What the hell is her problem?

What the hell is her problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:


being slutty and obsessed with cum


Kill all n*ggarz

Adrestian Sonderweg

Choose your words carefully, big guy. That's my wife you're talking about!

Reddit likes her, that's what

unironically this

Don't they hate her and call her Hitler?

No they love her and call her Hitler because they're incel neo nazis.

She loves her teacher a little too much

Someone drew the short straw and had to move the plot forward.

Or did you really expect we’d have 20 chapters of generic shadowy organization are the bad guys

>all siblings killed off by slither's crest experiments
>father was deposed by a slither plot
>stepsibling was traumatized by a slither plot

Hey, it ‘worked’ for Blazing Sword.

Edelgard really doesn’t have a say in the matter, especially before ascending the throne. Siltherers have had shadow control of the empire for a decent while

>a bandit

haha her name is almost spelled like edgelard

She's a school shooter

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Doesn't sound like their MO given how they hate Hitler with a passion.

And it is just one along the many of generic forgettable FE plots because of it.

They actually made a plot where everything isn’t neatly aligned in black and white, there is no perfect golden ending where everyone comes out happy, and there are actual consequences to your choices but FEfags can’t help but fling shit at it because their pea brains can’t comprehend it. It’s a damn shame

She wanted a revolution to destroy the crest system, because her personal experience of it involves her family being abused, tortured, experimented, and killed. She see others that suffer in similar situations as hers and it gives her the justification to conquered all of Fódlan to fix these problems. The Agarthans created her to be their weapon against Rhea, so she will play nice with them for now to destroy the Church and Crests system and then turn her ax towards them in turn for violating her body and the bodies of her siblings and father.

Unfortunately literally every single other route does it much better than her with less violent Revolution, and one features her literally turning into a one-winged angle with xenomorph armor. Without Byleth serving as her morality chain, she is “ends justify the means” monster that became what she hated most.

You forgot the part where she wants to take down the Slitherers.

if it helps getting rid of ten thousand year old seething mole people and deranged scalies, sure why not?

How is she like Hitler?

I can only think of two ways:

1. She started a war
2. She draws your portrait

>with less violent Revolution
That's pretty much just GD. BL and Church is a slaughterfesr by comparison.

But Great Britain declared war on Germany first.

wanting to and actually doing so are two different things.

GD is such a copout goodie goodie route, it’s clear the scenario writer for it has a hard on for Claude. Fuck that nigger

Straight up stated it happens in both the route ending and individual character endings but alright

Should have been fucking playable but that’s an entirely different gripe altogether

But this retard does such a bad job of it since she started off by allying with them, that it's relegated to epilogue text in a route that's 4 chapters shorter than all the rest.

It’s not a revolution if you are just defending your homeland from a foreign invader. That being said after the game’s events both the Church and/or the Holy Kingdom do peaceful reforms. Heck if Dimitri stays single, he turns his monarchy into some Constitutional Monarchy with equal representation for commoners.

>Unfortunately literally every single other route does it much better than her with less violent Revolution
Her being the unifying threat is pretty important for the other routes though.

Her childhood sucked, made allies with the shadiest sidesteppers and now she's forced to do revolution to make peace with herself

Depending on what you do, her efforts will either pay off or she'll end up dying alone and miserable

So maybe I'm a fucking retard but wasn't Edelgard working with the Slithers because she didn't really have any other choice?

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They could have reworked the plot to make her conquest less retarded. After playing other routes, it just shows how shortsighted she was.

>So maybe I'm a fucking retard but wasn't Edelgard working with the Slithers because she didn't really have any other choice?

Pretty much. By the time she mets Byleth she's already too deep to pretend it never happened

She's the character rampant shitposting retards who didn't play the game have identified as easy bait to nab (You)s with, same as with Kamoshida in Persona 5, so she's being spammed to death and becoming a symbol of shitposting despite her rare few actual fans not even being the ones posting her.

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She just prioritized the church, because how DARE they take in the orphans that the snakes left behind. CHURCH BAD. They, uh, they didn't do anything to stop the way people with crests were more valuable.

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Yup, leave it to speedreaders and delusional dimitrifags to overlook that fact though.

The Empire is basically ruled from the shadows ever since Ionius was rendered impotent when Arundel returned from Faerghus

>you see that monastery filled with homeless orphans&students?
>burn it

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It's never really stated that "she has no choice." She needed their strength to defeat the Church, so selhe willingly chose to.

She hates the concept of inheritance while abusing her own, claims to do everything for the people while also being the only lord who attacks civillians. She hates the church far more than anyone else.
She wants a meritocracy by eventually tearing down nobility.
She is willing to sacrifice her most loyal people for the cause and throw them under the bus.

She's like a mix of Trotsky and Stalin.

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They clearly planned to make her route longer (and apparently make a side-route for BL as well) but they ran put of time so they chose to remove all the fat instead

Same reason why the Church route is literally Claude's story but without him


Crest AIDS, also repressed lesbian.

How does it feel to be a rheafag who most likely didn't play the game

Worthless Edeltard cope. Play the game first.

being a woman

M8 the slitherers essentially have a gun cocked to her head early on. It changes a bit when she ascends the throne but even still

Sure technically it’s true she wasn’t forced but it’s clear the only pragmatic option that doesn’t end in her pointless death is to work with them for the time being, especially when their goals partially overlap


>her rare few actual fans
She's the most popular lord though

Those are not problems.

You're a fucking joke.

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rhea and her flying dragons

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I love how Hilda is the one girl who knew that Edelshit was no good from day one.

She had no choice because only other people crazy enought to go against the Church is either some random bandits, some psycho and the Western Church

Overall perhaps, but I'm speaking in terms of on Yea Forums.

>gets taken to the Slither rape basement by her own uncle
>has god knows what done to her when they experiment on her
>has to watch all of her siblings die
It's not surprising that she's a little fucked in the head, hell I'd expect her to be even crazier honestly.

>n-n-n-no u
Okay faggot
And you're braindead

Played all 4 routes. None of the three lords are perfect. Edelgard is indisputably the deepest shade of grey who goes full on black black without Byleth’s guidance but when Claude himself agrees with her ideology/goals I think it’s outright lazy to paint her as something black and white.

If only there was some way for her to learn of GD’s revelations pre timeskip a lot of the plot could have been averted

>She's the most popular lord
Not in Japan, or on Yea Forums.
The only places that matter.

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How much time do I have for these paralogues?
Obviously I know the literal answer, but do I need to prioritize them over exploration days?

retards who don't understand anything beyond "GOOD GUYS GOOD, BAD GUYS BAD"

This site is contrarian as all hell. Using Yea Forums as a metric for popularity is pointless.

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do you have the original of this by chance?

Can't be plapped in the american version.

So she's a run-of-the-mill tyrant who wants to exert the will of the few (her) over the many by using blood mages and their torturous crest experiments and then backstabbing them, because she was tortured by them a while back.
Imagine how many Edelgards she's making by supporting them.

