>has some of the best graphics in a game ever
>stellar flight controls
>new characters being added regularly
And yet the multiplayer is still dead because they upset reddit on launch. Does Yea Forums play Battlefront EA?
>has some of the best graphics in a game ever
>stellar flight controls
>new characters being added regularly
And yet the multiplayer is still dead because they upset reddit on launch. Does Yea Forums play Battlefront EA?
>Has good graphics
>Has good controls
>Has new characters
All you had to do is say the game is fun but you couldn't even do that.
That is your answer, fuck EA, fuck everyone involved with EA, fuck their families and their employees, I hope they fucking go bankrupt.
>No modding
I play all the time, not sure why people shit on it even though most have not played it. especially with all the new clone wars content.
Multiplayer is dead because it's pay to win.
Your seething "le fuck EA" reddit attitude is cringe. I hate the games as much as the next guy, I think they're mindless action shooters with the smallest inklings of fun and only for people who got off a 10 hour shift and don't have the mental capacities for better online games but seriously the "le fuck ea so edgy so brave" make you look like the simpletons who play this trash in the first place.
I got on for the first time in months a couple of days ago and it's so frustrating going up against people who have these max stat cards
I mean you can watch paint dry and probably think that's fun. Games devolve into tug of war lanes with almost no strategy. It's just a shittier Battlefield V which is already a shittier Battlefield 1.
It's infuriating that right out of the gate there is a skill gap because of these cards. It makes me not want to play it. If this was Titanfall 2 I'd still play it because the game has a higher skill ceiling.
Let me know when some one besides EA gets to publish a starwars game
People buy the game when its shit for full price and move on and forget it when it gets fixes and improvements. Rainbow six siege is an anomaly when it won back its audience.
Star wars is gay and EA will never get another cent out of me
>see enemy
>shoot at him for an attosecond
>he dies
>run 2 more meters
>die because enemy shot me in the back for an attosecond
And that's on maps where you don't get funneled straight into grenade hell.
Fuck this game. The pretiest graphics and character skins and whatnot are all completely pointless while the core gameplay remains brainless, skillless bullshit.
>stellar flight controls
in what universe is this true?
Suck a dick faggot, they helped Disney destroy SW games, they made SWTOR, they made DS3, they allowed BW shit on DA and ME, they turned HP games into a mindless TPS, EA cancelled that SP SW games, they shit sports and mobiles games non stop, EA is pure fucking cancer, same with Ubishit and Activision.
Remember this youtube.com
Play Starfighter assault
if it's not on steam, i don't buy it. If it's not on sale, I don't buy it. and if it requires some 3rd party software, I don't buy it. So that precludes the entire EA catalog afaik. there's been some ubishit games I've thought about grabbing on sale but then I see they want me to have some account with their launcher. nope.
>muh graphics
>muh flight controls
>muh character skins
but ZERO gameplay
Who are the next heroes?
>inb4 Darth Rey
I do play it, its fun and nothing like what people said it was at launch. Balance is terrible though and the game is buggy. I like the new content however.
I'll play it again when Commandos and Felucia drop
>new characters being added regularly
no Qui-Gon
no Plo Koon
no Windu
no IG88
no Ventress
no Rex
no Saw
no Bane
no Ahsoka
no Kanan
Shit map design in general what fucked it
That said the new Conquest like mode helps a lot
Titanfall 3 when? Fuck Apex.
They have to pay George Lucas every time they use his characters that is why the NU Wars is sh it and filled with shit no names that no one cares about
Where do you get off thinking that they'd include darth bane in this or any game retard
I haven't played since launch but after just going to Galaxy's Edge and D23 I'm hyped to reinstall when I get home.
I'll play when they add dismemberment.
Cad Bane.
They will most likely be added when Clone Wars season 7 comes out.
Are you retarded?
>Everything I don't like is Reddit.
Based retard
>And yet the multiplayer is still dead because they upset reddit on launch
They upset everyone. The game at launch was a monument to EA's greed.
First impressions are everything, especially in the video game industry. You don't get a second chance in this industry.
>map design is trash
>balance is trash
>gunplay isn't fun
Wow, turns out a game should be fun in order to hold a playerbase. Crazy!
>cross era heroes and weapons still exsist making this being the most immersive Star Wars game a lie
>vehicles do not spawn on map so you can’t hijack a tie fighter even though a point system is already in the game taking care of vehicle spawn campers
>vehicles only have 1 human per vehicle meaning vehicles like the snow speeder and at-at just not as good as the old games
>vehicles still on rails even after it was mocked in the first game
>no battles from the movies because muh canon endings to the battles yet cross era heroes are a ok
>no pilot class cause no vehicles on the map even though iden and luke have pilot outfits
But yeah please spout how great this game is because they got commandos in it now
No Man's Sky disagrees with you.
>base game costs $60
>still has lootbox grinding which makes fucking warframe look generous
>said lootbox grinding was actually part of a freemium game-style monetization scheme
>in a $60 game
Why is this shit being shilled on here so much lately?
Fuck off, nobody wants to play your lootcrate skinnerbox shitheap.
Just let this fucking game die, it never deserved to live, go make something that is actually fucking good and then shill that you pathetic drone.
>Your seething "le fuck EA" reddit attitude is cringe
How fucking old are you?
It’s because they added commandos which was something Yea Forums really wanted along with droidekas so now there hoping to sucker retards in to play the game even though everything else is still a mess
>Supporting a (((EA))) product ever
I somewhat understand buying Fifa or Madden. But outside of that there really is no reason to buy their games. They're trash.
