>Tifa's design gets altered so that it can meet lowered CERO rating standards for maximum audience exposure
That makes me pretty skeptical that they'll be able to keep a lot of the racy plot bits in the game, like the whole Honeybee Inn/Corneo's mansion/crossdressing section, Hojo trying to breed Aeris and RedXIII, etc. Or are Tifa's thighs and legs really that much more offensive?
Tifa's design gets altered so that it can meet lowered CERO rating standards for maximum audience exposure
i LOVE pits and i CUM so HARD when i SEE them. CUMM really GOOD. I love CUMMING to girls PITS
Fuck off, pitbrain
Nomura already confirmed they're keeping Miss Cloud
This but unironically
They fact that they kept tifa tits and her sex appeal (dont tell me that shorter skirt and thigh highs arent known for being sexy) means that the rest is gonna be fine.
If you prefer bare legs and you dont like thigh highs, thats fine, everyone has their own concept of whats sexy and what isnt, but dont come with that bullshit that "shes now less sexy and censores" because thats really not True.
Complete censor ship would have been her using pants and jacket with no emphasis in her breasts. Stuff that clearly she does. Tummy, breasts, and that leg window between skirt and thigh highs.
That's why I'm questioning the decision to drastically change Tifa's outfit. If it was a question of meeting CERO standards you'd think all that other racy stuff would be in danger as well, but according to the devs that stuff is staying in. Just seems like an odd line in the sand.
I just want to see how badly the Gold Saucer clashes with everything we've seen so far. They better not cut it out
>They fact that they kept tifa tits
They didn’t. Nobody believes you fucking shills. Every fucking normalfag with a camera and a reaction channel has joked that they’re smaller than they should be.
the dissidia tifa looks so much better
Im Phone posting right now so i can spoonfeed you, but no matter how hard you deny it and whine, nu tifa still has her canon tits
Crisis core is best
Drastically is a strong word for something so meaningless.
>that horse face
If you actually listened to people that post in these threads a lot of them think the fetish gear makes her sexier. Most people who are upset about her outfit changing don't like the idea of an iconic design being changed due to censorship in and of itself, because of trying to meet a ratings standard, or maybe even just a whim of one of the designers.
Dont like it much. VII and Ehrgeiz got her design the most correct. (Before Crisis got the personality correct.)
chigau desu
>fucking resetera trannies censoring my game! Dilate!
One man's drastic is another man's meaningless. In most detractor's eyes the new outfit skews the identity of the character, nevermind the odd dialogue changes in what we've seen so far.
The problem I have with Tifa's redesign is that her original design was based off a Western actress, and now they're trying to weeb her up with japanese schoolgirl skirt and thigh highs for what? To appeal to Japs?
Tifa is asian. Always was and always Will.
so they can sell you the original outfit as DLC
Shut up and post Tifas
I don't recall Tifa being from Wutai
The only thing that was added fue to "censor ship" was the sports bra. The rest was the OG team trying something Different for tifa.
Tifa is Asian
I do not care, just post more Tifas
t. Palutena
I wish they had more outfits, RE-style
Square Enix was a mistake
0% ass
100% cute
most hardcore ff7 fans are treating this as DOA anyway, episodic shit was bad enough, but messing with tifa's design? its over
best to just ignore this shit and hope it sells poorly, unfortunately it wont due to normies jumping on the hype train
>The rest was the OG team trying something Different for tifa
Is there any documented proof of this or are you just assuming? I'm not saying it isn't possible (in fact I'm more likely to believe that Nomura wanted to "improve" the design to his liking), but so far every interview and discussion has been about altering things to jive with the ethics department. At best we have Nomura saying that the remake design saying they took specific inspiration for the gloves, boots and suspenders but I haven't heard anything about the leggings and skirt specifically.
Light as a feather, flat as a board.
I'm currently replaing LR
it's so much worse than I remembered
also why do the best girls end up in the worst games?
I'm playing ff7 for the first time
why is this game so fucking cool?
I probably wouldn't have cared as much if they made glaring additions to all the other characters, but so far the only thing that comes close is Barret's shades and he's already been rendered without them.
Literally the interview, that one that contained the watchmen of fate stuff. They only refer to the ethics when it comes to the sports bra, the rest is "we wanted something sporty for tifa" and stuff.
Im a hardcore fan but im also not a kid. Dont put words on my mouth, so far the remake looks great.
I am too. After seeing all the shit in Kingdom Hearts, I thought FFVII would be a lot more no fun allowed than it is, greatly enjoying Cloud being such a doofus
1997 bro
That's just bullshit SE sells you so they can SJW up Tifa.
Now this is autism
lol the whole reason i played through the original was because of the remake
"As for the overall plot, Nomura commented by saying, "there are quite a few additions. While the main story itself hasn’t changed, there are a countless number of new events," and that we'll see something totally new. For example, the Watchmen of Fate, the black mist you can see in the E3 2019 trailer, and there are "mysterious beings that are going to appear before the party wherever they go. I hope that even those who have played the original game will enjoy the new elements."
Additionally, there are "a few new enemies" that are going to appear in the remade areas. When it comes to the main characters for matters of redesign, Tifa, who was recently revealed at this year's E3, the studio took some extra time with her. Now, she's going to include, "abs, so she has an athletic body type. The ethics department at Square Enix also told us that we had to tighten her chest as not to get unnatural during all the intense action."
We also learned that each playable character has different enemy affinities, similarly to what happens in Persona 5, and MP won't recover on their own but will require a specific item."
If it's detailed in some other interview you're going to have to pony up a source.
>can't refute any of it
>m-muh autism
every time
Literally who fucking cares about Tifa in the game itself? I only fap to fan art anyway.
Great design and longevity results in way more fan art. Characters like Chun Li and Lara Croft are some of the few other characters with over 20 years of smut production and they have had regularly released games to keep their popularity going, unlike Tifa.
Tifa in the game looks good even if tits are too small. But fan art has always fixed that problem, so I don't see an issue.
Sorry for your autism hope you get better.
>unlike Tifa.
Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts games, etc etc
She's neither prominent or playable in any of those games.
If the design wasn't good in the first place, most of that fanart may never have been created.
It's not my image though. And it was a response to people pretending to be retarded and it worked so well that even now no one can refute it, as you've so clearly shown.