So, does anyone actually want to talk about Astral Chain or just shitpost all the time?

So, does anyone actually want to talk about Astral Chain or just shitpost all the time?
If you're genuinely interested in the game, then get in here.
Reviews are looking good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Guess it's all shitposting then. You're all cocksuckers.


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>So, does anyone actually want to talk about Astral Chain or just shitpost all the time?
how about you talk to your irl friends?

>68 without the nintendo bonus
oof holy yikes

Preordered. Coming Friday. That's all I have to say about it. I hope I can make the girl an albino.

>Reviews are looking good.
Could someone please post a few?

I'm watching this one right now:

>female has obligatory hip turn ass shot
Embarrassing tbqh

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user Nintendo bonus was already cancelled out by blue checkmark hatred for police. The game's legit brother ;)

>does anyone want to talk about this bland weebshit

I preordered a couple days ago. Avoiding the threads and reviews so I can go in with minimal knowledge. Give it time, the shitposters will move on.

>Yea Forums
>not shitposting everything to oblivion just to destroy it and get joy out of destroying it
you have too much hope for humanity

>Reviews are looking good.
Why would you mention this if you expected this not to be a shitposting thread?

you posted this the other day.

no one fucking cares, the last platinum game literally had 2b in it.

>try and copy V's battle style
>fuck it up

Bravo, Platinum.

> Journalists caring about any Japanese game that isn't Zelda, Mario & Metroid
Sonyfags are mentally ILL trannies

People were worried about the reviews because they have a direct correlation with sales.

Anyway, I'm more worried that if the game is as good as people say or hope that every thread is going to turn into an AC vs DMC5 thread. NOTHING has gone by that wasn't turned into a vs DMC5 thing lately. I fucking love DMC1 but lately it's gotten really stressful to be a DMC fan. It's part of why I'm so eager for more Platinum.

Yeah, because the game started development as soon as they saw V's gameplay. This bullshit is exactly what I was talking about.

>People were worried about the reviews
People who play games don't cares.

Nier Automata's box isn't bad
Astral Chain's basically says that the female character exists solely for objectification

And you should care, no woman will take you seriously as a mate if you have this game on your shelf

I’ll talk about it user
I just need some more action games
I got this preordered
Just got DMC during the Capcom publisher sale and I already had Bayonetta 1+ 2

I’m just having a great time

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I don't have any friends IRL so that's impossible.

You don’t know shit about objectification retard.
Plus she’s fictional she’s literally lines on paper and code in a game

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Yeah, but people who love P* want to see them do well.

Im actually hiding so i can go through the game blind

I’ll be your friend

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>run around enemy to chain them
>activate epic cutscene attack
>rinse and repeat
Good talk

I got a question.

I know you can pick between boy and girl, they're twins, but can you customize your character beyond that? No videos, please. I'm trying to go in as blind to this game as possible.

3DPD go home

Is Collector's Edition worth it?

Walk on home, reddit.

Yes you can customize hair, eyes,skin color etc

It's a Nintendo exclusive and you're on a board with Brazilians who are too poor for it.
What do you think.

I wish the US got the CE Japan got.

I also want that shirt the director is always wearing

Beast Legion will be my best doggo and everyone that says otherwise drinks horse cum.
What I really wanna know is if he 2handed will be fun to use over the baton or the gun.

Nice. Thanks.

Legit interested here, I want some Platinum action with a new IP on my Switch and have a lot of faith in the game.
Fuck the haters, I'll enjoy it.

Speaking of the Jap collectors edition I order it I could walk you though ordering it if you’d like.

Attached: D699777A-FA63-4335-9638-521DDAF96615.jpg (750x1289, 420K)

Then post uncensored.

3 days 3 hours 43 minutes

Not that guy but I gotta add that you can get some pretty fuckin' neat costumes.

But not IRL.

Another reason I love P*. You don't have to buy them and they still hold the practices that made the PS2 era great. Not sure why developers don't get that people FUCKING LOVE UNLOCKABLES!!! DMC4 and 5 are specially guilty of this.

Waiting for the nsp to drop

I dig the environments and art style, really reminds me of Akira to some degree, really looking forward to this one

Devs realise that people still love unlockables, but publishers also know that they can lock cosmetics behind DLC or add-ons and people will still love them.

Which Platinum game is the most similar to this one?

This is you. This is literally you right now.

Have some fucking class.

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This isn't a Sony thread.

Who the fuck shows off their game collection to women anyway?

