What's your favorite gaming creepypasta?

What's your favorite gaming creepypasta?

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mario says the fuck word

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The one that was written by an actual autist.

Vidya creepypastas are dumb. "Ooh I bought a game from a creepy store that wasn't there yesterday and when I played it a bunch of spooky stuff happened!" Snore.

i played doki doki literature club and the anime girl bled at me

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What's the worst vidya-related pasta and why is it sonic.exe 2?

This one?

And it wasn't even that time of the month!

based dumbass

the haunted gmod sandbox server one

If You See Her Turn Off The Game

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I was referring to Sonic.EXE by JC the Hyena.

Oh, I thought it was a trick question

None because im not 12

the one with Bootman Bill

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>welp some people don't like this story I wrote
>time to declare war on the internet
what an actual retard

The one about the anonymous video game message board. He finds out that the message board he's been shitposting on for years is actually is full of bots and no one is real. I thought it was really cool because of the foreshadowing in how everyone unreasonably acts like a fuckimg retard all the time everytime

He’s a furfag. It’s in his nature to be retarded. He also has his own fursona.

Donkey Kong 64: The Unsold Copy

People always mention the Godzilla NES one but the Morrowind Mod is actually the greatest one

Spoken like a true cult leader nutjob holy shit

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How old is this guy again?

what the actual fuck

Ending is balls. Not as much as Godzilla, but pretty balls.
>Man that was all pretty spooky. Does anyone know where I can get that mod again?

The only good one I've read is that one, so I guess that one. Most are just shit so recommend me one that's at this level.

Of all the things to furfag as, he picks the niggers of nature.

Shit like this makes me glad none of the cringey shit I did ever made it to the internet

Legitimately one of the best sadly they fucked up with the GF shit

Never heard about this one, what's the name?

>ben drowned

This was the spookiest thing I knew back then.


This seems like satire

It’s not.

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>If they want to tussle with the muscle, they're gonna get it!

This would've fucked me up if I watched back in elementary when i first started playing


Have there been any GOOD gaming creepypastas? Stories that have actually used the medium to make a good layered story that actually makes you think?
The thing I HATE about most pastas is that they all rely on their monster designs. they have nothing else going on with them

is petscop worth my time?


Pokemon Pinwheel Village is actually good, surprisingly. It's not really a creepypasta though, but it counts as one

its more interesting than a creepypasta but they did a really good job on it
are you familiar with candace newmaker?

it's pretty good honestly

It's not much of a creepypasta though but still pretty interesting

there was this pretty terrifying one i saw like 10 years ago

it was a picture of mr burns pointing at a sign saying "dont forget, your here forever"

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The appeal is the sprites, not the story.


>not posting the gmod one

Beginning is genuinely great but after a while it becomes almost mindnumbingly boring and tedious which is mostly the result of the removal of the player's comments later on, the piss-poor editing that keeps in long stretches of nothing noteworthy and a strong case of the red herrings ending up being much more interesting than whatever the actual story is that it's trying to tell.
It does become somewhat more interesting again near the (current) end.

Oh god, he’s genuinely autistic.

I really liked lost silver because it actually had a meaning besides dude gore lmao. Too bad fanfags fucked it up

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I didn't even know what the hell is the whole gayass ben drowned shit. The ending is legendary.

It gets retconned in Godzilla Replay, anyway.

Hell yeah.
Everything up to the moon child was pure gold. The game had this worlds.com feel about it where it was just plain weird and Red was merely a part of it. Strange but ultimately harmless. Them they had to fuck everything up with spooky Satan possessed my cart and the T posing Bobzilla.exe came out of the television kicked me in the dick.

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Wasn’t it called the Princess or something? And being about a breakup or abuse or some retarded shit like that?
I remember stumbling across this guy’s Sonic fanon wiki entry for his character I remember going to a Skype call with my friends and mocking the shit out of it. The best part was the fact that he was friends with God and Sonic the Hedgehog whilst simultaneously being an evil deity in hyena form. That shit is so bad it’s retarded tier

How have I never seen this before?

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Good lord no, they dropped the ball so fucking hard, and that was like 2 years ago. I don't even want to think how needlessly convoluted and dull it's gotten by now.