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Playing BE as my last route and I notice how she is both catering for your trust, but also having trust issues herself. It really takes a lot for her to ask you to “reach for [her] hand”, and ask for help. I can see how both she and Rhea serve as foils against each other and they fittingly enough share the same route under the BE house until you have to make the decision who you side with.

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What's yours?

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>since she started off by allying with them
user, they're already deeply rooted in the empire. It's not a matter of joining with say Dimitri to take them down, she literally had no choice in the matter.

They aren't watching her 24/7. Tomas is the only slither at the school, so she has plenty of time to conspire with her fellow house heads or teachers if she needed help.

Even on Yea Forums she's the most popular she gets the most art
>or on Yea Forums.
Completely wrong

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>muh sekret club

Also that one poll people keep citing has her 2nd in popularity. She’s polarizing, which is to be expected for someone who drives the plot forward in an antagonistic way for 3 of the 4 routes in the game

They usually give really good items (Lorenz's especially) so it usually makes sense to knock them out first. For me, I usually do a explore-battle-explore-battle rotation every month.

Oh no no no no! Nobody post the Nintendo Dream one either!

She did it for (you)s, you should be able to relate.

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Short, stupid, and semen.

>has her 2nd
She's 4th, couldn't even make it in top 3 lol.

blacked user is back. based.

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>None of the three lords are perfect
Sadly this seems to be going over 90% of the fanbases head.

>Tomas is the only slithered at the school

I hope this is just you being forgetful. If not Jesus fucking Christ play the game

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>Also that one poll people keep citing has her 2nd in popularity
That's from a Korean poll with only 350 sample size. user is talking about the official Nintendo Japanese poll.

she's a gotdamn demon that's what!

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That was a different poll, one that was 70% women too IIRC.

Who is Monica?

She and Hubert are able to do that after fucking up the church, she would have had an even easier time without a weakened army.
The case is simply that she's a comically evil retard who allied with the only other comically evil retards on the planet. See

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Sup bras I wanna draw catherine in bikini armor would she be embarrassed or confident about it?

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And Hitler declared war on Poland first, dipshit.

Confident definitely. I imagine her walking around half nude and making fun of Shamir as she puts on a bikini.

She's literally doing to prevent more people like her or Lythinsea getting screwed tho.

Also in every route sans BL she's planning to ditch them and in her route's ending it's heavily implied House Vestra AKA Hubert went full ghostapo on the shadewalkers

You really just don't even remember what my original point was do you

She was 7th among the people who played the game, 5th among the females. Autistic retards will screech at how it was 64% girls, but that wouldn't even change the placements within her gender if more males votes.

Someone's seething hard

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Missing for the first few months.

It's extremely funny seeing anons who basically admitted they haven't played the game getting butthurt over edelgard

Actual, genuine retard.

As far as we know. They clearly don’t have an issue slipping past monastery security. You can’t assume that for certainty.

Their paranoia is rightly justified

death knight kun? he's there.

Blacked user whats your discord?

>None of the three lords are perfect.

What about Claude? He canonically survives the war no matter what

Do you remember what Poland was doing to its ethnic Germans that warrant what US and Russia does every day to other countries?

The absolute state of this autistic retard.

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Dimitri is as perfect as a person can be expected to be. The only thing he does wrong is show negligence to his people by prioritising taking Enbarr over Fhirdiad, which while not forgivable is understandable.

It’s beautiful how the hate for edeltards brings everyone together.

Dimitrifags are becoming as obsessed with Edelgard as he is and it’s fucking hilarious to watch. IS/Koei Tecmo must be laughing their asses off watching this unfold

Please actually study some history instead of getting all your knowledge for /pol/.

>best waifu has a shared ending with 2nd west waifu

Nothing wrong here

Death Knight is working for her, not the slithers.

Dimitri probably has the most amount of personal flaws of the three lords but the difference for me is that his route is all about him working through those flaws while Edelgard still acts like a bad guy even if you side with her

If Dimitri was a woman your incel ass would be REEEing about her just as much as with Edelgard.

only polls are littered with fujoshit

Nice flaseflag kill yourself Dimitrifag

>not being a fujoshi

silly user stop larping, men don't exist on the internet.

>Willfully leaving your subjects to suffer in order to satisfy your revenge boner, even when it is objectively the decision that will bring you closer to killing said target of revenge boner faster, and jeopardizing the lives of your friends and soldiers for a futile deathmarch that straight up gets him killed in 2 routes is just “negligance

Thank god Edelgard exists because that would be the single fucking dumbest thing a lord has done in this series bar none

>Bernie is no 3
Bernie is just no good

She has a support. Isn't that rare between a Lord and a student from a different class? Can't be bothered to check.

Not really he just got a realistic consequence for his stupidity

>abandons his kingdom and duty
>leads friends to their deaths in pursuit of selfish revenge
>admits to killing children

Dimitri fags are just female Edeltards, change my mind.

I must have missed that part, is it ever explained exactly why he's following her?
I wish he would become a playable second loyaltyman like Hubert in the BE route.

Not really. Claude and Dimitri both have supports with girls outside their house

Right, I guess I was thinking of platonic ones.

Play Mercedes/Caspar’s paralogue along with Mercedes’ supports it illuminates a lot of his background

Yeah but in this game since only the MC has an S rank support the paired endings are determined on the support level between units and how often both fight together

>I wish he would become a playable second loyaltyman like Hubert in the BE route.
It's a fucking joke that he's not playable in the BE route.

Ironically studying German and polish history led me to their same conclusion. It’s fitting really. People are so stuck with the black and white morality but can’t seem to remember that history is literally written by the winners when in reality both sides are morally gray. We humans are driven to demonize the other side so that we can justify our own sins. There are no true innocent side, just various guilty groups that wish to serve their own interests.

I think hackers discovered he might have been planned to join since both him and Jeralt has data for the team minigame (the latter even has voiced lines iirc)

Dimitri's penis smells so bad she had to declare war over it

Yeah, my paired endings were stupid as hell because they basically were sorted by slow vs fast units.

I want Byleth to tie her down and force her to watch as he makes love to Bernie.

What was Poland doing to ethnic Germans and why?

>implying anyone tries to defend that

>hurr durr he did something ething wrong
the chruch was just jealous over his attachment with the loli dragon you turds

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This is what I hate about waifu fags--this is what I hate about modern Fire Emblem (despite the fact I haven't played anything before Awakening).

People aren't enjoying the story in its entirety--which is arguably playing all four routes. People get fixated on one character over another, and then start going through their mental gymnastics, trying to rationalize otherwise myopic decisions, or even sometimes bad writing in general. Fire Emblem waifu fags are just as bad as late-stage Game of Throne fans, if not worse since they fawn over fucking Anime tropes. It's still beyond me how people like Bernadetta since she's otherwise repulsive as a functional human being.

