20 year old sprite graphics is better than those of the latest ones

>20 year old sprite graphics is better than those of the latest ones

Fucking how?

Imean, not expecting from major studios but why aren't those indie devs making an improved version of what we already had 20 years ago?
Or can't they at least make something more like the late 90s stuff instead of recycling their "retro" tunes of the 80 and the early 90s?

Attached: SLPS01990back.jpg (700x525, 128K)

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Better artists. Do you expect your average indie artist to be as good as any of the artists that worked on the game in the op? Why do you think they are stuck making indie pixelshit?

professional artists getting paid salaries vs 2-3 people working on their game while working some other shit job

I don't think that's going to be an excuse for not being able to improve things with the 20 years tech gap and shared experience from the seniors.

Game ? I like Legend of Mana's art, it looks really good, which is the only game I would like to see a HD remaster, using the original art assets.

Sprite costs rise exponentially with resolution. Notice how nearly all AAA companies have moved to 3D models, even in franchises that were formerly sprite based? If they can't pull it off, then you can't expect indies to. And when they try, clearly all the budget is poured into the graphics and none into game design. See WayForward games.

Better artists are better and no amount of tech or direction changes that. Indieshit has whoever is willing to work for peanuts and anyone who can draw halfway decently can make real money.

It's not a technology problem. It's one of skill and cost.
They are very few skilled artists in the indie scene, and they cost a lot. Better technology won't magically give you a better artstyle.
>shared experience from seniors
Indie devs aren't professionals, they don't have seniors.

and who says you have to increase the sprite resolution

What game?


eastward looks really good for modern sprites.

what is this?

SaGa 3 or 4 I think.

You, apparently. What else would you even mean by "an improved version of what we already had 20 years ago?"

But even apart from that, expect most serious game devs to want to keep up with modern graphical standards

Durr, it's SaGa Frontier 2.

2D technology hasn't improved in 25 years dude.

Attached: saturn.jpg (960x616, 59K)

>20 year old sprite graphics is better than those of the latest ones
They are not.

They are

Attached: P_20171030_085305_vHDR_Auto.jpg (4656x2620, 3.12M)

>One of the protagonist looks like was draw by someone from CalArts

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This and vagrant story I'd really like to see a hd remasters of.
Maybe with a little menu overhaul.
LoM needs a bit more work done to it's combat to make it deeper, funner, and more challenging though.

Companies like SquareSoft had actual professionals. That's why a game like Saga Frontier 2, Legend of Mana, or Trials of Mana still looks fantastic decades later. Indie devs who go for 2D sprites are just hacks who poorly imitate pros.

Is this another "old good, new bad" thread made by a boomer?

It's made by chinks. Dunno if i can trust them.

Drawing and art isn't really affected by tech. Even with stuff like photoshop you still have to draw everything. Animation is a little easier but drawing a bunch of detailed sprites is still a long process.

Ah, so you know nothing about how to create art or games.

Sprites are very expensive to make. The only company that can afford to make sprites at the level of old AAA and AA titles is Vanillaware and it's mostly because almost all its staff are dual-hatted as artists (starting with their boss Kamitami) so they underpay themselves by making a labor out of love (and face a constantly tight financial situation).

>and it's mostly because almost all its staff are dual-hatted as artists
It's because of skeletal animation

3d is cheaper and easier, which caused the mainstream industry to largely abandon sprites, which meant that all the good sprite artists either stopped being hired or switched to 3d.
indie devs can't make spritework like this because they use pixelshit as a substitute for a real artstyle and an excuse to nostalgia-pander.

Attached: 7Fe7ydr.png (1024x540, 187K)

It's Saga Frontier 2.

yes, they are.

Attached: 1519039805661.png (1280x720, 126K)

Sega Saturn joystick=perfection

Sprite work peaked in the late 90's/early 2000's.

Attached: kino.gif (500x375, 551K)

>this whole thread
>crowds with no talent are shitting on people who have talent enough to make games quoting AA/AAA professionals

You guys are pathetic, man.

It's doing just fine these days in the off chance that someone attempts it



both of those games look like shit.


What's this?

Princess Crown bruh. It's like the first vanillaware game

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I always love the Metal Slug Artstyle. Its just beautiful. Are there any other Games in that style/level of detail? Jrpgs?

snk's old fighting games put metal slug to shame.

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Video games used to make a lot of money for people who worked on them, this meant that they could hire good artists and pay them well
nowadays all the money goes to corporate shitheads who don't do anything and fuck over their workers
the only people who care about video games anymore are making indie games, and they are only programmers, since good artists go to make shit that pays them like movies or commercials. So you're stuck with computer nerds doing their best making art since they cannot pay legit artists and companies with money would rather cut costs and don't care about art styles and just want realistic graphix.


