Last Ace Attorney game to get a physical release in the west after 2009

>Last Ace Attorney game to get a physical release in the west after 2009
>Last Ace Attorney game to be translated into 5 different languages after 2007
>Only Ace Attorney game to not be available on mobile

What happened?

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It wasn't very good.

Level 5 made this game, it has nothing to do with Capcom's decisions, be they good or bad.

hows spirit of justice compared to dual destinies?

I always did had a feeling it was more Layton than Phoenix Wright.

That is the best part. The Ace Attorney sections of the game fucking suck dick, they're awful and honestly the worst AA Trials ever. The Professor Layton stuff is wonderful, and it shows since L5 was the people making this.

>The Ace Attorney sections of the game fucking suck dick, they're awful and honestly the worst AA Trials ever
How so, out of curiosity?

AA ran out of steam honestly. It grew too big and now characters have become too cartoony and flanderized. The original trilogy games have a very tightknit story that complements each other but the games after that are all over the place.

i dont know, my favorite in the AA series are miles edgeworth games

It is probably the worst game to bear the Ace Attorney name.

Yeah, I've started the second one recently and desu they are so much refreshing compared to the main series.

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It's too linear

This was a 10/10 game for me as a huge fan of both series. The only reason this got a physical release though was because of Layton. Capcom was already pissed off at the DS games getting pirated.

I beat the first AA and first few layton games back in the day, but would love to play/replay them all now. what's the best platform now that they've been rereleased to hell and back?

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I beat the game like two years ago at this point, so I couldn't give you a concrete answer. But from I do remember the trials are just awful, that's the best way I can put it. They're bland, uninteresting, and obtuse as fuck. The game introduces a sort of Jury system at one point and that just drags down the trials even further down since it's all just a bunch of people giving vague testimonies to what happened in the trial and you have to figure out who of them is mistaken or lying, and it's terrible.
So yeah, the WORST trials of any AA game for sure.

The Layton puzzles in PLvAA are simpler than the actual Layton games.

I appreciate the toning down so I don't feel like a retard but at the same time I feel like someone out there suffered.

If you have a 3DS just hack it and play the DS Acr Attorney and Layton games through Twilight Menu

I don't, just a switch, computer, and phone. I guess emulating desmume probably isn't so bad since you don't need to move the stylus quickly or anything

> Ace Attorney sections have the gameplay of the first four trials in the original game
> Except sometimes there are multiple people participating in one cross-examination which provides virtually no fucking gameplay difference
> Sometimes "cross-examinations" are literally just infodumps that you Press each statement of in order to get through
Gee I wonder why it didn't sell well.
Could it be that it gave a horrible impression of Phoenix Wright gameplay to the Professor Layton fans?
Could it be that it didn't satisfy Phoenix Wright fans with anything other than its writing?
Could it be that the non-Phoenix Wright gameplay, with puzzles and such, was altogether like a fifth the size of a usual Layton game because of the sheer bloat devoted to witch trials?
Could it be that the gameplay of the two was not meshed in any significant or interesting way?
Yes, I'm still fucking mad. This game had potential to do so much. Even though this is literally AA's worst showing in a long time, it was still enough to get me to check out the AA series, and I don't regret it. I know a lot of other people failed to be convinced.

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>There's no magic at all
>Except all those magical things that everyone forgot somehow

Special thanks to whoever translated it, it's like capcom hates money

I thought they were fucking making a new AA and releasing the prequel and edgeworth games in the West?

>layton games are so comfy
>3ds games come out, absolute shitstain garbage interface and character models

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No, DGS was fan translated.

There was never any magic.
All the magic was special effects powered by machinery people were perceptually filtered not to see.


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Still waiting for the next AA Nintendo Switch title

>magic isn't real
>but mass selective hypnosis is

Superscience is bullshit but it's still not magic. Typical Layton fare tbqh. It's funny because magic actually do exist in AA in the form of spirit channeling.

It's just people being drugged.
Actually, that's a pretty good point. Maybe memory alteration?

please tell me the definitive way to play both of these series now is on mobile, jesus christ

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Mobile butchered the art. Wouldn't recommend. DS emulation's not hard in this day and age, try that for most of them.

>The story is just a worse rehash of PL and the Curious Village.
>The Ace Attorney parts are extremely watered down, shitty examples of the worst the main series has to offer.
I honestly regret having played this.

Capcom you motherfuckers

What the fuck was his problem?

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Play both on DS emulators.
>Professor Layton
Curious Village > Diabolical Box > Unwound Future
>Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright > Justice for All > Trials and Tribulations

It's funny how both series took a nosedive after the initial trilogy.

