This is Gigginox town, khezufags. Leave and never return
On another note, Velk beta is on August 30
This is Gigginox town, khezufags. Leave and never return
On another note, Velk beta is on August 30
Other urls found in this thread:
Actual best gross leechy monster coming through
I hope Jin is leaked by then
He's been leaked about four times now.
Question for MHGU fags.
I have a 3DS with MHXX and want to buy MHGU for Switch now that it's on sale to play with my bro co-op.
I've read that a simple Action Replay code on MHXX allows it to share servers with MHGU. Anyone have any experience with it? Can we play in a room created for two people only or due to the hacks nature are we limited to 4 player rooms?
We played through MH3U together in Wii U and 3DS and want to do the same with GU.
Khezu's the cutest and the strongest monster.
If you have a cfw 3ds all set up there are codes you can use to enable crossplay with MHGU switch owners.
Armor and weapons exclusive to XX will crash the game as well as any event quests. But if you avoid those it works like a charm.
Make a private room and play co-op.
Best used with a n3ds/n2ds because those have the extra power to handle codes working in the background. You might see some input lag on a regular 3ds.
Khezufags are genofags of MH
>have to do 15 Deviants in order to unlock its EX
>70% of monsters are like this
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? thank fuck Boltreaver isn't like that
>You might see some input lag on a regular 3ds.
Well I'm fucked then, only have the O3DS.
Is the lag noticeable enough?
Otherwise I could simply buy MHXX in the Japanese eShop.
You fucking wish, we are the the starfox chads of MH, giggicucks are the genofags.
Give it a try. You might be fine with it
>Otherwise I could simply buy MHXX in the Japanese eShop.
Don't see what good that would do because XX switch or 3ds isn't compatible with GU natively
>n-no you!
Keep seething
>k-keep seething
no u
Your replies are almost as shallow as Khezu's movepool
I wish he was in MHW. I loved his nun looking armor set for females.
I just want my Giggi G rank armor, Nightingale title, and hunting horn again bros.
Leaker-kun could you provide anything that can serve as proof,That you're a real leaker? (About your gore/steve info).
He's /in/
no he stays
I mean anything from iceborne that wont get you into trouble.
If they add anything from frontier that's the only one I'd want.
pretty good user
>Don't see what good that would do because XX switch or 3ds isn't compatible with GU natively
XX Switch is compatible with XX 3DS, so an alternative to the whole AR code thing is to simply buy both games in japanese.
Too late user
he's sleeping with the piscine wyverns now
You mean for your friend? You on XX 3ds with your friend on xx switch?
Then yeah sure that works.
what if both got in? That sure would be swell
I'd rather have no monsters than have Khezu
Tri/3U has monsters that ONLY appeared in their respective game and nothing else. Gigginox is one of them. It's the KANTOOOOOOOOOOOO of MH games
you don't mean that user
Official Tigrex theme ranking:
Only if they get a turf war.
MH 1 and Dos are KANTOOOOO
MHtri is Hoenn
>Turf war is them both extending their necks and whipping them around at high speed
wtf i love Tri now
That comparison makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
Based and good tastepilled.
fighting this guy is annoying as fuck even wit the bomb/fishing fimmick, but goddamn was his armor set/weapons top tier.
holy shit I can't type.
My literal bro actually.
Couch co-op MonHun is pretty fun.
The two Arena Jhos quest in 3U was the ultimate brotherly love test.
Khezu and Giggi are both in and will have a turf war where they stick they heads into the other's tail holes
Just hit him in the tip of the nose enough and he flops right out of the sand
How have you managed to summon them
They are only summoned by Ryozo when people continuously criticize World
>weapon called longsword
>is actually a katana
It's long, its a sword. Longsword
Not cool enough.
looks like a shitty game.
Ackshually, it's a tachi. Also some of the skins are more like European longswords.
>literally called tachi in Japanese
blame early localization mindlets.
Gold Demon Lechioth and Silver Demon Nechioth
they weren't always always katanas, sometimes there were actual long swords and such before World vomited all over the weapon design
I want the big poison leech to come back, he'd be another monster using noxious poison and being able to creep on the walls
There's another one?
after playing frontier, I can't enjoy mainline monsters anymore because they are way too easy...
help me
>It's actually a scythe
Gypceros is never coming back thanks to Cuckei Cuckei tho
Thank god, fuck Gypceros
stop minmaxing and play fashion nigger
I think G-rank Rathians could use noxious poison, Viper Tobi can, g-gypceros... And i think G-Nerscyllas from off the top of my head
>weapon called longsword
>is actually a cheese knife
The virgin rathalos fears the monster capable of flashing it
The devs already said they want to adapt all existing monsters for World's new style eventually, and Gypceros would be among the easiest to implement so you can bet he'll be back reasonably soon.
