Other urls found in this thread:
this applies to any console/PC fanboy. they all just have different explanations for why they're so obsessed.
>[other group] is full of mindless fanatics! we must stop them at all cost!
only one group of fanboys sends thank-you cards to the company for advertising their products and throws birthday parties for their consoles.
Okay, I'll bite. What's the source of this pic?
>inb4 zealots come to defend their megacorporation overlords.
Basically. Nintendofags are easily the most rabid retards on this entire website.
>i'm not mad: the post
Imagine seething that Nintendo actually does an E3 livestream for people who want to see the fucking games correctlly
it's fucking epic how nintendo really achieved this prestigious reputation of life-changing entertainment value
keep see+thing=hate, bich
I'm not on any of those sides, I'm just flaunting my superiority.
Is console war shitposting ironic or not? I have never actually been able to tell.
>Lets ignore the giant Wii U shitstorm and PS4 dicksucking, Yea Forums is definitely Nintendo central
nice attempt to change the subject, but the thank-you card is what's cringeworthy, not the stream.
what wii u shitstorm? you mean the massive wii u shilling that happened every day up until the switch came out?
Nah, it's your posts that are cringey
That would be either pc/steam fanatics or sony cultists. No offense to any not retarded users of the above two platforms.
Nintendo could send collection squads to smash old copies of their games wherever they find them, and Yea Forums would still defend it.
Yea Forums IS Nintendo central, though.
I'm not even saying that it's a bad thing, but that's pretty much a fact.
>>Lets ignore the giant Wii U shitstorm and PS4 dicksucking, Yea Forums is definitely Nintendo central
lol the wii u was heavily shilled on release and the latter is vastly overshadowed by nintendofag switch dicksucking. What the fuck are you smoking.
Yeah, let's also ignore ps3/4 has no games, the catalog being flooded with smash threads 24/7, and the fact that it's literally impossible to talk about games like persona without the thread getting flooded by butthurt nintendofags.
>>Lets ignore the giant Wii U shitstorm and PS4 dicksucking, Yea Forums is definitely Nintendo central
>like 10 retards, maybe less than that due to samefagging
Dam....you sure showed us
Wow a handful of posts on a board that has tens of thousands of post a day
Disney I think
Someone on Floor 335 in the Corpodome was talking about a childhood memory today. Poor sap... they had him in Restabilization within the hour.
replace customers with sony fags and it would make more sense
Wow a handful of posts on a board that has tens of thousands of post a day.
Wii U was such a turd it literally gave Iwata cancer. How can fanboys even try to defend it?
>revisionist history
People were already talking about how the Wii U is fucked cause people weren't even able to tell the difference between the Wii and the Wii U
I only cried like that when my boyfriend left me
This desu.
Yea Forums fucking loved Star fox Zero for fuck's sake.
judgning by the wojaks and massive amounts of delusional asshurt from the Astral Chain threads, the snoys aren't much better, if not much worse.
>the thank-you card is what's cringeworthy
Sending it to the "treehouse" of all people, sure.
But in hindsight I feel like Iwata ought of received one.
Not like I'll get there in the foreseeable future anyway, but where is his (family's) grave?
>snoygroid victim complex thread
>undisclosed place in Kyoto
>he says as another smash thread comes out
sending it at all is cringeworthy. e3 is a corporate advertisement, not a personal gift to you.
>starting a thread with "b.b.but NINTENDOOOOO"
it was better than the switch.
Jeeze, when did the nintendo-disney merger happen?
>grrrr if you don't act under my orders I will CRINGE and you will sorry and obey me! Look I'm CRINGING you MUST feel hurt now
Nah you are just a noisy retard who haven't grown out of middle school.
Bro, Sony Jabronies made a fucking webm of WHIIIIIRRRRRposting because BOTW won GOTY
You can't get more pathetic than that
Interestingly no one responded to for over a year, the only replies are from the past month.
Isn't that Phil Spencer tho?
Image didn't attach, sorry about that lads.
Nintendo cult worship is real because theyve created the most iconic gaming franchises in history. No sony or microsoft ip has had such longstanding appeal. Shit like halo is dead in water