How do we make dragon quest popular in the west

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I think it already is.

yo is they some ANIME TIDTIES??

Wait a second, that body
Is that honkers' body?

let it die?
series hasn't done anything interesting or new ever. it just the same game for steady money flow

You can't necessarily make it as popular as the company wants it to be without drastically changing the game's design. Casual western audiences (barring those who exclusively play mobile games) typically consider cartoonish art style and colorful graphics to be childish and unappealing, and generally gravitate towards action games. The only real exception is Pokemon, and that's because it already has a huge loyal fanbase from a decade or more ago that continuously latches onto it.

Ok, I will buy your game now.

>The only real exception is Pokemon, and that's because it already has a huge loyal fanbase from a decade or more ago that continuously latches onto it
but why

Put a character from it on smash.

Why don't the west like Dragon Quest?

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JRPGs are not interesting to me because of how little attention to detail they put into world building and immersion.
This starts with the UI being very menu heavy and ends with level/dungeon design having a massive disconnect to the town hubs.
There are a lot of abstraction layers without adding meaningful depth.
You are constantly reminded that you are playing some game instead of diving into another world.
They would have to make massive changes to appeal to me, so they rather should not and just do their thing if their audience likes how it is.

Toriyama's art style becomes much more pleasing when you lower the giant foreheads.

Most western players only cares about cinematic walking simulators nowadays

stop using shitty toriyama designs

because it's a fucking JRPG and if you played one you've played them all
japan only likes it because they're autistic and can't into new things

as opposed to cinematic battle effects and battle transitions showcase

OP, quit being a fag and post a link to that mod.

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>This won't be possible on switch with the extra content like marriage

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Offer puff-puffs if you buy the latest title.


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all look same

ain't that Boogas girl?

Posting again, janny.

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Where is this in the game

Literally this

will there be a pc defintive edition?
i dont want to play this in 480p

This. I might just wait for DQXISS

It's a skyrim mod

jade is easily the worst character story and gameplay wise in the game

Fix the fucking translations


Go play your pretentious dyke walking simulator

Because they attached to it when they were kids and never let go. That's only the biggest reason though, there's a multitude of others including the fact that Pokemon is deemed socially acceptable by many and experienced a second wind with Go that furthered this.

>that face
Jesus Christ it's fucking hideous

You honestly can't blame the west for not liking Dragon Quest. The newer entries suck balls.
The only good ones are probably the first four games, and Monsters.

You'd have to remove just about everything that makes it popular in Japan. You can't win.

It would help if the recent games weren't garbage.

we cant
dragon quest is turnbased and the west loves action games/shooters
dragon quest is single player and the west loves minecraft/fortnite
dragon quest is cartoony and the west loves hyper realism
dragon quest is polished and refined but the west loves playing unfinished buggy games that block a third of the content behind dlc and lootboxes.
dragon quest has classical music and oldschool anime artstyle but the west loves the jazzy persona series with its generic nu anime look.
dragon quest will never ever be popular in the west.

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>Completely off model
modders sure don't know why people might like a character

>JRPGs are not interesting to me because of how little attention to detail they put into world building and immersion.

Mate have you ever played dragon quest? The characters are flashed out and they tell a very engaging story. Sure turn based combat isn't for everybody, but you can't say dragon quest doesn't provide world building and immersion. I mean the characters are designed by a world-famous mangaka, you'd think they have some thought put into them.

Who said I like those? both are trash, you're just eating dogshit as opposed to cow shit and pretending it's any better

i forget what gamer filters to

oh well now i know

Put money into advertising it. I picked up builders 2 only because I heard it was good. I saw no advertisements or anything before and after release.

Good pick up, user. How do you like it?

It was pretty good, I came for the building but stayed for the likeable characters and story. I’m now playing the first builders

>have a Main Character with any personality and a name beyond some variation of Chosen One
>have a story beyond the chosen one vanishes the evil one
The artstyle is the one saving grace, and it's good but not game saving.

>unironically defending DQ music

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Make one that's difficut.

By actually innovating with the games. DQ 11 plays exactly the same as DQ 1. The story is all the same generic jrpg shit. Its boring. I understand japanese absolutely hate trying anything innovative and just like to be derivative but this shits ridiculous. The reason why FF blew up in the west is it did different shit with each game: materia, junctioning, class switching, sphere grid, license board, ect

Just put Hero in Smash apparently.

imagine your only relief for sexual tension being lusting after 2d porn sprites and going on every day

I have not mentioned characters or story once, did you even read?
I was talking about how the level design is structured and how the interface works.
Compare it to something like ultima or Arx Fatalis, where everything is seamless, there are no pop-up messages or XP and damage numbers blinking.
The inventory is not some menu list you have to scroll through.
All the areas feel like actually functioning places, not some empty cubes with abstarct backdrop.
If you seen an object you can grab it or interact with it, even if it has no real puprose for advancing your quest.

I would normally be interested in this kind of game, but I watched a few minutes of a stream and clicked out as soon as I heard the voiceover. You will never ever get my sale I'm afraid

>dragon quest is single player and the west loves minecraft/fortnite
>dragon quest is cartoony and the west loves hyper realism

>directly contradicting yourself in two contiguous posts
Peak fucking retard