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hoping things work out, i just want to fish, ive been so excited for this day
Main -
Race: Orc
Class: Rogue
Realm: Arugal
Alt - Either a Tauren Warrior (Health boost and stomp) or Undead Mage (Undead is cool as fk and can escape cc)
FUCK I THOUGHT IT CAME OUT IN 2 HOURS. going back to bed
Human mage
Going to play with my gf who’s going to be human priest who’s never played WoW. We’ll see how it goes...
anyone got a link to Gehennas EU discord ? i cant find it anywhere.
Which realm is the official reddit tranny one?
Paladin is the best human healer and its much easier for a new player, Priests should be dwarfs honestly.
Also Blessing of Wisdom+Concentration Aura are better for a mage than Stam/Spirit buffs.
The RP-PVP one
Dwarf Hunter, probably Thalnos
I used to play human pala in real vanilla. It's time to play a good class this fucking time.
Most likely I'm going to go with undead mage. Alt - orc/tauren warrior or a priest - probably undead.
>Some high-pop EU pvp realm, no idea honestly, redpill me on those
Too bad I will have exams for one more month so I will be behind the pack which sort of sucks
>create undead rogue
>take name noobkiller
>go in redridge and kill everyone
Why did they advertise it comes out the 27th when it comes out the 26th?
Are they retarded?
Do I pick mage or warlock?
Any Yea Forums guilds?
Is going tailoring and enchanting a good idea?
90% of my time is going to be an undead in red ridge mountains camping lowbies everyday at 60.
>want to be a Dwarf priest for ultimate comfy, find it fun helping people out and being a bro
>people will probably call me a min-maxer autist even though I'm not
My nigga
If you're based, mage. If you're more of a cringe guy, go warlock.
Roll with it my dude. You should be happy that your choice of race is a good one.
Warlock is more fun and has great utilities. Mage is better performance-wise
I am fucking ready
Horde bros it is time to wipe the elf menace from the face of Azeroth. For to long those knife ears have fucked up and caused great pain to the earth spirits. Their arrogance is why the Burning Legion used our brother Orcs, dishonoring our Troll brothers and disrespecting our Tauron brothers.
Dwarves are min/maxed in all regards. Racials, comfiness, testosterone levels, ideal height for headbutting you in the dick, and so on. Embrace being the alpha of the pack.
Are you guys going for the new servers or trying your luck queueing in the full ones?
hell yea
>That Night Elf Rogue that camps Grom'gol Base Camp 24/7
I can already feel the pain again
Haven't decided.
Might go into alchemy cuz I still wanna heal people or rez in wpvp and pop mana potions for emergency combat.
I can't wait for this rerecycled shite to redie so we won't have the shill threads every 5 minutes
Both are solid choices. Both are useful. Warlock is easier and has more solo ability. Mage is great for dps but it will be highly played. The 3 most popular classes are mage, warrior, and rogue.
Most warriors will give up. However mage is extremely easy and getting to 60 is even easier. The server will be flooded with mages.
In pvp warlock is flat out broken and banned in tournaments if they go SL warlock. I'm personally going warlock. I would go mage as my second character.
Managed to bag MIllhouse for my gnome mage on the new EU realms.
This is the extent of classicfags. People only play for le ebin memes and edgelord points.
post em
Lol neweuropean. Reference to Islamic migrant invasion?
troll shadow priest on grobbulus... home...
At your side ma lady!
Eventually Classic Burning crusade, WoTLK and stop there right?
>tfw like farming blue gear and min maxing my armor
>I just wanna defend people with shit gear in wpvp and defend tarren mill.
There is nothing wrong with min-maxing if you're not an autist and if its for a good cause.
I am not gonna let alliance fuck boys take over my god damn hillsbrad.
The Scarlet Crusade did nothing wrong
>On the official tranny server
Have fun fag
Free mount
Broken in pvp
Amazing different specs
Can summon, battle rez, bring cookies
Never runs out of mana
Great dps but not as good as mage
Good at aoe tanking
Solid in pvp but not broken
1.12 nerfed POM mages frost is only viable option
Solid dps in raids
i have to close like 2 hours after it releases
then open the day after
first world problems and all but holy fuck i wanna kms
Have fun, you will be banned in 5 seconds
I feel like everyone is going to be a cunt in arugal and most people will probably roll horde
what should i do to kill the next four or so hours
trannies don't play on pvp servers retard
holy shit bros...we are actually finally going home
For what? Nothing offensive here.
Guys should I make a Human or Gnome mage?
I used to play Human but I know Gnome is better now.
Kill yourself
>4 new realms
>can't make new characters
Godspeed, PvPbro. Make sure to Cannibalize and /spit or else you're not a real undead rogue.
>all these retarded /pol/tards with racist names
Enjoy getting your account banned faggots. Now THAT will be funny. Sorry your racist name a fucking 16 year old finds funny is not amusing.
you first
gnomes look like trash
When is it going live exactly?
Race: Dwarf or Human
Class: Hunter or Warlock
I will focus one character first, should i play the dwarf hunter or the human warlock?
Havent decided yet
i have never in my life played wow. would classic be a good place to start?
I have work tomorrow so i'm not gonna play tonight. Might give it a shot friday evening though.
Humans do too in mage gear unless you're a tranny pretending to be a girl
Mage (fire while leveling. Arcane for Endgame)
We're going home boys.
fugg Im on the wrong realm
gnome or go home
Should I go Horde or Alliance for Whitemane? I was leaning horde but I'm still indecisive
>PvP fags
>Not just enjoying the game
>"Hurr durr I can do both durr"
Starting to BURN and CORRUPT you with that build. Your actions?
Done. Your turn.
>For what? Nothing offensive here.
>5 minutes later
>reee, how could Blizzard see through my cleverly disguised poltard meme? Fuck Blizzard
Where did you find this? And how the fuck are so many people playing alliance?