Black skin
Good, we will finally have a monster capable of killing the handler
>he doesn't like cute tanned lolis
literally kill yourself
Gypceros has to be the most unappealing monster design in the series
Gypceros > Pukei Pukei
Smashfags are the cancer of MH threads
The future is now old man, go back to your cuckshed
That's Frontier's gypceros, which obviously looks like shit because of smeared purple cum on it's beak and exagerated teeth and horn
- of MH threads
Fixed that for you =)
>weapon called long sword
>is actually a chain sword
>liking lolis
Go back to your shithole board
Oh wait here we are
Man Amatsu is such a great monster, too bad it's only ever shown up in two games.
They're all the same shit
>literally the last monster developed
Lmao come back when you'll have effort put into you kid
>SA is top tier now
We won bros.
>not liking purple cum
Found the low-t manlet
I wasn't surprised at all to find out that this was probably the last monster added to World, its entire existence feels like an afterthought.
exactly, fuck off back to r*ddit
What is this post trying to convey?
>its entire existence feels like an afterthought.
That is probably the best insult i have ever heard
If you think about it Nerscylla in the new world would probably wear Pukei Pukei's skin, especially with the armor being essentially a camo suit.
God why is he so sexy
What was the leak? I think I missed it.
how so? its moveset changes didnt really feel that significant in the demo
And he's still a more enjoyable fight than Gypceros, what a crazy world we live in
And you could have Shrouded in the Vale wearing Great Girros skin
Claw spam
You mean the infamous site that housed and still houses pedophile rings? No thanks, stay there without me.
Finding skinned Pukei corpses would unironically be kino, fuck that garbage monster
all shit that showed nothing
Velkhana doesn't have many attacks that shake off Clutch Claw/ZSD so Switch Axe can just go apeshit.
If you fuck it up and get hit by anything that does actually knocm you off you're pretty much dead though
that's resetERA
I fucking love the Nerscylla armor. One of the few sets where female hunters get a gundam armor.
Clutch claw benefits SA the most by far, because SA can perform ZSD after using the claw. If the monster doesn't have many moves that would knock off a ZSD, you can spam it. On Velkhana for example, almost none of its moves knock you off the head or wings, so SA can spam claw ZSD.
Oh no he's underage
now now, be nice to your handler!
I'm going to be pissed if they don't keep the Rotten Vale around long enough to implement the arthropod monsters again. Having an area that's literally made of festering corpses never have a single bug monster living in it would suck.
I get you, but it'd probably eat the rest.
fucking google it, pissant
Zero suck dick. Because that's what every SA main has.
Zero Sum Discharge, the big explosion attack
I've exhausted MH, how does Toukiden and God Eater compare?
It's the perfect place for a millipede/centipede monster
God eater is good, haven't tried the other one.
So go play GE.
>before Iceborne the only theropod monster the vale had was fucking Donut Steel Uragaan
The entire map is wasted potential
They don't.
For me, it's Alisa's underboobs
God Eater is fast and kinda easy to break if you mess with Bullet crafting enough
They still haven't fixed the Bullet system? Great memories of farming Ourobouros with a spine-breaking, utterly OP bullet
So this
I got killed by Kulu-Ya-Ku.
I'm not gonna beat this game am I?
You still have plenty of time to git gud.
First try? Take some time to study it's movements and try again. Back when I played Freedom 1 I kept getting my ass kicked by Yian Kut Ku until I got the hang of it.
>Go to Hoarfrost Reach
>Khezu and Gigginox in the caves
>both in the same area
>eternal roaring
At that point I'd just hope for a Bagel carpet bombing
The difficulty doesn't curve up that hard until post-game. Did you get surprised by the rock slam? That'd be excusable.
So how is the Handler going to get into trouble in Iceborne?
According to the leakers she "accidentally" causes the old everwyrm to be released.
Tries to make ice cream with Velk's frost or some other retarded Jap humor.
I can't think of ways they can make a centipede design stand out, they did some good with all the other bugs though
I hope she gets kicked in the shin.
We already know she buggers off AGAIN and runs into Viper Kadachi
I really like Beotodus' revving sounds.
What's the best pre-AT armour for LBG?
>literally awakens an ancient evil
>the other characters somehow don't feel compelled to beat her face in into a pulp
This is the worst thing about the handler. Not the fact that she's a retarded menace, but the fact that the other characters never treat her like one.
You're on the most mobile ranged weapon in the game. Your entire goal is to stack as many damage boosts as possible, with priority on elemental damage, elemental crit and crit chance.
go watch your fav youtuber build videos :)
Toukiden is pretty alright, nothing groundbreaking but generally neat.
Play Kiwami over 2 though.
play MH frontier instead!
>Woah, this is not kosher
>Waste time searching for her fat ass
It's official, I fucking hate her
The Handler? More like the Downey
>the first ever interactive cutscene in Monster Hunter will be the realisation of what the Handler did and the option to slap her in the face
let her get vored by a jho
I'll take Handler hate over cross-gen shitposting
She's a walking natural disaster. She deserves to be classified as an elder dragon more than many other monsters in said class.
Everyone wondering when Chameleos is gonna make it in when he was the Handler all along
Why does this nigga have so many gimmicks?
>stealing items
>We wanted to expand on the characters in Iceborne
>Handlers biggest trait is being a retard who gets in the way
>Also we worked really hard on the cutscenes please enjoy them
Monster Hunter team is dumb sometimes.
