Ion Fury will not be censored

We did it Yea Forumsros

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Other urls found in this thread:

i'm not up to date with the drama, what are people upset about?

bravo gamergate we bullied yet another developer

gamers rise up

Why doesn't this game feature a better protagonist? Why are transgenders so useless?

So that guy who started this whole controversy actually got what he wanted didn't he? All according to keikaku

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based, just reverted my refund and bought another copy

Back on my GOG wishlist then. Might even buy it full price instead of waiting for a sale.

At least they're smart enough to realize their mistake. Other devs would have just ignored the complaints and allowed their game to die.

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>changes name of the game

the jews had no case and there was no subpoena

They didn't, but winning that shit would have still cost them a ton of money in lawyers and such.
That's how big companies bully people into submission, they threaten with suing you even if the claims are false, knowing you can't afford your defense.

Gaming is a such a pathetic fucking hobby. All this controversy over a dumbshit sprite.

No, shit the fuck up. The Trannies began with the harassment this is not our problem.

Why is the rightmost bar not red

Now Resetera people are downvoting the game, the tables have turned.

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GG won again.

nice, will be purchasing later today


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I knew your muh le semen head faggots were a bunch of SJWs.
Yes guys, finding hot girls hot is bad.

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1)Getting mad about not getting a sexy or whatever other design on a female character that happen to be the MC in a FPS is utterly stupid , you almost never see the MC in those games .

2)Those devs should have ignore all the drama and jsut focus on the people who bought teh game , is well know that SJW's do not buy anything.

3)If you think posting about that dude is going to make people forget how the Devs reacted when the trannies wanted the game censored a man fired and otyher crazy shit you are wrong those trannies made those Devs show how much spine they have.

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so they're cucks then

>tranny doesn't even understand the original dev comment
The dev said parents who decide their child is a tranny at birth are delusional. trannies on twitter are like boomers who get their news from fox.

Absolutely BASED. Resetera got sloppy, looks like common sense prevails.

can’t undo donating to tranny suicide hotline

>forget how the Devs reacted when the trannies wanted the game censored
Did you even read the article?
That fault of that reaction is from some pozzed pr company supported by 3drealms, it's even stated that voidpoints rejected most of the shit they pushed because the result would have been even more drastic.

Yes you can, and they did. Only seething false flagging trannies disagree.

cancel the check lel

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Would it be wrong to call that sort of thing financial terrorism?

This but unironically.

People in the Ion Fury thread on Resetera are having a complete meltdown holy shit how do these tards even function on a basic level lmao

Did they also go back on giving 10,000$ to that dick chopping "charity"?

>removing a soap bottle that says "ogay" is destroying a creative vision in it's entirety and violating peoples free speech
I really hope the game gets review bombed for them caving into these crybabies.

Boy, some folks sure are mad out there.

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Did they unban all the people that Lunick unfairly banned?

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The suicide hotline? No idea.

of course a steven universe icon poster said that

Yeah, it is. Give them an inch and they take a mile.

Game got review bombed before, now it's steadily rising. The game was #1 top selling and after they announced the censorship it dropped to below 1000. You're in the minority, sorry.

>tfw no hasshaku-sama gf

they don't even care the game from the beginning.

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No user, they understand.

They are just pro child abuse.

>game was top selling when it launched and then dropped over time
What? No way!

But they told me it was silly to get upset over a bottle of soap and that shitlords were pathetic for caring so much about something so trivial.
We should tell ResetEra to stop being silly, it's just a soap bottle :^)

>Polygon already released a hit piece so be prepared for outrage posts about reversing the decision

I want all "video game journalists" strung up to light poles and bridges with signs around their necks.

Yea Forums aways wins bb

>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2

>Mortal kombat 11

>Tekken 7
>Kingdom come deliverance

You both constantly bicker like children. You're honestly just as bad as each other.

Gamer Game wins.
Once again.

>Very happy that this game and devs are standing up to internet bullies and their over sensitivity
the irony is off the charts

This is where they fucked up. They could have gotten away with it had they just lied and said they were buying it. They got sloppy.

in 1 day it went from #1 to not even in the top selling (under 1000th place) and dropped from 96% positive to 76%. Seethe more.

Maybe in the next life, user.

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And MK only sold well due to its name.

You are the one that doesn't understand.

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>Wolfenstein young lesbians
It should be:
>Wokenstein: Periodblood

You all now made ResetEA trannies mad.
Are you all happy about that?

Nice try tranny.

This just makes the devs look even worse for being spineless pussies. "Oh we suddenly decided we're anti-censorship now lol even though we were pro 5 minutes ago." No you don't care, you just picked the side that you decided would have the least negative effect on you.

I am happy for every ounce of suffering trannies experience.

Who cares, this will set an example to other devs that siding with ResetEra is a bad move.

It's called America, sweaty. Now shut the fuck up and eat your big mac.

>2 people found this review funny

It's the little things that make these great.

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Good Game, Gamer Gate.

The sprite was a spacegoat because retardera couldn't find anything offensive.

Not cruel and unusual enough. They need to be drowned in barrels of ink.

Nah they realized you dont make deals with trannies, they learned from their mistake.

>Anti SJW
>Tekken 7

>At least they're smart enough to realize their mistake. Other devs would have just ignored the complaints and allowed their game to die.
Most of those "Resetera attacks" are actually not from resetera. They're from people who anticipated they would bend the knee to resetera and left a negative review in advance.