>lootboxes removed at launch
>game has weekly 2x xp for grinding to 70
>is regularly at 5 bucks because of sales
>only microtransactions are cosmetics , but you can buy them with ingame cash
>you literally get 60k ingame cash and some clone legions for installing the game (ingame credits cant be gained with real money)
dunno user.
Fuck off Jupiter.
I find it funny anytime someone posts any faults with the game shills stop posting almost as if they know they can’t win, the most they can do after this is posted is say have sex
>EA desperately trying to market on Yea Forums by reddit-baiting
The gameplay was never that great and some of the maps are pretty shitty. The game is still fun to play in small bursts, but it gets really boring after playing for awhile.
Does anybody else remember Gametoast?
>EA kills game by making it shit on launch, like they've done with every game for the last 10 years.
>Yea Forums blames reddit instead of EA
How does that corporate cock taste, OP?
>Can't even improve on the character customization from BF1
>Its got skins!
Fuck this shill and fuck BF2
Tell EA this in your next report: Yes we hate reddit, but throwing insults at them isn't enough to make us like your product. Yea Forums is capable of multitasking its hatred, so we don't need to make friends against common enemies. Everyone is just our enemy.
>Yea Forums is capable of multitasking its hatred
Not really.
Well, they're probably in a contract that prohibits concession against any of the predefined talking points, meaning if they admit non-petty faults with the game they'll be in breach.
Back in my day, multiplayer-focused FPS games like battlefront 2 didn't release with lootboxes, demand you to grind for shit, or throw you a bribe just to get you to install it, because unlike EA they had both confidence in their product and respect for me.
Consider suicide, by which i mean get on the roof of your EA licensed office space and go for a high jump off the rail.
I bought it for 5 dollars on sale and the multiplayer is fun as fuck. I haven't spent a single cent in game. It's been two years since it's release, it's possible to do a 180 in that time.
Sounds about right, I think the game is shit for still having cross era when it’s the most obvious issue fans have with it but the devs always ignore it
Now it’s gotten to a point where retards are against removing cross era because muh limited options
Stop shilling this shit every fucking hour.
Yeah occassionally
Glad that Anakin doesnt singlehandedly ruin the game anymore
>anakin versus Darth Vader
Yeah he still ruins it
I'm gonna update it when I get home bros
That’s nice none of us are playing
What does that have anything to do with what I said?
I didn't say the game was trash now. I said blaming reddit for its failure is being a corporate shill. Its failure is EA's doing.
Because if neither the rats nor the man wants to eat rancid puke, then why should I, a man eat the rancid puke?
Microtransactions have no place in retail games at all. Cosmetic or otherwise.
He's right
It's not the best franchise in the world, these are not the best movies ever, it's just a bunch of cool hollywood summer blockbusters, for some autistic white kids, that's all there is to it.
Seriously i'm glad this nerd culture got fucked by Disney and EA.
alot of these would end up being re-skins honestly, they would play too similar to other heroes
>it haz good graphics guise
This. The game still sucks balls and the content they added isn't new when OG BF2 did it years ago.
>Introduce bombers
>They don't drop bombs
>Introduce LAATs
>You can't control them
>Introduce AT-ATs
>You can't control them
>But hey look 52 differently colored hallways!
Why even bother
>gamemodes are trash and uninteresting (HOLD G TO WIN)
>no new weapons for TWO years
>"starcards" are absolute trash and the same for all classes
>amount of maps is beyond laughable
yea no idea man
this game just feels like a AAA Asset Flip
Someone post the image of all the studios EA has killed so this retard understands why people hate them with a passion
Time didn't kill the rts genre, these niggers did.
>play Battlefront EA?
Never give EA money.
I just paid 30 UK pence for it. Got a free £5 coupon from Ebay and purchased a code. I am installing it as I type. For 30p it can't be THAT bad. :)
It's a shame, but in the end they did it to themselves.
It literally hasn't been for years, but I don't blame anyone who doesn't buy it because of its launch.
>no Rex
>no Fives
fucking shinies
You're trying to convince me to play a star wars game and this is the shill line you take. Fucking kill yourself you kike slave.
kys my dude. Just playing it may make another person make a micro-transaction giving EA more money. You are destroying vidya.
Either bait or a zoomer(or both).
I am a filthy casual anyhow so I don't care. I only paid 30p so fuck it.
lmao i'm not trying to convince anyone
>has some of the best graphics in a game ever
Yet it somehow manages to look worse than Battlefront 1. Oh don't get me wrong, I hate both games, but credit where it's due.
>starcards still exist and still completely fuck balance but just reward no-lifeing instead of paying money
>maps are flat murder corridors, no interesting use of verticality, hyper restrictive structure
>movement is still so sluggish it makes Halo look like Quake
>Combat is about sloppy imprecise gunplay and spamming abilities that exist on cooldowns rather than requiring resource management
>vehicles are awkwardly implemented across the board, and far too large for the tiny shitty maps
>spaceships in particular are just completely irrelevant
>cross era guns
Fuck you, you dumb tasteless hack, it was trash then and it's less offensive trash now.
>muh graphics
>muh cool space ships
>muh cool armor toys
And what about the gameplay?
>Your seething "le fuck EA" reddit attitude is cringe.
i hope you are reading the responses to your retarded ass and wishing you could delete it now desu
I tried to like it but the card system is bullshit I couldn't look past. I don't understand why devs stopped making weapons work the same for all players instead of having an upgrade system that ensures new players will be useless for the first 100 hours
Should I just use a controller for flight combat or is there settings you suggest trying with mouse? I hate how weird it feels with kb+m.
Are you complaining that the TTK is too low when it very clearly isn't low enough?
This. The gameplay will always be a generic CoD shooter with no depth. The vehicles are just killstreaks. This will never change.