>12 am in Paris
FUCK i wanted to play but i have to go to work
Human Pala on stalagg.
Blood Elf
>No quality of life features
>Classes aren't just broken, they are borderline unplayable for certain specs
>That terrible, lack luster world design where half the zones were barely even finished
>No story
>No cutscenes or dialogue worth shit
>Literally 60 levels of kill ten wolves
>Being hyped for this at all
Can't wait to see all the zoomers quit, they don't have a clue what is coming, they have been memed into thinking vanilla was in any special. Its better than current wow, but that's just like saying one shit is better than another.
Why would you want multiples characters anyway?
Gnome. Humans are boring as fuck thematically and are for people with no creativity or for people who are minmaxing melee characters. Human racials are almost entirely irrelevant for mage, but gnomes get to escape CC for free and they have increased mana pools, which mages like. The human spirit racial is meh at best and unless you're stacking a lot of spirit on a healer or DPS questing set, and again, humans are for people who have no originality or imagination. They're only excusable for things like minmaxing warrior stats. is a flaming faggot who doesn't even want to embrace fantasy bullshit in a game as fantastical as WoW, and needs to play a generic human male with the word "PROTAGONIST" written on its forehead so he can self-insert as Kirito and other tryhard personality-devoid main characters.
How do I tell women that I can't meet them anymore? What excuse do you make to not look like a fucking nerd?
Comes out midnight in each region's respective timezone. Which means Europes get it a few hours earlier than US.
>everything I want is taken
Well, at least I can have a giggle.
>Its better than current wow
Which shitty server do I go on if I'm NA East?
>not taking the next day off
big mistake user
New servers have come up and in less than half an hour mograine is medium pop. That shit is gonna be packed aint it, probably the best server name EU has to be fair
Are druids and the other meme hybrids viable healers or is it all about priest and some paladin? Don't give me that "everything works bro just be yourself" shit because I'm actually not a shitty person and I care about contributing to the raid and guild.
woah there big guy, slow down with that edge.
go human
You are an idiot.
Not him, and I agree with you, but it'd be nice if they at least changed some numbers down the line so more specs are viable.
Hold up
the game says i will be able to play the character in 4 hours
Hope the realm is in the balance between no streamer bullshit and not dying in 2 weeks
I dunno.
If I want to play a Balance Druid will I be totally fucked? I love being an owl man in retail but I know classic balancing is shit. Probably would do more PvE than PvP
>have to go to work right as the count down is finished
Now that's what I call EPIC
>wageslaving and having to beg for a day off
big mistake user
Don't forget
>No crossrealm bullshit (arena, dungeon ,guild, raid finder)
Good'ol server only
Not him but he's not wrong, blizz has never taken kindly to racist shit. Once you get reported you'll be force to change
PVP or Normal as Horde?
Give it a try. Balance is about as weak as ret but it only matters if you are raiding.
Who is objectively strongest pvp class in the game?
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Realm: Firemaw
Never played wow classic, first time i properly played wow was two years ago. So gonna play with some friends for this launch. I'm excited.
There is only a single spec that is straight-up unviable, and that's Protection Paladins, and Protection Paladins have to remain fundamentally broken because tanks are one of the most valuable resources and creating an Alliance-only viable tank class would further skew an already fairly imbalanced PvE scene in their favor.
There are never Yea Forums guilds ever since generals were moved to . You could join one of the /vg/ guilds but honestly you really don't want to.
>Implying current wows issues have anything to do with quality of life features for the interface
>Ignoring the fact vanilla wow had even more issues
Fucking brainlet jesus christ. At least current wows classes are all viable. They might be stripped down trash but you can use them. There are specs you simply CANNOT use in vanilla. People who were not there do not understand, we aren't talking about a bit of class balance issues, we are talking about literally not being able to do a raid as a certain spec because its so incredibly, utterly broken.
People who are pure vanilla are fucking idiots running on memes and nostalgia.
Every class contributes, even if it isn't pure hardcore healing. Combat res, innervate, totems etc are useful.
Rogue. But there'll be thousands of them.
Also, I assume the best levelling spec for mage is frost, right?
This is exactly the shit I said I didn't want.
>No cross realm bullshit
user... I'm sorry to break it too you, but it has layering. We won't return to servers of old. Sure its not as bad as cross realms but its still trash.
why are female horde races so ugly
>Yeah, I plan on just having a good time and re-experiencing vanilla the way it was meant to be.
>No, I will not follow some minmaxed optimal questing route, I'll just play and do whatever I feel like, taking my time if need be. No I don't shy away from spending hours to form a group and walk to some faraway dungeon even if it's very inefficient xp/hour wise.
>I don't mind if people play suboptimal race+class combos or specs. As long as anyone tries their best, we're good - we'll get through MC even with some meme spec people in half greens, don't worry about it.
>Yeah I am rolling on Zandalar. I love the balanced alliance and horde ratio and how everyone there is so into world pvp - at the same time it's also nice that the average person playing there is a bit older and more mature, definitely my style of comfy server.
>Of course, everyone who agrees is welcome to join us on our most wonderful server here - we are ACTUALLY going home.
What classes do trolls perform best at?
>Muh racism
Go back to r*ddit faggot
Jesus christ, fuck off already retard
>Was going to go into Whitemane solo
>Got in touch with my old college mates, found out they're playing, and found my place with them on Skeram
Hopefully the server won't be full by 6pm
Can't wait to ERP with my Female Troll Shaman :)
f pink haired gnome mage :3
>Don't give me that "everything works bro just be yourself"
If anyone says that about vanilla that are straight up lying. Vanilla has outright the worst class balance in any mmo past or future. It didn't get fixed till BC, where it just become plain old poor balance rather than broken.
Objectively, druids are the weakest healers in vanilla. Raids will still need 2-3 of them though.
... I leave you to burn.