There's literally like only 2 or 3 negative reviews complaining about the game being transphobic.

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did you mean rain world, the slug cat game?

>Shit opinion
Like clockwork

>go to reddit
>everyone is crying like on resetera screaming how they'll never buy it now even though they were planning to and saying how the devs are still transphobic
>also defending trannies that want to mutilate their children
>someone who linked the article that defended devs got shat on even though it was written by a tranny as well
Jesus Christ, yeah I know >reddit but I didn't think they were as crazy as resetera.

The SJWs have already downvoted the game to "mixed"

The SJWs have already won, don't delude yourself

Source or you're full of shit.

imagine sharting your pants over a soap bottle

i guess horseshoe theory was true all along

Actually it was at 76% positive during the censorship and since the news that they won't be censoring it has already risen to 78%.

pretty based, i might grab ion fury on the next sale

They understand perfectly well.

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Too late. I'm not giving them money, they are just going to donate it another 10K to the trannies.

The perma triggered got mad at the game launching with a Swimsuit DLC and wanted that shit cut from the western release Devs refused to censor the game despite the twitter backlash. Im not sure if that counts as "anti-swj"

Resetera are raging

Between gamers and SJWs, SOMEONE will eventually bully the devs. That's just the sort of polarized environment we all wanted to build, you know? No one was backing down, no one wanted to allow cool heads to prevail. So let's do and bully as long as our own respective echo chambers allow it. To check with artistic freedom. As the libs love to chant: "freedom of speech does not equal freedom of consequence".

nice disinformation campaign recent reviews lowered the score to 66% instead of 68% face it they won cuck

Hmm? Give me the low down please.

Business as usual over there

Reddit's karma and upvote systems encourage a feedback loop because any voices that dissent from the accepted opinions are just made invisible. So of course they're just as batshit insane.
>inb4 someone claims Yea Forums is the same because people can disagree with you here

Were they able to take back their donation from the tranny/child-abusing "charity"?

Did they unban and apologize to the people who criticized them for their initial cuckoldry?

I won't buy the game until these issues are properly addressed.

Recent reviews were at 62% before the news. I was talking about overall reviews but both have risen. Keep seething.

It's only r/games that's beyond cucked. Also a reminder to those that don't know it was shutdown on April Fools because mods wanted to tell how the gaming community is toxic, full of sexism, misogyny, transphobia and so on so they said no one's allowed to post today because you are all punished. Everyone got treated like literal children and what did they do when they were allowed to post again? They started sucking mods dicks even harder, saying how right they are and shit while every other subreddit laughed at them.

I've also checked r/pcgaming and they're happy that it's not censored while r/games is absolutely seething.

Update: was 9 negative to 19 positive an hour ago. Now it's 11 negative to 31 positive. 2 negative reviews to 12 positive in an hour. Pretty good, don't you think?

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Will they be asking for their money back on that "Donation"?

If you retards start supporting them now you are braindead
>tranny comment
>wow these devs are based so redpilled xddd
>Money to trannies, sensitivity training, attempted censorship, and talking about how their character used to be sexualized but they are smarter than that now
>wtf these devs are cucked and bluepilled BOICOTT >:(((((
>devs will leave ogay soap in game
>wow these devs are based so redpilled xddd

The devs are flip flopping faggots and you should wait to see what they do instead of immediately changing your mind every time they wipe their ass

oh good, they allowed cuck and filtered gamer. babysteps.

I dont like his methods but I cant argue with his mission.

They're pushing the narrative that it's not an LGBT youth charity, it's just a plain old normal suicide hotline. And people are falling for it because they're too braindead to google the Trevor Project for themselves.

>telling TrannyEra to fuck off
Why did nobody think of this sooner?

Devs are apparently based and transphobic. Also had some graffiti on the wall in the game that called someone a fagbag.

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>post an image of a steam game receipt on ResetEra and nothing else
>get banned

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were are you getting your news cuck it was literally 88% when I woke up this mourning face it now ones upvoting the game anymore

Wait what far cry? I stopped playing them after 3 but I was under the impression they always sell fuck loads

This should be grounds for investigation and arrest upon confirming that the mother is a lunatic.

Yeah, I'm thinking this is BASED.

Based Raphi

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I am closely monitoring new reviews. In the last hour we had 2 negative and 12 positive ones.

Its funny because it seems like everyone involved was retarded. Whether they are resetera, Yea Forums or the actual publisher.

They won't get my money if that's where it's going.

I'm getting the news from the steam page. Yea bro the SJWs have totally won bro. Very epic.

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Are you fucking retarded? Look at it right now, RECENT REVIEWS are 68%. You are probably a fucking dipshit who was too stupid to turn off steams bullshit where they hide review bombs from user score. Don't insult anybody else when you are too fucking retarded to click a button

They're scum that gave money to a scam charity that supports child abuse.

Thankfully I only put an hour into it so could refund.

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A gross injustice to LOVE in the year 20XX.

Remember if you dont buy Wolfenstein then the nazis win

maek libruls mad = gud



That would be transphobic.

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Actually he's just spreading fake information. Steam wouldn't allow Ion Fury to have the anti review bomb feature because it was during launch window.

I don't really get why you people got mad at the Ion Fury devs for just doing what resetera wanted. Its faster to just do what these retards want just to shut them up.

