should I make a sub? I've never played WoW before, but I'm curious to see what's the hype about.
Should I make a sub? I've never played WoW before, but I'm curious to see what's the hype about
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these shill threads are getting more and more obvious
I'm literally not a shill. At that time WoW was in English and I didn't know the language se vuoi ti parlo in Italiano per farti capire il concetto.
fuck off
Yeah you can make a sub. If you can stand putting in a time investment and forcing yourself to interact with the community while leveling up, you can get some fun out of it.
Takes a long time to get to 60 for a first time player, about a month or so of continuous play, so try and enjoy the road to it, and do all the quests you can find.
why cant they contain themselves to their 500 other threads? wow players are confirmed worse than actual aids
Reasons to play Classic:
If you're a hard core fan of W3 and want to explore the world
If you're a filthy NEET and want a game that feels the void. See, all these recent "home threads". Never seen so many gaming addicts before.
Play it now or don't play it at all. This month is going to be the time when new and returners will be able to play the game as it was intended and have fun. Eventually it will be only the die hards left and you aren't going to be able to enjoy the game for what it is, and instead have to deal with an insular community.
>Game is coming out
>people are excited about the game
Dont unless you're a neet who has given up on being anything in life
Could he have not said it in such a retarded way
>but I'm curious to see what's the hype about.
so watch a video or try a pserver, or watch a stream for the first day to see how it is. it's just carrot on a stick grinding for months so you can get gear to gank lowbies. there's really not a lot to it, if you don't have nostalgia for it you're probably not going to like it. if you like those clicker games like cookie clicker vanilla wow is basically that but they replace cookies with mobs and other people can steal your cookies and it takes longer to get your next unlock than it would in cookie clicker
As said by a guy who doesnt play MMOs
there's no reason to play vanilla wow except world pvp you're a fucking neanderthal if you pretend to like the mind numbing battle for mobs that is leveling to 60 especially at server launch where everyone's going to be doing the same shit for the sake of being efficient since it's a figured out game
Anyone knows if you'll be able to refresh sub with ingame money like they did it with retail?
Using vanilla gold? Won't happen. Your sub gets you retail and classic though so you can use retail gold.
the game has something for everyone.
the social butterfly that wants to rack up as many friends as possible.
the hardcore raider who poopsocks and goes for speedrun clear times.
the troll who wants to just mess up other peoples day.
>Game was on private servers year before
>nobody cares
>Now game is shilled and hyped by influencers and company
Nostalrius was kind of a big deal
It's like 15 bucks so if you like it then cool if you don't like it well that's only like what 20 minutes at work? Give it a shot
Ah yeas the 600 ping unfinished versions how fun. Get fucked don't reply.
you think blizz needs to pay shills on /v to get people to play classic you fucking retard?
I've never played any MMOs , apart from like a week of SWTOR, it was free and I wanted some Star Wars after the movies.
And with all the hype about the WoW Classic, I feel like it's a good way to start? From what I understand I need to buy a game and also pay a monthly sub? And also be subscribed on Twitch to some guy, who will organize events and stuff?
Will I be able to fully play the game without the Twitch subscription? That seems excessive.
My usual character names are all taken on Old Blanchy. which one of you fuckers took em. Seriously, all 4 of them
>why are people hyped about professionally done and maintained servers?
>why are people hyped they no longer need to play on chink servers?
Jee wizz I dunno