Ive play vanilla and i can tell you nobody gona tell you how tedious and mindless grinding it was.
I have no clue about the server, probably Zandalari or Mograine
So what? Just change your spec.
My first time ERPing was female on female troll, it included canablism. I was a shota and the other girl was a real girl who I speggettied over later, still talk to her to this day, we are good friends.
>didn't mention the most important part - twintails
you had one job
Fuck. I didn't think I wanted to play Classic, but now I'm feeling the hype somehow. Goddammit.
im only using twintails when I decide to pvp so I can tank more effectively
So people are excited for what is essentially just a game removed of all its DLC? Why is this such a big deal?
>t. never played WoW just curious
I am going to main Rogue. I was going to play Shadow Priest but I don't want to heal and I want to DPS.
I've been reading all day I'll never get into raids and I'll rarely be picked up for dungeons. Can veterans here confirm that? Can I even DPS SP in 5 mans?
Night elf or human shadow priest? I like night elf but i hate their starting zone
>he doesnt plan on playing on an RP server
>he doesnt want to fully immerse himself into the community
>he doesnt want to shit talk on the forums and then big dick the other faction in game
Pyrewood Village
Because the DLC didn't add on to the content, it made it increasingly easier to skip past and eventually completely replaced it with a shell of its former self.
Wondering about what secondary character I should make to play later, split between Forsaken Rogue and Warlock. Leaning towards Warlock for the free mount, but I'm already maining SPriest so the gameplay and itemization might be too similar, what should I do? RP server.
People think that if they can play the game they played when they last remember, or at least think, they were happy, it will make everything okay again.
Guys, where are DKs?
dwarf priest going to try and join some dungeon grinding groups
none of those realms are in my list, what the fuck?
Where is Herod?
Rogue so you can spy on other people ERPing
>dungeon grinding groups
Shadow is fine in dungeons, the debuff limit is mainly an issue in 40 man raids, but all raids also want at least one SPriest for shadow weaving.
>want to finally install classic and choose realm
>can't because new jewzer essential mouse doesn't fucking work with synapse because reasons
I can only blame myself.
No they are excited for a game stripped of all its dlc, its balance updates, its content, its graphical upgrades, and its UI features. Are you BASED enough to enjoy it?
All four new pvp servers on EU are already medium. Sure is dead game over here
Paris is an African shit hole
What would my dungeon rotation be? Am I OOM alot?
I already know I did thanks to Elysium. It's a way better game, truly and honestly.
Modern day wow is extremely easy. The world isn't interactive and feels like a DnD railroad adventure. Classic forced you to make friends with people and group up to take down enemies. In modern WoW, you don't know what server you will get into while in classic, its just one server. You start recognizing faces, if some fucker is spawn killing one of your low levels, you can get on your main and proceed to try and kick his ass. The world felt alive and actually felt like an MMO, not a theme park
Its the tiny things
I drank too much alcohol and I'm a europoor so yeah I need to sleep I'll see you guys in 10 hours...
>Walking with your grown man of an in game wife
>He fades out as you hit a layer change
Should I join a normal one or pvp
>PVP server full of rogues
>implying I want to spend my entire time to 60 being camped
rp servers don't have layers retard
>He thinks Elysium was vanilla
Fucking brainlet zoomies.
The first of many fallen brothers
who's /elf/ here?
>fem Orc
Going to be running to muglore at launch for the comfy leveling experience
except you'll still need to level with frost spec to deal with all the rogues
Whats the best US server where I have the least chance of being cucked by streamers?
Basically, which one has the least. Or atleast what is asmon on so I can avoid that one like the plague.
Id rather deal with nobodies than his bitch ass.
how many of you retards are going to play this and then realize you didn't actually want to play the game itself but instead relive your memories
Race:Night Elf (male)
Class: Druid
Realm:Whiemane duo/ solo Grobbulus
Alt- Warrior tank
>Because the DLC didn't add on to the content
Have you guys decided what zones you'll be aiming for while leveling? For me, I'll be doing this with my human warrior:
>Log in, book it to Teldrassil. You can get there while remaining level 1 as a human, it's easy.
>Do the night elf starting zone I have so much nostaliga for, from the spider cave and timed poison cure quest to the furbolg-infested barrow den that everyone grouped up for in Vanilla.
>Continue on to Darkshore, go get frustrated as fuck with Vanilla/ Classic's underwater breath meter while searching beneath the waves and along the shore for things like threshadon corpses that can be clicked-on for quests.
>Duskwood to brave the terrors of the night and relive the horror of Mor'ladim chasing you down in your mid-20's.
>A mixture of Stranglethorn Vale and Dustwallow Marsh in the 30's. The ganking hellhole of Strangethorn is something I want to be a part of at launch, and Dustwallow has some great lore hidden in it. Maybe I'll do a bit of Swamp of Sorrows for the same reasons as Dustwallow, since you often run out of quests in a zone while leveling anyway in Classic/ Vanilla.
>Tanaris quests in prep for some Zul'Farrak dungeoneering later, along with maybe some of Feralas since I have weird mixed feelings about my memory with that zone, like how I hated traversing it but I appreciated the lush scenery. I will also likely visit Ungoro and kill some dinos. Maybe I'll do some Felwood too. Searing Gorge and Blasted Lands have good rewards but I'll worry about those a few days into Classic, when I'm ready for Uldaman and Blackrock Depths and want their respective quests.
>50-60 will be mostly Plaguelands for me, it's my favorite zone in the game overall for lore and aesthetics, though I'll do Burning Steppes afterwards for quests related to Blackrock Mountain instances and raids, and maybe some Winterspring after that.
Wondering the same thing. Getting camped by terribly imbalanced rogues or being bored of lack of action. I might go with normal, I still have STV flashbacks.
>rogues doesn't have Cloak of shadows
It's Vanilla enough to get a good idea. I even got to see how things were BEFORE 1.12, and they were pretty swell then too.
undead or orc for warlock?
