

Attached: 1551758650337.png (1000x1000, 300K)

Other urls found in this thread:


There is not even a joke in that. It's literally how most online shooters detail levels work or used to work.

Why is the amount of grass controlled by "texture quality" though?

Attached: 1527773535692.jpg (380x380, 48K)

that second panel makes him look like he's fapping

>anime posters are fucking retarded
like clockwork

>quality of the texture
>quantity of elements
Not the same thing, I lost all immersion during my reading.

because grass is textures, no game has all its grass made from polys or else you'd need a super computer to play it

I get the joke now

Move the second panel to the end and move panels 3 and 4 back one space. I think it works better

Textures don't just disappear if you reduce their quality.

haven't been around for a year, glad to see that hehe threads are still alive

yes some do

It should have said rendering distance or sum shit

Heh heh

Attached: All posts should pertain to video games.gif (662x1303, 58K)

they do if they're 1 plane textures like grass

nah you are dumb

it's render distance, that removes the grass not texture quality, although with shit quality it's usually easier to spot enemies

Attached: 4eb488e457f2fd17c4e3e3c13ff1a12c.jpg (894x1100, 708K)

that 2nd panel is fucking cancer

it didn't remove grass you blindfucks

>anime posters
is this bait?

do you even vape bro

haha i get it. lowering the texture quality makes the textures smaller. haha what a funny joke.

Because older games didn't have an option like "foliage density".

It's Yea Forums mascot posters

name one game that reduces the texture instead of making it pixelated

Attached: 1D93351ECE6C410BB850FD1D91FBDA4B.jpg (1109x872, 105K)

why is Chiyo-chan's hair green?

They had stuff like "water detail", why not "grass detail"?

There were games where this worked besides Red Orchestra?

It's all about context, user.

Attached: And This Is Our Son's Room.jpg (530x520, 66K)

PUBG where you could put settings on low and basically delete all foliage

Pretty sure Dead by Daylight thins out the grass on lower settings.


I think the joke is supposed to be that low quality textures are smaller resolution. Then if you apply that literally to shitty comic it means everything is just smaller.

keyword "settings"
that decreases all graphics Settings

>hurr durrr religion BAD
>[worships Lucifer daily with federal reserve notes]
What a fucking retard.

>smoke grenades are used against you
>turn off particle effects


>people who can't play on anything but ultra
I'll never understand this.

Played nu-doom on low or medium and it still looked amazing.

Attached: 115953787530.jpg (1024x561, 379K)


Attached: tumblr_ncvjshM6oJ1slgb8uo1_1280.jpg (800x625, 234K)

>murder man
Sounds based

Attached: 1566246714595.jpg (960x960, 177K)

>Posting Dobson
And so it begins

>stun grenades are used against you
>crank up your mouse dpi


Attached: things-i-will-never-understand.jpg (800x611, 212K)

Is he worried about being surrounded by better quality booths that will take attention away from him or is he just offended by them?

>can't understand D&D

ulq niggers need to die.
as bad as cheaters.


Attached: agy6R3q_700b.jpg (600x488, 86K)

They did. This thread is just full of retarded zoomers playing garbage console ports which have no proper settings.


Attached: H6Y0YsU.jpg (563x767, 135K)

she's a prostitute now.

That medic is a spy!

hes human again? thought he was a furry blue koala?

why can't a straight woman do that kick



Attached: 1386889909088.jpg (550x1494, 754K)

>being this zoomer

Attached: 1507765318578.jpg (700x453, 142K)

Attached: Dobson_ Harassment.png (591x455, 123K)


Attached: 435032109.jpg (940x1126, 213K)


Attached: Andrew_Dobson_-_Nintendo_Localization.jpg (800x1153, 360K)

Battlefield 5

How does one obtain breasts of that size over a summer vacation?

>Because older games didn't have an option like "foliage density".
They absolutely did because "grass" was, and still is one of the most graphically intensive things to render due to the metric fuck ton of alpha transparency sorting so for older games it was almost mandatory that you could toggle it off for potato computers.

Plastic surgery

No, nigger, grass is controlled by separate setting 99% of the time. The quality of the grass textures is always determined by the texture quality. Their draw distance is a different setting.

Superior bovine genetics.

Wow what a bigot

Now post the guy who replied to this comic and Dobson's response


Attached: 1562698010796.jpg (936x604, 32K)

Most shooters in general if you want to be competitive you play them at the lowest settings possible

>clearer picture and easier to make out players with moving targets w/ jaggies if antialiasing is off
>less visual clutter like grass and stuff that could obscure your target
>less of a chance of random frame dips that'll fuck your shit right up

I can't touch brightness, though. That's too far.


Attached: 1517364476438.jpg (357x960, 74K)

Aw man this sucks I got two different suggestions. Now I don't know which one is real. You better just give me the sauce so I can review.

Imagine being at computers

Faggots are so insufferable


Attached: yuri-and-yaoi.jpg (800x622, 198K)

Attached: 1557117509852.png (306x271, 120K)

Dob is 100% straight, retard

Dobson hasn't read a comic in his life

somewhat right.
There's a reason there are so few Riddler comics despite being the most fun villain in comics

Nevermind, I found out it was a standalone not a comic.

>posting Dobson
That's cheating!


Attached: 1455659391401816362.png (1236x1812, 130K)

He is trying to sell kid books, and he is assigned with adult book creators, ensuring no parent will walk by his stand

That girl in panel three is very cute
If only dobson adopted the 80's-90's manga artstyle he was clearly inspired by and ran with it, he'd a been much more successful

This is a man who has never read a single panel of a superman comic made after 1958

Ow owie

Attached: things-i-can-t-do.jpg (800x619, 511K)

You're right, it's not a joke and it doesn't erequire detail levels to do it.

Cheaters will actually just outright fuck with the game's code so that people have neon green textures or walls are partially transparent, and grass, etc doesn't exist at all.

Why does he need a thesaurus for what Cloud says? Does he not understand what an apple is?

Attached: _001.jpg (1416x1998, 2.2M)

Making comics about fags is gay as fuck

But D&D is easier than the periodic table


Attached: 01.png (1296x1812, 1.23M)

fuck off

Pew pew haha

Attached: NcQJZ.jpg (800x619, 172K)

Attached: _003.jpg (1405x2000, 1.67M)



>Does he not understand what an apple is?

Attached: apple.jpg (373x159, 29K)




Attached: 02.png (1235x1747, 1.21M)

Attached: _004.jpg (1405x2000, 1.02M)

grass isn't a texture you fucking moron


Attached: _005.jpg (1405x2000, 1.64M)

What a pleb

Attached: american kitchen vs european cuisine.jpg (1064x526, 215K)


Attached: worthwhile.jpg (800x630, 441K)

A true victim of the Seinfeld Effect. Unless he watched all of Fraser

grass is almost 100% of the time a sprite, which aren't textures, and are controlled by render distance

Reminder that Kasen has the most porn relative to her total fan art



Attached: forgetmenot 1.jpg (1244x727, 197K)

Imagine doing this haha

Attached: worries.jpg (600x1482, 159K)

She makes a good point tho
You're the one who's stupid

Attached: dedec2fe1f940258345d9412eb7ec8a1.jpg (886x800, 94K)

Attached: _006.jpg (1405x2000, 1.19M)

yes they did lol

>rejecting sentient beings in general means you worship satan
The absolute state of religitards.

