Why didnt you like the game? Are you a nazi?
Why didnt you like the game? Are you a nazi?
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I think the only people who care about nazis are lonely political boomers and don't realize that hollywood movies are fake.
>nazis haven't existed for 80 years
>make shit game
>call anyone who dislikes it a nazi
>now claim that nazis are the reason why it doesn't sell
I have no problem enjoying killing Nazis in a vidya game, what I do have a problem with is the devs and publishers making veiled connections between the Nazis in game and the modern right.
spoken like a true bigot who is against communist afro niggers. wrong side of history there pal
Why not just make a game about saving the world from the jews? It will sell like crazy.
young blood's writing is cringy and horrible
women and (mostly) men in ther 30s - 40s trying to write hip young teenage girls. thats about all we need to know
>shit game
>genuinely unlikable characters who have no problem killing their fellow man while trying to virtue signal at the same time
>cash shop ripped straight out of Fortnite for a single player game
I swear, game developers must visit different sites than the rest of us. It’s weird how out of touch they are.
How many Ls do game devs need to take before they stop trying to appeal to woke crowd and just ignore (fake/real)women and make good games again
There needs to be a collapse.
Just goes to show that identity politics can ruin even the most wholesome of things.
Maybe next time they'll make a decent game that isn't rife with literal jew gold micro transactions.
there's neo nazis, they're fun to fuck with, like right now.
>i made a bad game with a shit story and people didn't like it why is this everyone's fault but mine?!!?!?!!?!!!??
I can't wait for this current era to end and for the shysters trying to convince us that their half-baked, retarded ideas that would have been considered cliched and dumb in the 70's are 'social progress' to be ostracized like the puritan christians before them.
Keep your pseudo-religion out of my games, you weirdos. I'm not joining your whack-ass cult.
Because the “fight da nazis” plot is overused and boring and I know they don’t have the balls to make a game historically accurate and show how black people were put inside zoos and treated like monkeys, how American and Soviets raped German women after the war and how Hitler’s corpse was burned on a stadium
If your game doesn’t feature that stuff and it’s your cliche “nazis ar bad lol” then you can keep it I ain’t touching it
>he thinks neo nazis are more than maybe a handful of people on the internet and maybe one or two in real life.
'Rent-free' gets tossed around a lot, but this is like worrying about the Sasquatch raping you to death.
It's way overblown on social media to generate outrage clicks from retards like you. If you actually think neo-nazis are a huge problem you're retarded and belong at reddit.
I'm not a filthy fucking nazi. I'm not a libshit leftypol sjw LGBTPQ degeneracy and multiculti pushing commie swine either. Fuck them both to hell.
Maybe the far left that they were pandering to with their shitty writing should stop calling the 95% of the rest of the population Nazis.
>forced ai coop
>bullet sponge enemies
>open world with nearly no content and respawning bullet sponges
yeah im a nazi
Wolf2s story and "humor" and characters were all absolutely terrible, extremely forced, and just downright bad. Plus, extremely ham fisted messages like "nazi bad, white people bad, anarchy good, hate people you disagree with good". Just so braindead basic levels of commentary with no real intelligence behind them besides screaming chimps. A purely cringe game.
It felt like a joke to play. I cant imagine the newest Wolfenstein being good as it's probably more of the same trash.
Holocaust didn’t happen amigos
I mean if you don't see the connection I don't know what to tell you. Embrace what you are instead on denying, then I'd have more respect for those who are in the extreme right
>Call everybody who disagrees with you a "Nazi"
>Keep repeating how much you "love killing Nazis"
>Normal people start thinking the Nazis in these games are strawmen figures of themselves
thats whats so sad about retarded lefties and redditors. They don't even realize they are essentially labeling every single normal person 'a fascist nazi' now... Which is EXACTLY how you get an actual right wing uprising.
>okay so this game is nothing like prev games, why didn't they say a word about it before
>i don't really like this game to be honest, what is there to even like
I actually sympathize with National Socialism / Fascism. Because I have learnt the history surrounding the second world war. Don't always believe the straight up lies that they tell you. Look into why people do certain things.
kys centrist.
>tfw anti-nazism sentiment is higher and more fervent than it was even in the years immediately following WW2 because of decades of an oversimplification of history that turned them into cartoon characters
someone post that screen/quote of what happens when white people get cornered
Nazis is secret code for jews
kill all nazis
if you have a problem with this you must be a nazi
It has beeen 80 years already
People move on, unlike some fanatics of the left
>tfw /pol/ neo-nazis are the most diverse
are we the nazis?
>this easy
Take notes kids. Even if you tell them it's bait in the same post they still can't help themselves, so long as the bait is about nazis.
You too can get all the (you)s you want in just 10 minutes with these simple steps.
The fucking state of Yea Forums.
Because it sucks and yes i am
I loved the first one though
youre really not fooling anyone you whiny faggot
Why do you bait? What do you gain?
Ironically there is no group that behaves more like Nazis than Israeli jews
Based, nothing more pathetic than retards acting like their retardation was bait
>they are fun to fuck
>I-I was just pretending to be stupid!
Every time. Why can't you just admit that you're incapable of making a good post?
>haha i looked fucking stupid I win! trollzed u guys!
people like you are what pave the way for this
Same game as pic related?
haha DUDE
*stabs nazi*
Except centrists think this is terrible, you disingenuous fuck. Yet you're insistent we're leftists while the insane far-left call us Nazis because we disagree with them too.
Yeah nah that's leftist shit, kill yourself redditor
Not him, but centrism is important. You don't want a reactionary movement being the primary opposition to a reactionary movement.
Unironically that's what caused the Weimar Republic to form into Nazi Germany. If a correction is needed, cooler heads need to be the ones to do it.
I'm still shocked these games keep getting made, they aren't big sellers or highly rated, they don't even do anything that innovative not gameplaywise and not techwise.
The same reason as anyone. It's fun watching people trip over themselves just to put their foot in their mouth.
Look at all the seething I'm getting from just two posts.
I think the problem started when the left began calling the right "nazis" and the modern meaning of the word morphed because of that, and that in turn had an effect on the perception of actual nazis in fiction.
Hitler was a failed artist who hated jews.
The modern left is a bunch of failed artists and they seem to have a real big problem with Isreal's existence.
The right recently voted for a successful businessman who sucks Isreali cock hard enough to make fucking /pol/ mad.
>literally pedospiral on his forehead
day of the rope soon
The moment this game sold itself entirely on the "Kill nazis in gruesome ways, over and over, fuck yeah I love killing nazis!" it lost me
Its dehumanization of the deepest level, its legalizing warcrimes because of the uniform a person wears, and the outrage is far disproportional.
Nazis were a totalitarian regime with pangs of being a ethnostate, plenty of those existed in history, so I find no reason to hyper antagonize nazis specifically, I find it quite the weird obsession that the left have with nazism and how it became a moral compass thing
Especially since the Nazi party were a left wing group and these kinds of people are displaying that exact kind of mentality.
I hate angled photos like this. The only thing that's straight and normal in the shot is the phone. If you want to take a picture of your phone you don't have to hold it sideways like a gat.
nah, most centrists are """"libertarians""""" that believe nothing should interfere with someone else's happiness
weimar shifted into nazi germany after literal clashes and fist fights. A typical centrist would be a faggot and sit it out and wait for whichever victor to emerge
>I'm still shocked these games keep getting made
I don't know man maybe it's because of how instantly recognizable 'wolfenstein' is and how long it's been around
>being for communist afro niggers
wrong side of history there pal
>nah, most centrists are """"libertarians""""" that believe nothing should interfere with someone else's happiness
I have not met a single fucking centrist that believes people sexualizing kids or giving them hormone therapy is acceptable.
By Nazi they actually mean "Not C", C being communist.
Cooler head don't do shit before it's too late
>weimar shifted into nazi germany after literal clashes and fist fights.
So kind of like today.
>I hate Nazis and all, but aren’t the people who hate Nazis just as bad?
Try again, Goebbels.
>I cant imagine the newest Wolfenstein being good as it's probably more of the same trash.
Youngblood actually makes a jab at Trump if you can believe it. Aside from that it's actually worse than Wolf 2. What little plot there is manages to be even more retarded (BJ has already killed Hitler in the gap between Wolf 2 and Youngblood, which causes a doomsday device to be activated to make the earth uninhabitable. Also BJ can use magic Jew tech to open doors into other dimensions now, which is brought up for no real reason at all.) The main characters are incredibly obnoxious, and the gameplay is just tedious with barebones quest design.
