Battlefield 4 player number spoofing

I feel betrayed.

It's all lies built upon lies upon lies built on a sea of lies.

ded game I might as well just uninstall it now.

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i don't get it

it was shit compared to bf3 anyway

Yeah I bought the origin pass and refunded after a few hours. Fuck that shit, actually infuriating to join a server with "60 people" and there is 3 guys in it

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Super annoying. Always feels like i have to join 10 servers with inflated numbers before finding one that’s actually full.

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>fast or instant spawn vehicle server
>24/7 map server

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It isn't a problem in bf1

>join server
>have to go to their website to see what you’re allowed to use

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The worst thing is this just keeps fewer players spread out on a wide number of servers because for some reason the ingame server browser they added doesn't let you see the full list of players to know if a server is spoofing player counts

Only battlelog does that for some reason

I'm just waiting on venice unleashed to revive the superior game, battlefield 3, alongside mod tools and various bugfixes that may come with it. BF4 was garbage, even if the game launched exactly how it did when all of the patches were finished dropping.

You still ended up with faggot meta weapons, and the game hardly does that right anyway. They arbitrarily nerfed the m16 and m4 into burst mode for no apparent reason. All classes can use almost any gun, shit was gay. Of course, bf3 took this direction as well unfortunately. Either way, the maps on bf4 are just complete and utter dogshit. Can't think of a single favorite. Visibility of enemy silhouettes is poor, which would be fine assuming 3D spotting wasn't a thing and you were actually punished for making a wrong move. Everything is a clusterfuck in battlefield 4 because they wanted to make it a super diverse game where everyone could make epic onlyinbattlefield moments. DICE made it more art than game, and it really does show.

Fuck BF4.

Yeah because that game is just empty by now

This year it got really bad

Guess we’ll have to live with it forever now. When did they pull the official servers?

I'm just fucking done with this game and its lies

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>Visibility of enemy silhouettes is poor,

holy shit this, doesn't help all the post process fx and color grading and visual vomit all over the maps and screen

how does it compare to the xbone and ps4 versions?

it is literally the most populated battlefield game

the biggest failure in bf4 for me was vehicle balance, for the most part the only good vehicles were attack jets and scout choppers. if you look at any attack helicopter montage its 1000% of the time going to be on shanghai. im not even an exclusive jet/attack chopper whore either, my favorite thing in bf3 was to go on rampages with the transport chopper or amtrak, thats impossible in bf4.

>only finding this out now
They did the same shit to BF2, 2142 and BC2 back then

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was DICE too lazy to ever implement a fix to stop this shit?

it's fixed in Bf1 and bf5. Not sure why they don't fix the old games.

As likely as it was that they would eventually fix rubberbanding, so never
It'll happen to 1 and 5 soon enough

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>screenshot from today


>3k on PS3

Well i still play it

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played about 120 hours on pc in australian servers, literally never had that happen once. played it yesterday no issue. dunno

I'm sick of t his shit too, I guess EA doesn't care enough to stop it since they have newer battlefield games to make money off of.

there is an extension for google chrome called "Battlelog BF4 Player Count Checker"

It shows the real population of the servers.

and yet DICE is too lazy to implement that into the in game Battlefield browser

Meh i play on xbone and this shit dont happen. Literally takes me seconds to find a nice full lobby with no ping issues. Too bad i play solo though. Those admins seem to have found a regular group of people who play religiously though.

Bf4 no longer use the web for multiplayer faggot try to keep up

>10,000 players on PC
What do you mean? That looks about right. PC was alwyays the home of BF.

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My favorite part about Battlefield franchise is how it makes it explicitly clear the gaming community as a whole doesnt have the slightest clue what they want, like, or enjoy.
>BF2 is my favorite
>No BF1942 Desert Combat mod was the best
>No Bad Company 2 is my favorite
>No Bad company ruined the franchise
>No BF3 ruined it
>BF4 was the best!
>No BF2142 was the best, everything else was grabage trash shit
>BF1 was great!
>BF1 is the worst in the franchise
>BFV is the same garbage
>BFV strayed from its roots
>No! Hardcore mode was the best!
>Vehicles ruin Battlefield
>Why can't we have 24/7 metro anymore?
etc. And everyone acts as though they are correct.
WHY DOESNT DICE LISTEN TO ME????!?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!

It's not 10,000, there is probably a few hundred online. Every server just has their playcount listed as 60+ players

What happens when you join a near-full server?

Nothing, you just realize that there are actually only 2 other people in the server and not 60

BF1 is too infantry focused but it does have some interesting weapons, the magazine designs and placements are amazing.

>there are multiple opinions in a community of tens of millions of people
How can gamers be so entitled? Most people agree Bad Company 2 was the best anyway, to the point where not even DICE understands why that game is so loved.

For how old that game is, those numbers are pretty fucking good

Where do you think battlefield will go next?
>ww1 done
>ww2 done and failed
>cold war possible, bad company 3?
>modern warfare done
>sci-fi not seen since 2142, about time

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The numbers are fake

It's all fake dumb opinions. Want proof?
>A gaming community of TENS OF MILLIONS
Where millions of them say they love BF4 and it is THE BEST GAME, are unable to fill a couple servers on PC.
The same with every other game in the franchise that they supposedly love. Except the 2 newest ones they supposedly hate.
It's all self brainwashing.

Post reasons you absolutely hated BF5, I'll start
>20/32 players on each side are recon class hiding in spawn

They have to support the tendies version for a bit longer. After that, I expect them to copy Actiblizz (who is resurrecting modern warfare) and attempt to go back to the roots.

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BF1 on Xbox is dead as shit, too.

Simply not having usa, russia or japan in a ww2 shooter and still not having added them nearly a year later, how do you fuck up that basic unwritten rule?

But you can use the other countries weapons when you're shoehorned in as a Brit or a no Swastika Nazi. That's the same r-r-r-right?

>nobody on your team has gear capable of destroying tanks
>getting into a tank yourself gets yourself blown up in a heartbeat

all that time and money wasted on firestorm. you know that game mode that died out less than a week after it launched? meanwhile

It's not a dead game, just click on the actual server details and it will still show a server list. Plenty of active servers at least in my region

except you can still use battlelog to search for games and join them faggot.

battlefield 3 was crap and it was basically just call of a duty. battlefield 4 fixed most of it's problems, but also fucked up a couple things like aircraft just spawning mid-air rather than on the ground for a take-off.