Console shooters
when are you faggots gonna admit controllers are terrible for shooters? even the new COD game supports KB/M on consoles

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>Imagine being mad because people like playing a different way than you

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shut the fuck up nobody disagrees

Who gives a fuck? CoD is game made for consoles anyway. PC playerbase will die within 2 weeks before they'll go to their free to play garbage and you'll have to go with controller on PC either way...

Is gyro aim a meme?
Was testing it with paladins, it's the only ps4 game supporting it, sometimes it feels natural and more precise and sometimes I overshoot so fucking hard.
Also steam let's you gyro aim everything if you use a ps4 controller.

Gyro aiming is the best outside of kb+m. You'd need to adjust the sensitivity to suit your taste, but that's not all that different than adjusting mouse sensitivity.

>calling games garbage while defending cawadoody

Calling PC community garbage. There's no point in buying any multiplayer games for PC because it'll always die while PS4 will still have 50 times bigger player base. Only multiplayer worth on PC is Battlefield or R6 that are populated and evne these have much higher player count on consoles. PC players will always come back to their CS:GO,Dota,WoW or LoL.

Yea I didn't tweak anything. I have more problems with left and right than up and down.
Do I let aim assist turned on?

You forgot fortnite

>There's no point in buying any multiplayer games for PC because it'll always die while PS4 will still have 50 times bigger player base.

Like what user? the only games I could think of where this applies is yearly rehash shit like cawadoody and fifa

I'd keep it off, but that's up to you.

all these webms are false flags.
i mainly use pc but have played on console alot and shit like this almost never happened

Also need proof on Siege having a bigger playerbase on consoles since Ubisoft themselves cater towards PCfags first

What's the point of your video?
Also this It's literally pcfags crying once again because they know no one cares about their meme platform

R6 has much higher population on PS4, Battlefield games have always higher population, every cod, MH:W,GTA 5 (it got recently boost on PC because of RP servers), Dark Souls games, and many more games that are even completely dead on PC. Almost every single-player game, that has some online component will be much more active on PS4 compared to PC even after longer period after release.

>R6 has much higher population on PS4
>Battlefield games have always higher population
Only with the newer shitty games and PC isn't far behind, BF4 the last good one actually has more players even BF3 is doing higher numbers than consoles
>MHW, GTA5, Dark Souls
You can literally look at the steam stats right now and see those games are far from dead
>that has some online component will be much more active on PS4 compared to PC even after longer period after release.
Again BF3&4 actually has more players right now than consoles

The only game you've gotten right there is cawadoody

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Of course you're gonna fuck up a lot. You're not used to it. Gyro can be almost as precise as a mouse.

Not that guy but Siege does have a bigger population on consoles because they always reach those community goals in record time ahead of the PC community. I think there was some kind of counter for the Western themed event they did and PC didn't even get close to the required number. That being said, it's still garbage on console because the higher the rank you reach, you're just facing off against people using KB+M anyway

Attached: Siege Console Pro League.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

controllers are terrible in general

I think most people would agree that controllers (without gyro at least) are bad for aiming.
They just don't care.

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Even touchpads were preferable.

Maybe since consoles players were the only ones who would bother playing that boring mode for a weapon skin

Mouse is too accurate, I want shoot outs not point and clicks.
just because it's more precise doesn't mean it's better, imagine a perfect eye tracker, just look at your target to get head shots, would that make a better game for you?

if you aren't playing fps with a direct brain link then you aren't really playing at all

they say it is as good as mouse and keyboard because of this:

you can more than outcompete the average player when you're willing to put the hours required to master it just to prove that your meme input is worth it. they don't care it objectively sucks as an input as it will always be missing on precision, they just want to sit on their ass and shut whatever is left of their brains off

anyway, who even cares about this argument in 2k19. FPSVR is far better than using a display and mouse and keyboard.

>when are you faggots gonna admit controllers are terrible for shooters?
when you post a better example.

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>Battlefield games have always higher population
And most of this is bullshit, DaS 3 sold almost 4 million units on PC and peaked at over 120k concurrent players, it's only slightly less active than the PS4 version.
Sorry m8, but the days of any singular console online being vastly more popular than PC is over outside of trash like Fifa and CoD.

No one completed that challenge because it required 7 million headshots from weapons with incredibly slow fire rates. I can pretty much guarantee that consoles got less despite having more players, but most players aren't gonna bother going for headshots when they can 1 shot with a center mass hit.

>controller aiming demonstration
>he's hitting center mass shots with a sniper at medium ranges

This is nothing impressive, shit like this is literally blow average play in CSGO.

this is bait but heres your (you)

How so? It's just my opinion.

he still has way less deaths than everyone else, your point?

>this is a diamond level console player on Siege

Attached: 1539467710554.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

The more accurate something allows you to be the more depth the game is going to have. A lot of console players try to argue that "being able to aim makes it too easy" when that's just not true. Playing with a mouse doesn't just give you aim hacks.

Playing FPS on controller is playing racing in a mini van, playing with KB+M is like racing in an F1 car. It's harder to win in a mini van because it's a slow and cumbersome vehicle but it's ultimately harder to drive an F1 car well due to the increased speed and precision needed with driving one.

Shit like this would legit not be possible on a controller. Not to mention R6 on console has dramatically less recoil than the PC version.

Kbm are obviously more advantageous than playing on pad/controller. That said I grew up playing on pad and I'd still probably use it if I ever moved to pc because I'm just not familiar with kbm

El Orgo de las Americanos

*carried diamond level console player on Siege

>that time quake 3 was playable on dreamcast and pc and dreamcastbros got slaughtered every single match
>that time microsoft tried crossplatforming years later and it was the same result


You could use keyboard and mouse on Dreamcast Q3A.