>tfw making sure I'm hated on the internet so that I exist properly

Attached: 1564091103270.jpg (349x490, 29K)

I like how whoever made this was so butthurt that they replaced the corporate jew with an anarchist as a means of damage control.


Attached: KoreanAbortion.png (640x2400, 430K)

Shit translation for the FFVII

>they actually put the disclaimer
It's going to be the most fucked up rape isn't it

Based Yuri

Attached: _007.jpg (1405x2000, 895K)

>brown baby
I'd say based, but she must have burned coal to make a brown baby

>Son of Dob

Attached: 1476374278520.jpg (2500x1618, 578K)

This is the worst dobson
>can't paint
>can't understand Seinfeld
>can't count
low-IQ plebeian confirmed, all in one comic

Ok that's wholesome and good

Attached: _008.jpg (1405x2000, 1.07M)

Actually some Koreans are natively brown. Their melanin also doesn't stem from Africa like most others.

alright that took me by surprise

Attached: _009.jpg (1405x2000, 888K)

message aside that elf is cute

See Hitler had the right Idea. NOBODY will question his existence

alright lad, I need the sauce. my usual image searches give nothing

Attached: 1553284381617.png (1139x1079, 470K)


Attached: _010.jpg (1405x2000, 1.51M)


>you fail never be a +9 mage

The genderbent classes are kinda hot

Attached: _011.jpg (1405x2000, 1.46M)

>boy's head larping with two pillows

Hitler has one of the most autistic and retarded fanbases in history of humanity, though.

But you can't deny he existed!


Attached: dbc74586d9baf1a1a776e00c88630773.gif (321x325, 283K)

why is the commie on the same side as the anarchist
don't tankies and anarchists fucking despise each other with a burning passion

Meh doesn't matter has long as it's durable

Does he look like he eats apples?

Attached: _012.jpg (1405x2000, 1.29M)

Yea Forums doesn't have a mascot, dumbass weeb.


grass is only rendered near the player retard

Attached: _013.jpg (1405x2000, 1.32M)

This is the average poster on Yea Forums now. This site is fucking dead.

Yeah, but I wouldn't want to be remembered like him.
I'd prefer to be remembered by jews as a hitler, by nu-nazis as a SJW, by women like Supreme Gentleman etc.


Fuck off back to your containment board.


I'd rather be remembered for that sandwich I ate
>I can't believe I ate the whole thing

Attached: _014.jpg (1405x2000, 948K)

It's supposed to be a capitalist (old guy dressed like the monopoly man- top hat, tuxedo and monacle) and a communist on one side and a tea party guy with a fascist on the other side. In the original comic, the confusion comes from the fact that both sides have groups that hate each other. Someone replaced the capitalist with an anarchist.


Is /u/ rei and asuka

>reflexive response


Oh oh mods

Attached: _015.jpg (1405x2000, 1.4M)

looks like the author is asian, user.

>Yea Forums doesn't have a mascot, dumbass weeb.

Attached: 1518133078821.jpg (512x512, 55K)

Attached: 1436622601596.jpg (4082x5929, 2.51M)

God, I wish that were me.

Dobson is faggier than the gayest men

>using homophobia as an insult
Check on your mother. She may have chores for you.

fukken based

Attached: _016.jpg (1405x2000, 1.42M)

>i'm fat because somebody is force feeding me in my sleep
this fucking projection by the author is disgusting

Where's the source, friend?

Is this just going to be a feeder fetish? That's tame and pretty boring

name 15 games that do this???

Imagine not even being welcome on /d/.


a sprite is a texture rendered onto a flat surface, you RETARD, you FUCKING IDIOT, you SON OF A BITCH

>xe thinks homophobia is an insult
Dilate tranny.

Grass is generally a mesh with a transparent/masked texture applied. It should be controlled by the same setting as mesh LOD.

Attached: grass.jpg (1600x838, 700K)

Attached: _017.jpg (1405x2000, 1.67M)


>dobson gets posted
>comic about making a girl larger starts getting dumped
Wait a minute...

Have what you cannot.

I'd forgotten this but yeah, some people are just so fucking despicable and fail at everything so hard that even people they're nominally on the same side as fucking hate them.

No, just two oc girls from that period when some people tried doing tans of all the boards.

Can someone post the "uh?" edit please

Attached: _018.jpg (1405x2000, 903K)

Attached: 1510620907736.jpg (3000x6081, 2.35M)

Little google-fu and I found the names haguhagu and rinjuu circus

That one was not porn, but artist went to bookmarks

>a bundle of sticks

Attached: 13511111.png (512x512, 80K)

Was on your side until that cringy post my man. Kill Faggots


Attached: abortion.jpg (3270x2289, 1.13M)

Attached: _019.jpg (1405x2000, 1.3M)

Why is the fa/tg/uy not only not fat, but also handsome?

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x1791, 295K)

Jeez, who let all the bigots out today?

Kelly does it again

Easy to imagine.
/d/ is relatively sane compared to most of Yea Forums. Apart from some autistic bad apples like the more spergy of futafags, it's rather chill.

Retards stand out on /d/ far more than on Yea Forums, /g/, /ic/ etc., not to mention on retard boards like /pol/, /fit/, int/.

Part of this can be attributed to discord which contains some of the subhumans who would otherwise plague /d/ proper.

cheers mate

Attached: _020.jpg (1405x2000, 1.05M)

You’re the minority here bud
You’re not normal


Attached: Chiyo_dubs.jpg (640x480, 59K)

based as always anti-choicers btfo

have sex

Attached: _021.jpg (1405x2000, 1016K)

Average Yea Forums poster. "Grass is texture".

Nice projection xu racist and sexist. You're the one claiming gender neutral terms are bigoted, wonder why hmmmmmm? Anything you want to get off your chest?

Who the fuck is this waste of dna?

Attached: _022.jpg (1405x2000, 1.3M)


whoa thats pretty gay

shut up, faggot

Attached: _023.jpg (1405x2000, 1.24M)

You guys are disgusting

highly problematic even before she started fucking herself

user please they're on fucking fire

Attached: _024.jpg (1405x2000, 1.49M)

>this doujin actually got translated
Now this is video games

Attached: 346532452.gif (290x188, 2.96M)

Attached: _026.jpg (1405x2000, 1.03M)

hon hon hon

Attached: .jpg (823x1276, 450K)

Look at this cutie

Attached: tan.png (700x750, 319K)

Attached: _027.jpg (1405x2000, 945K)

Dead board


Stop noticing things goyim.

The ones currently translated are Variant Purification 2 and 3, and Not Tights

fuck off back to /pol/

Attached: _028.jpg (1405x2000, 1.06M)

>hurr durrr

really makes you think...

