What is the videogame with the most amount of fat characters?

what is the videogame with the most amount of fat characters?

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I have a fucking fat fetish
I wish there was a kemodebushota video game

Mao is such a good girl

Killing Floor 2 with Bloated -mutator enabled.

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tribal hunter



YES I FORGOT I've actually played this, I couldn't make it past the boss though
It truly feels like a game made for me though, I fucking love it

>tfw skeleton so I'll never have a fat gf
it hurts bros

Your life.

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I always see skeletons with fatties, you should have no issue user

Why would you being thin stop yourself from getting a fat gf?

i want a fat bf

Little nightmares for sure

Just feed their disgusting endless hunger and they’ll come flocking

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Woah Mallow... easy on the food...

Os the thursday thread here already? Not that I'm complaining.

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>Alvin and the chipmunks
Of all things

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Truly made for the biggest of dicks

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Every single shit she does must be a herculean struggle to get past those fat cheeks, and leave one nasty streaky trail in the process.

Eat, Fight, Fat is an obscure WiiWare game where you can make your own sumo wrestler and there's a minigame to fatten them up.

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Cute Kuroko poster

The last thing I got on wii shop channel before it closed down.

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Any games with cute fat goth girls?

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Real life.
Goth fat/chubby chicks are some of the easiest lays you'll ever have.

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What episode was this?

Not big enough

Season 22 episode 2 "A Haunted House for Everyone!"


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This desu.

I'm not into the chub as a whole typically but I fucking love seeing REALLY HUGE asses covered by a GIANT pair of panties like that. Like look at the size there. I guess it's similar to how I love ultra gigantic tits in equally gigantic bras. They just look so inherently erotic when they're massive like that.

You can get the same appeal without the girl being overweight but it's uncommon and I'm talking things like Minaj size uncommon here. Pic related, same appeal of a giant ass in giant panties, but not chubby.

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fucking based.
But for me its fat asses in tight jeans.

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The fuck is kemodebushota? Is that like fat kids or something?

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I think it's fat animal shota?

Second Life probably has the most of any sort of degeneracy you can imagine.


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What do i think of this?

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