It's pretty obvious at this point that the main guys behind New Order and Old Blood have been long gone.
Literally every centrist ive met simply goes "it isnt my problem" when i point to sexualized children and hormone blockers
Because Nazis are a cliche villain. Even turbo-leftist Yahtzee Croshaw says if your villains are Nazis, then you're not even trying.
We've established that /pol/ are inbred jackasses. There are other villains.
Jewish neurosis is getting very very boring in modern culture. 90% of Nazis were just normal Germans forced to do their government's building to pay the bills. If you want to be edgy why not make a game expelling Jews from over a hundred different countries in history before the word antisemitism or before Nazis even existed
so it didnt sell
are they getting the fucking message ?
i'm not sure, the latest one was the worst one yet
If you could just talk some sense into the crazies, then /pol/'s job would be a cakewalk. It's clear that it takes more than that, however, but centrism doesn't have any more than that to offer.
You gotta pay the trolled toll.
Yeah and your "cooler heads" are a bunch of limp wristed faggots who are afraid of that larger forum
Kill yourself please
Cooler heads are the ones who realize that you need to counter perverts by pointing out their hypocrisy before society.
Hotheads dress in all green and go to portland to intentionally get into a fistfight and make the problem worse.
>people on this site, both on and off /pol/ post regularly complaining about jews and blacks, think a swastika is edgy, and listen to morons on youtube ramble on about the struggles of being a white man.
>you can literally go to /pol/ at any time and find people who would proudly consider themselves nazis
>but they act surprised when the left complains about nazis as much as they complain about feminists.
It's almost as if the most extreme of any position or group are all the opposing groups ever see. Gosh.
We’re experiencing a new wave of fascism that’s threatening the survival of humanity, so I’d say Nazis are a little bit more relevant now than usual.
jUSt FoLLowIng oRDeRS DOesnt eXCuse thE wERHmacht from being NAZIS
Why no ISIS zombies? why don't we get to fight commies? I feel stupid when playing games like Wolfenstein because my family used to be in the Wehrmacht, it's like fighting against your own family and country.
youre missing the fucking point you god damn retard. Why are centrists coming out of the wood work NOW? Also you seem to ignore that being against child hormone therapy makes you a right winger these days
They made pretty clear allusions in their marketing for The New Colossus to associate half of the US with nazis, just because they supported the wrong person, alienating half of said country.
Most people want to have a conversation, look at Joe Rogan, the biggest normie allowed on Youtube.
>It's fun
>sitting in front of a computer typing things of which other people sitting in front of a computer respond to in text
How is it problematic acording to them? Weak sales?
>Make comic/book/film/animation about fighting Nazis in the 1940s
>Is fine by everyone since Nazis are solely the Germans that also hate you
>Make comic/book/film/animation/game about killing Nazis from 1950 to 2012
>Everyone is fine with it since they are specifically attacking actual Nazis that want to genocide races.
>Make media 2013 and beyond where you kill anyone left of cultural marxism, but label them as Nazis
>In the era where everyone is called a Nazi for not being far left
>Also you game is bad even without the political message
>People notice this and have problems with it since they hold opinions centered and right
Most shitposting is done by phone now.
>call everybody a nazi over the pettiest bullshit
>promote killing "nazis" while giving nods to antifa
What did they mean by this?
yes, joe rogan is a perfect example of a modern centrist who flip flops their opinion every fucking week based on the social climate
> Why are centrists coming out of the wood work NOW?
They're not, they've always been there. You probably didn't hear about them because anyone who doesn't identify as far-left doesn't get a voice and anyone who doesn't identify as far-right doesn't get a response.
I fucking love how this got so many replies proving him right. Triggered /pol/cels literally cannot control themselves.
>Call everyone to the right of communism a Nazi
>Tell Nazi's not to buy your game
>"But you were supposed to buy it for the political message reeeeeee fucking Nazi's"
>Your message is how white americans are nazi's and how you're just as bad and how black women communists should be in charge
>You also forgot to make a good fucking game you were so busy sucking gay nigger dick
I can't imagine why it sold poorly
Hmm... Nazis...
you're acting like that doesn't fall into the le hungry hammer picture, idiot.
Nah, it's because centrists are fucking pussies with no real opinions until the climate is safe for the to pick a side
The left doesnt care, were you german during WW2 germany?
Well you didnt fight against your government so that automatically makes you a nazi out of negligence
It's just a blatant tactic morons here eat up. "Help me non-extremists on the right! The left is unfairly calling me a nazi! Pay no attention to why they are calling me that, because if they are calling me a nazi they're calling you a nazi too. Pay no attention to my Hitler shrine behind a swastika curtain or my facist rhetoric! It's all fake news and you should feel attacked with me! They're after all of us not just me after all."
And then they're shocked that after jumping up to clumsily defend actual nazis and facists they get called nazis and facists. Shocking. It must be a liberal conspiracy.
>The nazis are here to take over the world! Are you a bad enough dude to stop them?
>Hey look, nazis, don't you hate nazis i fucking hate nazis fuck fuck fuc ufkc nazis fuuuuuuuck
>unironically complain about “cultural Marxism,” a phrase invented by the actual, ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945, Nazis to demonize shit they didn’t like
>be surprised people think you’re a Nazi
>Call everyone to the right of communism a Nazi
I see the reverse far more often.
>We’re experiencing a new wave of fascism that’s threatening the survival of humanity
Explain how /pol/ is threatening the survival of humanity
it's funny how you dont see the irony in your posts at all
Sacred post
Getting constantly expelled throughout history means it's a you problem not an everybody else problem
Smash capitalism and the patriarchy! Buy lootboxes!
Fucking faggot lmao
Kill yourself
yet you judge a whole group a people because of a small minority you fucking racist. Anyone with a fuckin brain can see thats an issue but no one has the cojones to actually speak their fucking mind about it because they will get attacked by leftists
Trump, Johnson, and Bolsonaro all don’t give a fuck about the environment and we’ve got about a year to save it.
Shut up commie
>are they getting the fucking message ?
they are just going to double down harder
I know you're doing that yourself, but I can shitpost on the subway user. Some of us aren't so terrified of liberals that we hide out in our mom's double wide trailer in the sticks afraid of the blacks who infest the city. We can post things that easily trigger you (like that) and then tell you that's what we're doing and that you shouldn't take it seriously, and you'll still be massively upset, all while commuting to work!
Isn't the future amazing?
>make a shit game
>deflect all critism of said game and it's actual flaws by saying its just Nazis complaining that you have to kill Nazis
>devalue what a Nazi over time as a result
Why do these people do this
Like calling someone a racist and sexist has fuck all impact anymore, it's just white noise to people. They're their own worst enemy.
you have absolutely no idea what centrism is. you've been brainwashed by the "us vs them" narrative that makes you so incredibly easy to control
>actual nazis
none exist
you aren't fighting any fascists, keyboard warrior
Nazis were not "left wing". They weren't "right wing" either.
Tolerating something is being okay with it.
what the fuck is a nazi
>/pol/ and trump are responsible for rain forest fires because fascism
> invented by the ... Nazis
Why is the left so historically illiterate?
>we’ve got about a year to save it.
I distinctly remember them saying back in the mid-2000s that New York would be underwater by now. Not saying climate change isn't real, but I'm seeing a lot of moving goalposts on the part of climate fundamentalists.
thanks for straight up admitting youre a pussy
It's a lot more fun when the devs don't try to draw parallels between Nazis and people they don't like plus adding lots of shitty social commentary.
>I hate jews and other minorities and want to exterminate them all for the glory of the German empire
Is not the same as
>I don't think parents should be allowed to mutilate their kid's genitalia and give them a new gender, think that races do have some inherent differences and that co-mingling is not going to be easy for everyone because of it, and think this war on masculinity is damaging for society as a whole.
one more for the list
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2
>Mortal kombat 11
>Tekken 7
>Kingdom come deliverance
>seething autocrats with no respect for democracy want to take the country back to a mythical la-la fantasy land by forcibly ejecting and killing immigrants
yeah, no connections there chief
This but unironically
Fighting nazis was always ok, the problem is two fold. Some retards were already crying about it from the very beginning, because the kind of nazi sympathizing niggers who are out and about these days would honestly whine about such a thing. But then later the developers themselves did go and co-opt into a modern commie narrative. The bottom line is that everyone is an asshole and a retard.
Nothing wrong with killing nazis.
Typical leftist retard. One, you think that the only type of socialism is Marxist socialism. Two, you think only Marxist socialism can be on the left. Three, you completely fail to see how Marxist socialism is a perfect carbon copy of National socialism when put into practice. Four, you claim the failed, murderous socialist regimes were not real socialism anyways.