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It's got elements of all of them. Hard to really pick two. You have Bayo dodges, MGR blade mode on sword legion, the chain has some similarities with the wonder liner, some arpg elements from automata like sidequests and chip installs for buffs.
What you should expect going in is that the actual move list for the player character will be far simpler than something like Bayonetta, likely on par or simpler than even automata, the depth comes from how you use the player and the Legion together. Switching legions is also super important as each basically function similarly to the weapons in TW101 where different legions and their unique abilities are critical in certain situations / against certain enemies.

>play as pig


If you had to press me I'd say Revengence.
The Sword Legion has a zandatsu like mechanic and you can rip the cores out of enemy chimera to keep your legions out for longer.
Combat seems to have a similar flow to Revengence too even if only from what I've seen.

It also stole Spark attacks from TFD, Beast Run from Bayo, and the Bow legion looks like a mix between Bayo 2’a Kafka and Vanquish’s slow-mo aim.

You should probably expect it to be like a weird mix of Automata and Revengeance because those are the games Taura was most involved in the design of.

>roasties getting so desperate their fishing for cock and financial support on Yea Forums


Game looks pretty good so far, but I'm away on holidays for the release. Guess I could ask my mates at Gamestop to hold on to a copy for me over the weekend though. Also ignore the shitposters, or at least the political and Snoy ones anyway. They just want to shittalk the game for some internet cred on an anonymous image board

My biggest worry about the game seems to have been confirmed. Apparently there are parts of the game that take up to 1 hour without any combat.

So, the new trailer basically spoiled that your twin gets captured and becomes the Jeanne/vorken/Sam/vergil of the game

There are worse games to mix and match combat systems from so I'm ready for this ride.
It'll be a good time, God knows I've been waiting for a good sci-fi game for a while now and this looks set to deliver.

Yea Forums doesn't play video games

That was spoiled by the special-edition box art and the moment the R.A.V.E.N. character was revealed people called it.
Donno if its a spoiler.

I just how small she is, its looks off compared to the guy

>I don't have any friends IRL so that's impossible.
How is this possible? 18 years of education and not one friend that stuck around, not even counting friends you meet through relatives.

From what we've seen you never go nearly that Long without any combat unless you try to. If you skip all sidequests the game is apparently 15 hours long, that's about 1.5 hours per chapter assuming the are all of similar length. Reviewers claim you spend about half a chapter doing police work (when side quests are factored in so could be much less) or the puzzle dungeon segments (which are constantly broken up by combat encounters) but as the game goes on the game becomes more and more action focused. It's definitely not Bayonetta but it's not trying to be, and not as fetch quest focused as you probably think.

>Not doing things you enjoy because someone might see you and not approve
Oof my dude

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The levels of shitposting this game gets are out of charts, just like xbc2 went it came out. And just like it happened to xbc2, this shitposting means AC will be a success.

Leak when?

This boxart is fucking good. It's literally not fair.

Yesterday I went to check if the game was in any top 10 of the best selling switch games anywhere and it wasn't, today do the same and it is the second best selling for switch on amazon.

I guess people were just waiting for the reviews to come out, I may buy the game now, I like slow paced games that sill have action elements on them.

every time someone asks it gets delayed an hour

I wonder if there's a chance my local walmart will put it out early.

Then I'll just pirate it on release, I'm not that desperate.

So is the final battle in this game going to be twin vs twin?

Rival battles are usually the second to last boss rather than the final one.

Rival battles are the best when they're after the "last boss".

I wish we could have comfy threads

30fps and roughly 20 hours of playtime kill this for me. If it was only one of the two I'd be fine dropping 60 bucks on this, but not both.

>480p internal resolution
>shallow gameplay
>you can play as a nigger

no thanks

>sub 60 fps
What the fuck? Didn't Bayo 1 and 2 run at 60?
What the fuck, Platinum?

Yeah with Platinum's history you're probably right, it'll likely be a giant world ending threat

Attached: Jergingha.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Not even in a Platinum game specifically.
The list of games that have the Rival character as the final boss are a minority compared to those that have them as the penultimate boss.
They're normally one of the last ones fought but its pretty rare that they are the main threat.

I'm going off the fact that the original trailer music is almost definitely the twin battle music and they probably wouldn't post the final boss music as one of their samples as that would create weird standards for everything else.

>and further by large approximations
by what now? I don't know if I'm an ESL retard or they are just pulling words out of their ass.

Bayo doesn't run near 60 on anything besides PC. Bayo 2 doesn't hit 60 either.