Add onto that playing dead
Because swamp animals are evil
My friend died to Jagras in the first mission.
No, not Great Jagras.
He would still go on to beat Xenojiiva. World is easy until endgame.
Does anyone have the sauce on that comic where the handler gets brutally murdered?
You forgot the best one
>merely pretending
Monsters from the first two gens didn't really have concepts as unified as later ones.
In the first game you only fought dromes and Kut-Ku before it, so it was really cool to have this wake-up call where you suddenly had to pay more attention to the monster.
If you could romance the handler and take her out into the field on dates, you people would like her.
So are you guys too stupid to understand the concept of improving over time or what.
No, romance works when the character you're romancing is hot
And god help you if you happen to want the armor
Chameleos pretended to be a dumb and harmless Pukei Pukei in order to gain the trust of the guild and trick the hunter into awakening the Old Everwyrm, all along.
That's some Metal Gear Solid shit.
>That's some Metal Gear Solid shit
I'll take What is Deviljho for 400, Alex
Go put her in her summer outfit and shes very pretty. The problem is her default clothes are ugly and she doesn't put her hair down.
An invasive monster that appears on almost every map?
A roaming monster that belongs to no enviroment
Loved this thing. Carried me all the way to G Rank in GU.
I love how structured the fight is. They line up, and takes turns taking swings at each other. Fucking gentlmenly as fuck.
Day 121: Haven't found a WE/CE charm yet in GU
Yeah, Chameleos theme was something straight out of Snake Eater.
>handler, tracker and young commander gets development focus
Why not on Third Fleet Captain? I could do with a little development considering she has siblings in Astera
A centipede could use the Lagiacrus or Najarala skeleton if they really wanted to.
I'm a worldsperm that only fought him once in 4U so far and he didn't try to pull that shit.
I wish more monsters made creative use of the skeletons of the other monster types.
When he plays dead you can try and carve him, he'll wake up and start panicking if you do
>she has siblings in Astera
You think so?
Unless you did so much damage to him so quickly that he just died outright before he could do it there's not really any way you could've missed it.
The investigations man
were you being carried by G rankers?
Best weapon to farm Jho EZ?
If you had a neck that long you would also pummel your enemy in turns.
>being this much of a bitch
Hit his legs when he's not enraged and hit his chest when he is enraged
Also blu foob
Wide shell gunlance
When they're fighting off actual enemies like lions giraffes tend to just literally kick the shit out of them instead
How the fuck do you get out of the "pinned" state quickly? I swear jho keeps managing to follow up his giant windup mouth attack everytime, I cant recover in time to avoid it
>dies to jagras
>but does beat the final boss
>world's easy you guys
>instead of the concept of improving
does that mean if I died to Great Jaggi when I was first learning the game but defeated the final monsters in all of the games that 1-4 are easy too
What about the investigations? What's wrong with them?
There's a difference between dying to Great Jaggi and dying to a Jaggi.
When the fuck is it his turn?
Flash as the other guy said
The animation of the mouth slam is specifically made to be impossible to dodge if you got directly hit by his stomp
Shrug, I had friends who died to regular boars who went on to beat shagaru magala, like c'mon
If all goes wrong, MH6
I hate Rajang so much
Reminds me of when I first started out with this series
>Be me
>Be Worldvet, pretty confident in my skills
>Decide to try out GU
>Do the boring gathering quests, easy enough
>Get to the first major monster, Maccao
>"Pssh, this'll be easy"
>Before I know it I've triple carted to this motherfucker
>I'm flabbergasted, I only carted once to Great Jagras
>Try and fail my next three attempts to beat this thing
>Finally after several hours I manage to kill it
>"Quest complete" pop-up doesn't appear
>Turns out you have to kill TEN (10) of these fucking things in one quest
Good times, good times
for the newfags, this is a copypasta
The one in back is clearly stronger.
I went from HR 89 to 210 because of charm farming alone. What a ridiculous grind
Next game probably, it's a pipe dream for me but I wanted their turf war to be a stalemate like Jho and Bazel, with a randomly picked conclusion, ending with either Jho throwing Rajang at a random player or Rajang powerbombing Jho at a random player
If they want to focus on characters, why the fuck wont they focus on the Huntsman or Admiral?
They're saving it for next year to coincide with Godzilla vs Kong
If a turf war did happen it would probably end in a stalemate, but Rajang has the elemental advantage and hits just as hard as Jho.
This reminds me of the mass produced evas
They will, apparently
>pretending that a Worldvet would have this much trouble with Ceph, which is basically a lazier, weaker version of Jyra
I wish you good luck on your charm grinding user.
Playing MHGU, is there an easy way to break Diablos' horns?
They're on the same level
Use jumping attacks to mount and knockdown or aim for the legs. Use the biggest bombs you've got and then wail on those horns.
Yeah because lions are too short to hit with the head.
>when from HR 211 to HR 389 from farming The Name's Lavasioth
All for a one measly ironwall deco. It was worth it
He also has the extending tail.