You are ignorant pieces of shit. You deserve only scorn.
This is the 11th political thread bashing "the alt-right" on Yea Forums. Where the fuck are the jannies?
one really easy way to spot some zoomer faggot born after 1995 is they constantly fall for bullshit regarding "the weather is creating a doomsday scenario unless you vote for us! :)"
>who cares about children, fuck them, who cares that they might get shot because of lenient gun policies
>but also being a pedo is wrong because you might hurt children
My grandfather served under Hitler and lived to tell the tale.
He was the most dignified person I've ever met.
Not really fond of killing my countrymen to be honest.
Killing Nazis in video games used to just be about killing Nazis in video games. It didn't have a ton of liberal propaganda padding it the fuck out and trying to dehumanize Hitler or forcing a bunch of current agenda shit into it.
what the flying fuck does that have to do with fascism and how are any of those people fascists?
>I'm going to reply to myself about how smart I am that I'm fighting "nazis" online.
>But I unironically believe fascism is threatening the survival of humanity.
People defend them because they understand fully that those "Nazis" have rights, too. And if you don't stick up for the rights of everyone, then you're just letting public outrage determine who does and doesn't deserve human rights.
There are dozens of books that go into this, but I bet you think that reading is a neo-nazi construct, as well.
top kek
He's considering both sides you extremist.
The game isn't about killing nazi's it's about modern politics and it's also just a shit game.
They should bite the bullet and let you play as a Nazi
Have the player personally gas the jews, go full 1940's Spec Ops The Line
>call racist hitler fanboys nazis
>said nazis tell conservatives they're being unfairly labeled
>gullible conservatives trained to be irrationally upset by the left and moderates at all times believe they're the ones being called nazis
>get called nazis for trying to defend actual nazis
>"why are they calling me a nazi?!"
Is that what limp wristed pussies with no real opinions call it? "Considering both sides"?
Economically, yeah they were left wing in many ways, they still had free markets though. The money was nationalized and put toward the war effort at the time. Socially they were nationalist/fascist. They were essentially third positionist.
Some user put it well and I'll say it again. I don't mind the nazis or the politics or any of that stuff. What makes me dislike the game the most, is that it seems like they're taking what was once a cool romp through ww2 with spooky elements is now, Targeted Sadism Simulator. It's all well and fine to dismember people with a chainsaw or show violent bloody explosions, but it's different when you're playing as a psychopath in Madhouse or a violent criminal in GTA. The POINT of those games is to be a bad person. When you as the player, are not only expected to identify but AGREE with the "good guy" liberator B.J. when he gets a gleam in his eye talking about removing nazi scalps or doing things that would make the average guro-fan blush, it's just feels fucking weird. It's like making captain america a violent sociopath who wears the faces of his enemies. I can't look at BJ's insane twin daughters who're getting wet to the idea of using an axe in creative ways and think, "Yeah, these are badass american heroes™". Especially when the game tries to paint the Nazis as bad because they do the exact same, violent, horrible stuff.
>Oh these nazi's preformed sick experiments and ripped out a dude's spine!
>That's awful! Truly they're monsters. I can't wait to piss on his face while I slowly remove his fingers one by one with a rusty knife
>Hell yeah sis!
I don't care about bloody skull explosions. I just want a cool vaguely ww2 themed shooter.
kys commie.
Dios mio el /pol/tardo criaturo
History is written by the victor user
typical leftist victim complex
Literally my first post in the thread, and I get the feeling you're making some false assumptions.
>none exist
So you're saying /pol/ just has a hitler fetish and they're merely pretending to parrot and believe nazi rhetoric, or are you just desperately trying to ignore the world around you?
dilation takes time
>make a shit game
>blame neonazis it sold like shit
this is getting old
Reminder that the Amazon rain forest sets itself on fire every fucking summer and this isn't news. It's clickbait to distract you from something else.
You know I think Hitler fanboys are used to being called Nazi's by now, I don't think they'd go crying to cuckservatives over a game they would never play
I didn’t know that actually.
I also didn’t know that using fire means that you support anarcho-primitive
anyone who speaks like this is a twink ANTIFA faggot that has never lifted a weight in their life. No one buys that gay ass virtue signaling here.
The solution? Arm the children.
>blaming all of your personal problems on people you perceive as “more privileged than you and calling for their death and/or replacement.
Yeah, no connections there, chief.
>give up your guns and your right to defend yourself because some asshole also used guns to kill children!
Since when was fighting nazis problematic?
The game was just shit that's all.
you know not everyone in the right is /pol/tard, right?
the problem with putting everyone you disagree with in the same bag is that you generate resentment and, worst case, radicalize them.
Nazis being "problematic" or whatever was the LEAST of youngblood's problems.
Anyways if you think cultural Marxism even exist then you have a painfully low iq
If someone wants to deconstruct this, they should make it "Hatred" with a french-resistance skin.
keep seething
if children's lives and well being don't matter then why is it bad to have sex with them?
looks like i was spot on
>those nazis have rights
Freedom of speech only applies to what the government can control not what people will put up with. What fucking rights of nazis are you trying to valiantly defend user? The right to not be blocked on twitter for being a twit?
congrats you're a sheep - whole fucking Amazon forest produces AT MOST 4% of Earth's oxygen
in fact the plants grown on its territory by farmers produce more
be sure to not breed
I remember playing Wolf3D on my father's computer. Fighting through the last level of chapter 3, and being scared shitless of those Hitler ghosts. When I finally reached Mecha Hitler, my dad and I were standing up yelling like retards. Good times.
You cannot be a leftist and support gun control.
Shoot Nazis, in games and real life.
>Your shit game doesn't sell
We need to rise up
Ah yes, fascism is bad because its ruining the environment. Truly this is the argument that should be made. You do realize President Obama didn't do shit to fix the environment for the 8 years he was in charge. And he certainly wasn't a fascist, you dingus
>watch dogs
>wolf 2
I bet shitty story and making communists the heroes isn't problematic in their eyes.
They literally do that though. Either that or the right are taking it on themselves to be offended on behalf of the hitler fanboys. Which doesn't really help their "I'm not a nazi stop calling me a nazi!" argument. It just makes me want to call them nazis even more. It seems to upset them quite a bit.
so now you dont want to kill nazis?
this is the shit im talking about. Commie sympathizers need to be beaten mercilessly in public, I would 100% accept being a nazi if thats the case too.
>Say you disagree with children having the bodily autonomy to say they're trans and that this decision must be respected
>When the kids don't even understand their timestables or what North and South are
>"Fucking Nazi!"
>Farheneit 451 alt right
Fuck no.
You act like that's a small percentage. 4% is fucking huge on a global scale.
Where are Nazi's crying to cuckservatives over videogames, can you show me?
>if children's lives and well being don't matter
Never said anything remotely like that. The only reason anyone wants gun control is because they hate giving people the agency to defend their own lives.
>don't arm teachers or have hard defenses for schools because using deadly force to defend yourself is for ebil white supremacists!
uh, okay? Go stand in front of traffic with your scrawny ass transvestite comrades you fuckin loser.
The “What about Obama?” card doesn’t mean a goddamn thing to me. Fuck Obama too.
He was an imperialist mass-murdering monster, just like every other President.
>Haha why are people getting upset when I keep insisting they're as evil and twisted as Hitler because they disagree with me? I'm gonna keep calling them Nazis and dilute the word even further lol!
full circle wokeness
>The term was coined in 1917 as a subset of anti-marxism
Why do inbred latte-suckers like yourself always act as if they understand history when they refuse to read a fucking book? It wouldn't have even taken you ten seconds to google it.
keep seething
Yeah. Most of them are really gullible and easily upset when you tell them liberals are doing literally anything. You tell them liberals are eating pasta and they'll boycott it and complain about Italians.
They're very valiant in their defense of nazis and don't seem to realize that when you defend an instigator for instigating, you're not helping the case that you disagree with their rhetoric.
Did people hate fighting nazis or the shitty main characters? I thought it was the latter, but I don't know if /pol/ gets triggered over this shit anymore.
>tfw making a game where you play as the nazis
how much will people sperg out?
lmao looks like I was spot on again
I have seen this exact nu-jack in another thread already
Can we beat capitalist sympathizers too?
Wolfenstein after the new order subsists entirely on leftist agreement bux so it makes sense they'd double down on that and forsake gameplay.
>Hitler’s corpse was burned on a stadium
wot ?