That's what it seems like to someone with no ability to think.

Mike Rose more like Mike BIGNOSE

Problem is that they dont shut up. And they admitted they were still not considering the game. They just want to ruin it, nothing more.

I don't care about anything that doesnt directly benefit me. So I like to just watch random internet people fight about pointless shit for my amusement.

Low iq post.

Gamergate completed /pol/'s transformation into rightwing tumblr and Yea Forums into Reddit

Who are you to define what constitutes "creative vision?"

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>if you put homophobic words in game you admit your homophobic
so does that mean if I put hitler in my ww2 game then I'm a nazi?

>ogay is homophobic
>twatbag isn't sexist
what a hypocrite

womp womp

You know what's even easier?
Ignoring them.

>so does that mean if I put hitler in my ww2 game then I'm a nazi?
this but unironically

The ink that loli manga is printed in.

Exactly. You're a brainlet.

Gaming journalist hitpieces when? You know those fuckers aren't going to let this stand without putting on a drag show for everyone. All over a fucking pun of soap.

Gotta hand it to Ion Maiden making the meta game more entertaining than the actual game.

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resetera spams twitter not steam you dumbasses

But you arent looking at it from the point of view of the devs. Resetera could harass them and dox them and shit. If all it takes to get them to fuck off is remove some random soap bottle or something then of course I'd do that if I was working for the ion fury devs.

Need you ask?

Damn wtf Yea Forums has been deleting dissenting comments and shadowbanning users for wrongthink this whole time?!

Voidpoint is now uncucked by 3D Realms

That's true but it's also fucking retarded.
What if I told you to just give all your money to your local niggers because that way you can never get mugged again? That's you logic, it's gonna work, but it completely defeats the purpose.

link profile

>comments are disabled for this review

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Yeah but then they could do weird shit to you. Like find out where you live and harass you constantly. I'm pretty sure they did this sort of thing before to some other devs.

>we will not be censoring anything
>cover up their main character to not offend


because the only reason retardera has power is because people surrender to them when they don't have to.

Soon, a lot of them are already fuming on twitter.

Voidpoint, please. DO NOT ENGAGE. Take a lesson from based Leo.

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This is probably the first time anyone ever called out his shitty virtue signaling and he doesn’t know how to respond.

Twitter was a mistake.

Make that 3 :^)

I'm just indifferent. I dont care about either side.

But they dont shut up. They always want more. Give an inch they get a mile.

Yeah I'm sure Resetera will stop harassing people now that there's blood in the water.
Never validate people like that, it's never enough for them.

Just ignore, and quietly report all harassment to law enforcement. Retardera are cowards who will lose most of their steam upon receiving no reaction, and run and hide when the first one gets a visit from the police.

Tranny gets BTFO

But they only had to remove a bottle of soap or something. Its hardly comparable to actually losing all your money.

Not really, he was pissed about Shelly being desexualized in comparison with the original designs. That's odd any of that shit is true, of course.

Low iq.

>Same nickname as me
I think it's time to change it.

>There is no normal
Yes, there is. You’re just not it.

>the good guys actually won for once

A small victory, but I'll take it.

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That can happen if you make people mad for any reason, and they made MORE people mad by censoring the joke than by having it in there.

Because trannies are an infinitesimally small number of the population and shouldn't be considered when you are making decisions.

>Do thing
>People angry
>Undo thing
>Different people now angry
>Dont undo thing
>Original group now angry again, even angier than before
They really can't win can they
When will people learn that ignoring angry people on the internet is the best thing you can do?
Just tell them to fuck off and they stop

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I'm not disputing that. I am low iq. I work in HR. But caring about things or having strong opinions is very cringe. Just be indifferent to everything that doesnt directly benefit you.

>the devs keep retarded zoomers obsessed with genderspectrums writing articles and talking about their game for a few more weeks

Is this 4D chess?

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Threadly remainder that:
>RetardEra is actively harming the gaming industry with it's sheer existence
>RetardEra is aggressively pro-censorship
Thus, their right to free speech can be safely disregarded and their shitty site closing would be nothing but a good thing.

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is the meteor here yet fuck this gay earth

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You are fucking retarded and I guarantee you were saying the same thing the day their tranny comments were revealed.

Quiet, goy. Reality is subjective. Nature does not exist. There is no truth but what we decide.

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This doesn't fix the 10k tranny funding problem.

That was an hyperbole but they also donated 10K to some faggots.


>being made to feel that you don't belong
>entire identity and personality revolves around their own sense that they don't belong in their own body
Yeah, everyone should just ignore nut jobs, no matter how vocal they are.

Pathetic nihilist.

Far cry got a post apocalypse spinoff game that sold like shit

Kill yourself retard

>omg we are so sorry
>we are patching the game immediately
>we are donating money to a tranny Moloch worshipping organization
>we are demanding everyone who works with us take sensitivity training immediately
>our language in contracts going forward that provide for instant termination and cancelation if autogynephiles get upset at us ever again

The initial response from 3DR was so hilariously over the top and apologetic it was seemed practically designed to get a pushback. And trannyera STILL wasn’t happy about it.

>If all it takes to get them to fuck off is remove some random soap bottle or something then of course I'd do that if
They didn't fuck off. They still wanted the devs fired and blacklisted from the industry. Appeasement doesnt work, it's only seen as a sign of weakness.

stop bringing this shit over here or stay there

Pure unadulterated weaponized autism.