Wasd is for cucks. I'll take a controller over that every time

>keeps making the exact same fucking thread for over a week now
Holy shit dude, get some fucking help. Imagine being this triggered about children's entertainment.

Still I think at this point it is simply fact that M+KB is superior to a controller when it comes to FPS. Nothing wrong with playing on console and using a gamepad though, in some regards I think console gaming is better. Far less problems with cheaters which can be a huge deal in PC communities for practically and shooter.

The only thing I hate is people playing with M+KB on console, it is just unfair imo.

>the fistbump
every time

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he died to a controlfag

The van vs f1 car is a realistic scenario, you think swat teams act like that guy in the video?
For Arena shooter it's fine but it completely breaks immersion in realistic scenarios.

Not to mention high rank in every console game is full of people using KB+M attachments.

>Nothing wrong with playing on console and using a gamepad though

The shooters played with a game pad are going to be automatically shallower. Q3A with a controller is infinity more shallow than the exact same game with a kb+m.

>The only thing I hate is people playing with M+KB on console, it is just unfair imo.

It is funny how people that primarily play fps with a controller see KB+M as some sort of hacking.

Too many keybinds to remember.

Shouldn't there be separate matchmaking queues for Keyboard/Mouse and controller users?

No. Adapt or perish.

I own a switch and a 70$ cheap phone.
Lately I bought a bluetooth mouse + keyboard and deltaTouch on the Android store. Now I'm playing Batman doom, rise of the furball and ultimate Simpsons and I don't feel like playing the switch at all anymore.



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>The shooters played with a game pad are going to be automatically shallower. Q3A with a controller is infinity more shallow than the exact same game with a kb+m.
Different I would say, I think on PC often times you can get away with bad plays if you have great aim. Also in some games (Siege and to some degree also CS) you can sort of abuse peekers advantage on PC much more than on console since the aiming is so much faster. Often times you can barely see the guy peeking you before you are dead. So I think it sort of goes both ways although I tend to agree

>It is funny how people that primarily play fps with a controller see KB+M as some sort of hacking.
I dont, only shooter I have played in console was MW2 because my PC at the time was garbage. But I have 3-4k hours in CS, 1-2k hours in CoD (mostly CoD4 Promod) and almost 1k hours in Siege all on PC and playing at a high level. And that is precicely why I think M+KB is cheating on console, if you want to play with M+KB then go play on PC, it is unfair to use them on console where you have an inherent advantage over 95%+ of the playerbase and are practically gifted a high rank.

When everyone else is playing with controller and theres that one faggot whos got his XIM setup then it feels like that dude is cheating.

>guy is a shit player
>still manages to play better than controllerfags

The nice thing about dual analog is that it lets you make your game run at 20fps, with flat levels, no weapon variety, and enemies that are always placed directly in front of you and the audience is none the wiser. It's why better solutions exist but will never be adopted.

>I think on PC often times you can get away with bad plays if you have great aim. Also in some games (Siege and to some degree also CS) you can sort of abuse peekers advantage on PC much more than on console since the aiming is so much faster.

You're basically just saying "if the enemy is shit you can get away with bad positioning".

Also peekers advantage hasn't really been a thing in Siege since they upped the tickrate, and its never really been a thing in CS. It only really seemed to happen because Siege had like 30 tickrate servers and fucked netcode.

>if you want to play with M+KB then go play on PC

Fair enough, those people probably have huge egos due to the fact that they play at an upper mid level but can top rank on consoles.

Timesplitters 1 is pretty fun, but thought as shit. I might swap between 1 and 2 when one of them pisses me off. I'll save Future Perfect for last.

first of all, stodeh is a massive retard
2nd, keyboard and mouse on console do not work like you think they do
you're just changing grip and peripheals, you will still be aiming slow and shitty, because that's how console aiming works
if you think using kb+m on console will give you the same accuracy and speed that you get on pc, you're a fucking retard and completely wrong
even the fact that i have to explain it to you motherfuckers marks how stupid and ignorant you all are

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It most certainly is a thing in CSGO, not nearly as extreme as in Siege but still there, think it is only really noticable when peeking one side though if I remember it correctly but I might look it up later.

When did they fix it in Siege ? Havent played serious the last 2-3 Seasons, back when I used to play ESL it was pretty bad.

why do you retards play on console

This, I tried some expensive peripherals to play keyboard/mouse or joysticks+mouse on console and the aim was always off, the games still keep the aiming scheme for joysticks running, there's no real support of the mouse.

Consoles are garbage for shooters, minus some exception with decent gyro aiming like Splatoon.

They had the servers at 30, but they upped it to 60 which really should be the minimum. I remember back before they updated it you'd get fucking BRs running around drop shotting and being nearly unkillable because the high ping + trash tick rate would result in their model being way off from their actual hitbox. That shit was a genuine nightmare.

When are you going to admit that you have down syndrome? Retard.

ah nice, one of the reasons I stopped playing for a while. good to see they are finally adressing it. Also seems like you might be right about little/no peekers advantage in CSGO Funny how even amongst semi-pro and pro players that is a common misconception.

Console peasants are barely human animals.

Controllers are just fine.

Console players are a literal joke. Holy shit.

With 120 tickrate peekers advantage is really god damn low, both prefire and fuckey geometry are going to be bigger issues.

>anyone on here disagrees aside from dumb newfags


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