>You cannot be a leftist and support gun control.
This is a flat-out lie. Leftists start grabbing the guns of everyone they don't like once they've obtained power.
hmm it's like people are becoming educated of the real cost of war and don't like real human solders being equated to malicious monsters because of war time propaganda. a real peanut pincher. stick with hell aliens, faggots.
if they mattered you'd want strict gun controls, if personal needs can be placed above the safety of children then the argument about sex hurting children is moot because personal needs overwrite that harm anyways
Looks like I was spot on about you seething.
If you can play as Russians in CoD, you should be able to play as Germans.
nice cry baby infograph you beta bitch. Im going to by extra private property and not care about some african nigger with fish eggs in his water, thank you
But it wasn’t problematic when the new order released?
How amusing that one definition is absent.
Fuck it's not even about "white" race, since Australia has it's socialist leaders at the time stating
>This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race"
>I am proud of my white skin, just as a Chinese is proud of his yellow skin, a Japanese of his brown skin, and the Indians of their various hues from black to coffee-coloured. Anybody who is not proud of his race is not a man at all. And any man who tries to stigmatize the Australian community as racist because they want to preserve this country for the white race is doing our nation great harm. [...] I reject, in conscience, the idea that Australia should or ever can become a multi-racial society and survive
then you should be happy that the plants grown in place of trees will produce even more
Projection. Just because you want to kill jews and brown people doesn't mean the left will try to kill you just as much. It's more fun to just trigger idiots online by calling them nazis for supporting nazi rhetoric, they're very sensitive about that.
/pol/ hates videogames and believes leftists shitting them up is radicalising white men for them
he is a national socialist, that's true.
for isreal.
>Mortal kombat 11
That's not true. Its early sales outdid MKX but what they're not telling you is it slowed down so fast that it hasn't gone past X and you can bet your ass WB aren't happy with that.
uh, ok? back the fuck off!?
Thank you, you have really changed my mind and convinced me that capitalism isn’t harmful.
>/pol/ is triggered they get gunned down like the animals they are in a video game
Imagine getting bred out of existence and doing nothing about it
>all this spewing of IF YOU'RE NOT WITH ME YOU'RE AGAINST ME
>all this feeding into the rhetoric of political turmoil in burgerland
Yes, keep spouting your far left and far right views. Pay no attention to the rights you're losing behind the curtain of ORANGE MAN BAD and NO, ORANGE MAN GOOD. Pay no attention to us gaining more power.
I'm just incredibiy disappointed that the game is shit when it's about killing nazis.
The problem with this narrative is that every asshole under the sun on the left has called Donald Trump a nazi throughout the 2016 election. The very idea you're trying to set up that people on the left were never trying to call garden variety conservatives nazis is so fucking inaccurate that it borders on the type of behavior gaslighting abusive spouses attempt to do.
Go to therapy.
Israel is the 51st state.
regardless, at the end of the day I have a mortgage while you jack off to weaklings who wear bandannas over their face while blocking a cross walk.
>Freedom of speech only applies to what the government can control not what people will put up with.
No, it means freedom of speech for everybody, even people you don't like.
>The right to not be blocked on twitter for being a twit?
How about not punching them in public or throwing foreign objects at them or trying to burn their house down or shoot them at a baseball game?
Like it or not violence against anyone is illegal, even if they believe something you genuinely think is harmful to society. That's why people stand up to defend them: They can see you on TV in your all-black meme outfit bashing people with bikelocks and understand that they could be next. That you have no real basis for your childish tantrums other than 'People who I disagree with are in this general area on this day'.
It doesn't help that every place you retards to, you leave little love letters like this one.
I argued exactly for the safety of children (defending them with deadly force, just like we do with courthouses and government officials).
>if you don't give up your guns then you have to support pedophilia
Sounds like you have something to confess there...
I'm trying
Because socialism is popular with the kids now a days
Nah, id easily join whichever side gets to stomp ANTIFA heads into the pavement
Private property triggers you, kill yourself you fucking retard. Real life isn't about playing nice under the cherry tree
Not for very long, if trends continue.
why these leftist didnt bought the game? arent they a massive demographic? twitter told me so!
>A 2D RPG inspired by Earthbound made in RPGMaker but with a Nazi twist
I don't think anyone will sperg
Nazi is as much a dogwhistle as rootless cosmopolitan.
Holy fuck, you're right.
Because they don't have money. Because they don't wanna work.
>the scholomo(((archipielago))):everything here actually happened goy
while sex is arguably a personal need, sex with children isn't
be honest, how old are you
I think their heart is in the right place: They are a massive demographic if you think about it with a powerful word of mouth. Every media organization was completely on the floor ready to please Wolfenstein 2 simply because of the subject matter alone.
It's just none of them play video games. Why would they? Video games are for those fascist gamers.
Leftists are called commies when they legitimately want to seize rich people’s money and have it be distributed by a centralized economy.
Rightists are called Nazis when they want people to show their driver’s license while voting or wanting to have immigrants to come here in an organized fashion.
>inb4 “b-but the children in cages”
Cages that Obama actually made and children would could easily deport with their families if Democrats didn’t try to keep them here.
>gee HitlerFanboy666, why are they calling you a nazi on twitter
>Why user, it's obviously because I hate trannies and have a reasonable view that children are to young to make that decision on their own, and not because I'm shouting about jews and blacks and have a swastika in my twitter bio.
>that makes sense.
>You tell them liberals are eating pasta and they'll boycott it and complain about Italians.
Doesn't that exact same thing happen in the other side too? I think over-simplifying traits and applying them to a specific group is childish and overall detrimental to discussion and understanding, because in the end both sides think the other one is the devil.
>there you are playing wolfenstein when suddenly bam you are a nazi
fuck nazis and fuck commies.
nazis are why America is shit, Commies are why everywhere else on planet earth is shit.
>Are you a nazi?
Unironically yes.
meant to reply to
more like they don't actually play video games
Not him but
>The Gulag Archipelago is fake.
>The Black Book of Communism is a CIA con-job.
So what are we supposed to read for historical context? Mao poems all day?
user, genocide is a premeditated act of destroying a people and culture. Take the Vietnam war for example, it was never the intent to kill every last Vietnamese person and whipe out every trace of their existence.
Today it would be a trans PoC otherkin playing NuWolf on his polymoric agefluid legal-guardian/lover's Macbook Air.
its an FPS and you kill americans, intro takes place at a hitler speech
What you're describing sounds more like NazBol.
Yeah but cultural nationalism is based an d redpilled unlike national socialism and civ nationalism
>all the triggered nazi incels angrily replying to this post
29, you?
>Has no argument and makes up complete fucking bullshit that equates an opinion on dangerous transexual culture with killing an ethnic group
Yeah, sounds about right. Keep insisting you're not ruining social conduct by calling everybody who disagrees with you a "Nazi." That's how we get gay Asian men beaten up in the street for apparently thinking like Hitler.
>every US president was a fascist
Well if every leader of every government who didnt do shit about the environment is a fascist in your eyes, I guess you're correct in that weird false reality you've concocted in your broken brain. Fascism is responsible for a declining environment.
Or, and hear me out here, maybe governments not giving a shit about the environment is responsible for the decline of the environment.
Fuckin' dumbass.
>No, it means freedom of speech for everybody, even people you don't like.
It is literally means the government can't shut you up. There is bill of rights stating you can be an ass in public and people have to sit and listen or that institutions can't block you for being obnoxious.
>How about not punching them in public or throwing foreign objects at them or trying to burn their house down or shoot them at a baseball game?
Depends on who instigates the conflict doesn't it, mr. cherry pick.
Sieg Heil Leute
>Are you a nazi?
Well my skin is white so pretty much by default, yeah. No holocaust for jews this time though.
>it's another Wolfenstien turns into /pol/ thread
it must be my birthday again
except you're willingly being facetious, you know that we can't have 5 armed guards for every child, and children have been killed during mass shootings and by stray bullets during shootouts
which was mocked by a
comment on it, and that is entirely the result of gun control, you could say that homicide might not decrease greatly because people will just stab each other instead but I never heard of stray knife swings accidentally killing children, while it's pretty common that stray bullets kill children who are just sitting on the porch
confess what, if you give me a loli wife then I'll support whatever ideology you want, but if you can negate the argument about guns killing children by saying that children safety doesn't matter then I can negate your argument about pedophilia hurting children because you already established that it doesn't matter
no, having sex is a biological need to some extent, having sex with children in particular is a personal need, just like having a gun
>everything im scared of is /pol/
>Doesn't that exact same thing happen in the other side too?