Attached: celebrity appr-entice.png (800x560, 334K)

You think only /Pol/ Hates stuff?

the gag is this "POSTAL" the mother bought her kid is an anagram for something wholesome

Attached: _029.jpg (1405x2000, 1.17M)

You are still a child! But observe this Lucky 7!

rich, coming from invaders

Because that fucking retarded artist doesn't play video games, obviously.

Attached: _030.jpg (1405x2000, 1.22M)

Nice try, but this 5 will end the thread

Attached: 1518231132006.png (555x555, 508K)

"Hijiri-san! Saikin Onaka Deteki- Iya Nandemonai Desu" has ended.

Attached: _031.jpg (1412x2000, 48K)

whew. crown prince should have just made a fat joke and set her off.

No shit retard

>what is 404 girl

Do you not know what numbers are?

Attached: 1429516507279.jpg (453x466, 29K)

fine geez, but don't ask for anything ever again

Attached: 1463249886896.jpg (1024x5296, 935K)

>fuck off back to /pol/
Instead of this weak shit, report him for his flame war and go about your business without replying.

Who even bothers translating this garbage?

thanks user and for sharing source at the end too so I didn't have to enter the moon runes. for some reason only the romanji is in the title when I searched, now I don't have to look through 200-300 doujins for it.

Just wait, the 5 will surely come

Attached: 1481948205647.gif (500x375, 1.95M)

lol you /pol/fags and your pathetic false flag attempts!

That's the same as before.

Attached: cirno.jpg (362x333, 105K)

FUCK I don't think I can control myself much longer I'm going to watch this show

i know this artist so i wont bother getting my hopes up

The United States Federal Government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; Declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H. J. R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Government Offices, Officers and Departments. The United States Federal Government exists today in name only. Our owners are the central bankers and Luciferians who, for all intents and purposes, your gods. You worship their god whether you want to or not, cuck boy.

I remember a census of /tg/ years back revealing that most posters there are actually hungry skeletons.

Not what I asked for but go on

what's up with this desk?

Attached: weird desk.jpg (1050x655, 184K)

>allah is fine tho

That is why russians and BRs ruin every game they infest, their shit computers can only run the lowest settings or if they have the machine to run the best graphics they turn it all down because they dont care if it looks like a playstation game.

>gets physically ill when offered a fruity, girly alcoholic drink

Women work less hours so they get paid less.


Attached: 1535531051021.jpg (1150x468, 85K)


Attached: 1566844781292.png (810x1451, 399K)

Attached: download.png (1189x680, 1.5M)

Enjoy user

Attached: 1527572081522.jpg (1488x2149, 410K)

this hits me right in the planetside

Damned idiot 9-ball!

It represents how much they are paid. You see the man gets more because he works weekends and doesn't take as many vacations. This confuses the female as even though they have the same job her paycheck is smaller.

collecting salty tears of graphicsfags that want to look at pretty things I stead of playing game

Attached: seras.jpg (650x884, 213K)

Attached: games.jpg (894x1100, 176K)

>All these salty replies.
Fucking kek, fuck weeb trash.

beware fools! The might of 5

lol 9

Attached: 1566844973329.png (650x538, 278K)

>1933 was a real year
>being this transparently obvious
can't even call it a good effort when you accidentally picked a year that wasn't a real thing, since they had to correct the calendar a few times so 1933 was a "leap year" which means we skipped right from 1932 to 1934. that's general relativity for you though (not that you know that that is because only einstein was smart enough and you are no einstein can tell that easy). your fairy tale falls apart since nothing can happen in a year that doesn't exist.


Attached: 8.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

Wow, now I understand how this guy managed to piss off absolutely everyone.


yes they did.

no quads, only dubs now...


I can't tell if you're trolling, super dumb, or super smart

Attached: 6.png (237x275, 62K)

>Zelda will no longer be your romantic interest
Based, Mipha is better.

Attached: 1558177307098.png (1649x4070, 365K)

Attached: ahhhhhhhhh.jpg (970x545, 58K)

Attached: check it.jpg (333x499, 27K)

Or maybe, just maybe, you're a virgin with too much time on his hands?

Check em

but for real keep this sovereign shitizen bs on /pol/

Sleeping with a magically suppressed original personality of your mind incarnated on a template of your alternate universe adopted brother ascended to heroic spirit outside of spacetime brought to you by another alternate universe's adopted brother's adopted sister that you're already hitting on is MORALLY WRONG and no one should watch this immoral series.

Attached: 1437597761533.png (876x1280, 1.35M)


Attached: 0a1.jpg (643x820, 80K)

surprisingly, communist anarchism is a real thing


I bet you call Cock Mongler "Grin Man"

>even Shadman is afraid

>likes science but can't math

This guy is a fucking retarded

>/pol/ is going sovereign citizen now
It had to be like this.
They rode the slippery slope for so long that at this point, it isn't even extreme for them.
Anti-vax, anti-climate science, anti-human, now anti-law.

Attached: 1445541584051.png (362x441, 41K)

Depends on the game. Some games have texture resolution, some have texture detail (low mid high etc) that links several objects to one slider

Amateurs, sit down and observe this 9

Attached: thereal9ball.png (1000x1270, 808K)

this board fucking sucks

>this guy doesn’t like yotsuba
Lets get him

>that hat

Attached: Speedwagon_(Anime).png (308x351, 166K)

just a reminder that there are zero (0), check it, zero buses in Gensokyo!

Holy fucking shit, get out of here retard.
Check THIS

Cirnos logic was unironically, %100 seriously, flawless during her math class.
I attended her class and she showed me how to get this mad 4

checked. also its all the 4x2 channers returning

Remember what he did to the poor kid who made this?

I need more reasons why I wouldn't want to watch this

Attached: cat.jpg (2879x4097, 1.2M)

Attached: 1414462908022.png (72x87, 5K)

Hey guys, Nineball here. I've come from the Underground on a mission to show you Ravens what a 5 looks like.

Attached: nineball.jpg (700x831, 323K)

It's fucking absurd and needs to be fixed
fuck poorfags

Well Cirno taught me a few things too, like the value of Reimu's expensive vase! Which is zero (0), check it, zero yen! She's too poor to afford such an item!

Oh shit no
I remember when 8gag was popular for a while and it drained off most of the retards from Yea Forums.
Even /pol/ got bearable during that time, before the retards got bored and came back.

A grown woman throws some mean ass dukes against two magical girls

Yeah, this is pretty much how all whacko conspiracy stuff goes, since it's basically an infinite loop bug in the human brain and endlessly self-recursing. So it pretty inevitably goes down forever until they get into total denial of reality itself.

It has both yotsuba and sachio



I... I have been defeated! I couln't get a 5 even if I tried!

yep, almost outed him being trans to his parents on facebook
which is based

most of the current alt-left 'revolutionary socialist' group consider themselves 'anarchists' but are really pretty hardcore fascists. they're so full of doublethink they don't really perceive anything.

I was big on /pol/ since it started mostly because it was a fun place to meme, then I started actually believing it. Then Christchurch happened. That's when I realized I needed to get out.