Layton and AA are in the same universe now, because of the VS game. So the magic is in there as well, but in the same form: spirits. Like in unwound future, everyone thinks Claire timetraveled, but somehow they can't replicate it and fix the problems even though multiple top scientists worked on it (at least a few, when they didn't build a fucking giant robot) and before just 2 could make atleast a prototype. But they didn't, it was just a bomb but the love of so many made her reappear after 10 years in the place they all gathered around. They just channeled her spirit.

play all the ds games on an emulator on literally any toaster, then buy her game on mobile

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>Daddy, are witches real?
>Yes, pumpkin, witches are real and they live absolutely everywhere and they want to take over your body and make you kill everybody you love

Too much mind altering ink

>wasting money on Microtransactions feat. girl Layton
She's cute but you can just catch up on Layton lore by watching the anime on jewtube
>it's another fucking time travel plot

i want the puzzles retard

What game is this?

Your wife's balls.

There's a better Layton game on mobile tho

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I remember that one. Honestly it feels more like an Ace Attorney game but I remember it being pretty enjoyable

Emulate the DS games if you're comfortable with that. The HD re-release's art is traced-over art and you can kinda tell.
If you really want to buy it, PC if you're okay with stationary, switch if you're on-the-go. (whatever you do, don't get the iOS port)

Apollo Justice (4th game) can be played both on the DS and Android, Android's HD release does look pretty good.
Ace Attorney investigations can also be played on both DS and Android, but Ace Attorney Investigations 2 you'll have to jump through a lot more hoops if you want to play it on Android.
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney is a joy if you enjoyed the trilogy, though it's stuck on the 3DS (you can also emulate that if your computer's beefy)
Don't play Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice

are u ok retard

Thing is that Shu Takumi originally intended the series to end with Apollo Justice being a two-part game, with the second revealing to Apollo and Trucy that they are siblings.
Obviously this didn't came to be because Capcom doesn't likes proper endings (see Mega Man X5), and why Takumi stopped working on the main-line series and wants to reboot the series with DGS featuring a new cast.

I wonder how long it will take for Capcom to re-release the whole franchise into every other platform. Just hope they don't take an entire year to release each individual game, at this point Dai Gyakuten Saiban would release (and maybe for the west at last) in 2023-25.

>Shu Takumi originally intended the series to end with Apollo Justice being a two-part game
I hope we can get our true end, even in non-game form, before Shu dies

I just want to reply the layton puzzles. are there saves with all the puzzles (game, daily, weekly) unlocked?

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>>Last Ace Attorney game to get a physical release in the west after 2009
Nintendo was the publisher.
>>Last Ace Attorney game to be translated into 5 different languages after 2007
Level 5 (years to localize) were the developers
>>Only Ace Attorney game to not be available on mobile
Again, Nintendo published. They need Nintendo's permission to port the game until the publishing deal expires.

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significantly better but it doesn't hit the highs of the trilogy or investigations 2

Best layton puzzle theme is from this game as well.
Shame the ending sucked dick.

If you haven't realized yet, OP, Crapcom doesn't give a shit about localizing non-Phoenix Wright stuff to the west.

We didn't get DGS because they couldn't market it as PHOENIX WRIGHT.
And they absolutely won't waste money printing physical copies for a visual novel game. It's just cheaper for them to release the game digitally and call it a day.

Now that the 3DS is dead, it's way too late for DGS to be localized. The only possibility at this point is that they announce a Switch port with 1+2 included.

I liked this game quite a bit, but it was more a fun novelty than a best of genre of either game.
I liked it.

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Takumi was hardly involved in AJ beyond the basic character design (Apollo was intended to be a youthful hot-headed opposite of Phoenix, Trucy represents Takumi's love of magic tricks in general, there were a few others but I can't remember), the people who wrote 1-5 handled the writing of that game.

AA1 was originally intended to be a standalone game, then he extended it to a trilogy due to popularity and intended to end the series there, he didn't want to make a sequel at all but Capcom wanted one.

One of my favourites, I was a bit surprised that Yea Forums doesn't really like it.

I really love the setting and puzzles, the AA stuff is mediocre and could've been much better and the ending twist is horsecrap and so is the overall plot.

>revealed almost 9 years ago

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If you have a 3ds just use that to play all of them

It's funny how the final game changed a lot and none of these cutscenes ended up getting used. Not even the original Storyteller.

When will Maya and Phoenix finally fuck?
And then Trucy can joke about her new mommy only being like 9 years older than her

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The only major flaw of the trials was they were all self contained so you had info dump portions and they were basically one day each.
The characters were solid and Barnahm was a good prosecutor, also some of the best music in the franchise.

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I don't like wright v layton because the plot just doesn't stand up when you think about it. Also a TON of the stuff that happens is just super fucked up. I've talked about this on Yea Forums before and I could go more into depth about it.
Other than that, my minor problems are:
You can't replay trials
You can't present your badge to everyone
Espella is a shitty fucking character holy shit how can you make a main character so retarded AND boring at the same fucking time

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They completely scrapped everything they had and re-made everything just from the basic concept
This game would have been much better had it not been because of dev hell