How can one man be so based?

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nice, now thqnordic needs to reverse his apologies for having made his Q&A in infinite chan

I'd hate to be a game dev. You can't please everyone. You'll always have some weird cunts harassing you for some retarded reason. Its even worse than working on movies or music. Glad I work in a non customer facing job.

issat mah nigga the popopo girl

They're still donating to the tranny fund and removing fagbag

>wahhhh they're not gonna buy your game anyways, they always demand more
>wahhh I'm not gonna buy your game anyways unless you do everything i demand wahh

pathetic optimist

Oh actually yes that sounds familiar. I think I remember it from E3. It had twins or something.

As someone who's had a job working with cps, that organization is infested with stupid as shit SJW fags. Anyone smart that goes there transfers to somewhere else after a few years because they can't get any actual work done. It's a place filled with politically correct retards that Stonewall everything and barely manage to help any children.
About the only way to get cps to do something is to offend someone there, then coincidentally enough they do the same shit resetters does to try and shut someone down by calling everyone to tell you how much of a cis piece of shit you are and endlessly "blacklisting" you.

It's very very simple; you don't give into political groups. Ever.

>Censorship is okay when it's censoring people who are in favour of censorship

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>The game is good.
>But I don't care about games.

I love how they support the devs in their decision.

Is Farcry 5 or whatever the one with the negresses worth pirating? I don't care about the story or anything, I just want to know if there is a good revolver and shotgun I can go around and clear camps with for a few hours before I get bored. Anything else positive is just a bonus.

Name one upside of caring about things that don't directly benefit you.

The best way to get rid of a bad rule is to enforce it against the people who advocate for it.

Although he might just be referring to the actual Rage 2. Both games had pretty similar styles and neither of them had fuck-all to do with SJWs so who knows what's going on in user's brain.

>donating to a suicide prevention hotline

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sorry but leftists are not people

Its a valuable lesson to all devs and pubs not to deal with these mentally ill demons. Perhaps this incident will embolden others to ignore these fools.

>haha y-yeah guys just a suicide hotline d-definitely not a charity for LGBT youth haha please don't google it yourselves no need for that haha...

>get negative ratings by gamers because of the removal of a sprite
>get negative reviews by trannies because they're keeping a sprite

3DRealms can never win can they

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They are still going to harass you whether you give in or not. Its just such a nuisance. I don't know why any programmers bother working on games instead of just working in a bank or something. Less hassle and better pay.

>Calling for white genocide
wow okay that's going a bit far innit user

goddamn, is that all it takes to get trannie jannies panties in a bunch? fackin queers

/pol/ are literally as obnoxious as 2006 furries

If the game isn't centered around killing them, then that means you're advocating for them and the answer to your question is yes.

You know I feel bad for that kid if his parent force him to live a lie for his life only to realize that this entire time it was for woke points on the internet. I hope that she was just joking for the best of him.
But then again I hate children so fuck him

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It's basically reskinned 5 with regenerating outposts

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i can guarantee this is a joke by a mom who is anti-trans.

Government agencies are ground zero for SJWism. It's the hive of their faggotry, a low effort, protective environment where they'll never be fired for not getting anything done and they can slowly fill entire departments with their ideological clones.

>It's impossible to indirectly benefit from something
Not the point though, your worldview is retarded and you will die miserable. Learn to be selfless for a change.

Uhh sweaty, you win by not being a bigot in the first place

I envy your naivete.

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Reminder that even years later that Yea Forums lost the gamergate wars.

>implying I'm a tranny and not just somebody who sees that the devs will change their mind again in a few days and that they are still doing everything else
Go ahead and hit me with another buzzword though since you can't think up an actual defense for changing your opinion at the drop of a dime

They could have just done nothing and pissed off only one group.

I'm too old and jaded to change.

They don't even play games,fuck them honestly

Trannies are far fewer than the normal folk, and they dont buy games anyway. The choice is clear.

but GG got Trump elected

>wahhhhhhhhhhh the devs dont care about me
>they reject my righ to exist!!
>me me me me me, its all about me and my feels, ME!

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>Oh so you shot someone just because they were trying to murder you, HOW HYPOCRITICAL

imagine being this stupid

The game literally has not been censored and now never will be and you people are STILL mad about things outside the game. Did any of you ever even care about the game in the first place? Will you ever be satisfied? You literally are SJWs and you can't deflect by going
>we're not in favour of censorship
this time because that has stopped being the issue entirely

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>had to change the game's name because some boomer band's lawyers thought they had a similar name
>got thrown under the bus by 3DRealms for one comment a dev made on discord
>cvmbrains are still mad about shelly being not naked enough to make their pee pee hard
>devs outright said fuck it and told everyone to pirate the game
Poor dudes, I'm glad they atleast managed to uncuck themselves a little bit but they still got their game used as a chess piece in a game between SJWs and AntiSJW, no one who left a review cared about the game they just cared about some retarded politics.

Censorship was never the only reason people were upset

D r o p p e d
This game and the devs are cursed. Avoid anything they're associated with before a public repentance and penance.

Zoe Quinn being a dumb whore got Trump elected.

>remove stuff for trannies
>"Well, good that they did that but I'm still not buying their games because they had it in the game"
Why would you ever appeal to those idiots?

sounds like they didn't do anything but apologize then NOT censor. They might grow a backbone one day, until then I still kind of see them as just hoisted by their own petards.