>anything that disagrees with /pol/ is shills and bots

Gas yourself.

Since when did the left worship international capital?

You DEFINITELY don't want to watch this show it's just disgusting, these two are even closer then twins really but brown must have fluids from her other to survive it's like fractal incest across dimensions even worse then regular. Even worse is the author is a huge nasu nerd and adds tons of world flavor and tempting men and ladies to the mix, all trying to bring you onto the path of immorality. Stay safely away!

Attached: family support each other.webm (640x360, 2.69M)

You mean Bazett? I forgot why she needed to fight Illya and co. but she did side with them eventually

Attached: EA4mmINU0AAjyF7.jpg (1000x707, 83K)

>her worry was mingled with the joy from having appeared in an unprecedented number of consequtive panels

Attached: diet.png (600x177, 97K)

There's nothing to disagree with. The US government does not exist and youve been brainwashed into believing that you aren't chattel.

Salsa pls

Attached: suicide.png (500x145, 295K)

>since it's basically an infinite loop bug in the human brain
>Normal person reasoning:
>Evidence For = supports thing
>Evidence Against = doesn't support thing
>Evidence For = supports thing
>Evidence Against JUST SHOWS HOW POWERFUL THE CONSPIRACY IS!!!!!!1!11 = supports thing
So it literally becomes a loop that can't be broken in-context. They lack the normal BS failsafes that people have, where someone says "hey wait a second that doesn't pass the smell test".

I've only read the manga but watching that was pretty lewd compared to a few panels. Maybe I should stay away just to be safe

Attached: EA9mfhEU8AA0njO.jpg (1000x727, 98K)

wait what? is there any screencaps?


>Normal person reasoning
Not really, normal people think in emotions too.
Conspiratards are unreasonable because you literally can't reason with them, but normaltards can only really be convinced by evidence if they don't care about the results.
Otherwise you need peer pressure rather than evidence.


I hope futo is a woman.

>I forgot why she needed to fight Illya and co.
She's a powerful freelance merc like always, and the Mage Association paid her to go and retrieve the cards herself since they're powerful magic (from another reality, though I don't know if that was known generally). It's not that she needed or wanted to fight them even, she was fine with just "hand them all over and I leave" it was just a job. But since once specific card in particular was integral to the girls they had no choice but to fight no matter what.

loli is shit tier

Attached: 1564198293831.png (405x557, 295K)

It's not supposed to be fetishistic, it's supposed to be funny.

manga is a lot better overall but adaption didn't really go off the rails until the end of the second seasonalso the BD extras, mmmm you really want to keep away from those

keep your conspiracy shit to yourself

Yes they are, idiot.
Grass, hair, leafs on a tree. They are textures or, to be more precise, alpha textures.
You make a little "polygon stand" (usually they are made with two "tri's"), you put a png of grass on that bitch and bam, you got grass.

How can you stupid fucks get baited so easily? How ironic you faggots complain about the state of this board when you retards are the ones throwing gasoline on the fire by replying to these shitposters and giving them attention.

They're not lolis and they're banging each other not anyone else so A-OK on that front gubner!

they should make it so if you lower the grass quality is just makes a solid green overlay where the grass blades would be so you don't get an advantage

who wouldn't be afraid? im surprised its still alive

Bad game design 101.

It's sad that we are forced to play with junk-tier graphics in some games because developers don't know how to make games.

is that a jojo reference

Thanks bro, but i meant salsa on the show
Hope this Roll helps you forgive me for the confusion caused

Attached: 1557346906049.jpg (1600x2000, 201K)

Right, I thought she was a candidate to become a magical girl or something and needed to fight them, thanks for clearing it up

Attached: ga19911007.gif (1200x355, 140K)

This is what the tickets to the movie looked like, same with the adverts

Attached: DApK0TfXoAA4u0U.jpg (510x720, 64K)

>It's sad that we are forced to play with junk-tier graphics in some games because developers don't know how to make games.
I don't think it's as bad as it used to be user, devs know about this now. It's more that a lot of old games in particular date from much, much simpler times before online competition even mattered so much and cheating was far more primitive and just socially dealt with, like if a guy tried to cheat code (without upfront agreement) at a LAN party he'd just get booted.

Like everything else devs have become more sophisticated there, for better or worse.

Mikan and Yuuko train together

It was after school, with a few more hours before the sun set, when Mikan and Yuuko were walking together. It'd been a few days since the new magical girl had suddenly appeared to help the weakened Momo, and Yuuko was still struggling to understand her. She seemed a little... odd. At the very least she was bad news, Yuuko felt that things went bad whenever the girl was around. Maybe she just needed to get to know her better?

"Ah, this is the place." The pair stopped, having made their way to Momo's abandoned factory, their makeshift training ground. Mikan looked around, a broad smile on her face. "The town has changed a lot since I've been gone, but this is exactly how I remember it!"

She looked at the demon girl. "Well Yuuko, let's get to it!"

"Y-Yes!" The girls began their stretches and warmups. Even if Momo wasn't with them, her lessons sure were.

The previous day Mikan suggested to Momo that she take over Shamiko's training. Momo still needed rest to regain her own powers, and Mikan wanted to get to know the girl with whom she'd be protecting the city. Not that she was doing it because was worried for Momo of course, it was simply logical that the girl recover her powers as soon as possible. The peach magical girl had taken some convincing, and eventually they settled on her resting during the week and joining them on weekends, with Mikan continuing Shamiko's training throughout.

"Hmm... so what should be do first?" Mikan looked at Yuuko, who was standing by nervously. "What do you think is the weakest part of you, Yuuko?"

"Uh," Shamiko thought for a moment. "My punches, probably..."

"Let's start with that then! Hit me as hard as you can."

Shamiko started to protest, then she thought of Momo's reaction to her previous hits. Or rather, her lack of reaction. She didn't even flinch when she hit her with all her might. Alright, she thought, time to see if her training has paid off!

Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 07 [720p],png.png (1280x720, 925K)

this is why you should never reveal your true identity and always go for a nickname that will never relates to you

Attached: 1552392761387.png (1833x999, 357K)

You may or may not have convinced me to start watching

Attached: EB1ym70UYAA-HBH.jpg (859x1208, 140K)

2019 and you still can't reliably hide in grass in games. No matter what, there's a point where it simply disappears and you're just some retard laying on barren ground to some other player in the distance.

Remembering Momo's lesson (thumb out, swing your body, aim at the stomach), she swung with all her might. A loud thud rang out when her fist connected with Mikan's stomach. Yesss!, she thought, Perfect hit! Yuuko looked up.

Her target hadn't even budged. "Was... was that it?" Mikan scratched her head. "I thought Momo was training you?"

"W-Well, in projectiles, and, uh, it's not easy, you know!" Tears welled up in Yuuko's eyes.

The magical girl sighed. "Here, let me show you what a real punch is like." In a split second she pulled her fist back and thrust it forward, punching Yuuko in the stomach. The demon girl was enveloped in pain, white light flashing across her eyes. She stumbled backwards, clutching herself, and tripped over a loose brick.