Jho has dragonbreath, the end all be all of all elements
Ceph is literally Plesioth with like, twice the pausing between attacks
And Jurya is a recolored Lavasitoh with an element swap and Barroth's mud, even Cephadrome at least had Paralysis
All fish are garbage
Fish are FRESH
Dragon element hardly does much to Rajang due to it being a fanged beast.
Yeah I beat him next try.
I didn't sharpen my weapon or the stupid rock thing it holds would deflect my swings.
>watch a video
>uhh yeah just get 4 pieces of drachen/at gear and kulve taroth rng weapon 447
>7PM for European countries
You could have also used the slingshot and throw a rock to its head, it panics and drops whatever it's holding.
Good job. Don't get discouraged if you run into another wall, keep at it and you'll eventually overcome the challenge.
Bazel longsword comes to mind.
FYI, we're getting one more info drop in 29th of August. Probably some info then a launch trailer
Besides Zinogre (because he's a lock-on), who else you want in?
>Handler acts like she's vital to evety hunt
>Doesn't do shit besides stuffing her face in Astera and stealing rations from your chest on the field
>Oldfag hunter pretends he's big game and helps with the story, even challenges you in a hunt
>Is never seen in a single hunt, and provides "advice" that's painfully obvious
>5th Fleet retards pretend to be on a hunt with you having your back
>Never seen a single time
Somebody explain why every single fuck besides you in the New World is either a retard, a hack, or a coward.
>who else you want in?
Chammy is the perfect on release only suprise.
The guild secretly paired you with a continent worth of idiots to test your abilities
It really is. Perfect way to low-key introduce Chammy
God i hope so
It's always been like this. In the old days when fighting Lao Shan Lung there was this NPC in town who said he helped you pushing rocks into Lao. Against Jhen Moran there were people in the other, smaller ships that rode alongside you.
The only game to my knowledge where you actually do get help is in 4 Ultimate against the Rusted Kushala Dora but even then you're still doing most of the heavy lifting.
If my memory serves me right, unlike Lao, you actually do get help in World from random plebians when fighting Zorah.
>3AM for me
>no fucking PC demo
I hate you Capcom
Fuck you Capcom
They did, God Eater 3 has nerfed Bullet Autism a lot.
The plebs are crucial with Zorah since they'll automatically load all the cannons. You just have to run up and fire them.
Some people are also firing ballistas, but who knows if that actually does damage.
Understatement. They’re canon/arrow loaders at best. They load, don’t aim and fire when full. Good way if making you feel “in charge” gameplay wise though and I guess they also wave at you when full so that’s another plus
Oh yeah, those guys. All they do is just load the cannon for you and fire the ballista. Probably the second most active NPCs in the series that help.
why would there be a pc demo right now when the pc release is still 4 months away? Don't get me wrong I would be hype to play anything right now but it would make me seethe even harder if the pc port is ready and they're just making us wait arbitrarily
Why does this image makes Worldfags so mad?
>2 Critboosts
>2 Weakness Exploit
>1 Guard
>1 Arrow Up
>3 Attack Ups
>5 Critical Eyes
>3 Mushroomancer (why is this S-table again?)
>no fucking Artillery
>no fucking Guard Up
Fuck HBG fuckers. Stop benefiting from Gunlance skills you damn assholes, you're the reason all the shit I want is rare.
Go back to the shithole you came from, nigger faggot
Already here, newfag
I have this dumb hope that we get a Narga Variant or so as DLC that will actually make this IG unique.
But this is a fools hope.
you know what I want to come back to monster hunter in iceborne. Deviants. I love subspieces but the deviants have always been my absolute favorite conceptually. I love the idea of a monster that survives an encounter with a hunter, is now super powerful and much more aggressive because it's learned from it's first fight. also give me back thunderlord zinogre fight pls capcom
Absolute pleb.
At least Artillery can be maxed out via charm alone, and is often the most efficient option. 3 points rather than 2 if you use a weakness exploit charm or similar.
most deviants were shit and their existances are redundant since you could literally make most of them variants and call it a day
>Let's get all the canteen ingredients I was too lazy to bother with
>30 expeditions later and no Petricanth
So no Narga variant confirmed?
Narga IG was only a thing in gen 2bh. Maybe they are ignoring designs introduced in Gen(excluding Glav) for whatever reason. Can't wait for newshitters to complain about the Narga GS looking generic despite it always having looked like that.
Are you looking in the right spot? I made that mistake.
We've seen unique Glav weapon designs like IG, SA, and DB. GS one was probably not fully upgraded
>Can't wait for newshitters to complain about the Narga GS looking generic despite it always having looked like that.
I think they already did so with the Hammer
I know. Glav was also introduced in gen. I am just speculating on if they just ignoring the old monster weapon designs introduced in Gen. Like the narga IG.
Wut. The hammer doesn't even look generic.
Ran with just fishing out the spot in area 15 of RV, near the Grimalkynes where there's usually just 3 mature Goldenfish spawning for a while. That one I just fish out, walk away and then check it after like a minute since new fish spawn in which should still bring a Petricanth sometimes.
Then I figured maybe brute forcing the spawn in ER area 8 at the eastern camp by just loading in over and over again would be faster, no luck.
