What the fuck have video games become?
What the fuck have video games become?
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This isn't bait, this is just pure stupidity.
>reviews: mixed
What is a videogame!? A miserable little pile of codes
>defending the sales of ingame currency in a fucking singleplayer game
Thanks for making the industry worse for everyone, user.
>2 euros for some shit I can add with cheat engine ad nauseam
remember game companies aren't your friends
The only retards are the ones that buy them.
my wife's bf got me this for my birthday present, i love him!
Why are you making this about dmcv specifically? I just played that last and this fucking game asked me every time I unlocked abilities if I don't want to spend some shekels. Games like deus ex and shadow of war or whatever the fuck it's called have this shit in them aswell. It's not a unique problem, but a cancer that's growing in the industry.
Anyone who posts wojak shit only knows how to make awful posts and is probably 16 literally or otherwise
Because it’s ok to complain about those games having microtransactions but the moment DMC V is mentioned trannies start dilating in anger.
It's not like this is new tho, it was the same in DMC4 SE.
>Cheats were removed from games in order for them to sell it to you for real money and in limited amounts
>There are even single player games with cheat protection to stop you from just using cheat engine to easily circumvent this
This is the saddest part. Cheats are no longer in games because why give players the ability to get free resources when they can be sold? Its one of the reasons developers also favor consoles over PC. Despite all their bitching about piracy what really makes them seethe is that resource based micro translations virtually don't exist on the PC as players can use CE and similar for the same goal.
>There are even single player games with cheat protection
yeah but even that will eventually be beaten out
It has already been beaten out. The point is the sheer fucking audacity of putting cheat protection on a game just so that they can be the ones to sell you the cheats. Doesn't matter that its ultimately ineffective
I agree
>the game itself has a weapon that lets you farm orbs without even needing to use CE
what was the point of this aside from starting pointless drama?
>retards giving money to the company so they can make more good games is bad
Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
No u
>pirate game
>get all those orbs for free and then some
The game isn't designed around buying the fucking orbs. You can easily obtain that many in less than an hour.
>microtransactions in a single player game ever being an issue
What does it feel to steal from people?
And that does make it okay why exactly? How is
>just ingore things you don't like
an answer to any fucking issue? How about you ignore all those SJW influences in your game if you don't like them? The games aren't build around being angry at them.
How does that not make it okay? You don't have to buy the fucking things, dumb shit.
why are you so ang-
>muh sjws
How is it not okay, you fucking retard?
Why do you think the government or anything should limit what a person is able to purchase?
Apples and oranges. You can't ignore SJW shilling in video games unless you skip the story and just focus on gameplay. Yet, you can play DMC5 normally without even checking if there are microtransactions in it.
of course, based trump is going to destroy you sjws trying to force microtransactions on us
get fucking owned bitch
Who is talking about the government, you fucking retard?
Why do you think we shouldn't express our negative emotions about it? Do you think ignoring will make it go away or do you think that if enough people bitch, moan and create negative publicity for corporate greed has a better chance than just doing fucking nothing?
Feels great.
if only you'd use all that bitching energy on video games
who am i kidding though, you niggers would rather complain about everything rather than play video games
Ask the devs, they tried to fuck me over first so now it's my time to fuck them instead :^)
woah bro you realize you can't just criticize DMC5 on this board right?
>comparing worldwide agenda to bonus purchase you can ignore entirely
Do you also make this rant whenever you go to McDonalds and they ask if you want to add more soda to your order?
That's pretty cheap
>Do you think ignoring will make it go away
Yes, quite literally, if you do not buy it, companies are inclined to believe that people will not want it.
There's a difference between expressing a negative opinion and being literally against the entire sale of it.
>do you think that if enough people bitch, moan and create negative publicity for corporate greed has a better chance than just doing fucking nothing?
There is no negative publicity for the corporation. It's a goddamn corporation, profits are already expected to be the first and foremost priority.
Look at all the past """outrage""" all it has done is increase profits for the companies.
You are like months late on that shitpost, kys
>play game
>get microstransactions shoved in my face
>"wow why do you complain, just consume more"
Is this some ploy to kill my by making me play more modern games that make me angry by introducing more and more anti consumer shit until I die of a heart attack? I mean retarded zoomers like you kiss their balls for shoving microtransactions into games and gladly defend this shit.
>equip faust
>lose all your orbs in minute
you can though
its my favorite dmc game but it has a ton of flaws, V's gameplay, the physics being fucked compared to 4, no playable vergil
useless microtransactions arent really an issue though, but of course you bitches dont actually play games so you just whine about unrelated shit
>Do you think ignoring will make it go away
If there's people buying them, fine by me.
there's plenty of good games nowadays though, you're just a little nigger bitch
have it your way, not like i give a shit lmao
>getting hit
>go outside
>get ad shoved in my face
do you complain about these too?
>Capcom trash
Play real videogames like Sekiro instead.
No because I didn't pay $60 to go outside of my house.
hell yeah bro, i watch based yongyea too!
That's good for you zoomer, I don't watch retards on youtube.
But you're paying for a television service and you still get ads
But you're paying for a newpaper and you still get ads
But you're paying for a magazine and you still get ads
Nobody is forcing you to purchase these items. You live in a Capitalistic society with a free market. You're going to have to suck it up.
>jap trash
Play real videogames like Jagged Aliance 2
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters
>free market
I wish
explain how its not
>getting this angry over simply being told to play games instead of bitch about them
this is Yea Forums alright
Income taxes
This is for plebs who can't use Dr. Faust properly.
>dont make income
>dont pay taxes
>still get to use the market
Only retards buy them when you have access to save game editors and cheat engine.
>free market
fuck off, commie
nobody forced you to make income dude, this isnt communism after all.
I miss when devs included cheat codes, ram editing is soulless
>I miss when devs included cheat codes,
You mean you miss when devs sold cheat codes to us?
The internet existed before guide books bro, you could just look them up and sometimes figure them out yourself.
This isn't any where near as insipid as gachashit style monetization. If you only got a trickle of red orbs in game and this was the only reasonable way to upgrade your character, then it'd be a problem. But it's easy as shit in game to get red orbs, so only absolute retards and game journalists would ever buy this shit. I'm not against retards giving capcom easy money, they actually make games I like.
>look them up
Still required someone buying the book and then telling others. And where do you think the book got the codes from? The developers sold the codes.
>figure them out yourself
Bit of a stretch but still possible and I'm sure still done to this day. Cheat Engine has definitely made it a lot easier.