No liberals do that if you say pasta is homophobic. They're more triggered by opposition to their specic values, you know, like libertarians. Conservatives are trigger by the existential threat of there being people who think differently than themselves.
>being such an NPC to Yea Forums he has to spurg a meme
nigger peanut brain.
i seem to remember a nail bomb going off at a concert for little girls in a country that has extreme gun control recently. Hm.
Depends on how much attention it gets.
Angry Goy and Ethnic Cleansing (the game) have the same extremely offensive concept, but neither got remotely as much attention.
Also some games like BF5 and several RTS games let you play as Nazis, but in a way that still makes them the antagonists, so they get a free pass most of the time (besides with Extra Credits).
Schnauze, du Hurensohn.
Pure socialism is popular with all kids, it always has been because it's a child-like view of the world founded in nothing but whimsical make-believe.
>Imagine if nobody had to work and everything was free! Imagine if I never had to grow up and provide for myself or improve my own life!
Look, capitalism isn't perfect. It has many problems that do need to be addressed with socialist-based concepts like the government helping take the brunt for healthcare. But it's a damn side better than the atrocities that communism is responsible for. Mao Zedong and Pol Pot make Hitler look like a fucking rookie.
>Politically charged games conversation is political
Who could have predicted such an outcome
>it's pretty common that stray bullets kill children
What the fuck kind of world do you live in?
if you want to talk about videogames try visiting /pol/
instead of 1 autistic furry derailing every thread by complaining about /pol/ they actualy talk about the game
Yes I'm a fascist. I didn't dislike the game for that reason though.
>Why didnt you like the game? Are you a nazi?
Eh. I guess. Why not?
>no respect for democracy
Shame you're living in a Republic and not a Democracy buddy
yeah but people on the right will actually buy stuff that panders to them (which shows they support what they believe but can also be scammed) while on the left dont (because they dont have money/are just looking for attention on twitter and dont really care)
>Proceed to label everyone right of Stalin a Nazi
i'm sorry i didn't post an image that shows the beaming wide smile on my face. this shitshow is gold. carry on.
maybe put the emphasis on how its a good game by making a good game
Instead they made a bad one and tried to sell it by focusing on muh nazis when it never mattered what you were shooting
My argument is literally: they don't call everyone nazis, that's just what the dumbass /pol/ fucks are telling you is happening you gullible chump.
Your argument, completely unable to comprehend: then why are they calling people nazis just for disagreeing with them and for no other reason?
spot on. Most lefties become socialist after mom and dad cuts them off
Can we finally agree that it's actually Yea Forums, with its outrage culture and godawful moderation, that is the bad influence on the rest of the site?
And after we fuck with "Nazis" we fuck each other
Political violence is cool cuck lol
Anyways right wing are the ones shooting innocent people for being brown lol
occasional events vs common occurences, but I digress, it's irrelevant to the argument
this one
>shooting nazis in a game is politically charged
Only /pol/ thinks this because they think it's about them. And if they think that then it doesn't help the argument that they're not nazis.
You're flat out wrong. I voted for Obama in 2008 and less than ten years later my exact same ideals are what labels me a "white supremacist nazi."
Obama was for closed borders, anti-gay marriage and pro civil unions. This would unironically make you a target on most college campuses these days
>liberals label anyone they don’t like as a nazi
>insert parallels to real life in advertisements
>no one buys it
>First Game
>You're BJ again fighting these wild whacky alt-history Nazis who conquered the world! Look at all this wild architecture and lore we built up, oh and the guns! The guns, you'll love to shoot and slaughter in all sorts of exciting ways.
>Second Game
It is when the developers blame nazis for the game not selling and push a communist message, try all you like to deflect it's inherently a political game
>150 children in a country of 310,000,000
>Your argument, completely unable to comprehend: then why are they calling people nazis just for disagreeing with them and for no other reason?
Because if I disagree with you and think that engaging in the act of cutting off your own dick and taking hormone tablets with insane side effects is bad, I'm a fascist. I have been blocked from fuck knows how many Twitter pages despite being as polite as possible about this outside of Yea Forums.
>fuck drumph
>white people are a problem
>people who disagree are nazis
>kill nazis
>fuck corporations except the ones who agree with us and even then screw them for this thing they did in the 70's
>children can choose to mutilate themselves or you're a bigot
wow.. we just said we hated actual, literal nazis and it'd be cool to punch a real one. why are people disagreeing? this is really scary for me.
They've always been there. You just call anyone who doesn't instantly agree with you a Nazi or Communist
go home prageru
Are you implying all USA foreign interventions for the sake of democracy are all evil USA plots actually?
Delete this.
then can I have sex with 150 children? I only have sex with a small percentage after all
if everybody you label is a nazi and you make games about killing nazis and people put 2 and 2 together, it's just going to be this circular loop of blame and violence.
That always sound like a more refreshing angle for a game, despite how funny you try to make it sound artificially.
>having sex with children in particular is a personal need
it's a want at best. arguably guns are a want as well, but it could become a need for self defense when the bad people have guns as well. it's sort of like the nuclear standoff
nah, all centrists are pussies who have no personal opinions until the climate is safe enough for them to pick sides.
This. Socialists are desperate to rewrite Socialism's history of failure.
If there's one thing that's clearer than every it's that allowing the general population any say in its wellbeing is an act of futility, as evidenced in this thread, most of you are influenced retards. A benevolent dictatorship is the only answer to this eternal shitfest.
>retards continue to be unable to read the writing on the wall suggests Wolfenstien sales report
Just walk to a nearby mcdonalds and get a 1 dollar burger?
I made a post about bioshock infinite and they deleted it for being off topic
What a crock of shit. Obama was for closed borders in action but less as much in rhetoric, which he was criticized for. Same goes for gay marriage, which he flip flopped on.
No one thought he had those stances going into 2008 because he explicitly painted himself as being the opposite of that.
And no that won't make you a target on college campuses, that's just a media narrative made for gullible boomers so they think liberal rhetoric is what's going extreme and not their own.
Because there hasn't been a good Republican or Democrat candidate for the past, I dunno, decades? People are finally fed up with this two-party scam.
>they don't call everyone nazis
Trump and all his supporters, which is about half the country and most right wing garden variety conservatives, have been likened to Hitler and the nazis over and over and over again since before the 2016 election.
Stop peddling this obvious fucking lie.
>if we don't ban the 2nd amendment thats like saying raping children is okay
Sadly enough this rhetoric probably receives praise on a modern college campus
>The right to not be blocked on twitter for being a twit?
I thought Lefties were the ones suing meanie Donald Trump for literally only blocking them on Twitter, saying it violates their rights?
>didn't even iron his flag
communists just keep finding new ways to disappoint
>climate is safe enough for them to pick sides
Or unsafe enough that they are coerced into a side.
if it remains safe, they would continue just being centrist.
I agree, its insanely easily to own the libs; those neo-nazis REALLY don't know how to meme.
i was asked if i was "some kind of nazi" when a local paper had a frontpage headline of "city councils overwhelmingly white" and the article basically said "the candidates and voters are diverse but the results aren't and that's racist". i spoke out about it and was labelled by a childhood friend as "nazi"
>I love being the brainwashed pawn of a career politician that's been at thier job longer than I've been alive
yes fight those nazis goyim
they're right though. people all of a sudden getting mad about wolfenstein games are pretty childish.
>they're labeling everyone a nazi!
Says /pol/ after accurately being called a nazi.
Are you actually a fuckin retard? Literally every single Democratic candidate has listed these exact reasons as to why Trump is a fascist white supremacist despite almost being directly in line with Obama's original principles. Liberals and Democrats have to be the most retarded, unself-aware people on this planet, holy shit
TNO: A conversation is overheard where one woman reveals she saw her son trying on makeup while the other encourages her to report it to the police
>TNC: "Well golly gee a fine nigger-free day to you Bill. Boy I am sure glad we got rid of that nigger music and those nigger movies because I god damn hate niggers! Would you like to buy a slave, kind sir?"
>TNO: Two nazi soldiers have a benign conversation about whether one should get his cough checked out.
>TNC: Two nazi soldiers lament about why the resistance must resort to violence and can't just be civil with the nazis. Ha, take THAT drumpfies!
>TNO: While traveling through a sewer, BJ reminisces on his childhood and alludes to having an abusive father, while contrasting it to the solemn hopelessness he feels
>TNC: BJ walks to several cutscenes where his rough traditional father is racist, beats him, beats his mother, makes him kill his dog, and sells his mother out to the nazis. THIS IS YOU, WHITE AMERICA!