Yes, they do. Its not a server to server thing, layers are built into the core of the game, every server has them to deal with overpopulation.
How long are you planning on playing?
If you stick with mage until AQ/Naxx then you get ridiculously broken.
Best EU server : Gole or Shazzrah?
also made characters in Zandalar for the hell of it.
How long will it take players to go to lowbie zones and tank? I assume a couple of weeks since everyone elll be focused on leveling
cant wait to go into barrens chat and see OMEGALOL EZCLAP spammed
Bumping for similar question. Does SPriest only become good with TBC?
This is the case for me probably, but with any luck I'll die in traffic on the way home from work
Tauren female
Bloodsail Buckaroos
lmao guess youre dead
>... it replaced it
Your point is, ironic weeb?
Can’t believe we’re finally going back bros.
pvp you pussy
can you hide cloak/helm in 1.12?
I agree, the cross realm shit destroyed the game.
>It's Vanilla enough to get a good idea
No, stop. Its been stated many times, you fucking zoomies have no clue how shit vanilla was. The private server does not give you a good idea, it gave you a false idea. Sorry to shit on your hype, but its nothing like what you think it is.
there was a time where you had to level up and not buy a max level character
How are warriors performing as tanks in dungeons while levelling?
Yes, that was a very early if not release feature
Why the fuck did i actually think going in a server discord would be a good idea
Tranny discord mods are a true cancer
Just helm, not sure about cloak
Get some mana gear if you feel you need it. Your rotation is Mind Blast, SW:P, Mind Flay, then maybe ten to fifteen seconds of wanding to let the five second regen rule go off, then repeat.
just bring 1 hand and shield and you're golden with any spec
thread theme faggots
In pve, yes.
In PvP they're still good in classic.
I'm going to make a druid healer. For soloing things, is it going to be better to use cat form or just spam wrath/starfire?
That character you levelled was fundamentally changed with each expansion. Then, eventually, the world itself was.
Oh I see, this is a meme. Got it.
Same as paladin and druids
Differences appear at 50+ if you spec for it
Spriest is something you do on your off raid time. You are expected to heal and guilds dont even take spriests because until naxx it's actually a dps loss to take a spriest and not just another warlock.
Then why ask you retard
Asmon layer
Boring, unoriginal reply. I am not surprised, you default to humans in fantasy games and have no original thoughts, just a desire to not be made fun of for being short. Likely a manlette IRL.
>tfw actually want to play chill rp-pvp server
>friend whose vacation happens to coincide with classic wants to go on already overfilled shit server
>why not go on the new one without all the cancer concentration?
>hurr durr full server good
Comfy has already ended. Now I have to play nigger race on an absolute shit server instead of comfy Dwarf rp on international server.
>streamfags will have easy money for having fun in vanila while you'll just waste your time for nothing
It's not fair
Cat to kill then toss heals in between mobs
Spamming spells will drain your mana leaving you with nothing to use on heals
Forsaken / Dwarf
Warlock / Warrior
Incendius / Skeram
Not sure which one to play first
Why do I keep hearing retards spread this shit? Have any of you bothered to actually look up what the fuck you're saying?
The price you pay for letting your friends bully you around, sissy.
ok this actually made me mad
Roll both on both servers and stop being so autistic, jeez
>Oh I see, this is a meme. Got it.
The only meme is the endless wojaks being posted about 'going back'. Boomers thinking they are going to return to the good old days, ones they have fond memories of due to hanging out with friends, not playing the tedious, buggy, poorly balanced vanilla.
I'll see my fellow cows in Azeroth soon. I can't wait.
lmao blows my mind sometimes people spout such bullshit with such authority
How do I prevent myself from getting logged out for inactivity? Is moving my character on the login screen enough?
>Got all wanted names
When you go all-out, yes, it's very easy to run out until you can get full raid buffs and strong gear. Generally you're just throwing up your dots and mind flay/wanding, but the max damage rotation is:
Vampiric Embrace, Mind Blast -> Rank 1 SW:P -> Rank 1 SW:P (applying Shadow Weaving procs) -> Devouring Plague if you have it -> Max rank SW:P -> Mind Blast -> Mind Flay -> Mind Flay -> Mind Blast -> Reapply dots as necessary
What are some good, simple, short RP names for a Forsaken? Something that an actual person might have. I just realized how rare it is to be able to get names like that when new servers open.
> tfw going home
It’s almost here bro
Who took Pepe and Wojak on Incendius and Bigglesworth???
Still undecided on whether to bite the bullet and play classic desu.
Used to have a Dwarf Hunter back in the day, tho.
If I do get into it I'm thinking Dwarf Hunter, Nelf Hunter or Human Priest.
0-3 Play Classic
4-6 Play a private server
7-9 Play some other game instead
That's not a Forsaken name.
>tfw too cowardly for pvp
You need some old-school names, like Finneous or Allouicious. I usually use old authors as inspiration.
Why are you being a lying retard? It starts at 6:30 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Use the above if you're too autistic to tell time on your own, but stop spreading misinformation for no reason.
So as someone who dabbled in current WoW but had to stop because I got too busy, what would I get out of playing classic that's different from modern WoW?
So my second question is how easy can I get into a dungeon group? I'm assuming most people will ask me to heal and not DPS.
I really wish there was another alliance race I could use, but I guess it's not a big deal
>Probably one of the new realms because fuck queues
That's sort of what I was thinking, but those names are too long, it's something I'd go for on a retail server. I already got Willem for my rogue, something like that.
> he didn’t build a space bar pressing bot
user, they said they want all servers to go live around the world simultaneously. That is inherently not going to be at midnight around the world. The launch is global, but it launching at midnight is not.
Are you on the spectrum?
Won't Mind Blast pull aggro everytime?