And the worst part about this is, Nintendo fully supports this Waifu Emblem sentiment--the fact you have to choose one out of three classes when the story could have easily been consolidated into one epic saga. But no, they ended up dividing their playbase, so every one has a house favorite, their Internet squabbling otherwise being free advertisement.

>Not liking Bernie
Feel the bern, faggot

Look up the Danzig Problem

>she would have had an even easier time without a weakened army.
Are you an idiot?

By being a gigantic fucking pussy who does nothing on all the routes that aren’t his own and can’t even keep his own kingdom under control

Trying to claim that Dimitri did nothing wrong is so wild that I can only see it as false flagging. A huge chunk of his character arc is about how he made terrible mistakes and did terrible things and now wants to atone the best he can. Don't know how you could even be a fan of the character if you deny his character arc.

That's Ingrid, not Edelgard.

Oh right she got stronger after waging a war against the rest of the continent.

except it didint, nergal is an idiot and a terrible villain

People got too hyped up with “muh punished Dimitri” garbage and wanted to dunk on BE players since they weee by far the most popular house going in. Now they just come off as obnoxious as fuck

>they ended up dividing their playbase
Are you retarded or something? People having their personal preference of characters isn't dividing the fanbase.

It’s trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
I doubt anyone is actually arguing seriously

Why can’t her unique class do magic? It’s not fair bros!

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>t. seething Edelcuck

What attachment? Unga McBunga doesn't really seem to care about Sothis in any particular way.

Kinda? After sending out the manifesto there was conflict everywhere weakening all other forces on the continent and once the professor wakes up they steamroll everything

>having galeforce x5 is not enough
>she must have magic!

>win war
>all of Fodlan under your banner
>armies of each area now fighting for you

ask Edelturd

Use the Levin Sword/Bolt Axe/ secret axe art

She is already arguably the most broken unit in the series, did she really need that on top of it

edelshart is retarded and so are her apologists

Because an armored mage is stupid

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>Not wanting FE4 Barons

Get a load of this FAG

>burn down their homes and kill their friends and families
>then give them weapons
Great idea, that's never backfired in the past.

which route is the "hard one"?
about to start

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>Yea Forums hates fascism
What went wrong?

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Blue lions on hard

>Sex god must learn
>Bernie rolling despite getting autism
>Live Jeralt
And most importantly, what we all can learn from this game
>Explain wanted

It's one thing to have Waifu fags, but now you have people arguing which story is better.

It's like when Game of Thrones flopped, all the fanfic fags came out of the woodworks saying, 'well this is how I think the story should have went.' So unless there's some sort of paradox element that's actually worked into the story (which frankly would have actually been interesting if they did), you have threads like these were people are rationalzing character's poor choices because that ended up being the story they picked, not because that's the story, period.

There's no cannon story--it's people waifu-fagging over the story.

Golden Deer on hard gets pretty tricky in the end


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>burn down their homes and kill their friends and families

>specifically only kills Lords
>allows civilians and others to escape
>uses garreg mach as a shelter for those made homeless
Look I get you haven't played it but you should stop posting about things you know nothing about.

GD and Church has a much more violent war in the background because Faerghus and Adrestia mutually destroyed each other. Adrestia fucked Faerghus and Dimitri enables the Alliance to destroy the Empire by storming their capital much earlier.

If Edelgard had a dick they’d be fawning over how based she is. It’s pure retaliation from the pre release hype and waifufagging

I'd say Black Eagles because they tend to have the worst units growth wise and more reinforcement battles.

Old fags moved to full.-.Chan and reddit users came in to fill the void.

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Do you just call everything waifu-fagging

They're all about the same difficulty, but some fights are harder than others. In BL route, you have to fight a ton of monsters while in GD route, you have to fight a ton of hard single units. I thought the last boss of the Church of Seiros route was the hardest one since you don't have access to Edelgard and have to fight a boss that has 4 (FOUR) health bars.

She’s too based. Elibians would be so proud of her eliminating all dragon scum.

dimitri is a shit character

Not Eliwood.

>In BL route, you have to fight a ton of monsters
Monsters are easy as fuck though.

Just anything that has to do with Fire Emblem, that literally the king as far as shipping.

Being conservative != liking fascism. Get your reddit opinions out of here.

no u

I agree. I did say ‘worked’ tho’

He's trying really hard to be an oldfag but he hasn't played any Fire Emblem before Awakening. It is very pathetic.

They are, but they force you to use more attack gambits than support gambits, which kind of sucks. You could beat them without gambits, but then you're leaving a ton of mithril/umbral steel at the table.

Is there a No U for Claude too?

What's pathetic is falling in love with a purple-haired recluse.

El x Dima?

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He’s a NuElibian

>that literally the king as far as shipping.
You've clearly never been in a persona thread.

Post more mommy pope.

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Edelgard and Dimitri
>When oldfag Elibeans made Arcadia which was a haven for Dragonkin and Humans

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She's evil.
And I love it.

Imagine the hatesex

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Oldfags weren't conservative user

>55% × 60% STR
Good god imagine what their child would be

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He’s still a NuElibian

At least with Persona it doesn't affect the story.

They literally frame it as a high-school fling.

There has been more discussion on the story of Three Houses than any other Fire Emblem game. You don't hate new Fire Emblem, you hate Fire Emblem in general.

Needing sensei's dick to stay sane

That's why she's okay in the BE route but batshit crazy in the other routes

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It would be extremely hot

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Because it's done for wrong reasons.
In a world where a benevolent god exists and you become Jesus, I side with the Church.
God never intended for humans to have crests anyway and it's all the molemen fault.

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Just like the other two lords. Yet somehow this seems to get lost in the shuffle

I wish. Her voice wasnt near enough to orgasm when MC proposes to her given her sensei boner

Yes they are. They're conservative in the Sam Hyde sense: fuck all of the sacred cows, modern society is degenerate and has forgotten all of the basic natural laws, etc. Only reddit fags and tumblrinas think this means they're fascist.

What the fuck is she saying in japanese when she says "black eagle strike force" anyway? I get schwarz and adre and then it turns into gibberish

I'd like for writers to just go around and add Edelgard and Dimitri supports and say it's canon. The resounding shitstorm would be great

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That's a fucking lie
Dear sweet lord, the amount of Awakening threads when that fucking game was released

The story, not the girls.

I guess females really love Edelgard


I 100% blame this on her support having to be gender neutral because of her being Bi

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty meh about her but I'd rail her with the force of 1000 suns, both pre and post time skip forms. Feel the same way about her as Kirino.

user oldfags were counter culture they didn't care about traditional values and attitudes

People who actually want fem!dimitri, reminder your pelvis would get shattered to a million pieces during sex

Not Claude.
And Dimitri only gets himself killed, along with a bunch of imperial soldiers.
Meanwhile, Edelgard without Byleth commits so many atrocities it's actually funny.

