Which of these losers was objectively the BIGGEST failure and why?
Which of these losers was objectively the BIGGEST failure and why?
Wii U, Vita still has exclusives
Wii-U. The Vita at least scared its competitor into line.
the xbone is an overpriced paperweight with no games and the xbox brand is utterly irrelevant. when you factor in quality and legacy, not just sales, the xbone is objectively the biggest failure.
id say xbox one is the worst cuz hacked wiius and vitas are fun
what ever happened to all the bones having access to devmenu?
hacked vita = play many old consoles and handhelds with a good screen size and dual analog
hacked wii u = same except can play GC and Wii games too (and ds? not sure)
plus both still have a handful of exclusives, the wii u moreso.
Xbone has absolutely nothing going for it.
Xbox one almost killed the brand in the US which was what was keeping it afloat during the 360 years. They managed to somewhat turn it around, though they are completely fucked in Europe and Japan for the rest of the xbones life.
Can someone explain why the Xbone X failed to someone who isn't a consolefag?
Did the PS4 Pro do any better?
That being said, the wii u completely died and sales stagnated within months.
The vita didn't perform up to expectations but at least had a solid niche.
I'd say wii u was the biggest, followed by the xbone barely
>Can someone explain why the Xbone X failed to someone who isn't a consolefag?
no games.
In all fairness the x and pro both failed
This is the biggest failure.
Died after 6 months .
Only 770000 units ever sold.
Only have 22 games in it's library
Its still amazing that there are posters here that own bones after the complete catastrophe that was the reveal, not to mention its severe case of nogaems
PS4 pro = xbox1 X > Wii U > Vita
In that order.
>Pikmin 3
>3D World
Vita. I've never known anyone to ever own one. At least 2 or 3 people I knew owned a Wii U.
Wii U. Vita has a couple exclusives and Xbone X has unbeatable price/performance. Neither of these were killed early to make room for a replacement.
i love how many people still kid themselves about vita when it was sony's biggest flop that made sony quit the handheld race
Vita had a nice run in Japan.
Xbox One has a lot of multiplatform games and some console exclusives.
Wii U HAD a bunch of exclusives nobody bought and now people are enjoying on the Switch.
Vita never had games.
Xbone is best cause of COD WW2 and BO3, fax
Vita, because snoy killed their handheld divition.
I've never seen a Vita irl.
>Neither of these were killed early to make room for a replacement.
The Vita was just killed early and never replaced. Sony straight gave up on handheld after that shit.
The Vita held onto life for a long ass time in Japan, and had third party support there throughout its life. Granted it was mobage tier trash but it was still a hell of a lot more than the Wii U.
Vita. Nintendo actually supported the Wii U.
Sony just fucking tripped on their way out the door with the Vita. The machine reluctantly got a lineup of games years after the fact.
Isn't the Xbone X doing okay? Like, I have no fucking clue how or why, but I'm pretty sure MS isn't actually in any major trouble with it.
There should be a wave of Vita games, being ported to Switch as well, just like WiiU games were ported.
especially since the Vita games would have to be butchered if re-releases on a Sony Platform ever again.
how about a wave of new games instead? i don't understand why switchfags keep begging for more butchered ports instead of new games specifically made for the hardware.
The Wii U because it was probably the first time I've actually seen normies point out and be disgusted by Nintentiddler delusions for once
bruh the vita's library was already cannibalised as ps4 ports
gravity rush, wipeout omega, toukiden, cyber sluts to name a few
WiiU easily, it had all the potential in the world with Nintendo behind it and a gimmick that was actually worth a shit.
Everyone knew sony had fucked up the vita right out the gate with multiple problem and we all expected it to be a niche system
Soul Sacrifice Delta, Persona Golden and Murasama Rebirth would feel right on the Switch.
Wii U
Xbox one has third party games to play at least as well as gamepass for many BC games.
As much as people hate Adam Sessler and Patcher, They were both on point about the WiiU hardware in different ways.
Atlus fucking sucks at programming
Ps Furyuu is literally Atlus with some of Sega’s C team programmers
>vita version runs at 15fps
>switch version looks like dogshit
>PC port is 50 bucks
>Luigis mansion 3
>Astral chain
>Links awakening
Switch is having a quality year for new games
Nothing feels right on Switch because the joycons are garbage and the pro controller is a sad joke
I use my bonex almost everyday, but I'm probably the only one who likes it.
I got a vita tv when it came out and have since hacked it, it's pretty good, especially because I didn't enjoy the ps4.
I played maybe 4 games on my wiiu then sold it, which I kinda regret since it can now be hacked, but it was easily the worst out of the 3 for me. I'll still probably pick one up again and hack it eventually
xbox one
vita and wii u are quality platforms with good games. vita wasnt as good as wii u but still good.
>current gen third-parties
keep glowing, nigger. you cant even name more than 5 good ones because there arent. legit only devil may cry 5, dark souls 3, watch dogs 2, and titanfall 2. everything else is mediocre or garbage fire so dont come here with that witcher garbage, that far cry garbage, that ghost recon garbage, that modern fighting game garbage
hey fuck you, the pro controller is perfection outside of its garbage d-pad that makes the 360's look like the holy grail
>switch version looks like dogshit
it also runs like dogshit. terrible frame rate and graphical glitches galore.
The Vita. Anything associated with the PS fanbase is automatically a loser.
For me the Vita far and away.
Theoretically when you buy a system after the library has ended and you can pirate games freely, you should have the world at your fingertips.
The Vita failed to be fun even after all that came to pass, which is a huge problem.
Ok yeah but nobody was talking about that
Vita finally killed Sony's portable devision
Wii U killed the Wii momentum Nintendo had but recovered with the Switch
Xbone went back to 3rd and forgotten in the console market like the OG Xbox except Xbone doesn't have Halo to prop it up
I'd say Xbone
>Doesn't list TW101
Fuck off.
my hacked vita is fun as fuck, dont know what you niggers are on about
It also has the definitive editions of Windwaker and twilight princess. That’s the reason i picked it up, along with hacking. It makes a great emulation machine
Don was right. You may not like it, but he was correct.
Look how happy frodo is
Depends on how you define "biggest failure"
>Which is the worst system?
>Which is the biggest failure in sales/profit?
Probably the Vita, though it's likely a photo finish with the Wii U. Neither sold that well, but Nintendo's tendency to directly profit on the initial hardware sale crossed with the significantly greater number of first party sales (read: more profit) means that they likely made more money. Basically impossible to actually prove, though, given that Sony has been cagey about it.
I bought one for the MCC (and Halo 2 remastered) because I thought MS would never be dumb enough to release their only real exclusive on PC.
Boy was I wrong.