"How unlucky," Mikan smirked. "If you can't even handle that, how can you stand up in a real fight? I wasn't even transformed."

Yuuko sat up, wiping tears from her face. She had scraped her hands when she fell, and now they were dusty and bloody. "W-Why did you do that?"

Advancing slowly, the magical girl didn't respond. Yuuko tried to scurry backwards, but she stepped on her own tail and her foot slid out from under her.

"We're not done training yet." Mikan grabbed the front of her shirt and lifted her up. "Stand up."

Yuuko's legs shook as she tried to balance. Suddenly, Mikan punched her again, higher this time. It was hard, in the ribs. There was a sickening crack as the fist connected, and Yuuko fought the urge to vomit as the pain overwhelmed her.

"If you're lucky then your rib isn't broken." Mikan lifted her higher, her feet dangling in the air. She weakly clawed at the girl's hand, but even without the agonizing pain she wouldn't have been able to break her grip. Mikan swatted her hands away, then pulled her close and brushed the hair out of the demon girl's eyes.

Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 07 [720p].png (1280x720, 762K)

They're not trying to be subtle are they? Not complaining though

>space jim

"This is training too, you know. What's your next move?"

Through the pain the words came to Shamiko's mind. "C-Crisis Man-"

"Too late." Mikan's spare hand clamped down on her mouth. "If this was a real fight then you'd be dead by now, Shadow Mistress." She squeezed tightly, feeling the girl's demon fangs through her skin. They were sharp, very sharp. It wouldn't take much force to push them through...

She dropped Yuuko. The girl collapsed on the ground, panting harshly. Flecks of blood surrounded her mouth, and there was a raw red hand print on her face. Mikan could only imaging the bruises that were forming on her belly. Yuuko's breath was ragged, and she winced in pain every time she inhaled. Her dark powers meant she would heal quickly, but in the mean time she would be suffering.

"That's enough for today." Mikan stepped on Yuuko's limp tail, crushing the tip with her full weight. "Momo's still weak, so you better not tell her about our training. Who knows what could happen if she joined in?"


Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 07 [720p].png (1280x720, 632K)

The entire series feels like one big honeypot trap

One week since Shamiko and Mikan had begun training together, and every afternoon was a repeat of the first. The only time she had a break from the torment was the weekend when Momo joined them, but Mikan made sure she had a special warm-down session with her on those days, too.

Every day she limped home, bleeding and in agony. Her demon blood meant she almost completely healed before the next day, so even if she wanted to tell Momo there wasn't any proof. Not that she had any time alone with her friend. Mikan made sure never to let them be alone together, and always interrupted Shamiko if Momo asked about their training. The peach magical girl had noticed something was up with Shamiko, but Mikan insisted that she was just tired from their intense workouts.

"Are you sure you're ok, Shamiko?" Momo asked, looking concerned. "You haven't even challenged me once this week."

Mikan slid up beside the demon girl, a bright smile on her face. Out of Momo's view, she gripped Shamiko's tail behind her. Her nails dug into the soft flesh, puncturing the skin.

"Eep!" Another squeeze. "I-I mean, yes, it's good." The grip loosened. "Mikan's teaching me a lot."

"In fact, Yuuko invited me to stay over at her house this weekend so we can train better! Isn't that right, Yuuko?" Squeeze. A warm trickle of blood dripped down.


"It'll be pretty intense, so you shouldn't come this time Momo." Mikan said with a grin. "We'll treat you to some mochi balls afterwards, ok?"

Momo frowned, but didn't push the issue. "A long as you think it's ok, Shamiko."

"I... I do." Shamiko looked away.


Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 06 [720p].png (1280x720, 1.08M)

>they should make it so if you lower the grass quality is just makes a solid green overlay where the grass blades would be so you don't get an advantage
This would make a lot of sense and in principle is something that could have been done in games way way back, doesn't require much graphics power or whatever. I think it just wasn't considered for a long time even because MP was tacked onto SP stuff and came from that evolution of engine and dev thinking. I mean, kind of pointless to bother with something like that back when clients just got all information all the time and were supposed to just politely not tell players stuff they shouldn't know which is where wallhacks and shit came from.

I guess in fairness to devs a lot of anti-cheat stuff has performance/quality penalties or higher network requirements so that might have made things take longer too.

Attached: muslim gamer.png (612x1642, 1.22M)

>Periodic table ?
As if this retard can comprehend basic chemistry.

"Is that really all you've got?"

Mikan stood over Shamiko, wiping blood off her knuckles. She wanted this training session to be special, and had transformed for the first time. Like before, Yuuko had tried to transform to at least try to fight back, but she bit her tongue before she could say the words and Mikan hit her in the face.

Yuuko scrambled against the ground as Mikan grabbed her face, forcing open her jaw. She cried out in pain as the magical girl gripped one of her fangs.

"Reckon I could pull it out without pliers?"

"Naaa! Naaa!" Yuuko shouted around her fingers. She tried biting but she didn't even have enough strength left to do that much. Agony washed over her as Mikan started forcibly wiggling the tooth.

"Wow, this is actually tough!" She said, a visible blush on her face. "Maybe I SHOULD go get-"

Snap. White light filled Yuuko's eyes as her tooth snapped off in Mikan's fingers. She was dropped to the ground, on the edge of consciousness.

"Wow, talk about unlucky." Mikan held the fang up in the light. "Pretty disgusting. No surprise really, since you're a demon." She tossed the tooth away into the factory rubble.

She looked at Yuuko's crumpled form on the ground, barely able to contain herself.

"Do you think your horns will grow back if they're broken off?" Yuuko instinctively raised her hands to clutch her horns. The fingers on her right hand were entirely broken from when Mikan stepped on them. Her left wrist felt broken too, but it was hard to tell from the slowly blackening swelling. Pain flared through her as Mikan slapped her hands away.

"How about this, you can choose which horn we're going to experiment on! Which one is broken on Shamisen, again?"

"Cwisis Mangent Fo-"

Smack. A hard fist to the jaw, stopping the words from coming out. She collapsed to the ground. Blood dribbled out of her mouth, and she softly coughed.

Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 05 [720p].png (1280x720, 1.45M)

>It's 2019, who cares if you're muslim and he's hindu
Like, most of India and probably Pakistan and other similar places, so a few billion people.

america is american government land

being born in / living in / becoming a citizen of the nation does allow the government a certain level of control over a person.

yeah "owning land" as we commonly call it is indeed like rental because property taxes. there is no scandal here.

also gov doesnt recognize things like souls so once one is dead or no longer material of course they have a stake in overseeing how ones estate is distributed by order of ones will

"Still too slow." Mikan flick her hand, blood flying off. "Guess I'm choosing the horn, then."

She stood over Yuuko and gripped her left horn with both hands. Loud cracking noises filled the air as she squeezed tightly, twisted, and pulled. The horn shuddered with each crack, sending waves of pain down the demon girl's body.

Yuuko lay limp. She had no energy to fight back anymore. Her vision went black as she passed out.