I expected some 90's action super hero testosterone, tits, guns and explosions.. They kept the guns & explosions, but took away the tits but still call the character a bombshell (she's a shell of her design) just to be safe, which means they'll just be even more PC the next time around. They landed on a landmine this time though, a genuine PR nightmare where whatever they do will be politicized and there won't be any winning.

i'm okay with this. they were scared by a minority group and capitulated rashly. now they realise how they compromised themselves they won't do that again. the joke was pretty good, and inoffensive., felt like something i could see in gta. the whole drama was dumb.

That sounds plausible, actually. Already thought it was weird that a parent who is allegedly so desperate for her kid to turn out trans would still refer to him by a male name and pronouns. It's probably one of those TERF mums who obsess over this shit.

well no shit sherlock. the twitterfag make it sound like if you ANY of this content in the game regardless of context then you're an advocate for hate or whatever triggers them

i've seen that pic and you guys are retards for getting upset at obvious jokes and clickbait made by your own lot.

>Did any of you ever even care about the game in the first place?
Considering the majority of the posters in these threads have been /pol/, no. They must internet warrior wherever they can see a battleground.

They're still donating to a mutilation cult and pedophile recruitment agency

You got it, TRANNY. Your blatent false flagging is fooling no one.

No one will ever trust a developer if they bend backwards to the slightest criticism because there's nothing preventing them from patching their game in order to censor it after you already paid for it.
You need to have some integrity.

Not being a faggot.

>now they realise how they compromised themselves they won't do that again
yeah because anything they do in the future will flop since they managed to piss everybody off

They’re planning another review bomb now.

Attached: 9C1F4072-6C8C-4A19-9462-3E0CC05F08C6.jpg (750x352, 49K)

>green skeleton loses again

Attached: laughingbones.jpg (523x332, 85K)

They'll give up after a short period and move on to the next fad and usually they're only a small group that pushes it.

what the fuck is that cell in their propic
it looks obese

why do we keep losing trannybros i thought reality had a left wing bias

Nothing offensive about being associated with smooth and silly skin only achievable through application of OLAY™ soap.

Free speech is free speech, faggot. The hypocrisy is Yea Forums's because usually when anyone brings up the "paradox of tolerance" Yea Forums shits all over it.

Actually, no.
The whole thing started with some faggot who was pissed off that Voidpoint didn't go with Shelly's original design and decided to lurk in the devs' discord to find stuff he could use against them. Resetera along with you retards were just pawns in his plan. Big round of applause for everyone being massive tools.

Attached: 20190502_021432.png (825x711, 565K)

They could have won by not responding. Worked for the Kingdom Come devs.

I remember Harada tweeting how gaming industry was getting ruined in the west or something like that.

It is going to be inevitable that game review sites will require a certain amount of play time to even post a review of a game. And /polv/ will lose their god damn minds when it happens.

Dance thread?

Attached: 1560396484355.gif (240x287, 277K)

That's the problem, dingus

>doesn't know harada

the paradox of tolerance fails because it's intolerant of the intolerant.

kill leftists, kill all of them brutally

Yes, OGAY is such a major loss. Lets ignore the LGBT donation and sensitivity training

nice meme, this has never been proven

They can easily let the game on idle though

Never apologize, because it legitimizes your critics that they are rightful in their condemnation of your actions.

Attached: 1539622434316.jpg (572x600, 98K)

gee, can't wait to read his hissy fits in the catalog, /doom/ and /build/ yet again.

Attached: 1538699746276.jpg (350x427, 48K)

Oh no they're planning to do exactly what Yea Forums has done these past few weeks, how horrible

>all these /pol/fags and trannies doing constant marketing for this game
based marketing dept

That's cruel and inhuman. Just send them to Liberia.

Trump will get extra years after his second term

>/pol/fags and trannies doing constant marketing for this game
must be nice.

It's not mark of great intelligence if you can't single out which side is more wrong than the other.

sorry but you dont just move a cancer elsewhere in the body. leftists must be completely and utterly obliterated and annihilated, stamped out in a matter of hours lightning fast by military and civ militia co-operation.

They know who matters now

Attached: 1566840916433.png (603x254, 13K)

Here, see

Are you even capable of recognising how it applies in this situation with the usual buzzwords swapped out or is that beyond your mental capacity?

If you say OGAY instead of OLAY, I'm sorry but you deserved to be fired from your job, restricted from owning guns, your children taken from you, and must serve at least a minimum 1 year prison sentence, with the option to extend for repeat offenses.


You'd have to purchase it first to even do that. And giving a dev your money just so you can "bomb" the game afterwards is so pointless only the truly autistic would think it worthwhile.
Game reviews are being used as super autistic battlegrounds for onlineshit culture wars. This is the only inevitable solution and like I said /polv/ will lose their minds as if it was GG all over again.

Turns out enabling pedophiles isnt a good idea plus trannies will kill themselves anyway so why even bother giving them money.

Attached: 1558903937550.png (2412x1800, 3.53M)

why do you think you deserve to live, leftist?

pro-tip: you don't.

kill yourself it will be less painful

The green skull fag kept coming here and bragging about it while reposting his steam thread where he was complaining about it. I'd say that's proof.