Claude is pretty much the same throughout desu

Dimitri commits a bunch of atrocities (exclusively against the empire) in GD and BL too. The only reason why he didn't go feral in Black Eagles is because Edelgard didn't fuck Faerghus over in the 5 years

wtf he killed soldiers...

>exclusively against the empire
And that's why they aren't atrocities, user.
He can kill, massacre and torture soldiers, he's in his right to do so no matter how deranged he is.

I don't think you're qualified to talk about morality.

wtf Nergal was a good villain I don't see what's wrong with it

I don't think you're qualified to complain about someone defending his country from an invading force either.

>traditional values and attitudes
They rediscovered it like I did. Anyone who falls down the rabbit hole of statistics eventually figures out that traditional morality was a heuristic fix for our terrible natures. And they also realize the arrogance of modern progressivism in thinking that all of the world's problems is caused by social constructs.

It's a bit more complicated than that. Byleth going with Edelgard to Enbarr made the transfer of power from the previous emperor to her as official had rallied the rest of the empire house leaders behind her instead of her unilaterally seizing it as outside of her route, which causes the empire to split upon itself.

What was her name again?

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cunt destroyer

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free exp

Defending doesn't included torture and massacres, you fucking psycho.

The ‘evil’ noble houses still won’t join Edelgard in BE though

Well which one is it? I basically got 4 different answers

Play games other than FE user, he is cliched as they come

They both are included, according to any war you can think of.
Especially massacring soldiers.

GD and BE/Church are both harder than BL in my experience

being the only survivor of hardcore genetic experiments among 10 siblings might be a part of it

BL units are definitely the best in the game, so take that as you will.

she does though, just off screen. it'd be nice if we got that epilogue in-game instead of through text, but dlc and shit

Stop posting boar

I think it all depends on your playstyle. Blue Lions favors a swarm all at once approach to fighting due to the number of monsters post timeskip. Golden Deer requires a methodical approach to picking off targets, which is easy to do with someone like Claude, but punishes people who are out of position. Black Eagle has a lot of awkward terrain on their maps, but this is all but negated by flyers / Edelgard's galeforce x 5.

I think they're all roughly the same in difficulty unless someone can prove me wrong.

Dad killer plot device who's designer had a boner for clussy McGee

If only it was offscreen and not one line in the epilogue, the same epilogue that shows art with slithers in it.

She secretly purposefully manipulated information in BE so the slitherer’s wouldn’t have had Cornelia escape the Silver Maiden specifically so she could kill her so the slitherers would weaken

Nah, Claude went from a coward that ran back to Almyra and not caring about the affairs of Fodlan, to a heroic leader that was willing to use the army of Almyra to protect and remake Fodlan for the better. He's not insane like the other two but he has his own baggage and willing to let Fodlan destroy itself since it ultimately doesn't concern him or Almyra.

BL is for casuals
>final map
>kill myson
>half the enemies retreat

BE-GD is probably the most challenging routes in the game, i expect GD final map to get batshit insane in lunatic

Being perfect and in love with sensei

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>half the enemies retreat
Only 5 mages.
There's like 20+ units in the throne room.

Deerfag here, what evil does claude and/or the LeicesterAlliance do in the other routes besides general noble house backstabbery?

But since she is the officially recognized emperor, those evil houses are the traitors, which really fucks over the loyalty and morals of the civilians and soldiers.

Claude is honestly a good guy in all routes I think (only one I haven't played is Crimson Rose). He even puts blind faith in Dimitri in the BL route.

Doesn't make it moral. Again, you aren't qualified to talk about morality.

Nothing. He does literally nothing in all the routes but his own

>Only gets himself killed

Yeah nevermind the whole figuratively giving his own countrymen the finger by now liberating them when he had to chance and instead dying a senseless death that dooms Faerghus. Definitely what a good king would do

Dimitri is a bit actually slow in the head, like he’s retarded. I don’t think anyone would deny that.

Nothing. Arguably, they have nobles within that perpetuate the Crest/noble ideology that ruins lives, but that's it.

He’s not so much evil as he is a gigantic pussy and his neutrality dooms the Alliance

All Claude does is flee to Almyra really.

he helps you do a pincer attack in BL

Art school jews didn't accept her so she wanted to exact her revenge on them.

So his wrong is more cowardice and just admitting defeat instead of obvious evil. What about the alliance itself? GD route definitely had potential to foreshadow a lot of evil or at least grey shit within the houses in other routes.
>Political backstabbing to the point where it becomes a side mission or two in GD
>One house is cursed to become monsters.
>One is an empire sympathizer purely for survivability.

The closest thing to 'evil' is when he purposefully pit the alliance house leaders against one another instead of letting them pick a side, which dragged the war out for 5 years in BE route. The alliance joining a side would have been enough to end the war and minimize casualties. Claude then proceed to fight a last stand battle against Edelgard even though he later admits he agreed with her ideals and that she would have accepted their surrender and spared everyone. It was such an unnecessary waste of lives.

I am coming up with a thought gentlemen. Men like Jeralt had a blood transfusion from Rhea and thus inherit the Major Crest of Seiros correct? In the Church route you see many Knights of Seiros whom no doubt also receive her blood too and either go crazy or turn into giant white Wyverns like a pseudo dragon themselves. Probably due to how directly they receive her blood either by direct blood pact or because they are decedents of people who got her blood. Rhea seems to be pretty liberal in giving out her blood unlike most dragons, probably to surround herself with a “family” as a replacement gold fish tactic because the loss of her mother and the massacre at Zanado. That being I can only assume that non-relic using Knights of Seiros are exempted from being tested for a crest under Rhea’s Church orders otherwise it would be a pretty big social upheaval if word got out that she has a private army all that have major and minor crests.

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>tfw you realize the legendary weapons are made from the corpses of dragons and powered by their hearts

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How's the actual gameplay of this game? I hear that the weapon triangle is gone but is there anything else added for difficulty? Is weapon durability still here?
Last FE I played was radiant dawn so I have no idea how the ones after play

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>One house is cursed to become monsters.
>people still repeating this

mages are the only real threat in this game, after everyone retreats the only thing you have to watch out are the meteor gremories which only shoot twice, after that the map is literally free because the enemies are so weak, you even fight some war masters unarmed

I’m interested.

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Claude gives up on Fodlan with Byleth.

The alliance’s Issues are very self-contained and not so much relevant to the fate of Fodlan as a whole. There’s definitely shady shit that goes on like House Gloucester getting the former duke Reigan and Raph’s parents killed probably but that’s all internal politics

In all routes the Alliance is split between pro and anti empire factions with Claude going 'nope we're neutral'.

My bad, without Byleth.

That was both metal as fuck and made me feel like an idiot not guessing it sooner with the strange designs of the relic weapons

Autism, being a child experiment, having crest cancer, and going through an edgy athiest stage.