>TNO: BJ fights through the upgraded 1960s version of Deathshead's compound while a remixed version of the main theme plays while Deathshead mocks you, fights and puts to rest the brain of the person he chose to die at the beginning of the game, then kills Deathshead before ordering the destruction of the compound
>TNC: BJ fights through Frau Engel's airship, which is like the last time you fought on her airship but your health isn't capped at 50, then fights waves of elite enemies. He watches in a cutscene as Anya gets naked and fires guns, then sneaks up on Frau Engel and kills her in a cutscene, then in another cutscene different from the first one stands in the background and silently watches as a communist and a black nationalist tell America to rise up. DAS. FUCKIN. RIIIITEEE!
That band is really bad though. I like Goatmoon, GBK, and Arghoslent. Superior gene's don't make up for inferior taste.
Your sources of news seem a little one sided user. almost like you just get them from one specific board.
>if it remains safe, they would continue just being centrist.
Exactly! Centrists are fucking pussies. When actually challenged with a sensitive subject, they keep to themselves afraid of joining a larger forum
Fighting goofy nazi caricatures straight out of Indiana Jones in an over the top action romp is fine. Trying to make serious political statements with them is not.
The Old Blood is the only good nuWolfenstein by the way. Coincidentally it has a very barebones story and is more concerned with letting the player shoot enemies into minced meat while they run through levels, really makes me think. :-)
>Cutscene for first mission in the game is 2 inbred dykes boarding a military vessel and attacking a lone "Nazi" (Who was probably born post WW2, meaning that he has been indoctrinated since birth to believe nazism, not choosen the ideology), killing him in an over-the-top super disrespectful way, forcing cannibalism down the players throat and thinking it's funny, then having said dykes vomit and dance around on the corpse of the poor man they MURDERED.
This "game" is vile, disgusting, boring and a blatant SJW cash-grab.
i love how fucked in the head BJ was in TNO. reminded me of marv from sin city.
>Superior gene's
>literally woships the guy who said "I'm not a puppet you're a puppet" in a formal debate.
Strangley actual Nazi's might not like being conflated with those they consider centrist cucks or degenerates or right wing zionists
>What, you don't like getting yelled at for having a different opinion? What are you, a nazi?
Bad taste can be fixed, inferior genes can't.
circular loop fulfilled nicely, guise.
well shouldn't you aim for bad guys to not have guns either? I thought nationalists want a strong and trustworthy police and military force that can maintain order, not some anarchist wasteland where every man is for himself
but again we're going off topic from the initial conversation
and that's just semantics at this point, a personal need is basically a want
I mean, you said that a 150 children a year is fine because there's 300 million people in the country, I'm just repeating the same thing, 150 or even just 5 kids not even yearly but just once is good enough for me, and it's a small number so it's fine right?
>virgin windmill
yes i seem to remember history class teaching me the importance of baby raping laws, you fucking retarded child
The mythical third position doesn't exist. It's also the literal left wing parties of the western world who continue to to seek a synthisis of left and right while calling it something else, like the Third Way.
>mfw the upcoming lefty holocaust would never have happened without Lefties memeing it into reality literally by never shutting the fuck up about it
making the unreal real
killing Nazis is the most stale shit ever. Fighting a demonized and Frankenstein version of some nearly a hundred years ago central Europeans is boring.
Unless you set it doing WW2 then I dont fucking want to see Nazis in your game. None of this "its 2150 and there are still Germanic nazis". Its stupid and 99% of those idiots who make those games do not even know what the fuck a Nazi is.
The Nazis are gone can we move on please?
They can't blame communism, after all is what they preach, also they don't know how to learn history properly so they just use what is recent, even though was not near as cruel as others past regimes or reigns.
>Label everyone who disagrees with you as a nazi
>why wont you buy our nazi killing game you nazi
hmmm i wonder.
soijacks getting under your skin?
because thanks to internet we now know the nazis were the good guys
Who is this semen demon?
>They weren't "right wing" either.
>far-far-far right is not right wing
Hitler was a onion-eating little bitch faggot who went to art school, banned smoking, was a vegetarian, he was at war with Russia, and his worst enemy was a group that Muslims hate. No shit, fighting Nazis is problematic! You're just realizing that now?
>Why didnt you like the game? Are you a nazi?
Maybe it should’ve laid off trying to inject current politics into things and just focused on making shooting Nazis fun like in CoD games from a decade ago.
>TNO: "To comission a portrait in service of your own ego. General, you waste your paint."
It wasn't problematic when the nazis people complained about were a small handful of rednecks and actual member of the Third Reich.
Then hip, trendy people got conned by anarchist hucksters into believing everyone to the right of Mao was a Nazi and suddenly "punching a nazi" meant using a bike lock to beat an old jewish lady to death for saying she voted for Reagan.
Gotten to the point that id rather side with the nazi's than the left.
Some goth neo-nazi from ig.
well I don't remember history class teaching me about gun control either, but I don't live in america and our gun control laws are very strict
>This is supposed to be the morally correct side
imagine being this retarded.
truth is problomatic user
you tell em cumrade
I open to a synthesis of a socially nationalist and economically socialist position. I don't care if it's "left wing" or not. You're basically arguing semantics at this point.
>It is literally means the government can't shut you up.
People can't shut you up, either. If you think the constitution or any legal law of the land or any legal ruling of the land said that mob rule was "OK", then you're a fucking brainlet.
This is my problem with morons who watch other morons like Contrapoints. You get these retarded groupthink ideas in your head that don't mesh with reality or are represented in any part of day to day life. No, discrimination is NOT okay, and the government CAN rule that private citizens are required to participate with other citizens. Until they don't, you bake that fucking cake.
>Depends on who instigates the conflict doesn't it, mr. cherry pick.
No, it doesn't. If someone 'instigates' violence and you attack them, then you're both going to jail for separate charges you absolute retard.
If you attack me with a baseball bat and I pull out a gun. I'm not justified in doing that. Even in states with stand your ground laws. You're just proving that you know nothing about the subject matter.
Oh so you don't remember being taught about settlers in the new world having to deal with British troops randomly kicking in their doors
>Oh shit, adherents to our ideology actually got power and committed countless atrocities and now the world hates us.
>How do we distance ourselves from them
>I know, let's call them "far right"
No it's literally one of their most well known and oldest strategies to make allies with others less extreme than themselves but still right wing as a smokescreen. If you paint an attack against an extremist as an attack against everyone to the right of the opposite extreme then you can get a lot of gullible people to defend you. And if less extreme people defend you they make themselves look like you and then are surprised to be mislabeled as you.
And the left doesn't care because the way they see it if you're stupid enough to get in bed with nazis then you're not really someone worth defending. You can flip this back at them if you want and it would be true as well, but that kind of whataboutism ignores that you're literally in bed with nazis.
Nazis were not left wing or even right wing. They represent a unique German cultural take on nationalism mixed with Fascism.
They have more in common with old world stuff like Monarchy and Imperial thought than post war "left and right". Socialism and liberalism both represented the new coming storm that Nazism opposed. You do not have a modern day equivalence to Nazism and no fascism is not the same.
did this sound like a good point in your head?
I'm not the target audience, why would I buy it? I don't give a shit about american identity politics, I'm not a female and I'm generally not interested in shooters.
This. /pol/ exposed.
Just yesterday I was in a thread where multiple anons were spouting rhetoric about killing/exhiling all non-whites from their countries. And how they would maintain ethnic nationalism, even if it meant taking militaristic action.
Now today, they want to play the semantics game, like "We're not TECHNICALLY neo Nazis, by conventional definition"
*stench of failed dilating attempts intensifies*
She must live in a first world country if she can openly flaunt this and not get her ass kicked.
Finally the right answer.
no one takes ANTIFA seriously, no matter how much you virtue signal about nazis you limp wristed faggot
You can sympathize with the German people just fine user, I certainly do. But in the end Hitler just exploited their pain and misdirected their anger towards a scapegoat so they could serve the Nazi party's greater purpose.
>just wanted a metal as fuck game where you slaughter nazi's in an alt world where they won
>first remake did this perfectly
>sequel shits on all of that because everything has to be used for modern political messages and opinions
>gets even worse with the game after that
>surprised they don't sell
Should have kept it simple lads.
>>truth is problomatic user
Of course. :^)
every nation and people regardless of color or religion or creed can all come to the same understanding
Gas the jews.
>brand everything to the right of being a fucking tankie as "facist" or "neo-nazi"
>"dude, wtf, why is the notion of killing nazis with a deranged degree of zeal not automatically making you cum in your pants any more?"