I'm back at the RV spot again since there's less interaction on my part.
Incidentally, this applies to every monster. Heaven forbid GL ever get a proper counter. It would be unstoppable. Can you imagine GP-counter full bursts?
It's 3 level 1 slots you retard, the charm is a massive waste when 2/3 lvl slots are the premiums.
X/XX had a GL mechanic that was just about as broken. You could just spend the entire fight fullbursting left and right and end any fight in 5-10 minutes tops.
2/3 slots are in abundance on a lot of endgame armors though. What are you using as your set base?
I don't like shelling. I just use slapstick GL and smack Jho's chicken legs until he falls over and then smack his face.
Ask me how I know you never got to G rank.
What's the best way to farm whetfish?
>tree trunk gameplay
Ah, a man with refined taste. Nerg or Jho?
Right, I kept checking the right side of the elder's recess pool, but the Petricanth only spawns in the left area there. Got two back to back the moment I began looking there.
Yea, he spawns way in the back on that side, still never saw him.
A better question is why the fuck are you using whetstones in World
Tell me how doing the exact shame shit 15 minutes instead of 5 makes the game any fun or challenging, I'm genuinely interested.
You guys DID catch the Great King Marlin, right?
I got like half a dozen petricanths trying to get the great platinumfish and great gunpowder fish to spawn.
yeah, got the endemic life guild card background and everything.
If it's taking you 15 mins to kill non hypers in G rank, then you're either bad at the game or you're using Gunlance in XX, which also confirms the first.
Taroth Poison.
And you need them for things like Max might. I have pretty much everything optimal from before at nerg and never once was the artillery charm a good choice. Many armors have a 2 1 setup at endgame and you need those 2+ slots for previously stated shit, so saying artillery charm is efficient is absurd at best when optimising gunlance, for instance.
I miss when people played fashion hunter
Yes, several of them even.
Here is proof of my autism.
Should I keep the Volumetric Rendering option on or off? My rig can handle it but I'm not sure if I like the look of it.
Get the mod that turns kulve weapons silver instead of gold and it looks good.
That's either a gigantic Rajang or a smol Deviljho
Off, it looks shit
Moofy is better
the story has been leaked? Someone got it? I'm curious
>story spoilers
Feed me
It's the second Rajang from The Final Invitation.
>Solo up to post-game in MHW.
>D&D group wants to start hunting with me.
>Finally get up and running.
>Friends are stuck soloing shit quests until after a cutscene plays.
Holy shit. What the fuck were they thinking?
At that point I'd use a mod to make it look like something else entirely. On console, you're fucked to begin with.
It's gonna be a real treat seeing people who farmed like 2 non Taroth weapons be forced to go back to high rank to farm for weapons to upgrade because Kulve Taroth weapons will be useless passed the midgame.
>What the fuck were they thinking?
They weren't. World half-assed the multiplayer
>this edgy handler hate
Jesus christ. Who the fuck cares about the handler
Decided to pick up world today, tell me what weapon to play anons
Which is quite ironic since they obviously wanted to put emphasis on it as can be seen by the always online meme shit.
try out stuff in the training room until something clicks
my favourite is swaxe though
Any, they all feel much better and fluid than in the older games. GS kind of got fucked however.
I like her. I'd bang her after the long hunt.
I don't want to play a weapon i like, I want to suffer. I want to play a weapon that will make me wish I had never been placed on this earth, because learning how to play something well that sucks ass turns me on
I've found petricanth multiple times in the vale pool during ancient fossil upsurge.
? Why wouldn't I use whetstones in World?
She is the face of the story, so aside from her just being a shitty character people also channel their hate for the entire story gimmick onto her.
hunting horn maybe
Capcom just need to give her a facelift. All the shit about her causing every disaster or taking all the credit is just a big fucking meme. Would never have happened if she looked good.
Master's Touch
Hunting Horn it is then
So Switchaxe or SnS
DO NOT use a single weapon type. Try to use as many weapons as you can in early game and see what you like to use and what you don't. Locking yourself to one type is a huge mistake, in the endgame switching is extremely hard since hunting against engame monsters with unknown weapon is super hard and frustrating and other monsters are too easy and provide no challenge with your OP gear. If you use multiple types you can always switch and try different things at any point, it'll also give you more variety and playstyles and will keep game fresh even after hundreds of hours.
I don't have it yet.
Her not being ugly would not fix the fact that she's a genuinely autistic hambeast.
Get Master Fisher and just keep traveling between Camp 8 of Elder's Recess and Camp 6 of Wildspire. Depending on how fast you load it might be faster to toss the capture net in there instead of fishing, though the net only gets 1 or 2 at best so you need to weigh it yourself.
Hey fuck you, Switchaxe great. And it's getting straight buffs to help with its damage output in iceborne.
It very much would and you know it.
>switch between a bunch of weapons in the early game
>can't gear up all weapons and armor sets and gimp yourself
DO NOT use multiple weapon types until you're ready. Pick a weapon that you're good with and only think about alternates when a monster is giving you trouble. You can try all the weapons in the endgame when you have plenty of materials to experiment with.