An appreciation for all the ways the game is no longer that shit
Pvp in classic is kino
>stunlock rogues being able to kill anything, anywhere, regardless of gear
>Pom pyro mages will one shot, then die from a nearby gust of wind
>Shamans are completely rng based and might kill you or not depending on procs
>A paladin out of stunlock is unkillable, will bubble hearth
>A paladin with engineering you may as well give up now
>No other class is relivant
It'll be about as easy as getting into one as a Mage. You're still relatively valuable to the group, especially once you start getting into places like Scholo and Strat because Shackle is really really fucking helpful. In a pinch though, you can still heal in Shadow spec at least up to Sunken Temple, but if you're good and kept up on your healing set you can do any dungeon that way.
Yo Andrew
Yeah it is
See if you can find ONE person with the name Josh who's not forsaken scum
Dark Elf
Fairbank sever
>one RPvE realm
>70% alliance
You can heal dungeons without respeccing, really it depends on if there's already a mage or warlock in the group. Nobody wants to share caster gear. You might even want to heal dungeons just so you get expedited gear.
Just stole someone's name. The name of someone currently reading this thread. Fucking idiot.
>All these tryhard faggots, streamers, min-maxers
>Meanwhile I'm sitting here with 2 characters on Normal realms and one, backup one on PVP.
Dwarf priest. I’m gonna be buffing half you guys with fort. Just trade me a beer for max immersion.
how can it be midnight in the both the US and China at the same time, what
Mind Blast doesn't do increased threat, so that's on your tank. When I say 'max damage' I also am not taking into account things like debuff limits and aggro.
>forgetting the warrior with the pocket healer
Absolutely untouchable.
I can't wait to see the old Org bank again. I miss that bank.
Not him but are you crazy? Mind blast is the highest dealing threat in Vanilla.
You do you user, I'm just having fun going full autism with some of my planning, like how I know a bunch of weapons I'll be aiming for in my warrior's leveling journey. I'm just doing it for me, and for no other reason than I'm excited and need something to do with that for the next few hours.
>every single standard pvp realm horse outnumber alliance
>every single pve and rp realm (aka the megacasual and tranny servers) has more alliance
Fucking kek
Really says a lot about european alliance players.
Thanks for the actual answer. Shame someone had to use the "Linux is gay" technique to get it though.
If your name is offensive, do you get banned or do they simply ask you to change your name?
>No quality of life features
The actual QoL features like spell queuing, and minor bug fixes are there.
In vanilla I played a rogue and had a pocket druid healing. LITERALLY unkillable unless we were completely swarmed by 4 or more things.
You guys are over here reserving your names, while I'm making sure that degenerates aren't able to shit up my RP-PVP server.
>Kinda want to play undead warlock
>Dont want to hang out in disgusting Ogrimmar and the fucking MUDHUTS
FUCK Horde
God, I want to turn Whitemane into an Undead girl
It does do huge threat, but if you talent correctly you have like -45% threat on all spells anyway.
The absolute madman
Doing god's work, user.
If its like "LOLNIGGERFAGLOL" you get suspended.
Otherwise its always a kick out, and name change.
That's not how that works. That's not how that works at all.
Human player, probably.
>familiar with it since i played it before
>something new but worried people won't want to take me to instances
>also something new but will probably be too popular
Oh I guess it does, I missed that part when I looked it back up since it's not on the tooltip like with Searing Pain. Still, it's only 100% extra threat which unless you're critting consistently isn't going to be above a Mage just hurling Frostbolts.
Wrong side of the lake dude.
It's not "be yourself bro". I listed things that directly contribute to the performance of the raid. If you want the biggest HPS, go paladin, end of discussion.
Exactly, my nigga. Can't wait for that comfy music, peacefull, long levelling.
Anyone else going with Nethergarde Keep on EU/Mirage Raceway/Razorgore?
>Releases at 5 PM CST
Love getting off work at 330.
Mograine is high AAAAAAAAAAH
>go to purchase game time
>store is down
Oh. I guess I'm not playing then.
Finally going home boys
>4 hours until launch
>BFA kiddies are still shitposting their tired old "hurr it's just nostalgia everyone is gonna quit when they remember how BAD it is" garbage
This is an unprecedented amount of coping and seething
Alt: Twink undead rouge
Really excited for tinght bros
Get used to it, their next step will be falseflagging threads post-launch going "just unsubbed after 10 seconds this game is untuned where's the feral druids????"
>he isn't playing for free with mountains of retail gold
I need a WoW classic shoop of this Arnie picture.
bong here, which realm should i roll, i dont it to be too full or too enpty and i know theyre releasing new ones today
>he's playing retail
I would pay 14.99 a month not to
I don't own bfa
>playing retail past Cata
>4 hours until launch
>have to go to work in an hour
>Feral druid
>Not ret paladin
>Not demon Hunter
>Not death knight
i wanna see the average weight of someone who plays wow classic
i played wod and my millions of gold still havent been depleted
Firemaw PVP EU
That or Orc Warlock, can't decide
You have to remember that BFAshills are also furries
Tauren female
Hype is reaching critical levels
Orc War Thalnos. I'm betting I know who you are probably met you on Lights Hope
it's actually normal between all the asmongold phenotypes and the boogie phenotypes, you need the standard deviation too
cope lbs.
Firemaw EU
>tfw midnight exactly in your region
Never played mage before, but I heard you could do cheeky shit in pvp.
So from what people are saying, even if you log in early, the character select screen will disconnect you after 30 minutes no matter what you do, even if you're in the middle of character creation and clicking on things.
Optimal strategy will be to log in 25 minutes before launch and wait for the button to light up
Year 11
Real Life
Night Elf
Yeah but you have to not be a blithering pantsshitting retard.
Mage is honestly the best PvP class, even better than Rogue. Even with bad gear a mage can still fuck you up pretty easily.