Blurry sky filled her eyes as she blinked away sleep. Shamiko sat up, wincing from the pain. None of her bones were broken anymore, but she was still stiff and bruised.


The soft scent of peaches drifted down over her. Momo was cradling her gently, wearing her magical girl outfit and looking like she'd just been in a brawl.

"Ah... Momo." She lifted her arm to touch the girl's face, but shooting pain in her arm stopped her. "Are you here to train with us?"

"Mikan's... she's gone now, Shamiko." A tear rolled down Momo's face. "You idiot... you should have told me."

"But you needed... to rest..." Her breathing was heavy.

"Shamiko... I'm sorry."

"No..." The demon girl shook her head softly. "You saved me, Momo. You're my..." Shamiko's voice faded as she drifted back to sleep in the girl's arms. "Never leave... Momo..."

"I won't leave you, Shamiko..."

There was a small chime noise. Momo shuffled her grip on Shamiko as she popped open her wand and took her phone out.

"Her training's complete, she's all yours now. Remember the deal: 4 Strawberry Mochi balls by next week - Mikan."

Momo kissed Shamiko gently on the forehead then stood up, cradling the girl in her arms. "And you won't leave either."


Attached: Machikado Mazoku - 04 [720p].png (1280x720, 952K)

the fuck is this shit

no they don't. texture quality refers to the resolution of the textures.



Attached: LOL.png (651x1681, 440K)

Grandma + Vampire has no downsides.

Wow. I cant believe Commander Keen said that.

This is official art

Attached: scan.jpg (1280x1814, 546K)

Attached: 1526499905784.jpg (800x450, 54K)

shut up fagbag go blow a dude

>Red Son.jpg

A lot of people are like that sadly. I blame the shitty science YouTube channels.
They only know some wacky facts about black holes and think they know general relativity.

Attached: 1561080241082.jpg (881x612, 87K)

people are aware that grass in most games are textures right

Fuck off faggot


I think a lot of their confusion stems from not actually knowing what "law" is. "Law" in a given area is just the codified opinion of whatever holds sufficient balance of power. The stronger the hold and the more stringent the codification, the stronger the law, and vice versa (until you hit a state of total anarchy and there is no concept of "law" at all). "Rule of law" is when whoever holds the power themselves agree to wield it under the law as well, and also is on a spectrum. Stronger "rule of law" is generally desirable since it creates predictability and helps suppress certain kinds of corruption and arbitrary short term reactions, which in turn results in a better environment for higher risk/return and longer term investment.

That's it though. There is no magical whatsis whatever, what you see is what you get. In America the government has a fairly strong monopoly on hard and soft power, so that's what sets the rules. Everything else is within that context.

queue hat jokes with no good counterarguments

oops, too late

this always makes me laugh even if its not real

hah, it's funny because he is so fat and dumb he has no idea what an apple is

>very sneaky ass fang
There's almost nothing I love more.

Embarrassing display in this thread

This is the dumbest shit.
AA might as well not exist either since most of these kinds of games just become glorified pixel hunts too.

Then why make him so powerful in the first place?

Counter arguments causes thread deletions. But it's okay. don't question consume media.


Attached: pretty boy.png (618x8000, 1.21M)

Is this an edit? He literally has a fursona

my nigga
ass fang is great

Shy and prepubescent, no real risk since pubescent would die if accidentally impregnated for some reason.

I dislike the big monotheistic religious people and hate strongly religious ones more because I consider them all to be traitors to our species. Only humanity, its descendents or creations should rule humanity, but those people build all their beliefs around having our species submit to an alien power. Other religions like the greeks or whatever thought there were gods and were wrong of course, but at least they certainly didn't consider gods their friends let alone their masters, they considered it likely that they were mostly humongous dicks or just plain often didn't give a single shit about random mortals. But jewchristislams and similar would cheerfully surrender if the right super aliens showed up and projected a bunch of holograms or something showing the right shit out of the bible, because they're traitors at heart.

If you're still there user Fate Kaleid Liner - Prisma Illya

Nobody ever claimed that Dobson understood himself.

i was entertained

No you didn't, tourist.

he "evolved" over the years user. like, were you actually expecting self-consistency or firm basis of the mind from fucking dobson? he's fucked in the head.

i remember the first week. it was just Yea Forums 2.0 with people taking politics to their logical conclusion and having fun shitposting. i wish i could pinpoint the exact second people started taking it seriously, because thats where it went to shit

Not really
Fursona is something different from a representation/avatar/etc.

Dob's bearmode is more like a forum avatar than fursona.

Also it simply has less people there, making it way easier to stand out as stupid

It's literally a fursona Dobson, you're a furry

Metroid wore a skimpy suit in the very first game.

I don´t like ricky, he´s just some cripple who has to self insert into every fucking thing that´s going on.


Attached: graphic setting comic.png (1457x499, 199K)

no it didn't it didn't even have clothes


There are small communities where retards blend in, though.
Look at /vg/: even generals where triptards are shat on and many posts are page 10 bumps, there still are mega retards.

fucking ArmA 3

>Yea Forums doesn't have a mascot
My god, Yea Forums actually is dead.

reminder: dobson thinks the DiC cartoons are canon, doesn't understand sprite limitations, nor the fact that localization teams added shit like Peach's name being 'toadstool'

Way better. Why do those retards think they need to insert a cringe face in order to sell the joke?


Attached: Tomboy threads.png (322x704, 219K)

>It's not a fursona, it's a [description of a fursona]

Attached: 1546354763408.jpg (600x654, 213K)

Vampire housewife, what is the downside?

>have a cat pic as forum avatar
>lel u literaly think ur a cat inside

Attached: modern vidya.png (1457x499, 132K)

If it's a cat character you created to personify yourself as, yes, it's a fursona
Are you retarded or what?

>texture quality
uh no

>tfw you're not a 1337 gaymer and use an old gaming laptop used during uni for CAD shit and you can still play games on the same level as some fag with a 5k water cooled meme machine because of texture modding to make it ultra low

Attached: 493256806_985706.gif (301x400, 178K)

Absolutely patrician.

>no bloom or motion blur
one job user

If this was whomp:

>Things I will never understand
>people who don't verify the count of their chicken nuggets
>pants with a zipper shorter than the legs
>why Gohan let Cell kill Goku
>washing machines

Sometimes a bunch of different features get tied to one setting. "Texture quality" isn't just resolution, but usually also LoD dropoff for textures as well.

>kill texture quality
>ground disappears

I see sincere flat-earthers in a worryingly large percentage of conversations about space tech/travel nowadays

Attached: 1437150838702.png (750x730, 59K)

What is his problem with blondes? Like, for a self proclaimed feminist, why is he constantly harping on one of the oldest female stereotypes in the world? I feel like he legitimately has that gang weed "you should have dated a gamer, Veronica" mentality.

I work in a grocery store. It's disgusting how many anti-GMO, anti-vaxx idiot housemoms I see.

three more MD5s for my filter

>tumblr reaction image spam
are you ok user?