>They’re planning another review bomb now.
So, 10 more Steam reviews?

shhh, it doesn't matter if it's real, it helps

Polygon: Steam review bomb stops game from cutting homophobic content Ion Fury retains homophobia in-game after all

US Gamer: Ion Fury Developer Walks Back Apology and Won't Remove Controversial Content - The homophobic language will stay in to oppose "censorship."

Attached: Polygon ion fury.jpg (1009x1268, 222K)

>we need more gay visibility
>the use of the word gay is inherently bad
Why are they so bad at hiding their mental instability?

Name one drawback to worldwide genocide of all left wingers and left wing enablers

How is it homophobic? Seriously can someone explain this to me? I legitimately dont understand how the word gay is homophobic. What about this implies you hate gays? What is the logic for these retards to be an angry mob about?

well, there it is

Don't fat shame him asshole.

Attached: 20190630_082054.jpg (470x602, 214K)

I like how the tweets have swearing in them now to make them seem tough.

Lmao, what a shithole of a website, can't wait until the 40% transitions to a 60%

Attached: democratic_republic_of_trannyera.png (1055x400, 48K)

why must it be "homophobic"? (not a real thing btw)
why cant it be simply a "gay" joke?

>I'd say that was proof
He's just some guy on the internet saying he did it. Anyone could do that.

1: Jackie Chan

There isn't any. It's quite literally whatever they can get mad about, they will

a sprite has the word gay in it :(

its like nigger to them. in what context can you say nigger that isn't racist and in a good light?

Well damn I hope no one throws a milkshake at you because then both sides would be just as bad

Given that the joke is just that it says gay implies that being gay is funny/strange. That's how its homophobic.

That being said, nobody should care because it's an accurate recreation of Duke nukem style humour and fits the game.

I'll fat shame Erufuda too you can't stop me
Kuroeda best

>Due to brigading, incivility, transphobia, and homophobia, we're locking this thread.
>We want to use this space to highlight the Trevor Project, a non-profit organization that assists LGTBQ+ youth. Please consider donating to them. Thank you.

>whats wrong with mutilating young boys and replacing their hormones and then trafficking them via the pedonet for rape and death in underground sex cults?

you will be killed

>right to exist
I genuinely don't understand this talking point they keep throwing around. Makes them seem more insane.

>games they bought just to refund

But think of all the good they could do for Liberia as slave labor. Plus, they would love it! Working off all that white guilt, it would be the time of their lives. Truly a win-win scenario.

I don't remember any joke like that in Duke Nukem

What the fuck.

What if you arbitrarily declare your opponents "intolerant" to give yourself an excuse for intolerance?
Invoking the tolerance paradox is no different from saying "I'm right because I say so", it's the same as all those leftist thought terminators like "I'm on the right side of history" and "there is no acceptable compromise between good and evil".

You're literally wishing death on people over your paranoid delusions. Please, get help. I hope you're on a watchlist.


good arse

Attached: Fury Screenshot 2019.08.26 - (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Don't think logically. Only homophobes think logically.

Ah yes, duke didnt have any stupid dudebro/crass humour in it. Fucking twat.

How did 3DRealms miscalculated so badly? Their target market is made up of douk, blood, and doom fans. Doom was THE edgelord game, and douk is basically the embodiment of what people think of when they say "toxic masculinity. " these are clearly dedicated fans and are probably older with money to spend.

It's always a pleasure to see these miserable fucking niggers not get their way. Rolling back a decision meant to pander to them like this especially sends a clear fucking message, that profit-wise they're not worth appealing to anymore.

On the subject of recent crybaby tantrums, I hear Era-type idiots are also shitting their huggies over Astral Chain. What's up with that?

yes I copied my post from last thread, it was posted well after bump limit

Attached: 71qdk9clv9s21 (1).jpg (745x548, 29K)

what's wrong leftpedo cant take what you're dishing?

It isn't homophobic, it is an absurd claim that it would be.
It's barely a gay joke, it's just a juvenile joke which is the fucking point, it's a build engine game, that is the point. I don't understand how you get so retarded you're actually offended over this.

I bet the faggot that is offended is straight as well, I'm at least bisexual and I say fucking fuck off.

Attached: 1561270970642.jpg (822x1213, 268K)

im not gonna visit your shitty blog, tranny

Friendly reminder that outrage culture is so far now that they couldn't even make sensible changes to genuinely improve the game anymore, without some faggot screaming censorship and everyone jumping on the hate bandwagon.


Name a homophobic joke specifically.

Reminder this is the same type of person who cries at milkshakes and mean girls



Well gamers buy the product and SJWs don't so maybe they can just go back to sucking fake frankendicks instead of making other people as abhorrently miserable and self-loathing as they are

The LGBTwhateverthefuck community needs to piss off permanently. 40% is clearly too low if they're still energetic enough to shit on hobbies they don't have.

you mad your little boy supply is drying up leftpedo?

This world truly is a big pile of shit if that's all they are upset about

Pretty sure he means rimworld where trannies got mad that the mod author didn't include homosexuality and transgender shit even though mods are much better suited for doing it.

Get help, schizo.

B-b-but xirs, I thought a SOAP BOTTLE was not worth getting upset about?
I thought those g*mers were pathetic for crying so much about a SOAP BOTTLE, so why are these journos so upset over a FUCKING SOAP BOTTLE?


Attached: 155752385191122656927578.png (527x634, 560K)

On a scale of 1 to 40 how hard are you seething right now?