>People can't shut you up, either.
Yes they can you dumbass. I know you keep being told you have that kind of right, but you don't actually. You can go and push to change that so that your right to say nigger on twitter is protected, but until you do it isn't and complaining that your rights are violated for getting banned online just make you look like an idiot.
>Anyways right wing are the ones shooting innocent people
Then explain this shit.
>You do not have a modern day equivalence to Nazism
What is china?
>misdirected their anger
You have no idea what Germany was like prior to the Nazi party rise
not really, we were taught our own history, which was like 2000 years of stuff, and then the second world war in detail
I think we learned about american history for the extent of about a week, and I don't think you have to worry about british troops kicking down your door now
>150 children in a country of 310,000,000
is a good point then so is mine
Holy fuck, people have been calling Donald Trump and the Republican party nazis since 2016. Stop lying
She's German.
>People can't shut you up, either.
Tell that to the place you work.
well she doesnt look like a nigger
gas the left
>nazis: joke about killing brown people
>also nazis: get upset when you joke about killing them
I'm not Antifa. But nice try.
I refunded it lol, I bought it to play with my friend and he ended up hating it and refunding after an hour so I ended doing the same since it's a coop game.
Well then, I stand corrected.
I'd create white babies with that though.
no, but I do worry about domestic police forces kicking in my door, which is increasingly common
/pol/ being mad is a meme
>No you don't get it the Nazi's have alligned themselves with Boomer Zionist cuckservatives as a smokescreen
You are fucking stupid, no one gives a shit about the optics game anymore, it's no longer the nineties
Yeah, I also remember in like 2010 they were saying that fossil fuels would be completely depleted by 2020, yet there really seems to be no sign of that happening within the next 5-10 years. The issue is that as many good arguments for environmentalism there are, environmentalists think they aren't compelling enough, and as such often resort to fearmongering.
Yeah you'd have to leave your house to be antifa
>So you're saying /pol/ just has a hitler fetish and they're merely pretending to parrot and believe nazi rhetoric
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>if 150 children dying from stray bullets doesn't justify revoking the second amendment then it's okay for me to rape kids
that isn't a good point at all, you're embarrassing yourself.
The modern far right shares a lot of talking points and ideas with nazi’s. You also know there is a thing called Neo Nazi’s, right?
kys nazi.
Of course you will think that, you are a useful idiot that has fallen for the propaganda.
>defending donald trump even now
If you're still on the trump train at this point then you're probably oblivious to why they're calling you a nazi as well.
Why does the west love Nazis so much but claim to hate them?
I mean their favorite thing to do is accuse people of being Nazis, play games to kill virtual Nazis, watch movies with zombie Nazis... There has never been a time when Nazis were more loved.
>Yes they can you dumbass.
No you can't, and if you attempt to attack someone for them speaking; you're going to jail.
You fucking retard.
> I know you keep being told you have that kind of right, but you don't actually.
I legally do. I don't legally have that right to do it on twitter or facebook specifically, but I legally have the right to do it. You cannot shut anyone down for your feelings.
Mob rule is strictly against the constitution and the framers of it made specifics to prevent it from happening.
You're just proving that you're historically and legally illiterate. You think that because multi-billion dollar corporations can get away with it on platforms they own; then anyone can do it anywhere in public.
You're an idiot.
>but until you do it isn't and complaining that your rights are violated for getting banned online just make you look like an idiot.
No one was saying that, you're projecting.
I wanna see a game where you kill communists jews.
What a weak insult. You're obviously so bitter for being exposed as a hypocrite and a liar.
A totalitarian regime with a central keynesian state that have full interference with their economy.
No ethnostate, no apartheid
If you want a better example, use Israel
i bet youre one of those fags that says ICE centers are literally concentration camps
>The modern far right shares a lot of talking points and ideas with nazi’s.
Utter delusion.
Nazis are pretty cool t b h
Because Hollywood pumps out like 3 movies about Nazis a year.
>neo nazi’s don’t exist!
>literally had a rally in the US where people openly showed Nazi flags and expressed nazi talking points
I know as well as anyone alive today could, my great-grandfather fought in WW1 for the germans and kept a journal his whole life. However much you may love to hop on Jews as a scapegoat the simple fact was they weren't the cause of any of what happened to the German people, just opportunists. The Allied nations were the root cause of their suffering in their attempts to pin them as a scapegoat themselves, for the Great War.
>You have to buy our game or you're upset about us joking about killing you
>it’s ANOTHER political thread on Yea Forums
Unironically fuck off to if you wanna complain about this
>we don't do that anymore!
>continues to do the same thing
When will Bethesda shut down Machine Games? Wolfenstein 2 and Youngblood both flopped and lost money.
How many more fucking flops do we need?
was that the one where like, 13 people showed up?
How fucking wild is it that we live in an age where people have unironically driven people not have a universal hatred of nazis.
Such a strange and wonderful world we live in
Literally any country except those in northern Europe and perhaps Canada is a third world country.
Man I'm glad you caught the entire population of a board in a lie with only ONE thread amazing work aknob
Well before 2016.
It was only really during the election when the mainstream media fell into hysterics that it's become common place. Dipshits were calling Raegen and bush Nazis back in the day.
What a weak insult. You're obviously so bitter for being exposed as a hypocrite and a liar.
Who the fuck is in bed with nazis? There are literally zero nazis offline
and if the police wants to arrest you then you think a gun will solve that? they will arrest or shoot you either way
not to mention that it's a pretty unstable country if you have to be scared of your law enforcement when you're not committing crimes, which again is probably just paranoia planted in you, your police wouldn't knock your door down if you weren't committing crimes
it says that 150 a year is an irrelevant number, and if it's irrelevant then you can't argue that me having sex with 5 children is a relevant problem
>he Allied nations were the root cause
More specifically, the war debts placed on Germany by central banks.. ran by _________?
They can't tell me to shut up, either.
They can fire me, but they can't actually tell me what to say.
I'm so fucking sick of cocksucking lefties. What is it with you hiveminded retards who oppose corporations but then adopt all of the propaganda, groupthink, and lies that corporations feed you?
Corporations, in a perfect world, wouldn't be able to band together to ban any specific person, either. As that's known as a 'group boycott'. Which is highly regulated.
The only reason they get away with it is because of fucking retards just like you and .
>breathing is cool
>yeah. drinking water too
That's what they are good at.
Holy shit.
>we aren't calling everybody nazis, you've just been misled by nazis to think we're calling you nazis you dummies
>Trump is a nazi
See, this is where your fucking narrative falls apart. The idea that the left has in any way been "selective" in their liberal use of the word nazi to smear their opponents is so obviously contradictory to everything we've seen in the current political landscape for the last 4 years that the fact you think you can just pretend that shit never happened is legitimately concerning.
Franchise hasn't been good since enemy territory. Poor devs can't use their money generating formula any more and might have to think of an actual idea for the first time in 15 years.
Tell me these people are allied with Nazi's with a straight face
I wish Trump was a nazi instead of king of the jews
>not knowing the definition of concentration camp
>Utter delusion
Utter delusion
hahahaha fuck you're an idiot
>Make a statement that targets specific individuals.
>Some user standing by with zero affiliation: "What the fuck that's not anything like me."
Very valuable input, user.
The "Modern Far Right" is a prime example in why political "leanings" are a fucking joke, considering the only thing differentiating them from the left is who they want to be society's sacred cow.
They unironically are interchangable power brokers that try to make the promise that you will be the aristocratic class in society in exchange for inordinate political power, that unironically is one of the main founding principles of one of the only places in the world worth living.
I legit thought that was a left 4 dead 2 screenshot
Okay bootlicker
More children die every year in car crashes. Shall we legalize child rape because it affects less kids? This is your logic you fucking retard
>Why didnt you like the game?
Haven't played it.
>Are you a nazi?
I'm sure according to the left I am
How come every single person who uses a hat in time images is a dilating tranny?
What's her insta?
>Trying to convince people that video games aren't murder sims.
>Oh, uh, Nazis are bad :)
I'm more worried about sociopaths, honestly.
hahahaha you think detention centers are concentration camps fucking LMAO. Great, Im a nazi now because Im glad illegal mexican faggots are being held instead of released into the public.
Keep selling that, maybe someone will buy it eventually.
>Trump, Johnson, and Bolsonaro all don’t give a fuck about the environment and we’ve got about a year to save it.
stop believing everything you read on reddit
Pic related.
