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Whoever has a bigger ass.


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>largest bust, even among the adults, or not the main character of her own series

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Hmm... I'm gonna need some more data.

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I choose my wife.

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cant wait for her to be in BBtag

And Smash

rather she not go to that stinky place

Gimme the bell.

Murasaki = bigger tits
Asuka = bigger ass
you choose

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I'm an ass man, so you already know.

The lesbian

Easiest choice I ever made in my fucking life

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Asuka, fuck nu hebijo and gessen

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>only two choices

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opinion discarded

already choosed my wife long ago.

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>bigger tits

Okay, to be fair Asuka is still above average, but that's not saying much because in this series C cups are below average. There's like one girl who doesn't look like her back hurts.

Not videogames.
Off-topic garbage mods will ignore this shit thread.

I want more variety

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Indeed but Murasaki beats Asuka easily when talking about canonical bust measurement and cup. She even beats her for hips measurement but since she's taller Asuka's ass looks bigger.

My wife Murasaki no contest

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It was more about the face expression

i want the bell

the bit where she was a bear and wanted to go hibernate, but you find she's in the utility closet was funny

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I choose Yagyu

They both have the exact same proportions.

Boobs or ice?

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For me, it's my wife Miyabi.

You're not allowed to choose without posting pics

The most fertile one.

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What does the girl on the left smell like
please respond this is important


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Murasaki is kinda cute.

Ill take the bullet anons and Im going to take ikaruga





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Miyabi is the only choice!

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They seem like they chose already, I'll pass.

babu yomi killed senran kagura

Ass, also DEM THIGHS

they are all fucking fat

That is a good thing.

For me? It is of course my beautiful wife Ikaruga.

Ass too large

inb4 ireland

>babu yomi

He's confused

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Hibari is cute

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I kind of stopped following the series after PBS because I really didn't care for it. Is the series dead? What was Peach Ball? What happened to the remake of the original SK? What was censored on the PS4 vs other versions?

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>What was Peach Ball?
It was just a pinball game.
>What happened to the remake of the original SK?
Came out as Burst Re:newal.
>What was censored on the PS4 vs other versions?
They just removed the intimacy mode (The thing where you can kiss the girl and have Mickey Mouse grope her). Everything else is still there. It's available in the PC version.

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>Is the series dead?
Pretty much at this point. Producer is leaving and the last game is in development hell.
>What was Peach Ball?
A pinball game with two levels. Not that great.
>What happened to the remake of the original SK?
It came out and it was pretty decent actually. Much better than EV.
>What was censored on the PS4 vs other versions?
Interaction in the dressing room removed. SK7 was indefinitely delayed because of Sony's new censorship policies. Supposedly that had to scrap the whole game and start over.

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>Is the series dead
It's gacha, so yeah.


It's dead, Jim.

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But i like the other black haired waifu with the blue eyes, I always forget her name...

>It's available in the PC version.
I'll usually play multiplats on PC, but I liked buying the SK games on PS4 because I liked having physical copies.

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My wife murasaki is my favorite so her obviously

I even got her life-size oppai mousepad that I kiss every day.

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post pic

i wish she was sitting on my face

Is that all you do to it?

I keep her front and center of my monitor, to the left of my mouse (I don't use a mousepad for the mouse). I like to massage her giant 1800g boobs while I stare into her lovely dark violet eyes, that ruffled hair, and her lovely pale skin. I intend to keep it a long time so I have to be very gentle. I used to eat in front of my monitor all the time but I've now decided to keep food as far away as possible from her.

The one that can canonically lactate.

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I wish I had that money

I like girls who wear fancy dresses. It was very easy choice.

The one thats in a not dead franchise.

Oh wait.

>I even got her life-size oppai mousepad
I'm calling your bluff.

>likes getting beat
>see that
match made in heaven

Behold, this is how I live and play every video game.

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Based. I'm sorry I doubted you.

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Where's your OJ plushies?

im so sorry

I'm jealous of your mousepad. Murasaki's canon birthdate is the same as mine. 10/26


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I dont understand. you spent $5000 dollars for anime figures but not an actual second monitor you can game on?

Living the dream.
I'm not that user, but I have AT&T because my only other broadband option was Comcast. I'll take spotty connectivity over terrible overall service.

Yeah baby I'm gonna fuckin' lick the sweat off that ass and fuckin' nut inside that pussy until I'm completely dead.

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Don't lewd the senrans.

You too gay

It's been a long time since I've taken a photo of my room let alone posted it. Maybe someone else did? My touhou fumofumos and OJs are all here, Shion was added recently.

I tried two monitors but it was miserable for me. I can't focus when there's a second monitor next to the game. It's best to stay focused on the one game.

ISP psuedomonopolies blow.

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6 hours later and not vidya

I wish I had a QP...

Im backtracing your IP and Im going to cum on all of those

soft girls aren't for bullying!

Whoever gives the best hugs.

Murasaki doesn't do those so...

I like this dork

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>the shy girl who likes vidya and has massive tits
>the girl who flat out said she wasn't interested in men, only her shinobi training
hard choice

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I choose you.

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I want to fuck Asuka so hard, but I know I could get along with Murasaki just fine. Either way is a win/win scenario

I've never played any Senran Kagura. The only thing I've gathered from Yea Forums is that Purple is smelly with fat tits, and that's really all I want.

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No. Such. Thing.

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you are a filthy weeb degenerate but your love for giant titties makes you based.