>Been thinking about which class or race to play since name reservation
>Still haven't figured it out
Fuck send help
Do I conform to my friends and play a class they haven't picked yet or should I just pick whatever the fuck? If I want to do both PVP and PVE without having to dish out 50g what can I do?
As a Mage? The cheekiest thing I can think of to do is to jump off a cliff with someone after you then Blink back to where you started while they plummet. Mind Control is where the real dickery's at
i'm an anorexic gay twink
>ctrl F Faerlina
>none found
Most streamers are Alliance. Both US and EU.
350lbs 6'3 chad reporting in
>If I want to do both PVP and PVE without having to dish out 50g what can I do?
rogue or mage
Raid in your PVP spec and call raid leaders out for being faggots when they complain that your dps could be 3% higher.
You mean "cheaper"
Conform. Fighting over loot isn't fun.
Which NA servers should I avoid? I wanna play in a PVP realm but don't know which server I'm going to choose yet.
You could do both I imagine. What are your friends playing?
queue-wise, where is the hurdle.
the initial login or server selection?
Only playing for a little while to help my freshbro get a good start and enjoy the early rush madness on a pvp realm, what should I roll to go with his Mage between Shaman, Priest or Hunter?
Never tried Shaman since it always gets a bad rep, can you put out noticeable auto damage whilst healing without fucking your mana in dungeons?
Initial login, but it'll boot you off after 30 minutes in server/character selection no matter what
after you choose your server
this guys videos show some crazy mage shit in pvp
Go Bigglesworth, Alliance.
Summon bitch
Have to farm shards before every raid, taking up lots of bag space
Rotation is literally just putting up your curse then spamming shadowbolt and lifetap for the next 2-5 minutes, no thought involved
DPS is crap until ZG comes out and you can get bloodvine + other spell hit gear, hope you like having your shadowbolts resisted throughout MC and BWL
They're really only "broken" in 1v1 because of fear, in group PvP they're not as good
Read this week the servers are so crowded you wouldn't be able even to enter in the login queue and if you could do that, there was still the server's queue.
night elf
what addons are you going to use, Yea Forums? I'd like at least to have atlaslooter or something similar.
warlocks, rogues, shamans, a warrior, a druid and a hunter I believe
Shamans, especially early on, really can embody the 'hybrid' fantasy well in being able to do a little bit of everything without any real penalty. He can easily go smacking dudes with his Rockbiter two-hander and Searing/Healing Stream Totems up. It'll also be your best synergy with him since Priest needs the same gear for the most part and Hunter isn't going to increase your chances to get in dungeons.
It was me
Details so I can kick DPS from dungeons if I catch them doing nothing.
MeleeSwingTimer so I can play warrior.
That's it.
Blaumeux at high, we with the big boys now.
in group pvp they can dot and cast drain mana
Well, it certainly doesn't help when they cover nearly every class themselves but Mage can still manage to do PvP and PvE just fine as Frost.
There's no mound you colossal faggot
it certainly doesn't. Initially I was looking at rogue or hunter myself but when multiple of them said rogue and while there's only one hunter so far usually that's already one too many if the raid composition stories are to be believed
He's playing the mage, I was going to roll Priest as usual but like you say I don't want to cripple his gearing.
How rough does Shaman have it when it comes to pvp out in the world?
I stil lcan't decide my priest race, help me
is this even worth playing if I've never touched wow or any MMO for that matter? It's the one genre that's always eluded me. I feel like I'm missing out on something here
You're a dipshit. Raids always need mark of the wild; for that reason alone, people will usually bring Druids. Besides, healing is healing, and actually finding somebody that will want to do that pitiful job is work enough, so it's not like people will be picky.
You and me, brother
Doesn’t really matter for dungeons but leveling will probably suck because you’ll burn through mana and won’t regen it in combat unlike feral
Yeah I forgot to go back and edit that bit, Shamans are actually pretty good with Shocks giving them consistent interrupts or snares depending on what role you're going up against. Once you get purge you are a caster's worst nightmare, and with Ghost Wolf you trounce most melees in a kiting battle (make sure you take the early-Enhancement talent to make it instant, it's really really helpful).
I never played wow but I'm planing on doing so with my friends
Would you think I'm a faggot for playing a Troll pet hunter?
It's never instant, even with that talent. Just a really fast cast
Caucasian (Italian/German/French)
Balance is a meme spec in Vanilla but I've seen someone make it work, an IRL girl at that. The spell crit aura is a nice benefit to your vastly superior Mage brethren too.
6 hours? i thought it comes out tomorrow?
Leveling as Balance is hell on earth. it's worse than leveling a fire mage because with the latter at least you kill shit pretty quickly.
Oh, so it isn't. I must have it confused with a later iteration. Still, Frost Shock used to be the big anti-melee meme for a reason.
>mfw I'm reserving all cool 3 letter names atm.
Asmon layer... home...
how do you farm shit as a healer at 60?
You were right in what you were saying anyways everywhere else; Shamans are very strong
>Would you think I'm a faggot for playing a Troll pet hunter?
No, Troll Hunters are murder machines
Shaman it is then, thanks for the info lads.
It releases in 3 and a half hours simultaneously everywhere in the world. If you're across the atlantic, that's the 27th.
Now is absolutely the best time to play because
1.) Vanilla is debatably the best version of the game
2.) Everyone is starting from square one
atm is a shit name.
Goin' home lads
whats so important about knowing when autos are going off? I can only think of slam benefiting from it
seems like a waste of a addon desu
Slowly or with a group. If you're a Paladin you can make it slightly less awful by going after Undead/Demon areas.
is mage leveling easy
MeleeSwingTimer is a must have.
To min/max his heroic strikes and other "on next swing" stuff like the faggot he is
Trolls are literally the best Hunter race on the Horde. You'll likely want to drop BM at 60 though, as your pet dies way too easily in a raid and nobody will heal it. Great PvP spec though.