I genuinely like her SOLELY as a villain. She's an insane, evil cunt and I love that, she doesn't pull any punches as a villain. While she us evil she still sees herself as fully in the right and doing no wrong, making it all the more satisfying when you stomp her in BL and GD.

>when you realize the little girl those pale guys hried you to kill was actually god

Claude is anti empire on his own route though.

Well I meant every route that isn't his.

We Monster Hunter now

>Ewww, it’s looks all alive and pulsing and won’t stop throbbing in my hands. Can you hold on to it for me Professor?
What did she mean by this?

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At this point, I am almost certain Sothis was already dead and all they did was find her corpse and and dissect it for parts.

>has the worst route in the game
>is upstaged by Golden Deers route in every way

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what makes most sense to go for after dimitri route?

If the last FE game you played was Radiant Dawn then you should know removing the weapon triangle only makes things harder, since a big difference in RD's hard mode was removal of the weapon triangle compared to normal. That means you can't just park your one swordie in a battalion of axes and have them murder everyone by just standing still.

Weapon Durability is still there but it's normal weapons can be repaired much easier so you don't have to just buy new weapons every few maps. Legendary weapons are harder to repair though.

It is amazing how perceptive this dumb basic thot is to so much shit in this game plotwise

i think the game doesnt emphasizes enough on the fact that Edgegard is on borrowed time and does the most rash decisions cuz wants thing done asap or she will die before doing her dream

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Either Church or GD so you can do BE after. You don't want to be stick with GD/Church as the last two because of how similar they are.

The Hard/Classic mode is more challenging than Awakening/Fates on hard, but not as difficult as those games on insanity. They brought back durability. Bows are insane in this game because of an ability that lets you counterattack from 1 foot away. Magic is great in this game because it doesn't require tomes-- it just requires a certain class spec and your charges refresh on every combat. So it's a good way to economize your weapon usages.

Mounts are fucking broken and I unironically hope they nerf it. You can mount/dismount as a free action, removing the one weakness mounts actually have.

Probably GD. I did BE after BL and found that it was a mixture of lackluster and boring.

That's it's an unholy creation made by slitherers

Wish relics looked more like Nightmare's sword from soulcalibur

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I mean the forest where most of the turned monsters from that crest are in is part of edmund's domain.
It's not an actual curse but a perceived one that honestly fits in well with the whole setting.

The worst traits about Claude are his cowardice and he being an almyran Trojan horse anchor baby.

He grows out of both if he gets teach by his side, not only does he fight for Fodland and then fucks off to make Almyra great again before opening negotiations with unified Fodland through Fodland Throat but he is also faced with the fact that he was wrong for being a literal nature worshipping hippie mocking the church of Seiros, it's really funny to see him eat his pride and admit that Sothis exists and lives inside his favorite teach.

Car broke down
Edelgard: burn it and buy a new one
Dimitri: smack it till it works
Claude: let's call AAA

thanks, i'll go for deers

Fliers are broken. Paladin is meh and Cavalier sucks ass with the speed growth penalty

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>Claude: let's call AAA
Not swindling other people with a "cheap" car, then using that money to make the first payment for a new one.

You have Edel and Dimitri swapped.

Just beat GD and is there any point to joining Edelgard? Claude does everything Edelgard wanted to do without acting like a psychopath

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I probably shouldn't have worded it like that but I was wondering if higher difficulties changed anything. As long as it isn't super easy I'll probably pick it up soon

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Arguably, Claude couldn't have done it without Edelgard acting as the big bad that causes the rest of Fodlan to unite against her.

I’m curious, since I never bothered to pay attention to the enemy units. Do all the human units in the Church route’s last map all have the Crest of Seiros, I was too stressed to notice if they activated any abilities on me.

I mean he flees because he literally lacks the means to win the war and he knows it. There's cowardice and knowing you're outmatched. He does care too much about Almyra though.

Then who killed her?

Currently, hard just adds more enemies/ambushes to the map. In the upcoming DLC, lunatic mode will actually change the behavior of AI. For example, the death knight will be able to move and attack you and ambushes will be able to attack you on the same turn they appear.



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Should I just fucking ignore the first Death Knight you can fight at the academy? Is the Dark Seal actually worth obtaining?
I can beat the knigger, but not without exposing the only potential survivor of his counter to death from fucking miasma or ranged attacks.

Never noticed, I killed the map too fast for anything to trigger, I do recall Nemesis fight being an rng fest of that Gloucester mage always triggering its crest for extra damage and that disgusting Falcon knight always critting twice.

The world itself was already trending towards placing less importance on crests so I doubt it. Though you could say that they wouldn't have found the Slitherers without Edelgard.

The game is incredibly easy even on Hard. Personally if you are wanting a challenge I would advise you wait for the update (probably at the end of the year) that includes Lunatic.

Weaken him with gambits first until he's one-shottable. If you can't do that, there's nothing wrong with skipping him. Dark Bishop is a meh class and can only be used by guys.

Claudes plan ironically only works because he has the church and messiah teacher on his side.
If it wernt for that, claude would have been a coward and the alliance would have dissolved itself
So he's a very human kind of evil than an emotional trainwreck like the others

I want to throb in Hilda's hands

Partially, his schemes only work if teach the s by his side though.

The only times they actually work pre timeskip are when he entered Thomas archives, mentions the sealed forest being off limits yet he has already being there and sneaking into the freaking holy tomb before Rhea guides you there and him mentioning he couldn't get the "elevator" working.

If there is any purpose to Claude fighting the empire is probably Hilda character development where she dies in that bridge, considering she was always talking about how pointless it was to die for others.

Forget Claude, why is Hilda such a good character? Even when fighting Mariane or others she holds no grudges, why is Hilda so good?

Dark Mage isn't really worth it, go Mage for Fiendish Blow. After that, your choices are Warlock for Bow Breaker or Dark Bishop for Lifetaker which is 50% of damage converted to HP if that hit killed. It's probably pretty useful on Male Byleth for Nosferatu memes

That's true but is there any logical reason to join her over Claude or even Dimitri. Cause the more I think about it the idea of joining her side seems like a dumb idea when Claude exist.

Hilda most definitely does anal only

>Hilda, I'm sorry...
>Oh dont worry Marianne, its war, I forgive you

Don't think I can one shot him even if I spam all the available gambits I have. Does make him easier to hit though. At the very most I need two attacks.
I can kill him with Dedue performing a regular fist attack (and surviving with 2 hp) followed by Dimitri using Knightkneeler.

I guess I need to kill that one dark mage fucker just above the Death Knight though or else he'll target poopoo and kill him.
Curse this autism

All this talk about Claude got me thinking, why didn't Edelgard try and recruit him to the cause, I mean he already agrees with her so he'd be a good ally to have. Dimitri is more iffy as to if he'd join if Edelgard tried to explain it to him.

Do you guys like the idea that characters that feel like they belong in a certain house aren't?