I know, I just found it weird. Like when movie trailers basically spoil the twist unless they put a triple double and it is actually another twist within the twist

Sword seems like the most basic/generic legion, but it seems to have a manual cut mechanic like Reveangence, so there might be more to it
Arrow from the concept would seem the least interesting, but anything I see of it in action just seems really cool
Beast has extra movement to it, is the only non humanoid one and most distinct in style besides Arm
Arm is definitely the coolest in concept, being sort of a mecha, also changing your movement a bit with dashes instead of rolls/flips, and its link attacks with it flinging you instead of the other way around
Axe just sort of seems like a bigger sword and giving you an OP shield

Which Legion do you like the most so far?

>You don’t know shit about objectification retard.

No.. YOU don't. She has no agency because she is the creation of male fantasy. It's absolutely disgusting and you are forgetting that the characters own actions, like wardrobe or poses, were not her own choice. WHAT. IS. AGENCY?

Its not actually your sibling but a Chimera cloned to look like them, your real sibling is still missing at the end of the game and the sixth Legion you get is the Clone Legion.

You're really doing this troll shit very well. Most impressive, my friend.

That... Actually sounds cool

Beast, easily.
Sword seems okay, Arrow is going to be useful, Arm looks okay but I find it to be extremely silly.
Axe is the most hum-drum from a design and function standpoint but I like the way it looks and that its special ability is blocking. Because that means parries.
But beast seems to have a surprising amount of utility, as well as combat ability so I can see it becoming my go-to Legion pretty quickly.

From pure aesthetics axe appeals to me the most while arms the least. Gameplay wise obviously it's going to depend on the enemies since each Legion will be better at certain enemies and situations than others.

It would be but said theoretical Legion would have an almost identical move set to yours and sadly that makes it the least interesting.

I hope your not serious.
>were not her own choice.
They were if whoever drew her says they were. You do know the difference between reality and fantasy, right? This isn't real and therefore not something true. Please tell me you understand this and I'm just misunderstanding your post.

How's the length? I'm not dropping a voucher on a 10 hour game.

Ahh, $60 for a subpar game with 4 hours of gameplay. The P* classic.

Damn, I can't believe Nintendo is charging 90$ for 2 hours of gameplay

15-25 hours depending on how much side questing you do. There's also postgame challenge missions but sunny know much about how many or how long those are. Only that they're apparently very hard.

Pretty sure we're getting a sixth legion, it'll be the claw one from the beginning of the intro

OK then what if NG+ bonus where the clone just repeats all your attacks while the other legion remains the same. Basically doubling your combos and damage output

Literally who?

someone more important than you faggot

Gamespot said they played 40 hours and still had challenges left to do.

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It depends, in theory a Clone Legion would also be able to clone your other Legions in combat too.
So it could just be a character with the same moves or it could be a Legion that summons the last Legion you used before it.
But with what we know of the game it couldn't possibly work like that.

It'd be a cool idea, but one that couldn't work with how Legion are in the game.

Give it some time, it should be fine on release or a week later. Metacritic always attracts shitposters

Just wait for the fucking game to come out. The first few days of release are usually quite good for discussion, when people are actually playing the game and shitposters get ignored and filtered by not having tried the game. Right now the grapes are the sourest, which gets retards riled up into a frenzy. Especially because the embargo just lifted to great reviews.

Well, Astral chain two then.

Oh, it's worse than I thought.

>Astral Chain's basically says that the female character exists solely for objectification
No, that's what you think it says. You are filtering the world through your own perceptions and think she should cover up. If you're a man, by all means, go be neutered elsewhere and let the rest of us spend our time and money however we please. If you're a woman, grow up, you aren't the adult you think you are and trying to castrate everyone shows that you have the mentality of a middle schooler who still thinks sex is gross and finds an illustration of an ass as oppressive. That's small and you should seriously grow up. Only prepubescents still have reactions like these.

>no woman will take you seriously as a mate if you have this game on your shelf
Oh, well, an authority on what all women want. Please, tell us more, you representative of all female life.

First off, don't say stupid shit like 'take you seriously as a mate.' What kind of stupid shit is that?

Second, if a woman sees that cover and thinks you're not a worthwhile 'mate' then you should be glad because someone as small as that would make an awful mother and lover.

Lets finish the first one before that user.
Always hope in the sequel.

Why are people biting this shit?

I'll talk about it more when I can actually play it. See you in a couple days.

Because this place is shit. It's very easy to bait for replies