It's up
It's up
keep saying it
I'm gonna say it.
>mfw "keep saying it" spammers make more dunkey threads than actual dunkey shills
keep advertisin it!
Dunkey is a nigger who makes shit content
Not vidya.
keep saying it.
As a matter of fact, he is of Puerto Rican descent
>cuckest and cowardest country in the world
>he is a fat cuck
that explain it.
i stopped watching this obese man baby after he dissed final fantasy
Not video games. Fuck off.
Shilling is against the rules Dunkey you fucking faggot ass beta cuck
keep saying it
keep you saying huh ?
>Dude don't you love Dunkey?
>No, his points are hyperbolic and he focuses on extreme negatives in things he's been proven to have a bias against
>Holy shit bro he's a comedian, go watch a reviewer or something
>Dunkey becomes a reviewer
I want a written apology or niggas finna die
Keep saying it. ITS BLACKED 2 IN HD BABY!
>ugh people parrot dunkey all the time
why do people think this? hes like the only one who shit on batman and last of us when they came out... wasnt hearing anyone parrot that shit.
>*fake laughs*
Who is this dark skinned gentleman?
>culture wars personal army horseshit is video games
>man who talks about video games is not video games
One of these goddamn days, I'm going to go to /pol/ and start a thread about video games because fuck each and every last goddamn one of you.
hey GYYsitsh ya boy DUnky i do the retard voice ND SAY WRONG THINGS ABOUT the game IM PLAYING ALSO IM "INCENDIARY" BECAUSE I CALL PEOPLE MEAN WORDS roflcoptor lolzorz AINT I DA BESHT? Like an' Subscribe!!!
oh man, dont do that! what will we do without you
favorite dunkey video bros?
Jesus fucking Christ... another potentially great Dunkey thread ruined by you underaged cocksuckers. Seriously, how is uttering the same one or two phrases, or some variant of “KEEP SAYING IT" funny? How is ruining any potential discussion of the greatest Youtube channel ever made enjoyable? I didn't have much growing up... in fact I was a latchkey kid. I didn't have many role models, but I did have Videogamedunkey growing up. Every week I would watch Videogamedunkey, downloading each video to my parents' hard drive, then rewatch every video during the summer. Eventually I enlisted in the Marine Corps and got sent to Iraq. Again, all I had was Videogamedunkey, seeing as how I had nothing waiting for me back home. My motivation to see the end of my tour alive was knowing that when I got back to the States I could look forward to seeing what kind of hijinks Dunkey and Leah would be up to next. And I loved discussing this man on 4channel, one of the coolest places on the internet. Well, no more. I can't take this obnoxious spam for a second longer, I'm gone.
He had a tiny fraction of the fanbase back then compared to now, you absolute brainlet
>Dunkey is an actual cuck
Why am I not supprised?
So a nigger then
That solo video was fuckin' hot.
>noooo it doesnt count because he had 3 mil subs instead of 5mil subs
Yeah right. Nice hispanic surnames. He's a slavnigger.
>favorite dunkey video bros?
Does a link to phonographic material count?
>favorite dunkey video bros?
sure, what video does he have hardcore phonography in?
Sure, why not?
Seriously, why is it always beta nerdy white guys that like cucking so much? And why do they love it when it's with a black man? Is your woman get ravaged by a animal really that hot? What is wrong with Dunkey?
what's the keep saying it thing from?
The degradation is the main appeal, niggers aren't people so the beastiality aspect is strong
>cuckest and cowardest country in the world
Is the joke here that Puerto Rico is part of the US?
Leah's vagoo
lmao leah doesnt even look like that
btfo and debunked
see you next thread, octopath trannies
No, you are nitpicking and biased. I win, bye bye!
Fuck off octofags
How is that proof? That post could have been made by Dunkey
You know if you left it alone, people would not suspect it was you two, Jason. You are a cuck and Leah got blacked. I win, bye-bye.
Seething redditors.
>insecure mass replies
>proven to have a bias against
Im sorry that your weeb shit is garbage every single time.
Cringey zoomers
Keep saying it