Why aren't you playing Remant?

Why aren't you playing Remant?

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is this real


>hurr durr look how this game conditions me to being a gamer

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I gave her the heart because she was nicer about it. I was going to murder the king anyway.

I played it for 13 hours on like the 18th when you got it for pre-ordering then beat it solo. I didn't see a need to play it a second time because I have no friends.

I wish.
That bitch ass king is giving me trouble, cant seem to get used to the flying adds spawning out of my FoV.

thats a shame. Im on my third campaign and after netting more traits and better gear you can get nutty as fuck. Solo only

>Gunfire games

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>keep playing multiplayer
>almost every game is either going through the jungle zone or is doing the awful last boss where there is no real reward for doing it if youve done it once
>noone is playing harder difficulties, where the game is far more fun
Games was surprisingly good, but goddamn.

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>no real reward
>no real reward
Also completing bosses that would reward you with duplicate gear gives you a free level to that gear piece

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>beat game
>neat lets check a wiki before ng+
>this stuff looks cool how did I miss it?
>oh these bosses can just straight up not spawn
>well lets just get them in ng+
>reach the king after a few hours
>harrow and scourge didn't spawn on ng+ either
>quit game

It was fun, I don't regret buying the game but fuck playing it anymore.

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eat your broccoli


I have the repulsor, that was the problem, I dont even use it so any subsequent levels are pointless to me. Its a long boring fight and the reward is something I dont use.

How did you hear about this game but not know the bosses were random?

I am at the boss for Corsus right now, the two butterfly one on the bridge. It is a little bullshit getting knocked off the bridge at the final moment but I am still having fun

So far my favorites are the spitfire and devestator, also got the flail on rhom. I am gonna kill king for his revive sniper rifle after this

I am. How do you beat the dungeon where you get infected and have to reach decontamination chamber in time? Fuck this.

Killing enemies refills your health.

Well, I'm not killing them fast enough.

Because it's shit.

Drink a health regen potion, kill enemies, keep up the pace and you should be able to do it. If you're fast enough you can try to ignore all enemies in the level and sprint past them to the decontamination chamber.

That's what I've been trying to do, stopping only to kill small mobs for health, but I keep getting killed anyway. How far can the chamber be?

It isn't that far.
Idk if you read the effect description in your menu, but you heal when you kill enemies and from what I could tell it seems to accelerate if you have not killed one for like 5 to 10 seconds.

You have to get through two sections. If you manage to reach the broken chamber you're halfway through.

I killed everything and made it in time. I think i was using a +3 spitfire and +5 rifle with healing mod.
I also had 10 ranks in health

I did it boys! Had about 20 attempts yesterday, all failed. Tried it today, first try. One thing not immediately obvious is to jump from the balconies instead of running down the ladder.

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>game with proc gen levels meant to be played multiple times
Alright, how does this compare to games like Risk of Rain and Dead Cells?

And this is all that I get for it..?

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Have fun with your flail.
Protip: you can buy a +8 scythe in the next world already upgraded if you want a fast melee weapon.
Just thought I would warn you before you upgrade it so you can spend your resources on something else.
At first I was mad. I had just leveled it to 7 when I got the scythe. Now I prefer it because it does good stagger and scythe does not on a lot of enemies. Matter of preference.

Wait until adventure mode comes out in a few weeks. Currently story mode isn't really comparable to these games.

It looks "weaker" in the menu to a comparable sword, but the charged damage is like 3x

What do you mean, thats one of the better melee weapons user.

I was expecting a boss (wiki said this map has two semi-bosses) that dropped a cool ranged weapon. I fought Clevinger previously and he gave me a very cool pew pew gun. I also expected a big dungeon with a lot of forged iron. I need it to upgrade my new gun since I spent everything on the hunting rifle.

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What's Remant


>gamers only want one thing and it's disgusting

murdering him gives that sick ass weapon as well.

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They mean Rhom in general, from my understanding Purging Halls has no boss and always has the flail. You should find plenty of forged iron in the real dungeons and the overworld, ace should also be selling it now that you are in rhom and scrap is easy to come by.

My seed had this right near the start. Further in I did 2 different dungeons and then there is an optional boss at the end depending on how you handle the social situation.

FYI if you kill the king up front you lock yourself out of doing Corsus. You should say yes and you can always kill him later. I almost did this, so I feel it is fair to warn you.

can anything be done about this bitch

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>it's dark souls with guns

Thanks for the warning, I'm on my way towards the king right now. I went through all overworld, bottom-left is the entrance, top left is purging halls, bottom right is Clevinger, top right is exit from Clevinger, and the top exit with a ladder is the door opened by key gotten from killing Clevinger. No second semi-option boss, it seems.

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I watched the youtube review.


I think he was in the right. He may be a dick, but is up front about it and wants to do good by his world and maybe eventually rebuild everything. He is correct that Corsus completely blows. Every in game text shows you iskal is shady as fuck and ruined all eleven civilization there. She is nice because she wants to manipulate people and hopefully have you become another thrall.

I'm still killing him for that weapon first time.

It's a decent game but it's a husk right now. Where's the loot ? The rogue like aspect ? The bosses give you always the same thing in higher difficulties, everything is the same. Boring.

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Well thank fuck.

Heres what I did, hopefully it can help whoever is reading
>Sprint as far as possible just for the sake to map out a route
>Map done, stack up with regen health and ammo boxes
>Run straight to the point with no detours, not even to pick up shit
>Regen-health on as often as possible, used 3 in total
>Resist the urge to use the dragon heart unless 20% hp or less
>Pray for shit minibosses along the way
In case you rolled a bad miniboss matchup for your build, remember that wiping the adds in quick sucesion can top your health even if you are running low

i just wanted his milk, the stingy fuck

Sniper best weapon

I have, twice
Now I'm waiting for adventure mode because fuck the story beat interrupting my dungeon grinding

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they need more lines or just take it out...

>it actually is a spoiler

What will make or break this game is if the subsequent updates and content is free or not. Fuck this game hard if it costs anything, the game feels really incomplete, but I dont see them updating and putting content out for free, I just dont.