Attached: 1566689145493.png (693x601, 247K)

>mod author
woops i meant developer

Eat shit and die

how would it improve the game by removing "ogay"?

I have help in the form of my pedo list and civ militia buddies.

The Storm is coming pedo nigger. We can literally hear all your conversations. We know where you sleep and your drop off locations.

Nowhere to run, leftpedo. Nowhere. To. Run.



>Duke nukem forever
>squeal piggy, squeal
That's a gay rape joke made in reference to Deliverance.

Its white when being hovered dummy

lol we've reached the point of people doing the military sniper copypasta unironically

>by: Patricia Hernandez

>trannies btfo
I guess i'll eat my words and buy the game. Nice job.

Only meaningful post ITT

>yes, I do realize that in this particular instance we are talking about a leftist forum notorious for being anti-free speech, but whatabout MUH NAATSEEZ
American politics have ruined the Internet and made you retarded.

this whole situation seams bizzare,
they should fire person that does PR

actual based, Q has the pedos so panicked

>LGBT donation
it was a suicide prevention donation
actually yeah i guess you could consider it an LGBT donation

Attached: 1564615842852.png (705x767, 564K)

How is resetera reacting to this?

Well, they stuck true to their guns at least. Time to give them my money

Attached: ECfhKd5UwAAeTJb.jpg (1077x606, 45K)

I like how they have to dance around the word "censor", literally censoring themselves so they don't look like censors.

You got any more of these pics? I could use some genuine cringe to wake me up right now.

they realised they fucked up, they learned a hard life lesson and made a public statement to never compromise or censor their artistic vision for a handful of permanently professionally offended.
if you can not forgive and move on, and I'm not talking about this game specifically, you will never find peace and be happy.
this is why everyone at ResetEra is so fucking miserable. They can not forgive and can not forget, so they are in a perpetual state of bitterness, anger and hate and the long-term effects on one's psyche are severe.

Attached: 1390399798999.png (500x696, 512K)

It's not like calling to someone for 1 and a half hour is useful. These prehentions are as valuable as some nigger on discord listening to your venting

Parts of reddit are just as insane and obnoxious as Resetera.

Let me guess, you have thin glasses, short brown hair, a doughy face, and a pale complexion


Attached: 1566835187825.png (1015x176, 28K)


Attached: dude.png (230x212, 61K)

Take a wild guess.

Attached: EC6Pwm_XsAIu3Ye.png (892x750, 136K)

>All these faghags seething on Steam and Era right now.
I'd drink the tears, but I fear that theyd contain too many HRT chemicals in them

That's quite a stretch. Especially in the context of the actual pig enemies in the game.


well punk, are ya feelin' lucky?

Who fucking cares, let the trannies rot.


Why do some people go through life looking for things to be offended by?
What's wrong with their brains?

Attached: 2cJJZym.jpg (919x720, 59K)

No sorry, I'm not the MKUltra'd son of a Freemason/Shriner pedophile ringleader.

We know. We have it all. Your game is over.

All that is left for you and yours is to DIE.

I don't even...

The other guy is a conspiracy theorist threatening death on anyone who doesn't think like him because he's convinced they're all child rapists, but sure.

>furry anime avatar

every time KEK

they have nothing interesting in their lives and get off on being bitter assholes

>Why do some people go through life looking for things to be offended by?

I don't know. it isn't just them either. Yea Forums is guilty of this daily like going into threads they don't like

People with money and no problems seek out problems.

i cant stand this obese Cell for fucks sake
is it a representation of their cholesterol filled "temple"?




Whatchu gon do nigga

They still cucked out

Attached: ion fur donating.jpg (612x304, 50K)

>it was a suicide prevention donation
Look up things for yourself instead of just believing the damage control. It's an LGBT youth charity that has a suicide hotline service.

Self censorship is still censorship.

Attached: 1565778876773.png (629x446, 14K)

Wait, we're alt-right? But I don't want to vote to a right party. I mean, the last time I voted was like 10 years ago and I don't feel like changing it.

Military/civ militia kills you

cool, the internet hate machine keeps on chugging

Who's the faggot author, is it Ben Kuchera? $50 on it

There's nothing wrong about donating to the suicide hotline. Other people besides trannies commit suicide and they do good work.

So they made a mistake and corrected it, to err is human, and now they're not standing by a bunch of useless fucking half-humans who don't play video games.
Fuck them, fuck their agenda and fuck censoring even small shit. The world sucks, we should fucking BE so lucky that video games give us completely controlled circumstances reflecting that in any way.

Maybe, just maybe if these useless fucks had some skin on them, they wouldn't have to leverage threats against developers. Instead they wanted to play dirty like they fucking know anything, so others played dirty back and it got results.
The shoe is on the other foot now, it seems to me. Maybe if they don't like bullying getting results, they shouldn't fucking do it. I pray to God, Vishnu or whatever higher power is out there that we get more displays like this. The LGBTBBQ community is too much, they're too high off their own farts, and now they're getting repealed actively.

If 3DR backs down again from this, maybe, but as it is they recognized their shitty decision and have backed the fuck down on it. Thank God.

But didn't hey already donate $40k of the money they made to some tranny fund or something?

Some user told it was for the dopamine rush and I'm starting to think he was not wrong.