What I mean by that is characters like Ashe and Lysithea being in BL and GD even though both of them would fit better in BE since they have reasons to oppose the church. I ask because as I play BE now it feels weird having characters like Lindhart, Dorothea, and Bernie be main members of the party while they either don't care for the empire ir just flat out oppose them but work with them anyway. It doesn't feel like a group of people connected by a similar ideology, it feels like Edelgard has everyone beside Hubert by tbe throat, and I don't know how to feel about it.

Because Claude doesn’t like the methods Edelgard is using, plus she sees him as an outsider who can never truly solve Fodlan’s intimate issues. And seeing how he acts outside of GD I don’t think she’s wrong to think that.

Claude wouldn't have helped cause her methods are far too cruel. It would help if she wasn't a psychopath.

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>Edelgard talking
She literally only has one support from a different house. She's not willing to talk.

You can ignore it. You can obtain four dark seals total I believe, they all come from killing him on a certain map. Missing the optional first one is completely fine, you'll realistically use only one, maybe two, on a playthrough.

Well she should

Claude is mostly kept in check by Hilda and Lorenz pre time skip, Hilda fucking hates Edelgard and senses there is something wrong with her, Lorenz doesn't really get along with the eagles outside of Ferdinand and he scorned Dorothea fucking hard since she liked him from the start.

Also Claude thinks Edelgard is naive, he isn't wrong to be honest considering she flinched at the idea of nemesis being a thief.

I think it kind of makes sense pre-timeskip because those houses are chosen based on geography, not ideology. So having conflicting viewpoints makes sense. I think they could have been more radical with who joins/leaves after the timeskip but from a gameplay perspective people probably would have been pissed that the units they poured effort into fight against them.

Even with the crest breakthroughs hinted in hannemann’s endings, there’s no guarantee that they become public knowledge if the powers that be don’t wish it to.

You really think the nobles at going to willingly forfeit their societal advantages via the crest system? I wouldn’t be surprised if someone put out a hit on him.

I know what you mean. When I did BE I felt like Ferdinand probably would have fucked off after timeskip if units weren't tied to House for gameplay reasons.

>Claude does everything Edelgard wanted to do without acting like a psychopath
Except he doesn't everyone else does.

The Epilogue cards are considered public accepted history

Bold of you to assume everything would pan out exactly as it did in the absence of a 5 year long war.

If that war doesn’t kick off, that means odds are Edelgard probably gets whacked and the siltherers put up a new puppet who’ll help them at upending the Church hierachy, and who knows how that ends up.

Honestly I can even see the DLC route being a what if in that regard

Ferdinand is such a weird case because his developement seems to occur OUTSIDE of BE. He finally starts to not live in Edelgard's shadow, learns to separate his life from his family's name and become his own separate person, and finds a cause he genuinely believes in. On BE Edelgard does restore the status of his hpuse but he exists as little more then a puppet of her's.

I love Dorothea

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The Death Knight's a pansy little BITCH!

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Most of the future house leaders don't care much about the crest system. Seteth certainly doesn't care much for it either. Dimitri himself says he wants to make it so people don't put so much importance on crests. Claude doesn't seem like he cares about it all and would rather globalize. Of the Crest holders we know of, that really only leaves the muh nobility duo Ferdinand and Lorenz that would probably be against it.

I mean her two best options to ally with are and insane prince and a literally who that showed up a year ago

>When I did BE I felt like Ferdinand probably would have fucked off after timeskip if units weren't tied to House for gameplay reasons
Everyone beside Hubert and maybe Petra, simply because she doesn't understand the situation fully, would.

I find it both ironic and brilliant that the members of the BE house actually become worse people by staying with Edelgard.

Ferdinand and Bernie fit so well in Golden Deers it isn't funny.
Felix is an odd one since he is thirsty for Bernie and lysi yet has such good supports with almost every house.
Raphael has some unique BL support choices to be honest but outside of Ignatz he isn't that tied down to the allianc and is only in to be a good bro to her sis, Lysithea is also the only one in Golden Deers that makes sense in black eagles and Mariane is just great at everything having great pairings with Hilda and Lorenz in GD, a fucking beautiful one with Dimitri and a great one with Ferdinand.

what the fuck were they thinking with this dudes face
Golden Deer's cast is awful desu

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How the fuck did her tits get so gigantic

how did they get yusuke from P5 to be in this

They were thinking "let's design the chaddest noble in the game"


Her ass is out of this world, Mariane tits are humongous.

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His head is egg shaped to reflect his mayonnaise empire

he becomes ultra chad in time skip

Edelgard is a clown! CLOWN!

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What makes Marianne's support with Dimitri stands out the most?

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Not as chad as Caspar

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Rapaheal fits in GD less for his character and more for his background. Unlike BE or BL GD is the house made up of the most commoners, it feels the most "humble" of the houses.

Felix is a weird case but honestly he fits in BL only in my eyes. While he does act edgy he still cares for his friends above anything else and joining the empire doesn't benefit him really, he doesn't seem to feel much of anything about the church.

>are we the bad guys, Byleth?

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you mean Stacy?

>Only Lorenz and Felix got Dorothea wet from the beginning.

I must say that she has fine taste for men.

>not liking Lorenz Hellman Glouster and his supports with Ferdinand

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Not him but it feels more genuine I feel. Their bond doesn't feel like "quirky antics bring these two together" like most supports and they relate to one another and their struggle.

She always has big tits? Hello?


Are Rhea and Seiros the same person? Or is Rhea some kind of reincarnation

any classes I should take dimitri through pre-time skip?

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caspar is a angry manlet

Would the slitherers really get rid of Edelgard if she didn't go full ANSCHLUSS on Fodlan?

People only like her because she's a loli-type.
She's such a bitch to ignatz.

well maybe Ignatz should stop being a little faggot

Paladin is a good choice IMO since you get Aegis, which makes him even more tanky against ranged classes.

Brigand fir death blow.

Yes? She was built from the ground up to be a pawn for them in their shadow war vs Rhea and the Nabeateans in general. If she’s not going to advance their goals why would they not get rid of her especially if she was to openly turn on them?

They definitely relate to each other on what feels a real level and their paired ending together is really sweet. I would recommend watching their supports whenever you can.

Shes bratty, but she is also stressed by the fact shes going to die soon. Ignatz also trips over himself a lot in the C and B supports, even Ingrid gets mad at him in their supports. Lysithea has great supports with Lorenz, Catherine, and Claude

Historians found out Dimitri last message to Mariane is that he wouldnt trade the years he spend with her for anything.

Their supports start about their crest and become about overcoming their inner demons.

The boar and the beast, it's beautiful.
Raphael is such a bro he can go anywhere and make Caspar love himself, make Lysithea act less of a bitch, trade work out tips with the boar, cure Bernie of her anxiety completely and bless her with more children than Caspar, achieve feats only known to Felix without throwing an insult or make nobles understand that talking to commoners isn't hard.
Fuck it even Shamir becomes a better person by being paired with Raphabro the legendary mercenary with a noble heart, I made Raphael an assasin in my newest play through just for his C support with Shamir, turns out that a stealthy dancing Raphael is broken.

