All you faggots do is focus on the negative shit and ignore the positives. If you hate shit like forced diversity, SJW pandering, microtransactions, console wars, shilling, corporate soullessness, and all that other bullshit WHY THE FUCK DO YOU TALK ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY?
That’s what they want you to do. Bullshit like that is made to grab attention and create discussion and controversy, you keep falling for it you stupid motherfuckers.
Stop being so negative about video games
Other urls found in this thread:
Just don't go on those threads also stop fucking metaposting nobody wants it.
cringe, imagine being this desperate to defend corporations when gaming hasn't been good since the last good game (halo 3)
You’re just falling for their marketing tricks. Don’t give dumb shit attention. Stop making threads about stupid ass twitter screen caps and video game controversies and other bullshit. Stop giving retards validation
>If you hate shit like forced diversity, SJW pandering, microtransactions, console wars, shilling, corporate soullessness, and all that other bullshit WHY THE FUCK DO YOU TALK ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY?
Because ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.
You sound negative
>Stop falling for marketing tricks
>Instead, do nothing but praise games, turning yourselves into marketers
What now
Everyone and their dog are going to shit on you, OP but I do think you're right.
Praise good games, ignore bad games. Don’t give controversial shit attention, that’s what it wants. Who the fuck cares if EA or Activision makes their next protagonist a 1/63 black trans-continental railway system, the game will still be shit. Don’t feed the machine
>Praise good games, ignore bad games.
That creates a hugbox where nobody ever speaks ill of anything
And what of controversial games, or unpopular opinions?
Fuck off, we are gamers and we won't take shit from this shitty industry forcing outsiders into our culture, if you're okay with them ruining everything, then fine, fuck off to reddit
It's better and more important to the general quality of videogames and other products to focus on the unacceptables.
Companies that develop products will trod over the market with dodgy shit if the market remains unattentive and uncritical.
Focusing on the positives only will directly homogenize all products because there's no filter to the negatives.
Putting as much pressure possible on developers to deliver quality only serves good for you as a consumer.
It’s fine if you actually talk about the game. Just don’t make threads about fucking Twitter screencaps about how Literally Who saying the main character of your favorite game is “canonically niggersexual” or whatever
Talk about GAMES and GAMEPLAY, not controversy and shit
And here’s what you’ll accomplish
Then you've fucking failed at making a thread. Your title is "Stop being so negative about video games", which implies that you have a problem with expressing negative opinions in regards to video games. Now you're talking about something completely different. Your thread is clickbait. Fuck you.
there are plenty of cozy gaming threads in between all the hate
spend more time posting cozy instead of bitching if you want more cozy
go back to sleep anons, stop making a fuss, just let us hijack your culture, stop complaining so much
I’m saying stop focusing on the negatives, stop giving retardation attention
Read more than the title of the thread you knuckle-dragging trog
We are 30y olds trying to enjoy games that are Meade for zomer idiot's of course we're negative
>I’m saying stop focusing on the negatives
Fuck you then, that's how critique works.
They won’t listen to your critique
They never have, and they never will
There will never be another TORtanic
Don't assume that you know why I do things. I critique things so that people hopefully won't buy them if they're shit.
>We are 30y olds
I admire your optimism
Then be a game reviewer
Don’t come here expecting anyone to take your advice
>We are 30y olds
if only
Oh, I didn't know that you speak for every person here. I didn't know that.
>Yea Forums is one person
If you think anyone comes to Yea Forums for their opinions you’re an absolute idiot
Lol this is usually what happens yes. But the backlash from bad business practices like lootboxes have proven successful. Without forces to oppose, there would only be abuse. Not that there isn't already an abuse of the population.
This thread is directed at a very particular subset of Yea Forums. If the statement doesn’t apply to you it isn’t directed at you, retard
Shut the fuck up
A thread on Yea Forums bitching about something won’t make a difference. People only take Yea Forums seriously for leaks, this isn’t the place to start public discourse because it’s expected to be discordant
You come into MY thread, you fuck MY son, and you tell ME to shut the fuck up?
I’ll fuck your wife
modern games are also just bad. It's why companies are remaking so much old shit desperately trying to imitate things that were good, but often fucking up in the process
There are plenty of good modern games, though most are Japanese.
For the most I agree that there is a lot of unnecessary bitching for sure. But I can't dismiss the fact that no matter where you are, if enough voices gather, it'll echo out and land in the ears of another. And at times, everyone saying no is necessary, but not to the degree it is in this generation, where everyone screams at everything to point of mass hysteria. It's not healthy
Too much of anything is a bad thing. If you want to make a difference actually do something that has a better chance of making a difference instead of grumbling with your angry gamer friends on the internet
This shithole was pretty much the same from the beginning, minus the identity politics which slowly crept in just like it did everywhere.
I think you are right but you are also a huge faggot, everyone knows that this is what it is like here and that is why they come here. If you wanted people dickriding every game you would go to its subreddit, not argue with autists who start a thread with OH NO NO NO NO
Just as often there are people in those threads with bait op actually talking about the games just ignore all the shitposters.
Read the thread and the OP and you’d know that isn’t what I want
What I want is for Yea Forums to be about video games instead of “LOOK AT WHAT THIS ASSHOLE SAID ON THR INTERNET! BASED/CRINGE!”
Fuck you, that’s no excuse