When will we ever get a proper Star Wars video game that isn't pay-to-win or a giant cash grab...

When will we ever get a proper Star Wars video game that isn't pay-to-win or a giant cash grab? When was the last time we had a soulful Star Wars video game?

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>le epic light sabre gimmick

Fuck Disney star wars!!!

Holy fuck that looks so stupid, and I was one of the people defending Kylo's cross-guard lightsaber when the first movie came out

Saber gimmicks have always been a part of Star Wars.

Attached: starwars3-movie-screencaps.com-6795.jpg (1920x816, 349K)

it's just 4 normal sabers retard


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>People think Rey will actually turn evil or think this scene even means anything
Thats too interesting for Disney ,it will no doubtly be a fake out, like a force vision.

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>turn rey evil
>fuck darth vader and all the other sith lords that had some good foot hold
>end the whole thing in a fuck you cliff hanger

based retard

hi retard

Kylo's has lore related resons to look the way it does and was never that intrusive to begin with, I liked it from the start. It doesn't even compare to this abomination

>When was the last time we had a soulful Star Wars video game?
Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy
Battlefront (the real one, not the shitty new ones)

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This has to be fake

>1 character that was renowned as a gimmick character
>'saber gimmicks have always been there'
Maybe if your first SW movie was TPM, zoomer.

>he watches soiwars unironically

What the fuck is the point of this shit. You can't even wield it effectively in folded state, meanwhile can turn off one blade and it just works.

At first I thought it was footage from a fan movie, with the stiff motion, shitty lightsaber design and the fact that the blade displaces her robe without burning it, but no, it's real.

Think Rey will finally get a personality?

light nunchaku when?

Shadows of the Empire was unironically the last soulful Star Wars game. Maybe also Rogue Squadron.

George Lucas himself started to kill Star Wars. Disney finished it off. It's dead.

Already exists.

Attached: nunchucks.jpg (500x457, 14K)

Makes you wonder how they had this 6-year long elaborate plan for Marvel that worked, but had nothing to follow some of the most inspirational movies in film history.

Star Wars 1313.

You must be 18 to post here. This was LITERALLY the hypest scene of the Episode I trailer.

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Her folding saber deploys like a disabled person's folding cane. It could have looks awesome if it was spring loaded and snapped into place after pressing a button, but they messed it up.

Only literally its not

A dlc from bf2 in the og Xbox had a nunchaku sith

Remember when the Jedi were just Space Samurai?

no...When was that?

Disney's sequel trilogy is marginally better than the prequels, which means very little considering Star Wars has been a mediocre franchise at its best since 1983. Prequelbabbies and EUfags are some of the most obnoxious and autistic fanatics on the internet. Star Wars hasn't been great in a long time, and it will probably never be great again. Stop giving these movies attention just because they have the Star Wars brand slapped on them. Stop getting so emotionally invested in them (yes, constant outrage is emotional investment). Stop making these thinly veiled sequel trilogy threads so you can repeat the same tired
>at least the prequels had soul
bullshit ad nauseam like a pack of lemmings. Just move on already, it's fucking embarrassing.

Star wars has always been since george lucas shit out the first one complete garbage. It was a childrens show designed from the ground up to sell toys and somehow it became a religion to a generation of man children. The reason they can't make a starwars game that isn't a souless cashgrab is because star wars itself is a souless cash grab and it always has been no matter how you remember it. There has been exactly one starwars movie that wasn't unwatchable garbage and that was Empire. Look into your hearts you know it to be true.

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