Limited technology actually created better artists. When every pixel matters and you have to be extremely cheap on colors and texture sizes, artists spent more time on perfecting techniques and making sure every single pixel was in place. Today artists can just doodle with photoshop in 5 minutes and shove it into unity. Artists back than knew every single pixel in every frame of their game. Artists today barely recognize their own art.

Those games in the 90s had passionate artists working on them.

Attached: 514vyP3w6vL._SX355_BO1 204 203 200_.jpg (357x499, 42K)

If Da Vinci came back from the grave he would still BTFO any MS Paint user.

thats not official art dumbass, its fanart from like 2010


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Is every attack in this game like a PS1 era Final Fantasy summon or what?

>meanwhile in 2018

What the FUCK happened to Square?

Attached: octopath.jpg (936x527, 69K)

SRW games are fanservice games that are about replicating various giant robot anime. The animation basically has to be over the top as possible to justify such a premise

just look at how crazy they went for a DS game of all things

This painting was made in 1890 and no game looks as good as that. When will consoles ever catch up?

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Too bad nu srw abused tweening too much.

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Squenix is Octopath's the publisher, not the developer, the team is actually largely from Acquire.
Also, the SaGa team is an anomaly when it comes to Square, they're the only competent people in there who make good games, they're to Square what Origin was to EA, even after nearly two decades of low budget they still haven't forgot how to do 2D.

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Is this supposed to represent good art or something? That clapping looks like dogshit.

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Why was Square's sprite art this comfy?

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It certainly is an excuse. Have you been paying attention to art in the past 2500 years? People used to make lifelike sculptures. Technology has NOTHING to do with skill.

carved from marble

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Because indie devs who do 2d pixel shit just suck at art.
Even japanese doujin games nobody knows of look better than the highest rated indiepixelshit.

>why aren't solo hobbyists and small passion driven teams working for table scraps as good as full-time professional and experienced artists?

Don't bother. Anyone who really has to wonder is truly beyond the levels of retard worth explaining things to.

>People used to make lifelike sculptures

We don't need that for a good art.

Attached: a.jpg (1400x1355, 622K)


And this

It's that simple.
Learn to think.

ahh, tanned lolis

You cant simply replace skill with technology, especially something like artistic skill.

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You're missing the point.

There never is a point.
Something so subjective like art is impossible to discuss seriously in public.

Owlboy is an indie game that does sprites well

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Oh really? Is it available on PC so I can pirate it? If not how far has switch emulation come?

>You cant simply replace skill with technology,
The clock is ticking, artists.

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Owlboy's also a fucking awful game, too.

>art then
>art now

Rpg maker crap

>deluded artfag who thinks Art is a "talent"

Machines will learn that shit easily when machine learning progresses just a little more.

Being good at art is a talent whether or not machines can learn it, retard.

>he thinks machines can accurately reproduce actual artistic choices
machines can only do what they regard as objectively "correct" you fucking moron, when most of the inherent beauty in art comes from what is flawed, inaccurate, or idealized
machine learning can't do any more than mash random garbage from preexisting works together

nobody with more than half a brain believes that bullshit

>mash random garbage from preexisting works together
Sounds more like an artist.

>he literally thinks a human is something different than a biological machine

If a human can do it, at some point in the future a machine can do it too, no exceptions.
Even the "imperfections".

yeah... artists spread fairy dust on a canvas and magically create art masterpieces. they don't have any planning process or methodology at all ever. and even if they did... you couldn't write down the process or the universe would implode.

Yes, but machines do it without choice, taste, or reason. It's done entirely by mathematical functions determining what's correct.

The game looks great.
It's also one of the lowest selling SaGa games.

Ironically its predecessor that's much buggier, unfinished and with questionable graphics sold much better.
To be honest I like SaGa Frontier 1 more too.

Attached: alk.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Everything running in the human brain is extremly complex mathmatical functions.
Except if you are retarded and believe in a soul or some bullshit.

That artist is great.

this is an argument for recent games with good sprite work not as to whether or not it is critically acclaimed you imbecile.

Not sure what point you're trying to make? The ones on the right side look better, especially the beach loli.

Same as 80s/80s Anime, It's called pure talent, Look at Metal Slug that game was made by gods.

SF2 was good but the way the story plays out you don't give a shit about half the cast because you just meet them and have to build them up never knowing if you get to 'keep' them.

It's another "I only browse the front page of steam" post.

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