I hope you're stocked up for tonight/v/ros.
Post your fuel for release and the likely queue to follow. Waterfags need not apply.
Gamer Fuel Thread / Classic Edition
Absolute garbage taste.
heres mine r8.
Imagine drinking anything but water.
>sloppy Giuseppe
Good lord.
I'm not playing day 1 because it will be absolute shit show
ITT: Fat people
>People like to treat themselves on special occasions
I feel like i'm missing out not trying premium and local based American beer. I'm obviously not talking about big brands either. What are they like in comparison to European?
Sam Adams is mass market beer that lacks nuance, you'd have to obtain it from an actual local brewery
>t. Burger who has been drinking white claws all summer
OP's pic is like a week's worth of calories, that's not treating yourself, it's stuffing like pig.
Are you fat fucks allergic to fruit and water?
Jesus Christ. What's your BMI OP?
I live in 3rd world countryies anons.... give me some food........ Im sick of eating instant noodles and drinking plain water most of the time....
Mass market now but for like 2 decades it was the only "Craft Beer" in America, and it did a lot for the beer scene as well. Now, it is definitely mass market but easily the most drinkable and often pleasant big brand beer. The basic Boston Lager and Cold Snap are great.
sending my love brother
Give me some alcholic drink too user.... Its almost illegal to get in my place.
Holy fuck, you must be morbidly obese if you eat enough food for a family of 4 in one day. Even if its release day one pizza is more than enough. Please get some diet help.
>implying anyone in this thread will be eating everything in their pics in one night.