Sounds like I struck a nerve. Why are you deflecting from literally ethnic nationalists populating the board?
Thank you.
Go back to /stormfront/
solution to the second amendment problem: country wide confiscation of over 300 million firearms
solution to you being a pedo: putting you in jail
>it says that 150 a year is an irrelevant number
It says that such small numbers don't justify a revocation of the second amendment, just as someone raping 150 kids wouldn't be grounds for changing the constitution either. You would realize this if you'd thought about it for five seconds instead of using it as a springboard to jump into talking about raping kids.
This slut looks like Bailey Jay
If it makes you feel any better, it's like 0.1% of society, the internet just makes them seem bigger than they actually are.
>cash shop in a game that is already charging just for install
Where have i seen this before?
Stop jerking off to men
When do we get to fight Stalin's hordes? Why haven't we had games where you fight Krasnaya Armiya and take out Stalin?
This is Colbert humorously likening Donald Trump to a nazi in 2016.
Shut the fuck up with all this "you idiots just accidentally got into bed with nazis" bullshit.
>why can't I stop losing when I try to argue my viewpoints on Yea Forums? NO!!!!!!
Except she has no dick, her body isn't deformed and she's not balding.
>No ethnostate
91.6% of the population are Han Chinese
>No apartheid
they are currently going after Hong Kong and imprisioning Uighur muslims in reeducation camps.
Time will tell if China will resume it's imperial ways, but they have been sabre rattling for close to a decade now. All they really need is a push, given that they've built their country on a flawed socialist system and have loaded themselves upon debt, that push will be coming sooner, rather than later.
I don't work for buzzfeed.
You’ll never be a woman.
I guess we're discussing everything political in this topic EXCEPT for the game then?
Fuck me this is dull.
you love sojacks?
>You tell them liberals are eating pasta and they'll boycott it and complain about Italians.
this is some serious projection
you guys had boycott olivegarden going yesterday on twitter because they support a republican
fucking lol
even moderates were laughing at you in the comments
that thing is definitely balding
That gay jew married to a black man is a nazi because he said ghostbusters 2016 is a bad film
This is what they actually unironically believe
I hate them, but clearly their method is the historically proven method that works. Trying to appeal to people through feelings, optimism, and diplomacy just results in the fucking hellscape that is modern western civilization.
I liked wolfenstein when it was just a fun shooty game I'm not interested in this new murder porn shit that it has become, the guy they put on stage looks like a sociopath who jerks off to nazi killing
He's sensitive about his nationalist views because people called him a nazi for it on twitter.
Well no shit, that's a pic of of Bailey Jay.
This image needs to make a bigger comeback. I see many far-left retards saying they love trolling non-existent Nazis.
>Freedom of speech only applies to what the government can control not what people will put up with.
Actually, you are legally not allowed to compel speech or lack thereof under any duress, regardless of whether or not you are a government entity.
This does include trying to force people to dissociate with others with threats of fiscal, bodily, or personal hardship.
>open thread
>is it about video games?
>nope, pol, nazis, and for some reason trannies because apparently all underage neonazis think about all day is dicks getting cut off
Remember to hide, sage, and report
calling everyone you don't agree with nazis isn't how it works tranny
lets find out, go kill 150 adult, and tell me if its murder if you only kill 150 adults, a small percentage.
idk what its called, but this "strawman" is mixing up subjects.
Like the story: you want to buy something for $100.
you borrow $50 from mom, and $50 from dad.
buy it, get $3 change.
give $1 to dad, and $1 to mom.
so you owe mom and dad $49 each, well 49+49 = 98, and u have 1 dollar, where's the last dollar?
its obviously a flawed question, but its hard to pin point when you transitioned between subjects and logic.
You just did the same thing to this user.
Its exactly the reason i posted it. Feel free to post it again with a slight edit
>supported a republican
It wasn't him being a republican they were upset with, but I'm sure that's all the right has told you about the story isn't it.
You're really this gullible.
See: and Is it any shock people resist your insane rhetoric when it ultimately boils down to "These people shouldn't have the rights that I do"?
>No it's literally one of their most well known and oldest strategies to make allies with others less extreme than themselves but still right wing
The Nazis literally grouped up with border line communists and far left radicals in the Strasserites before the night of long knives. It would be amusing how backwards you have things if it wasn't so common.
Basically this.
The biggest difference is that a girl with no makeup will still look like a girl.
Worse, or tired looking, but a girl.
A tranny with no makeup looks like a man, because it's a man.
why are american entertainment industry workers not capable of accepting fault for anything
Who idiot told you that?
>far left or far right
one side acknowledges the jewish problem, the other doesnt
What is the story, based olive garden boycotter?
It amazes me that devs can't accept that their game is trash and instead of owning it and apologizing or even patching it to be good, they instead blame the players for saying a bad game is bad. Say what you want about Hello games but at-least they tried to improve.
>Everyone I don't like is a Nazi
>By the way stop being in bed with Nazis.
Ooh, that's a clever little trick you made.
>capitalism starves
>says the communist
every time
>sovereign citizen
so he was breaking the law, then chimping out, which in the end didn't matter because he got fined anyways
banning cars would likely increase child deaths due to the fact that ambulances can't get to the hospitals, as well as reduced amounts of food production due to more difficult transportation would lead to starvation that affects children the most heavily, while banning guns in every aspect would reduce child deaths, so your logic doesn't work there
the deaths of hundreds of children could be spared by strict gun control without any negative effects, but you say those don't matter, in that case I can have sex with them too because, well, it doesn't matter
so some miniscule logistical costs outweigh the lives of children? then they're not worth very much now are they
>such small numbers
if such small numbers don't matter then I should be able to have sex with a small number, it is just the matter of personal needs after all
The problem isn't the Nazis. The problem is the fucking terrible characters and game design.
80% of twitter posts come from just 20% of their users
liberals are just loud, not the majority
>calls everyone he doesn't agree with a tranny
Can you turn the projector on a little brighter? The kids in the back can't see.
Yeah because Jews totally weren't in control of German media/economy/urban planning at the time
Because that would require accepting responsibility for something, and what kind of company actually wants to assume responsibility?
Calling everyone you disagree with a tranny isn't how it works, nazi
>not to mention that it's a pretty unstable country if you have to be scared of your law enforcement when you're not committing
crimes, which again is probably just paranoia planted in you, your police wouldn't knock your door down if you weren't committing crimes
Go look up waco and ruby ridge you ZOG apologist shill.
The fires started in Bolivia a socialist hell hole ;)
Honestly the modern left has way more in common with Nazis ideologically than the modern right.
Are they seriously trying to pull this shit now?
Everytime the leftist retards make a bad game it's always the nazi gamers' fault if it sells poorly, and this OBVIOUSLY hints at that once again.
Ever consider, in your tiny, microscopic mind, that and applies as well, but for the other side? How do you know people didn't make those posts, maybe the same people, just to get that braindead ice-cold IQ reaction from you?
Why would you change your opinion because of shitposting you read on Yea Forums?
She's still a retarded slut who looks like a tranny
Thats not even on bolsonaro.
Thats the idiot in bolivia who activily refused help multiple times.
Its been in the news for 3 weeks!
But only now when they try and use it against the right do they give a fuck.
>Stop calling us nazis
>also, they nazis were right about the jews and everything else.
You're right. Because I was born with XY chromosomes, and nothing I do will change that. Nor do I have a desire to change it. As I'm straight man.
So, what will your next deflection be?
Who's the retard who told you the founding fathers totally meant for some extrafederal entity to dictate the inalienable rights in the constitution? George Washington himself would have put a bullet in your head for such tomfuckery
One side actively calls a spade a spade while the other uses euphemistic language like bankers and merchants.
Fun fact: the world has the smallest portion of population starving to death/in abject poverty than at any other point in history.
The human race is progressing, even if larpers throwing hands in the streets would like you to believe otherwise.
Despite the "degeneracy" of racemixing and "surging" right wing fascism in the form of laws and borders and shit, we're feeding more people, curing more diseases and uplifting more people out of poverty than ever fucking before.
Say it with me Yea Forums.
No, it's bait you dumbass. People here are just that easy.
Oh boy, a filthy American.
I know your kind very well, always accusing girls of looking like trannies in an attempt to force the idea that trannies can look like girls.
replace that stupid redneck with this image and you'de be right
Remember this post fool, mark it in your mind like the end of GoT that you hated nu male. remember it exactly one year from now and see that nothing has happened to ThE eNvIoRmEnT!!1111.. mark it..remember.. then awaken from your npc slumber
>Who idiot told you that?
>who idiot