Enemies can eat players

>Enemies can eat players

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I want to fuck Dogmom, Gala and Monique Pussycat

It's neck seems too fragile for swallowing a live bird imo

post the seagull eating a penguin through its ass

God that's so fucking hot

Dude same!

Reminds me of the time a gull ate a crow.

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That's my fetish

It probably didn't end well for the pelican. They have all that pressure against their spine, and also the sharp beak/claws of the bird to deal with. Fish generally slip straight down so they don't need to deal with it.

Nope, the bird became lunch. After a long battle though, it wasnt instant, the pelican tired the bird out in its troat. There are more of pelican eating bkrds, it is not that rare. I have looked for them a lot

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Vore thread?
Post the good stuff.

Surprised the bird didn't sperg out after having his bill monkey gripped like that


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I fap to birds


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Fucking like-like stop eating my shields!!!!!!

God damn dinosaurs!

"It's a living!"

Leave him alone! He's hungry and waiting politely!

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Like real birds? Not anthro? Dude, that's like a tile level fetish.

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dude have you seen any of those catfish videos, what about that one video where the girl swallows a mouse?

Who was in the wrong here?

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The fuck kind of bird is that

lucky fish haha
would be funny to be the fish haha
green fish haha
not green fish haha

looks like a cormorant

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why does this webm make me feel funny

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what's he going to buy?

G__ I w___ t___ w___ m_

>tfw not that bird
why cant I just find someone to swallow whole

you know why

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fishing bird, asians tied rope around there neck so they cant swallow fish whole and trained them to fish for reward if they come back. Some reason we just forgot this ancient method in favour of nets and traps.

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I was gonna call your pelican statement a load of horseshit until you said that

if there's one thing I have learned in life, it's that you don't doubt someone's knowledge on their fetish
if something gets your dick hard, you WILL research the fuck out of it

but i don't wanna be a vorefag

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All it means is that you have one more thing to masturbate to. You don't have to roleplay n shit.

That's litterally my fetish.

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Hō… mukatte kuru no ka…?

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So, like wild turkeys, swans, etc. They are becoming scavengers?

Monkey Paw?


me carrying my wife home

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I love birdfag.
Where's the picture of the birb with the long eyelashes?


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That's the bird version of the JUST hair.

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if this site cursed me, its only fair you guys become cursed too

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fucking casual

You've evolved to have a strong jaw to smash up food first for easier digestion.
Remember, a bird also needs to swallow rocks to aid in that process.

What games?

does this nigga have a fucking talon fetish

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If these hunted in packs they'd be able to hunt humans.

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>"It's a living!"

I understood that reference. My fucking sides.

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what the fuck is it actually doing

trying to mate
scratching its chin??

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>enemies taunt you

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