Don't listen to he's a multiclass faggot. Show your love and dedication for one weapon type, and be rewarded for it by reaching a little closer to perfection.
khezu would be far more tolerable if it actually had fucking music
Duramboros is so fucking stupid.
Dude, if the "leaker" is to be trusted, she basically wakes up Satan by accident in Iceborne.
No. You're just a kumbrain.
I'm in that situation. Used CB and a bit of HBG and Bow for some monsters, but when it comes to other melee weapons I'm fucked. Still haven't been able to beat AT Nerg with the CB but I'm close.
Trying new weapons on AT monsters is retarded but non-temp became easy because of gear, so now I have to use the Arena to practice anything new.
fuck off tranny
feed me in this information you got
I mean, it's weird they decided to let you do story stuff with other people together in the first place.
He's too shitty and slow for any kind of music
All of her faults are magnified tenfold by the fact that she is not cute. That's just how people work. Especially when it comes to demographics like the monhun playerbase.
Handler is just a reason for quests to happen, previously the quest descriptions had all sorts of retarded people stirring shit up with monsters so you had to save them. But now it's suddenly a problem because it's more in your face?
That just sounds like a nice way of saying that most people are kumbrained.
She is monumentally retarded
Take it with a grain of salt
I don't know about the story or the everwyrm, but at the start of iceborne, while she does get attacked by beotodus, she actually looks at your hunter for permission to approach the popo corpse before it happens. So I thought they might be improving her suicidal nature. I mean in that case, it's actually on us for giving her the go ahead.
I hope we get catlolis in iceborne.
DO NOT listen to this guy. You will get laughed at and mogged by MH Pros if you're weapon usage statistics are not one single huge bar.
We all do, user.
Me too, as Jho's new chew toys.
Nobody gives a shit about your shitty new memes. When you first encounter the handler the first thing you notice his how ugly she can be. The faces she makes in the cutscene is pretty revolting. After that any perceived faults(like how she is the tutorial voice ect) are much more focused on by most players because of that bad first impression. The only real fuck up she might have done is the deviljho thing and even that is debatable. She also never really takes credits. Most of the time it is the other characters that praises both the handler and the player at the same time(ignoring the fact that the player did basically everything). The handler fucking worships the player most of the time. So, yes all the intense hate ultimately stems from the fact that she is not sexy. Capcom fucked up on that part. The people that want her to get brutally murdered are just edgy kids and/or people with shitty fetishes.
where's leaks???
i said fuck off tranny
>another beta
Who fucking cares
Capcom only sucks Sony dick, they probably don't even remember the xbox version exists
Boner here, can confirm. Framerate even tanks when connecting to other players in a hunt.
Xbox is getting the beta too
Holy shit this was really all I needed to do.
Thank you very much!
Right here. Can't believe no one noticed this huge return of perhaps the best monster this series has ever had.
fucking sony the keep fucking everyone around and killing their own IPs...meanwhile ps4 players for some reason ignore these facts. Now this is what i call Society.
God fucking dammit handler.
I chuckled.
To be fair, i'd rather have 10 clones of the Handler than a single catloli. At least the Handler is just retarded, not a fucking underage furry.
>playing on console
Jesus. I just got it on PC after 200 hours on PS4 and I already can't go back to that awful 40fps expirience.
Oh man i love Jade Barroth!
get out of my face
You're doing a pretty good job discrediting the handler's stupidity. She constantly talks about food and ignores cues from other people like a child. And yes, she does take credit for your work, at the very least by the end of the final boss (which completely soured that moment, honestly.)
>he doesn't like the Meowstress
How could one hate something so adorable yet tolerare Governor Chrispy Creme?
You're a faggot
She stills worships the player all the time. I am just saying there wouldn't be that many edgy kids wanting her murdered if she was sexy.
Top 3 monster waifus
Top 3 monster husbandos
Shut up, pedo.
Tranny seething he'll never be cute and thus only wants ugly girls in video games so he doesn't feel like killing himself
Worship is undesirable when it comes from a bumbling fool. That's the kind of person that doesn't leave you alone when you desperately want to disassociate yourself from them.
SnS, the weakest shit in the game but a fucking Godsend if in the right hands.
Guildmarm, catlolis
Caravaner, THE MAN, Huntsman
like me, all of them
Someone who gets turned on by furry children is in no position to tell other people to kill themselves.
mentally ill
holy shit you're right he's been there the whole time and we've never even noticed, we're getting so many monsters bros
Why would I tell you to kill yourself? You've already made plans to do so.
>Ace Gunner
>catlolis they're a 2 for 1 deal
user please, you jerk off to pictures underage furries. It's your kind that usually commits suicide or mass shootings.
No Blangonga: fake.
>Switch*xe is top tier finally
This pleases me.
You still have a lot to work on with your cropping.
Do I have to pull up suicide statistics? You've already seen them dozens of times, too.
provide evidence
no, catgirls
IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN. Post a monster and a music you think fits it well
>have to switch now so I don't feel like a reddit metatard
They don't want to have to program AI hunters because your cat does a good enough job of looking like a useless retard by itself
Fortunately, some of the higher level quests drop permits for lower level ones.