Consider Asmon's fan base signed up for shock therapy.
Demonology lock any fun? I like pets and summons
Fairbanks pvp
I'm gonna be the healer everyone wants.
Never played WoW before in my life, but I just made a human paladin for the RPPVP server
what am i in for bros
what do i do when i start playing
Blizzard Store broken, Support Queue over 180 minutes
So I cant renew my subscription to play classic tonight because the European store site is breaking apart at the moment.
I guess it is the true classic feeling even before the game is starting
Some of the easiest when you learn how to AoE grind
keep trying. I had to.
As a Paladin, a lot of auto attacking and some disappointment when you're relegated to heal duty instead of being a valiant knight. But a cheap mount, so not not worth it.
for my HERBS
I'm about to fuck up some Brazilian Aliiancebabs
70kg 1m80~
I’ll be sure to begrudgingly give you fortitude if I see you.
Which you won't be able to do with all the people around.
What a fucking hero. Grob thanks you fellow user
Good at pve and pvp, at the same time.
Just go a frost pvp spec.
You may not do quite as much damage in dungeons as you would a pure pve spec, but you'll still shit on most other classes and have have the tools to shit on people in pvp.
It really does. It means you better stay the fuck away from Gehennas if you're Horde. Screencap this for later.
But user I love pets : '(
Fair point, but we will have to see how much L A Y E R I N G affects that
Hey guys here's another Speed Leveling guide to help you get ready to grief lowbies!!!
Joana put up a pay wall. Anyone got a link to a siterip?
Blacksmithing or engineering for warrior?
The first one seems like it would be more useful but engineering looks more fun
I'll miss aoe looting
You'll always have one no matter what spec you are at least, but cleaves and passive aoe damage will murder your beloved boy. Keep a wolf or a wind serpent in one of your stable slots and you can still do something with them without siccing them on the boss in melee (Wolves can buff your damage on a fairly low cooldown and Wind Serpents have a ranged attack you can spam while keeping them on stay out of the boss's range, they have to be manually activated when they're not actively attacking the boss though so you have to macro them to something if you want to keybind it)
>want to kill streamers
>don't want to wait hours to play
What should I do bros? Should I wait it out, or should I just fucking play somewhere else?
Download on limewire like 2004
whats a server that will be forever populated? i dont wanna join a server that ends up dying
Most of them if I see and soi based redcucks I'm gonna harass and verbally abuse them.
Skinning/Mining/Herb, then go Engineering around 40+
BS isnt worth it since you can find someone. Engineering is flat out the best PvE/PvP profession by a mile but makes 0 gold.
Remember to stay on top of fishing/cooking.
Engineering is the best personal benefit profession bar none. You will barely sell anything, but it will increase your damage and utility significantly. Blacksmithing can sell some nice things for a profit, and has a few BoP items to craft just for you that aren't bad, but it's quickly outscaled by raid gear.
I've got the download from a 2007 torrent that was still active, but it's not the same as the newer one.
>tfw havent decided on faction yet
Made my two characters. I dont care about the names but im just undecided what character I want to play first.
Tell me anons is this real?
Does it feel like it did all those years ago?
Because I said to myself I would not go play it but between the drought of games and that desire to experience those old moments is making me wanna get it.
>playing alliance, ever
I'm planning to do some blacksmithing while leveling, and switch to engineering at max level. I think BS can produce some decent leveling weapons. For example when I played on a private server I noticed the basic Copper Battle Axe was way better than anything else at that level, and early on you won't be able to buy a green weapon from other players or the AH.
its shit
it's not even close to how it was back then. its just another MMO launch. big hype at first but dies after 2-4 weeks.
It doesnt matter what you play because you are gonna be dialating a lot.
Even watching streamers play beta made me remember how fucking good vanilla WoW is.
just 6 hours ago I was female human paladin, now i'm a male tauren shaman
t. mudhut hunchback nigger
enjoy never knowing what peak soul is
The community is going to be a fair bit different in this day and age, but it's still a very comfortable game to play, and very social still compared to today's MMOs.
C is banned
Enjoy your ban.
based. welcome brother.
Got my original names, I cannot wait.
No, you're not a necromancer no matter how hard you wish it you dip. You're not even Forsaken where it would make some sense.
>implying a dwarf wouldn't rip an undead apart with his manlet titan strength
Two questions:
1. What is a good spec for a paladin duo-leveling with a warrior?
2. What are the best EST realms right now?
Thanks everyone. Been a bit behind the curve.
>omg all these fantasy races, should i play human? blue human? half human? 5,11 human?
>rape face dorf
>not the strongest thing in existence
Granted he has a mustache so he isn't at full power, but still
Reminder that NOBODY is going to play the game today or tomorrow.
No existing piece of hardware can handle the load that the Classic playerbase will generate, layering or not. It will keep crashing for ar least 2 days.
Im going Forsaken, but I dont have access to my PC, only a laptop. I have to remake all my characters once I get my PC back
>duo-leveling with a warrior?
still retri
nobody actually knows what realms are the best
Blizzard is gonna hard cap the shit, they already said that. A lot wont be able to play, but those who get in will.
1. Holy
2. We'll never know until we see the communities for themselves, but keep an eye on
Holy. Or cherry pick until you get to a level where there's a worthwhile deep talent.
All of the EST realms will be poppin
Extremely BASED
literally more soul than
>green nigger
>blue nigger
>cow nigger
>dead nigger
>all hunchbacked, smell like shit and never seen a shoe in their life
>join your first guild
>about to do MC
>notice your main tank
>this is him
If every Horde doesn't have shoes because 2/4 races don't, then every Alliance is a manlet because 2/4 races are.
are you guys stupid? rtri+warrior murder everything on their way and no need to heal while leveling
>want to play mage and go frost so i can shit on all the warriors people will be rolling because asmongold and swifty
>mage will also be super popular
he will propably solo MC unarmed. So yes i accept him as our lord and saviour
Hope he doesn't decide to rape me, and pray that he is merciful and grants me some gear.
