Name a game between 2015-2019 that didn't have a single patch in its history on consoles

Name a game between 2015-2019 that didn't have a single patch in its history on consoles

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that's not how whose line works


This thread is gay and OP is a faggot. Someone else be Drew Carrey please

Name a game that never got any patches but had flaws that would have justfied one

Too open-ended a question. Some games have received no patches even if they could really use them. It should read,
"Name a game released between 2015-2019 that runs at least 30 fps, rarely-to-never crashes, and has no game-breaking bugs that didn't get a single update patch."

30fps is a game breaking bug

you, I like you

That's not a prompt, Drew, you dumb cunt. I can't work with this.

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Persona 5

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Odd things to say upon your game going gold.

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Nice, and I only paid off half the reviewers!

Here is our roadmap

We can add the microtransactions later.

Nah, we'll just patch the gameplay in

...Wait, did we fix that billboard texture that said "user PLEASE ADD SOMETHING"?

actual lol

It's still early access

lets sell skins and have an in game shop

Something you don't want to say to customers complaining about your buggy game

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It's better than nothing

Quit crying. I caught more bugs from your mother!

Thanks for beta testing

Valkyria Chronicles 4, launched perfect

It works on my machine

git gud

Fucking ungrateful asshats

The climax of the last game you played, but on Christmas morning

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had three patches in japan, the western version was just pre-patched, try again

Fucking entitled manchildren, I'm gonna put my next game on EGS so I won't have to cater to ungrateful shits like you.

Do you need help carving the turkey, Sephiroth?

TF2 on consoles launched in 2007 and DID receive some patches.

Remind yourself that eggnog is a slow and insidious killer.

I said my sword was a tool of justice, not used in anger, not used for vengeance. But now..I'm not so sure...and besides, this isn't my sword...ITS YOURS! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

A bunch of Nintendo games.

even the PS3 version which had no balance patches had one performance patch.

People who only talk in leet speak when they try to sound sexy

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8=====D (I) ;)

m8 I'll rek u >:D

Video game protagonist on the Oregon Trail

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It's a shame killing nazis is now problematic


h0w 4b0u7 u s0XX0r my c0ckXX0r?

Simulator games that should never exist

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this thread

That's not an improv prompt.

real life

ur mum

goat simulator

Mario 3d world


Space Station Silicon Valley
Psi Ops

Yea Forums shitposting simulator

Crime scene of an important video game character's death

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>Well, from the looks of it chief, she'll never talk, laugh, cry, or get angry ever again. Damn shame.

who cares

>So you're telling me the leader of the Russian mafia was killed, along with all of his goons in the building, by a man in a Tiger mask?