They could play the long con and still keep her as a puppet, in fact having her as a puppet Emperor could allow for even deeper slither penetration of the state of Adrestria.


>Raphael unknowingly mocking Lysithea right to her face
He's too powerful

Before release I teased this guy as an egghead and thought Dimitri's hair looked a bit weird, but how did those two become absolute chads after timeskip? How did IS do it?

He looks fine desu

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Female Lelouch/Char Aznable. People hate her but glorify her male counterparts due to blatant misogyny.

They kept the timeskip mostly under wraps instead of marketing it

>Noble as hell
>All the bitches want his dick from the word go
>Biggest source of conflict with the ladies comes from being TOO good for them
>Best future statesman in the cast, one of the only students that Fodlan is truly worse off without
>Really really ridiculously good looking, and his son turns out his spitting image
>Can cut glass with his jawline AND nose bridge
>Best crest weapon
>Good bases
>Better growths

He's the biggest baller in the cast, without exception. Second place is so far behind you can't even see them.

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I thought everyone loved her

You can't contain the Raphabro, he is just too pure for this world.

Yet another case of subtlety going over the heads of retarded weebs.

Yes user, people only hate her because she's a girl.

They already have a puppet emperor though, Edelgard's dad is politically impotent

Is it worth training edelgard and hubert if I’m doing church route

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Makr her a Bishop just to spite her on her church hateboner.

Both are pretty heavily suffering survivor's guilt and genuinely understand each other over it. I think the connection between them is best defined in their A support, when Marianne says that even though everyone else tries to cheer her up (which is how most of her other supports are), Dimitri is the only one who yells her she doesnt nees to force anything and can keep being her usual self.

Wouldn’t say it’s only because she’s a girl but it is 100% a factor.

Edelgard has a dick and suddenly this board is screaming 24/7 how based he is for taking Fodlan by force to achieve what he bribes is best for the continent that isn’t pure Evulzor or social Darwinist tripe

All of Marianne's support is basically "just cheer yourself up girl" with the exception of Dimitri since they both understand each other's feelings. That's why Marianne's smile felt more genuine when she's with Dimitri compared to her other supports.

No, I literally just killed off Hubert at the first opportunity when he threatened me. It doesn't make a difference. You never get to use either post time skip.

>They could play the long con and still keep her as a puppet
user, if the puppet won't play puppet then there's no reason to keep them around.

I dont recall Yea Forums caring that much for Walmart in Awakening

I know le Hitler is a big meme and all but I think Yea Forums would have always gone for the Guts-lite guy with an eyepatch, niggers on here LOVE Berserk and suffering heroes. I do too.

>Female Lelouch
The delusion of Edeltards everyone. I didn't realize plotting the murder of fellow students/launching an offensive war = subtle genius like Lelouch.

yup, because we all know that people love male Corrin and regard him as one of their favorite lords while absolutely trashing fem Corrin

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You know the series has male villains like Edelgard, right?
No one would actually care to defend Edelgard if she was a guy, that's the actual, sad truth.

Jesus christ

Lelouch is an idiot

Reminder, Edelgard tried to kill as little as possible but the Slitherers went behind her back to kill as many as possible to make her look like a savage ruler

How the fuck did IS manage to make female Byleth look so much worse than female Corrin?

I don't know, I really didn't care for Dimitri's edgelord phase. He's nothing like Guts. Whereas Guts is stoic, Dimitri lashes out too much. Felix calling him the boar prince is 100% accurate. He's too stupid and pigheaded to be Guts.

>you can be a full on retard as long as you have boobs because people will defend you that way
Checks out

>when Marianne says that even though everyone else tries to cheer her up (which is how most of her other supports are), Dimitri is the only one who yells her she doesnt nees to force anything and can keep being her usual self
And the best part is, Marianne smiled after Dimitri said that.

>subtle genius
jibun wo

Is it just me or is swift strikes a REALLY good combat art?

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Did you just forget about what an absolute edgelord Guts became after the Eclipse? He got over it too.

>You know the series has male villains like Edelgard, right?
Not really?
None were really fighting for the greater good.

>ally with the worst of the worst
>'WTF why are they doing bad things'
Gee who would have thunk

Arvis Zephiel and?????

And I don’t think either of those two were written as ambiguously gray as Edelgard If we’re being honest here

So? The moment she allied herself with them she became responsible of everything they do.
>but she's using them
Not an excuse.

Female robin makes my dick hard

I always read her name as edge lard

Epic post

She rapes,
but she also saves,
but she still rapes,
and she saves more than she rapes!

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None that are in your party for a whole campaign. Slap a dong between her legs and give her a Hitler stache and the little memesters and stormfags on Yea Forums would never have shut up about her.

Lysithea's support with Edelgard has more character development for Edelgard than most of Edelgard's supports with her actual house.

Post her pantyhose feet.

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>ruthless conqueror who firmly stands that the only way to achieve true peace is through a strong, united continent
>however, everything he's doing is to prevent the revival of dragonshit while also being manipulated
Gee, I wonder who Edelgard actually takes after.

Again, willingly acting like she has a choice in the matter

Yo why Flayn got them dick suckin lips on her model but then nothing in her character portrait!

Keep moving the goalposts and how the only reason people defend her isn't because she's not a girl.
As a guy, she'd be seen as a full on villain in every route because people wouldn't forgive her retardation so easily.

nothing about code geass is subtle

The flame emperor seems to be really short.

If she doesn't then she shouldn't act like she does

>subtle genius like Lelouch.

The Earth Dragon chimped out because humans were assholes to manaketes, he went on a downward spiral after the fire emblem imprisonment though but he had genuine grievances.

Stay a dragon, go mad due to the degeneration, turn into a manakete with human form and become an outcast among humans.

Poor shadow dragon, he could only go down, also Zardin he was a good person before being devoured by darkness.

Edelgard is fighting to upend a Church built on a fundamental lie made to placate and manipulate the people. Not only that, it’s an explicit goal that is shared with probably the most objectively good of the three lords, whereas the disagreement comes from the methods used.

And she eventually takes care of said manipulators, even if it’s offscreen

It's she's trying to keep the kill count as low as possible in her encounters precisely because she has no choice user.

Sounds kinda gay too.

And what's with the ax?

Leik, Oh my gawd! Guys! I am the Flame Emperorrrrr!

From my point of view, the Church is evil!

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is that what dub Edelgard sounds like

How do you have enough IQ to use a keyboard?

Not even the archbishop thinks the church is a good idea by the end of the game famalam, or at least its current incarnation

Who made this small El and why do I see her everywhere?

>Finished up Hilda's paralogue
>A big scary axe is not my style

Are you sure about that?

