Toroko or Asriel? Who is the superior gote shota?
The great debate
I wish there was a kemoshota video ga- oh yeah klonoa
Toroko's a girl.
Asriel. I want to fuck his mom.
What the fuck? Why? Lolifags already have sue
Cope shotafag lmao
>everything has to be equal hurr durr
Just masturbate to another goat.
Like Ralsei
Ralsei is great, but now I know toroko isn’t a shota and I’m mad
lolibros win again
You'll get over it.
mimigas are rabbitdogs you stupid niggerfuck
Test to see which one rides dick better.
Toby Fox doesn’t give a shit about the game. Stfu, give up on hoping for one
Because lolicons are based and shotfags are cringe
did you even play cave story
Sue, both of her forms.
post sue
red crystal sue is severely underrated
Cave story needs more fanart in general.
24 replies and no one mentions Toroko being a rabbit. Embarrassing.
yeah if you don't count for whatever reason
My bad.
owned as fuck
never forget
nigger what