Man, imagine how hard it'll be to cope with such an embarrassing memory in the future when he's laying in bed at night unable to sleep.

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When the nostalgia critic bled at me

Goat jump and the one where an unused model of a villager for ocarina of time haunts other games, forgot what it's called though.



Why is there no good reading of this story on YT?

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>inflection sounds like Burger King foot lettuce
>shitty mic quality
>constantly mispronounces common words
>narrator's gf, best friend, and younger brother all co-narrate
Pick at least 2, or just read the story yourself.

Tails doll legitimately fucked with me for about a year. I don't know why but it remains the only story, gaming-related or otherwise, to have made me scared. I even reread it and it wasn't that scary or even too interesting so I don't know what got over me then.

You're south american aren't you?

very spooky

no you dumb nigger
I read it back when it was being shitposted everywhere here


How long ago was this...? That's pretty embarrassing my guy, even as a fucking child I found it laughable.

The red princess thing, it's so simple yet is the only thing that gives me the spooks when I remember it and I'm playing alone.

Ben Drowned was the most elaborated one though, had a blast when I read the text post and the madman actually had video evidence.

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Pale Luna.

i bought a pokemon platinum game from a yard sale but instead of giritina it had a SPOOKY SKELETON on the cover and i played it and it had BLOOD AND THE POKEMON WERE DYING AND A SKELETON COME OUT OF THE CLOSET AND KILL ME

The Mario Paint one where the Nostalgia Critic and Peter Griffin bled at me.

Not vidya related, but still the best

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I didn't think people remembered The Princess

Winds of Regret

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>I didn't even have time to eat fries.
Slays me every single time without fail.

>I didn't even have time to eat fries.
Every time.

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One of my favorites, and not that well-known

Hahaha what the fuck?

He SHOT at the lock

then they fucking go inside and eat fries after vomiting over dead bodies

where did you see this picture? I remember it coming up on here awhile back.

i literally made it


You made Mr Burns?


So this is the power of Chaos Chads....woah!

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The butthurt over the ending to this was beautiful.

He fucking got everyone in one fell swoop

I don’t remember if it was pasta but it was an elaborate story of a young boy who lived in a small town and nobody ever left. One day he decided to step outside the town’s boundaries. As he was walking around the uncut grass he hears noises. Then suddenly something ran up to him. I scrolled down a long empty paragraph waiting for a scare.
Then it was fucking pic related. It was just the intro to pokemon

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Dude just told you the name

Reminds me of the time I read a pasta about a black guy that was possessed by a spirit and he begins a ritual to gets it out and is about to commit suicide with a gun then his aunt comes in and gets real scared and I get fucking baited by the Prince of Bel-Air theme.

I can’t find that pasta anywhere now though. I guess it got deleted for being bait.

I'd read it for you user, but it's probably too much text for me to handle.

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It’s a bit long.

>a bit
I just checked and it's 13 parts. Not as big as I thought, but 13 fucking parts. Are you sure you can't just read it yourself, user? Besides there's some parts that a human narrator can't really act out as well as text.
I mean there's some literal Tsukihime "this chair" stuff.
I'm sure you can do it though, user.
I'm sure you can read it on your own!

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Nes godzilla is the only good one

I just checked it out for the first time and the ending was the cheesiest bullshit ever. Way to ruin the suspense, jesus.

>Ben Drowned 2.0 that shits the bed so hard it corrodes the sheets and the floor below it
>"Only good one"

For me, its Such Words.


Don’t remind me of that. It robs me of the hope I have for mankind.


Sweet Jesus...

Disgustingly based Solomon

>And being about a breakup or abuse or some retarded shit like that?
Wew lad no way.
Yeah it's baffling.

Just finished reading this one, it was alright. Part 7 was a bit silly though, especially with her suddenly being a fully fledged out boss battle. Also, what if you were to encounter her in a dating simulator?

Part 7 was predicated on Adam's hostility to the Princess.
>Answer us or we turn off the game
>Also, what if you were to encounter her in a dating simulator?
DDLC type shit I imagine.

Five Nights at Freddy's 1 did. Got fucked up with the schizophrenic sequels and books though.


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