Yeah, got it pretty quickly. The Great Tuna was a shitshow though, had to fish out 102 of them before i got a big one.
The fact none of her figures are cast off is a travesty.
>Vaal Hazak
>Vaal Hazak
>Vaal Hazak
Honorable mention to narga
seriously doubt they’ll let clutch claw + ZSD remain like that
awful way to play
Hunted to extinction because of all the Relic Hunters in 4U.
Also Jho is the superior party crasher, remember to make Rajang threatening in 4, they had to include an artificial difficulty mode for him when he was an intruder in other quests.
>provide evidence
They look like children, they sound like children: they're children. No matter how you try to spin it.
>no, catgirls
Oh yeah, totally different.
Between the two God Eater has better monsters, Toukiden has better weapons
They're both kinda eh though, mostly just filler if you're feeling tired of MH in general
Why there still aren't punching gauntlets in MH?
previous games had tonfa
No one was talking to you, frontier
Because it's a weapon for fags.
I implore you to look again, and maybe you'll come to trust me when I say: HE'S IN.
I don't know what you mean by "cropped" considering these are legit.
I'm also totally not just using paint cuz I'm too lazy to torrent ps
Unironically play Dauntless
Do people have a hardon for Kulve to cope with the fact that they have to farm a trash siege fight for dozens of hours?
fucking kek
What element for funlance?
Well, call me a fag then, but i want to be able to punch a monster in its big fat face.
None or blast because most of your damage will be coming from shelling or huge hits where element would contribute very little. I've been using a paralysis normal 4 GL and it's been loads of fun though, especially in multiplayer
Are the Kirin weapons worth it?
dumb frog but fun
Oh fuck. Where's Giadrome tho?
I must ask: is Great Baggi in?
No, but the great sword looks cool.
His duals are p good, the lance will be absolutely disgusting in Iceborne once the elemental cap is removed.
No, and the great sword looks shit.
is dalamadur in?
Mainly for how they look. Except for the SnS.
Why the fuck weren't they in World? Fuck Kulu Ya whatever, real Monster Hunter games start you on dromes then send you after a Yian Kut-Ku. It's tradition.
Yes but unfortunately he died shortly after arriving in the Vale.
there were Dromes in World, it is just that they have so many unique animations from eachother that they don't seem like Dromes which were all copy-pastes of eachother or an oversized mook
New fags don't deserve the robo-raptors.
Because they're fucking shit. Same as Kut-Ku. A real shame Garuga is going to be back, I'll have to mod him out to keep up the quality of MHW's roster.
funny you say that because all the good MH games make you fight Jaggi, Baggi and Wroggi
Its skeleton is.
>mh4's hub has 6 different themes
Weird, but I'm not complaining. Also, what an absolute gem:
Add this fucker to the list to give Akantor and Ukanlos some company
Jesus Christ no, what a horrendously ugly design
Why sometimes they feel the need to give vaguely human faces to the monsters? Uragaan, this thing...
God the NPCs are fucking insufferable in World. I hate how they're presented super seriously when in reality they're all useless idiots.
Hello, yes. One Tetsucabra for Iceborne please?
This is exactly how I feel. It wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t forced to deal with them for huge amounts of time.
>weed joke made by someone who has literally never seen or heard of a blunt in their whole short life
>therefore half fish
Hmmm, maybe
hate it when I let him go into that lava area where he goes absolute apemode
You'll get a brand new one status toad instead.
...that's a cigarette
Great Jaggi and Great Maccao are basically just dromes too
>super seriously
>thought Akantor and Ukanlos were elder dragons for the longest time
>nope, they're flying wyverns
What the fuck, why can't I cap them then?
They don't even have wings, how are they ""flying""???
That's when he stops being little bitch Nergigante getting perma stunlocked and actually fights back, it's great
While they're all good, I'm partial toward guild hall 2.
Too bad the G-rank hall fucked it all up.
Same skeleton as Tigrex.
It's honestly amazing how literally nothing has changed from a characterization standpoint. There's just cutscenes now.
Grab some crystal burst from the first area. It only takes one hit to make him flinch back towards you.
They're giant Tigrexes
Pitfall trap too small, they wont fit
they have vestigial wings so they are classified as flying wyverns
you do not understand
Don't bother. The autism about black and white is too bothersome. You either have people crying about them not being elders, or people saying they should be fanged wyverns.
>4 KO jewels in a single hunt
welp, guess im maining hammer now, also was decoration farming always a gacha tier shitshow or is that a world thing?
Is there ANYTHING in an ice biome that could even challenge Ukanlos
Jewels were craftable before, you had to farm for charms
What's the best way to farm handicraft decos?
yeah its fun. When Im trying to get a great time it fucks me up quite hard though. Getting too tunneled on trying to stunlock him instead of focusing on staying alive
I always do. I just cant react to his area shift roar and crystalburst him in time
you used to farm for charms instead of decorations but yes it was a total RNG shitshow
I hope you enjoy our time with the Thinking Man's weapon
Gunlancce. Using it right can be pretty confusing
run either the My name is Lavasioth! or Greatest Jagras event quests and pray.