>allowing faggots to turn off grass in a competitive game

quality thread, Yea Forums

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That thicc booty

Source. Now. Please

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can someone explain

We're entering an age of anti-intellectualism.
Science was very inconvenient for certain businessmen who wanted to sell their natural resources. It also kept bothering nationalists and the religious.

Make science look weak, unsure, divided.
Defeat objective observations with language, define away known facts.

There's an actual hentai/porn comic (I think the author was a ruskie) that's exceedingly similar to this and was probably the inspiration, anyone know what it's called?
Apparently the author got in deep shit for it due to laws on fags in his country

lmao what a fuckin loser. imagine actually spending time to maintain a list to things to filter from Yea Forums of all places

what if you just didnt come here

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Attached: 01.webm (534x640, 336K)

That's at least understandable. Misdirected, but understandable, because GMO is a real thing and represents power which can be used or misused. GMOs should be embraced and used for good, and are pretty key to a lot of other important goals for our species, but I can see someone totally ignorant who fears they'll just be used for genetic DRM or to make food all covered in patents or whatever and be nervous about whether that'll actually be stopped or not. Blanket rejection seems like the "safe path" in those cases, even if it's dumb.

Anti-vaxx is literally bullshit started by that britbong fraud to make himself money and has no basis beyond that vaccines have been so fucking good and history education so fucking bad that modern people don't even have any idea how crazy horrendous a lot of old diseases were.

>Things that totally happened

Behold, the ancient forgotten art of 3

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More specifically, I think the sovcit folks really have a hard idea understanding that not every legal document is a contract. Most other relationships we have with power are negotiable: landlords, utility companies, bosses, businesses of all kinds. In case of a dispute, the consequences are mitigated by the contract. The worst case scenario is usually that you owe some money. Sometimes the government even acts as your advocate, for example with laws requiring 30 days notice for eviction. With a private contract, you can always walk away a free man, if a little poorer.
A lot of sovcit theories revolve around getting out of your obligations to the government or somehow "cashing out" as in the case of the birth certificate bonds. They don't want to believe that living in their home comes with permanent strings attached.


It's revealed that she's transgender in the original, unedited comic where she freaks out about her ID being outdated as it reveals her being biologically a man.

>Dobsoy repulsed by adult themes like violence and eroticism
He should stay in his colourful bing bing wahoo fantasy land, but he shouldn't act suprised he'll stay there alone.

absolutely based, manchildren btfo

It's funny that this one is so shit, but even still it's not worse than the original because Dobson is just the lowest of the bottom of the barrel.

>but Islam
Why are you obsessed with an even more fucked up religion? Only makes the fag who drew this comic more right

>click "filter image md5"
>spending time to maintain a list to things

Attached: 1538358930943.jpg (578x600, 46K)

the problem with anti-GMO people is that they aren't afraid of the technology, they just hate monsanto.

Seriously, ask someone why they hate GMOs, and 95% of the time you get 'W-WELL MONSANTO IS SELLING TERMINATOR SEEDS AND THEY REQUIRE YOU TO USE ROUNDUP ON THEIR PLANTS"

Thank you Mr. Griffin

you failed check my 2

Are the wealth-gap arguments are supposed to be this retarded and reductionist?

Serious question for you actual pedos. Do you know that this shit is disgusting and wrong and simply accept the fact you're a bad guy or do you play mental gymnastics about it and try to justify is as "not bad" and "we're not doing it to real girls?"

Also, if you were actually into this pedo shit, why watch a show that is essentially getting blue balled while watching softcore porn? Why not just watch hentai, or loli hentai since you're into it? Why watch something that doesn't actually show the bits you're looking for?

Attached: 1563247534854.jpg (474x464, 25K)

>you can get by with a stolen ID if you say you're trans
absolute state of western hemisphere

How did you flip the cursor over?

Windows supports custom cursors


are you having a stroke? just use whatever image editor you have

yeaaah thats about 3 seconds, and another 3 seconds on the post x 2, so about 10 seconds ive seen so far. and you said 3 md5`s, and the very fact that you posted that you block md5`s and felt the need to post about it indicates you do this often to get a smug satisfaction out of it. on top of the fact that you wouldnt bother doing this shit if you didnt spend an ungodly amount of time on Yea Forums in the first place, so this trivial activity is quickly turning non-trivial lmao


Attached: F I V E.gif (150x200, 16K)

I'm saying that fag would defend muslims and jews

He just rotated that panel 180 degrees you ding dong

I know which one you mean and the artist was korean.
I don't recall the name of the artist or the comic.

I just remember the bully guy ending up in police cell and the femboi posed as his sibling to bail him and they end up in a love hotel.
In morning they separate and femboi sneaks back to his house to find his brother crossdressing and they almost end up doing it, but alarm clock reminds him that he is late for school.

There was a second part, but that ended up short because of the mentioned stupid korean anti porn laws.

Attached: sugoi shoe.jpg (960x540, 86K)

Yeah, though a lot of it is probably just unthinking, undiluted "have your cake and eat it"-ism as we see so many other places. Here is this attractive theory that means they get to do whatever they want guilt free while also continuing to enjoy the benefits of government and society (ie., not having to move to Somalia or whatever) for zero effort on their part besides a few forms and magic words to say. It's completely childish to believe it but people love to fool themselves with DEAL OF A LIFETIME BUT HURRY IT WON'T LAST LONG!!! every single year for things that are then promptly marked down more 3 weeks later.

The lack of basic grounding in law throws off a lot of other people too though on both the right and the left and every other axis. Like with Free Speech/Free Association, people advocating legal (vs social) restrictions don't seem to get that they're literally advocating for real, physical violence vs words. Although I guess lots of them are probably just closet authoritarians who want violence directed at "those they don't like" and foolishly think it'll stay that way rather then boomeranging around back at them like it has every single fucking time throughout history.

Attached: 1160933821835.jpg (640x445, 52K)

Futo is a cute!

Attached: EA5E29C9-4C8E-4443-9E58-4D07160E5ACA.jpg (697x336, 92K)

>essentially getting blue balled
>retard strawman guy is a self-inserter who always makes it about him, never about enjoying watching the stories of others play out without any personal insertion
Every single time. Don't get infected by the self-insert mind virus folks.

so are my loins

its still fucking unforgiving that he copy pasted the same panel three times

She is better off in hell

Reminder that Fanboys is the most wholesome vidya webcomic to ever exist.

To the first paragraph, I think it's nigh objectively more ethical to masturbate to a drawing rather than abuse real children, if that is the choice they're making.
To the second paragraph, you're underestimating how vanilla people's fetishes can be, even when coupled with things like pedophilia. Some viewers just want to fap to their hair.

Attached: games.png (1457x499, 81K)

Shit. Guess it was YOUR card.

Attached: this fucking thread.jpg (540x340, 43K)

Not only does it not answer my question, but you're actually, unironically, virtue signalling about how you watch loli softcore porn.

>That D&D panel
Funny how in real life he actually looks more like the turbo nerd than his shitty animated character.

