I get closer and closer to tearing up the more I stare at that landscape in the distance. It's just so fucking unfair

I get closer and closer to tearing up the more I stare at that landscape in the distance. It's just so fucking unfair.

Attached: end my suffering lord PLEASE.png (1920x1080, 3.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Sony niggers are pathetic. Imagine posting this every single day.

does the game get choppy sometimes?

so there's less shading...?
I know they gotta keep the graphics low for the switch, but seriously what else did they change?

Everytime you post the PS4 version I'll post the sales of said version

Attached: Untitled.png (300x137, 6K)

Switch has a lot of more contents.


I don't have the SMALLEST CLUE of what the fuck you are talking about. I got the dust off my switch after the 8 month post-smash of literally (in the literal sense) no games and this is what I get in return. this is the president of nintendo with a big disrespectful "fuck you" as soon as I open it. I'm staying strong but I'll crumble on my knees soon, it's getting wet around my eyes

You can marry the loli

I fucking feel for you Nintendo. I have no clue what to play. Astral chain ended up surprisingly the biggest disappointment (76 metacritic). I'm just so done with this shit, with everything. I want the torture to end

Trying too hard

>so there's less shading...?
at any moment now you're gonna see it

Attached: DzGUgZMXgAAsY0_.jpg (640x640, 34K)

That mini map tells me everything I need to know about this game.

That's what we're known for after all, right Nintenbros? we are nothing if not tryharders that stand strong through the worse of times

Stop using my favorite series to make shitposting threads


If you are gonna shitpost on a game not even out for the public yet, least use actual facts you faggot metacritic.com/game/switch/astral-chain

Attached: astral chain.png (1076x343, 85K)

oh right sorry
78* with the bonus
FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK it's back to building a castle of dust again

I’m a so(n)ygger and we just can’t compete with nintenchads

What is the point of the PS4 version? Like how retarded and/or cucked does someone have to be to buy it?

If you want
>best graphics
>mods (such as soundtrack patch)
play it on PC

If you want
>new content
>fixed soundtrack
play it on Switch

the PS4 has none of those. Imagine being one of those people who bought the literal worst possible version

I bet you truly believe your trolling is working

I think these people are either 12, completely drunk or seriously mentally damaged

The ps4 version is basically an objectively worse PC version. I can't fathom why anyone would defend it at this point unless you're a consolewarriorfag.


So your average snoyfag?

I truly believe in a good future for Nintendo games, that's why I stay true to being a switch-only bro :) high five my bro
Better times will come I am sure of it

thanks for the kind words my respectful rival. I just wish I saw, as a nintendofag enthusiast afficionado, my favorite brand of games in the same positive light as you! thanks again snoy bro you guys are the best some times (invite me to play persona 5 with you guys some times! or even dragon quest at acceptable visuals, I swear I was dying to play this title and look what they've done with it FUCK)

people talk about Nintendo bonus, but never Sony Bonus huh

Attached: SONYYYYYYbonus.jpg (5376x1292, 2.09M)

This isn't even funny, your suffer.jpg from kingdom sharts is making me actually think you are crying behind the screen.

what? I didn't even attack a picture to my post. 'nyways, OP here, thanks for cheering me up bro, you guys are the best and I just know I can count on you to help me with my migraine post-garbage blurry graphics during these dark times

oh my god
thank you so much for alerting us. I was literally at gamestop just 15 minutes ago literally about to buy this then I come home to this thread. Thank you kind sir, you are doing civic duty here :)

another bump for good measure

rtx off / rtx on

>Have nothing to play
>Another exclusive game for Switch is announced
>Start shitposting because he is s omad

Lol So(n)yggers

Shockingly no, not really. The resolution gets pretty low in very populated areas but you don't really notice it much unless you're looking for it.

>gladium tranitrua is a switchie

>you don't really notice it much unless you're looking for it.
I'm supposed to shut my eyes in a slow paced turn-based rpg like dragon quest? it looks this good on the ps because you have time to admire everything, as opposed to a fast paced action game for example
nintendo is finished bro

Niche Japanese games don't get that bonus.

>first "AAA" nintendo-exclusive entry this year

Attached: 1562258366353.jpg (280x292, 19K)

Do you talk like an insufferable spaz to everyone you know, or just people on Yea Forums who enjoy video games?

wow, you are so above me
you enjoy dem gamez the way they're supposed to
no need to pretend at all, hundred percent genuine
a true certified gamer that has put me, a phony, in my place

you're visibly excreting bodily fluids with distress right now

Based PC Chad


Attached: 4B2DE312-E371-4E6C-9B7F-3155F50B9AF4.jpg (425x283, 38K)

bro, don't worry. the resolution of a switch screen is so shit that you wouldn't be able to see it anyway

Is your pic supposed to prove something?

Holy SHIT look at this downgrade!

Attached: 4a1.png (1920x1080, 3.74M)


s-s-soul, r-right boomer bros?

Attached: boom boom.jpg (1000x543, 178K)

As much as I hate to say it as a lifelong Nintenbro, He’s right. I can’t live the lie any longer.
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.

It proves "nintendo bonus" is just a stupid cop out for anyone who doesn't like the fact that nintendo games are usually rated higher than games made by other people. As for third party games I can attribute the differences in score to different websites reviewing different versions of games and it appears either the nintendo websites are more generous then others or people are reviewing the switch verison on how well it works given the circumstances. Because unlike you most people don't think of things through the console war lens. Same thing applies when PS4 versions of games are rated higher, they have websites who review those games but the score isn't put onto both versions, just the PS4 one.

based humble nintenbro
doing what many others can't
if only others were like you maybe we wouldn't be in such a shitty state as we are as players and nintendo as a lazy money-hungry corporate

I don't believe you have ever touched a Switch in your life. Post pics of yours or you're talking bullshit.

don't you have the least bit of decency in you? why are you being so cruel? do you think user wants to see his dust-ridden switch that is trapped in a box somewhere in his attic to help forget the pain? can't you share just a bit of sympathy for the pain that he's gonna feel once he sees all the dust that has piled up bringing to memory the horrible mistake that he made? user probably went a christmas with nothing to play because of his poor decision. he could be having fun with others playing great video games yet he mistakenly bought a Nintendo Switch and spent that christmas as the laughingstock of the neighborhood, with nothing to do but cry himself to sleep from the middle of the day till noon

I’m at work, dummy. And no I don’t play bing bing wahoo 1up at work. I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not. The switch is trash.