Decorations and charms had their roles reversed in World, in older titles you made decos, and charms were the random drop
Charm hunting was much worse, especially in the games with charm tables
Before RNG decorations there were charms, and before that the only thing that was rare were certain monster drops like rubies, but they used to actually be rare back then.
Charms were RNG, but the difference between World and previous games were that even with shitty charms you could build around them. The armors were so varied and numerous that a shit charm just meant you might lose out on a skill. With World, the gacha is more brutal because it's a lot more binary. Either you have Mind's Eye or you don't. It's awful.
Sorry to have kept you waiting, but this is probably the largest leak I can get out of Capcom HQ without them realizing who I am. I'll go back for more if I can safely confirm anything.
How is the fanged wyvern class called in japanese? Because i've always thought "fanged wyvern" was a shitty localization for what the class is supposed to represent.
Careful or Ryoso's gonna use his little Khezu-shaped tazer
status attack gems of any kind are pretty much pointless. they wont get you any more stuns, just have them occur earlier.
>G-Rank expansion
Oh shit, time for the super sonic raptor fun again. I hope they don't nerf his speed.
You're doing God's work, user.
They're handy in multiplayer where it's a struggle to get even a second KO, also the KO for Slugger 1/2/3 is 20%/30%/40% in IB in addition to lowering the KO thresholds across the board. They are definitely worth it.
Bring back the old skill system and craftable decos, delete charms.
Literal translation would be fang dragon.
I'd actually disagree on the monsters part, God Eater has neat concepts but it has about...3-4 monsters that actually use that concept, the rest is just generic fantasy creature.
Fang Dragon Species
Rajang is my favorite monster and fight in the game
Believe it or not, in previous games we had charms farm, which was infinitely worse.
Will those work? My semi-retarded friend claims only tempered elders have drops that can appraise into handi decos but he's been wrong and misunderstood shit before.
I miss this one
Just make both of them craftable, gives you a reason to hunt monsters without the absolute aids RNG
Thanks guys. Is the word "fang" associated with mammals specifically in japanese culture?
Sneks have fengs...
Those are specifically tailored towards dropping that shit.
T2 (none-elder tempered monsters) and the events user mentioned are the best way to get decos. Better do the Lava events since that one focuses on higher rarity decos.
Tempered elders are intended to be good for grinding augments but the RNG is kinda iffy on that and it might gives decos in stead.
No. Charms are power creep. I might even argue against decorations for the same reason.
Monster Hunter just isn't creative about the naming. You don't really need to look into it that deeply.
The localizations add a lot of "color" in many places. Like how leviathans are just sea dragon. Or how subs don't actually have names in Japanese. They're just monster name variant.
I'm sorry anons. I'm now deep within a Capcom holding cell within the Himalayan mountain region. This is it for me I'm afraid. But I will leave with a warning of one last returning monster.
Happy Hunting, and goodb-
Is Ebony Odo gonna get a LS
Runs off in the Guiding lands to find new food and gets bitchslapped by Yian Garuga
All Ebony Odo weps will branch off from Odo's so probably no.
Got it. Thanks.
Charms were a total crapshoot on getting anything more than just alright. Every game except 3U my best charms were some generically useful shit I'd get in early HR that at least had 3 slots, like Evasion +5 OOO or whatever, and then I'd never get anything better even with copious charm farming. Fuck charms.
>image search that pic
>it's a vorefag brony
>Favorite weapon to party with
>Least-favorite weapon to party with
can we downgrade jaggis to pets since they're such garbage monsters
I just think its a cute Jaggi pic, you didnt need to curse it like that user.
I see it more often than you might think. People get whopped by the rock slam, get instantly stunned, and then get wombo combo'd for lethal.
Is there even a single person who would not say LS?
none for both because partying is for faggots
Magda Geminus II
Magda Genimus II
It should be clear as day why those are my answers.
You know the Wyverian, the Black chick, and the nerd who head up the resources department, where you do deliveries and investigations? the nerd is the brother of the Third Fleet leader.
Yes, because CB fags and bowfags have become the most obnoxious
Good to see people playing it but the KO belongs to me faggot
What about... Rajang riding on Deviljho
Remember when generic area themes actually tried to at least make the monsters without unique music feel a little bit intimidating?
Yeah, Coral Highlands's theme fits Legiana really well.
Idc unless I'm playing Lance, then LS can fuck off.
It's not nice to speak ill of the dead, user.
I can't stand it after farming tempred Legiana for hours
They're not dead until the 5th, and I will hate them every day until those 33GBs drop.
However, doesn't PC have to wait until January for the changes?
That's nice.
gay orchestra
eric meme
This one is probably my favourite. The percussion is so good. Too bad they replaced it with a worse track in Unite for some reason.
It fits the gayest flying wyvern.
Old Monster Hunter had such good area music, it's a shame it's all forgotten
But toukiden monsters are all literally just japanese folklore monsters, with really generic attacks too
The cthonian fiend is like the only one that's actually fun too, the rest are total punching bags only fun to take apart