defender perk you got from the DLC which made all your attacks gain +5 damage, including shit like miniguns, giving them stupidly insane DPS, or the backwater rifle which was .44 magnum power and easily 100% crit but only required 10mm rounds
mothership zeta is the same for energy weapons, those alien disintegrator / atomizer things pretty much broke the game once you got a single one, and they had like a half second reload speed to boot
bethesda loves power creep, they think adding overpowered shit is the key to making people enjoy dlc


looking good

Dead Money is great story-wise and conceptually, but the gameplay itself gets kinda tedious.

If Nuka World had a "good" plotline where you can reform some of the raiders it would have been much better. It felt so railroaded without it.

no one remembers
>free power armour training from the start of the game so you can freely explore
>shitload of XP you can use to jumpstart into a new game, especially if you min-max and kill US soldiers at max difficulty but that's gay
>access to as much free ammo and infinite durability weapons you could ever want if you're into that kind of shit
>access to immortal t-51b power armour at the cost of fucking up a boring niche quest
>chinese stealth armour, which broke the fucking game, like 100% chameleon in oblivion
>an armoury full of weapons suited for every class
>chance to loot half a brotherhood of steel squads gear including gatling lasers and miniguns as well as power armour
>a whole shit ton of useful shit like sensor modules, scrap metal, holotags for repeatable XP quests
its like you didn't even play the DLC at all

>It felt so railroaded without it.
that and the Raider diversity doesn't make sense
>one group are party animals
>the other are mercenaries
>the last being literal cannibals

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Dead Money is fucking awesome could've been better

I bought the game the day it released. Can you at least explain why you thought it was so spooky instead of throwing around the canned insult of the day?

>Aliens abduct people because that's what they do, sure
>They create weird human/grey things
>they let them loose
>they just kill everything, including the greys

what was even the plan there?

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I thought the Abominations just got loose

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>honest hearts was worse for one fucking reason
You can't leave most DLCs until you finished. Only Lonesome Road you can leave mid quest.

Aliens started the nuclear exchange

Yes I couldn't finish. Pure brown

It worked well enough as a survival horror scenario. Never had so much fun surviving that hellhole. Then again I also liked honest hearts and despised OWB.

It was fun
Operation Anchorage is the worst one, but I unironically enjoyed every Fallout DLC.

As long as we're not considering anything from Fallout 4 to be "Fallout DLC" in this context, yes. Easily.

Is that more of your custom stuff or is that a published mod?

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