Literal autism
I'm sorry that you're so butthurt about the fact that people are willing to spend a tenth of a second to filter out your off topic garbage

>Graphics = resolution

That's actually pretty funny

Thanks for reminding me of pokey the penguin

manly guys doing manly things had its moments.

Attached: 2010-04-26.jpg (650x1024, 349K)

>go into detail on how its not a tenth of second
>cope and blatently make up shit when called out on it
>starting to get into an argument over it, which also takes time, in the minutes now
>but will assuredly claim its the first/only time hes done this and not every single time he posts about his blocking for the smug sats
lmao wew lad

Attached: ruff.jpg (174x172, 9K)

Attached: steel thy bottom.jpg (1036x262, 282K)

Attached: manly men who do manly things and waddle dee is there.png (800x600, 181K)

Attached: projecting.jpg (800x419, 23K)


Attached: tcs - take that venezuela.jpg (750x394, 92K)


>aah, yes, us nerds and our periodic tables, amirightguys?

But do you feel in any way like you are doing or proliferating a bad idea when you watch and enjoy loli content?
Also as for the second answer, how far do shows like this even go in terms of sexual content? Are they limited by laws or by choice?


Attached: e34.gif (752x941, 677K)

yea dobson
the last thing any parent wants is give their kids something made by you

Have some more then

Attached: c754bb8884af4e68b6d8e9a50e80f409.jpg (4086x5898, 2M)

i never said i wasnt wasting time lmao. wew lad, your not very good at this, despite how much time you "productively" filter here kek

Attached: super ruff.jpg (545x505, 45K)

>cut-off panel
>pro-transition leftist high-fives the gadsdenist
The weirdest timeline

Attached: 1559831029522.png (858x711, 314K)

Why is Awkwardzombie the only one who can be regularly funny?

Attached: comic623.png (650x1003, 271K)

just a fetish bro

Is that translated?


can someone explain the joke

Attached: 1512605451319.jpg (516x300, 104K)

I personally don't watch that much, though I dabble. I'm an Yea Forumsnon.
I don't get the sense that loli content is making the world a worse place, no. It doesn't make children more vulnerable or directly harm them. I can see it might inspire a pedophile, but one can make an identical argument about depictions of violence.
Relevant laws with vary by location. Japan generally doesn't allow sex or loli nudity to be broadcast. Porn is open-season. Japan has resisted criminalizing drawn loli art.

>tfw i dont exist
What can I do with this power?

Attached: 1514930218001.jpg (640x932, 91K)

Nice try, trying to steal my 5

Check my 5 bitches.
I guess the joke is how absurd he looks as a delivery boy

no, that's the thing
She draws comics about games she has played. They are still simple as fuck, but if you haven't played the game chances are you won't get it

Attached: comic613.png (650x761, 164K)



This is MY FIVE

katie isn't a boy's name


No wonder he makes 14 cents a month with his patreon.

>no game has all its grass made from polys

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Attached: conga (4).gif (250x270, 804K)

yeah, I was surprised when i found out the creator of awkward zombie was a girl. I though it was a really ugly dude

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maybe when you were born

don't blame the jew for your own inadequacies. btw check this ocho

What is this show called?

>real and fake is the same thing
This is silly and you're silly user, extra so because LOOK WHERE YOU ARE. I mean, I know it's not a safe assumption on Yea Forums but there is at least some chance if you're here you may have played a video game or two at least once in your life. And given the nature of vidya, it is probable that within that vidya you "committed a crime" maybe even (gasp) murder! But even in "non-violent" games you commonly run roughshod over tons of regulations and laws (did you perform a full environmental review before constructing that building and make sure it was compliant with all life/safety code requirements?).

When you say shit like
>mental gymnastics about it and try to justify is as "not bad" and "we're not doing it to real girls?"
you do realize that applies to every single other fantasy thing equally well right? And not even just mass murder as so much vidya is full of but a million other things that would all literally land you in prison if you did them IRL. You're merely singling out one fictional thing amongst many, but it's still fiction.

I mean, in this specific instance you're wrong for other reasons too. But even so the basic problem is that most people can compartmentalize real from fake quite well, and fake is a perfectly acceptable way to explore things that would not be ok if they were real. And in fact, it's the very realness that would make them not ok. "Shooting" pixels literally is not the same thing as shooting a person. Nor is shooting a drawing of a person that was printed (if you do so safely).


This is 5

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it's called read the thread you fucking moron

Madlad did it

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one of the early things you have to do in twilight town is make money by doing stupid minigames, one of which is delivering letters on a skateboard

you have to do it 7 or 8 times in the tutorial section of KH2, which lasts for like 4 hours.

Why did you just post an image proving me right?


Attached: comic576.png (650x844, 219K)

Jesus christ, that's awful

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thread's over everyone, go home

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Fate-Kaleid PRISMA Illya, it's a Nasuverse universe (Fate/Stay Night, Tsuihime, Notes etc) series. If you don't already know those you won't get a lot of what's going on, it's unapologetically nerdy about that shit. Anime adaption is ok for a budget one for the first season, starts to have issues with the second, manga consistently gets better though, straddles the line between magic girls and nasu better then it has any right to. Author is a total autist.

Probably a love it or hate it one though.

Attached: comic552.png (650x952, 254K)

>Person making a big show about how virtuous and not-sexist they are is actually very prejudicial and sexist and was trying to draw attention away from their own demons

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>Why is Awkwardzombie the only one who can be regularly funny?
our standards are low. a comic that is actually about vidya and even has panels that aren't WORDSWORDSWORDS looks like a fucking masterpiece these days

there were a very large amount of greek temples. There were more temples than any other type of building except maybe houses/stores I guess

are you fucking retarded?
you don't have to do them, the characters say that they must earn 3000pt but you are free to skip it

Attached: Demiwat.png (472x3160, 1018K)

Super lewd too

Attached: ad053d329f5a95d5d277f5584bb9e2d9.jpg (2868x2040, 1.77M)

that's still the joke, you retard.

Literally what is the joke here.

Based 5 there.
Here’s another one.

Thank you for the genuine answer. It's kind of saddening to me that the art is drawn so well but depicts such a nasty topic, I can only image what amazing creations these people could make if they didn't pour their creativity on something so, to me, wrong.

There's a distinct difference between "bad things" that are normalized in media such as war and specific types of crime compared to things that are on the blacklist, such as terrorism, mass shootings, rape, and pedophilia. Someone digitally shooting someone else in a game about war, or stealing a car in a game about crime, is more accepted than someone getting off to the idea of raping little girls beit in a game, comic, or show. There's a reason this social line in the sand exists between these types of "bad." The healthy human mind is more comfortable with killing and war than it is with rape and pedophilia.

I'm calling you a fucking retard for saying
>you have to do it 7 or 8 times in the tutorial section
when you don't have to, making the game look worse than it is and, honestly, just being a retard, don't try to divert the attention

Domestic violence metaphor.



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Prisma Illya in particular is more about children experimenting sexually with each other than it is about rape. It's still taboo, but less horrid.