Why is Yea Forums so hype?
Please enlighten me
This man is an 11/10 professional who even understands to remove some armor when overgearing encounters to help rage generation. I have the utmost faith in a smooth run.
>no need to heal while leveling
never levelled with a warrior, i see
You EU players think Zandalar Tribe will have an active PvP community or is it better to just go PvP server? I do light RP with a dwarf but I am interested in PvP more.
because nobody played that game since 2007.
because pure unadulterated kino is being brought back and it's going to be the biggest video game event in history
Hmmm mayhaps
should i play mage or druid?
90kg 170cm master race checkin in
you should play user!
Shit bros I can't decide between Orc Warlock and Troll/UD Priest
>want the name HulkHogan
>it's taken
>because nobody played that game
Most of them of zoom zoom reddit drones falling for the blizzard golden age meme.
There will be plenty of PvP communities, be it poopsockers who think RPers will be easier kills or RP-flavored but primarily PvP guilds doing raids on the opposite faction territories.
retri can support heal him no problems, also good warriors kill everything fast
double teaming with slot machine makes some mobs fall 1 hit
I still can't figure out a name for my warrior AAAAAAAAA
Druid. We don't need more mages
Плaмeгop (RU-realm)
see yall there
"aachooh" then.
>managed to reserve his name
Imagine actually playing WOW you boomers make me sick
Have sex everyone ITT
этo бyдeт либo oчeнь лaмпoвo либo aдoвa жecть
Who's going Blaumex with me bros? Can't decide on what faction to play as.
I play both, FFXIV for story and good quality pve, then I go classic WoW for world pvp and drama shenanigans
Imagine there was a video game you loved. I know this is hard, but bear with me. 2 years later, new content came out that completely changed everything and invalidated all the content you loved. Maybe some of the new content was decent, but it still made all the old content useless. Now imagine that a few more years later, the last remaining vestiges of the game you liked were completely stripped from existence and replaced with soulless pop culture memes. Then 15 years after you first played it, they finally bring the game you used to love back, giving you a chance to finally play it again without having to resort to shady russian imitations.
я дyмaю чтo aдoвa жecть
Is shammy healing "fun" in PvP? What with all its utility.
fuck, you make me want run to eu realms to brits
will they ever offer faction change in the future? i feel like my retarded horde friends will quit in like a month and i rather play alliance
Ret pally
Any way to tell the English speaking percentages on the new realms?
almost home bros
More dynamic than any other class's besides maybe Druid at least. You have some good reactionary tools like Tremor and Grounding Totems when you see someone about to cast a nasty spell
t. Post OP XIV tranny
Based. The classic experience we deserve
russian wow classic community is something very unique. especially 40yo raid leaders and their wives. it is simply something you need to see
it will mostly be brits and scandinivians on EU Eng realms
A good shaman is so fucking cancer, so if you wanna end up getting good, yes, get ready to really piss people off. Also Shammys are full Hybrid, just because you are healing doesnt mean you cant throw out some nice damage/support.
They are kinda meh to level, you have to level enhance, and it kinda sucks until you get WindFury. 2H enhance fyi.
>those who get in will
Blizzard hasn't seen servers hit capacity this hard since wotlk launch, and everyone from back then who has the experience from it has been laid off and replaced. they have no idea what they're doing
I had amazing raid leader during wotlk, he was around 40 with kids. well 2h time difference killing me anyway, gotta go home completely
>A good shaman is so fucking cancer,
Excellent. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Especially at the end with the serviceable damage.
I bought gametime earlier today, everything was working.
Now its evening, says i don't have a subscription? I see that blizzard DID withdraw the money from my account, yet...
Anyone else had this happen?
>that feel though.
Classic WoW will be a ghost town by the end of October.
This is how a redditor thinks greentext is used.
is there a free trial for classic
>posting NuWoW gifs
fuck off kid this thread is for Classic WoW Chads.
you don`t even have to pay for it separately from retail, i think they made it as a throwback for boomers or smth. nostalgia trip for a month
Not true, Eu realms are already being invaded by the spanish
>WoW Players
Vanilla WoW is for Millenials, boomers played EQ and Ultima.
Is Firemaw a good EU realm?
Or just the original warcraft games
alright, millenials, doesn`t change the fact it`s a nostalgia trip for them
>Blood Elf
Witch one is easy for beginner? Wanna give healing try.
user, I....
Can't wait to have people pay me to tank for their otherwise doomed group again
Of course all the unneeded greens and blues go to me as well. Otherwise have fun not doing the dungeon.
You'll be level 23 in a month so just reroll.
I'll also be the star of 5man pugs.
>He thinks it's going to be hard to find a tank in the launch of Classic
lol get kicked
It's not really a nostalgia trip when I've been playing private servers for the past couple years.
Most warrior players won't know what they're doing and will wipe a lot when trying to tank.
Anyone else logged in already? They'll probably kick us back into the queue when servers open though.
Priest or Druid if you're not confident and just starting out. Druid has some nice bonuses like travel forms which will make things easier for you but Priest has a more conventional healer kit aswell as some fun bonuses like mind control which has a ton of great uses.
Paladin isn't a bad choice either, free mount if you do the quests and strong mana efficient healing as well as easy auto attack dpsing.
well, you might have, but most of the wow playerbase (specifically the vanilla ones) are a "piracy no-no" type of people
Paladin is easiest to heal with, but priest isn't far behind while also being the easiest class to level. The only talents a priest needs while solo levelling is improved shield, improved shadow word pain (those are the only two abilities you will be using 99% of the time), wand specialization, and spirit tap. You can spend the rest of your points however you want which gives you a lot of options.where else to put them for when you do group content or encounter pvp
oh no a couple weeks of (of warcraft) coming to an end