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I'm surprised there are no pics of the chuuni emperor being made fun of by the other houses

You can make her a savant if you want you know, she is actually good at that.

>Byleth sure works hard to help professor Manuela with her lesson plans
Hilda's entire character seems to be a juxtaposition to her actual playstyle
>crits three times in a row
>"Im still a delicate flower you know :3c"

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I'm convinced she's good at everything. Felix, Sylvain, and Hilda have some absurd growths in my playthrough right now.

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They like you-know-who as well. Your point?

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I-I can't decide.
Do I go church or do I go with the emperor.

I kinda want to do BL next, if that helps.

Not an argument

Church is similar to GD so better to space them, but BE has the most unique maps I believe, even if it's shorter.

If she could be a Warmaster her crit rate would be 110%

Hilda can be an assasin one of the few paladins that can still gain speed, a killer fortress a ridiculously good great knight and thanks to bolting she can be a savant or a dark knight.

Most people just stay warrior or put her on a Wyvern but she is just good at everything other than a decent priest.

And even as a priest you can give her the magic axe and break shit lose.

What the fuck are you talking about? Byleth becomes Arch Bishop in two routes
If you braindead Edelfats played more than your waifus garbage route you wouldnt keep repeating this dumb shit

Have sex incel

Attached: Edelgard_BTFO.webm (747x420, 1.93M)

>Ashe exists
Yup. This is reddit poll without a doubt.

>tfw made my Hilda a dancer

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I like Ashe...

>kill Edelgard
>protect Edelgard
>be me, a Christian
>don't want to kill her
>she repays me by going against religious authority
>gets even more awkward when she says "point a sword at the goddess herself"
>tfw goddess's soul is fused with mine
Is there gonna be a payoff of this stuff or is this important plot stuff going to be left by the wayside?

dilate mental ill tranny

>big hot bitch

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She still gets strength growths even as a dancer, why is she so perfect?

Fuck it, make her a savant and give her Lorenz relic to bolting and support shit across the map.

I’ve played all 4 routes, clearly you didn’t S rank Rhea in church.


Suck my dick you troglodyte

Char is on a whole another level and is actually in the right.
Their only similarity is scarifying people & working with corrupt people.

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Nothing. She's saving the world.

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So I get that Dimitri's crest gives him tard strength but what's the reason behind Edelgard being so strong, isn't she supposed to be dying of crest cancer or something?

I was thinking if I went church then I'd do BL, then GD and end with BE.
Iunno, it just seems like the transition school to the BE route is kinda sudden. Everybody just seems to be okay siding with her despite with the fact she was sort of responsible for a lot of bad shit that happened and not telling anybody what she was up to and suddenly sending goons on everybody that were fine with killing them.
While everybodies reaction in the Church route seems more expected, at least to me.

I want to be her concubine!

>>be me, a Christian
You people shouldn't be allowed to post

Do you think she shaves? Trims?
Just has an unkept monster bush?

I wouldnt advise ending with BE because you'll feel like shit slaughtering all the friends you made along the way

Gentleman, as this thread is coming to end, i would like to use this rare opportunity to tell you all how much i love Leonie.
I love genkiness, i love her smile face, her angry face, even her default face. I love how much effort she puts into training and how she makes you her rival.
I would also like to point out that i love her orange hair, her cuty tomboyish hairstyle and her deep, sexy and unique eyes.
It might be inappropriate to say this, but i have to say it, i love her figure, her nice and firm D bust, her tiny waist with cute naval, and her hips made for grabbing.
I love Leonie very, very much.
Thank you for your attention.

Attached: leonie my love.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Just explaining why I didn't want to kill her bro.

Crest of Flames is no joke m8, not to mention her crest of Seiros. Not to mention her natural talent just being through the charts

Where the fuck are these things coming from

Edel -> Church -> BL

BL imo is better if you've seen the Dedue scene from Church/GD first.

I have to say, this artits drew her tits exactly as i imagined them to be.

>When Claude does everything you were trying to accomplish except more efficiently, less bloodshed, and more allies

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>isn't she supposed to be dying of crest cancer or something
so is Lysithea and you can ask the Death Knight how that turned out

>caspar not on the list
I seem to be the only one who loves that bastard. Made him a war master in one playthrough, gave him dragon claws and he fucking killed everything in his path

I made my Caspar a fortress Knight and he got absolutely nothing done
still a nice dude though

being able to cast magic well is not the same as being able to unga bunga.

>Annoying manlet with something to prove

I wonder why you're the only one who likes him?

shut up lindhardt

It's more like most of the other combat arts are really bad

>muh jeralt

Dunno. I just see them and add them to best girl folder.

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This I dropped her after her support
It’s not even like Felix where he does it out of love, it was just genuine bitchiness and lashing out.

Why is Claude so based

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except I fucking loathed his anime napoleon complex shtick from the getgo and then he turned into a fucking bro post time skip, try again faggot


He’s also the biggest cuck in the non GD routes though. Almost completely irrelevant.

He reached out for the truth.

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Does anyone have the two straw polls we did here? Want to compare

>anime napoleon complex shtick
It never fucking comes up though



You have a point.
I...might do this.
Or just say fuck it to church and go GD.

If he does everyone's job in the non GD routes, there'd be no conflict. He nerfed himself in BL and BE routes, just so they would have a story.

Only insecure retards who recoil at any male character being remotely reserved or soft spoken dislike Ashe.

Sooo... Who do we like now in order to be contrarian? Cyril?

>Ingrid - 9th place

This is definitely a reddit poll.

You have killed like 300 people by this point in the game

>Jeralt panties

Golden deers should just be removed from the game. Worst route by far
>ebin reddit spic lord that opens up borders to a shithole country and only pretends to actually care about fodlan
>fat bloated shallow fuck
>actual slut
>nerd kid that only exists to be shit on
>bitch loli
>zero dimensional tomboy
>Lorenz the ugliest character ever produced in anime
>hurr durr feel bad for me depressed girl
Absolute garbage enjoyed killing every last one of them. Meme tier house that’s only loved by cucks who can’t make ideological decisions

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>it was HAIRABLE...
No, kill that stupid bottom immediately

Seething/jealous Marianne fags probably.

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Just like Edelgard had to put on the antagonist pants to push the plot forward, because it would have been boring as shit to just fight slitherfags for 22 fucking chapters

>He doesn't want to pity fuck Marianne

Can you people just not see tits or something

All i can do is laugh at someone as dumb as you.

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she will never love you because she's too busy thinking about your dad

Even in plebbit poll Edelgard has least votes out of 3.

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Put me in the screencap for this epic post

>zero dimensional tomboy
What does this even mean?

Absolutely based milady

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Hilda has canonically never fucked anyone.

Except Caspar

But thats only if you do their supports, and even then Caspar is too much of a shonen protag to realize benis in vagoo

Just the fact that she’s the only female in the game to even imply sex in her supports is telling enough