Attached: 1560479606838.png (750x560, 444K)

Charity is one of the few good things left on Earth you tremendous fucking mistake, don't steal what little value it has left because you're mad about a bunch of fake penises and vaginas

Kek, pretty based.

Attached: 20190822_211828.jpg (1078x1120, 566K)

Going on a banning spree as usual.

They had to donate or they would give them more fuel.

apparently also all it takes to get alt-righters angry. guess they shouted loudest.

>Kingdom come deliverance
how is kc:d sjw? all I heard was sjw pissing their pants about it and the devs changing nothing

Name anything more completely garbage than outrage culture.

guess they got fed up with the PR games

Attached: twit.png (746x773, 88K)

oh look at that
it's actual fucking pedophiles getting mad at chinese cartoon girls again
what a surprise

No reason to be scared of gays and trannies after all.

>more unironic whataboutism
What the fuck are you even trying to prove with this, you single-digit inbred?



>fuck censoring
Do you really not have anything better to do than complain about a soap bottle texture?

Motherfucker, the controversy got started over someone saying it's fucked up for parents to decide their children are "trans" at birth. You'd think transbian, of all people, would agree with not deciding other people's genders.

There's nothing wrong with being LGBT, reactionary scum

Doesn't he know "twatbag" is a misogynist term?

shoot game :dd

Attached: FB_IMG_15668351885278260.jpg (720x595, 196K)

Nice! Gonna buy the game now

It's been really funny seeing all the fps twitters rally behind them while thr people that hate those games get bent out of shape.

what is it with this "you reject my right to exist"-crap all the time that wasn't ever implied in any way? how do they always get there? is it just narcissm? I gotta say, the more I see of trannies, the more I get the feeling most of them really are just mentally ill...

This is unironically the best thing that could have happened to this industry.

It will prove that video game "journalism" is finished and their blogposts have no impact on customers anymore and that no one cares about the mad screechings of ResetEra. They can write as many assassination and cancellation pieces as much as they want. People are beyond sick and tired of their faggotry and will reward 3D Realms/Voidpoint by buying their game again.

This will wake and shake a lot of people in the industry up and make them come to their senses.

Attached: 1486437763292.jpg (630x630, 153K)

Since when is GAY a slur? Gays literally call themselves gays

They are the walking definition of "It's okay when we do it."

>There's nothing wrong with being LGBT

Attached: 1546911990417.gif (500x209, 1.94M)

I'm trans and I honestly want you to die for pushing this shit on children. You're demonic.

Attached: 1546084558795.jpg (3100x1855, 3.02M)

Based, i already bought the Gog version after pirating it but i might buy the steam one too because of all the butthurt they've caused

Attached: 1563333032844.jpg (324x324, 53K)

That's you're a hypocrite with an obvious agenda.

fps twitters?

So does that mean that 3D Realms are now based?

There's nothing wrong with being LGB*

>sunset overdrive

Attached: 1549438825843.png (568x850, 224K)

>the more I see of trannies, the more I get the feeling most of them really are just mentally ill...

It finally clicked?

i do it because i don't like myself and this is easier than cutting.

man this is getting close to john kerry levels of flip flopping lmao

>I'm trans
me too and you're full of shit

there's literally nothing wrong with burlesque you fucking tea party prude

the irony of this post hurts

That's not how the law works in burgerland, whoever has the most money wins.
ESPECIALLY on matters of intellectual property

They do agree, which is why they don't like the implication that they don't.

Attached: 1562608525882.png (1290x716, 171K)

It's incredible how it works for both parties

you people are fucking ridiculous

how do you justify spending the energy to care about a fucking shampoo bottle

Tweeters. Idk what the fuck you call people that use Twitter

it's good to see that Voidpoint are /ourdevs/ now.

Attached: Brad Pitt approving.webm (1920x800, 1.91M)

Gays are not normal
Know why, because normal people can make jokes about each other
when you make a stand and say
>No you cant make a joke about this protected class
then you are by self-admission saying that this group of people are not normal and abnormal so if faggots and trannies want to be seen as normal, they should stop being faggots and learn to take a joke

>You're demonic.
You're insane. Fucking hell, I can't believe how many times I've heard this extreme hyperbole over the past few days and it's legitimately disturbing. You should actually be committed if you genuinely think like this because you are a danger to yourself and others.

user, do you have a concept of "staying on subject"?
Point your fingers all you want, it doesn't make you any less of a stupid faggot.

>Nothing wrong with being LGBTYQIDKMYBFFJILL

Attached: 3e2.jpg (480x712, 18K)

Gay is a term only allowed for leftists. Everyone else is just hatespeech or whatever buzzword these retards will parrot.
Don't forget it, the LGTB lobbies are left's pets.

It's resetera, even if nothing is there they will find some convoluted made up reason to get mad at something. At least with Yea Forums it's just shitposting, but with them they actually mean it.

Please tell me the poor boy isn’t grinding or stripping. If it’s just dancing like an idiot that’s one thing, but if he comes home with TMNT underoos full of singles, there’s a problem.

I'm offended, put a burka on her.

>user, do you have a concept of "staying on subject"?
Says the retard who had to make a meta commentary about Nazis out of fucking nowhere on a conversation he wasn't even taking part in

It's probably not true anyway but if it is true was it really fucking worth it, he didn't even get his wish since they backtracked on the censorship in the end and saved their careers.

Attached: 1542721455907.png (1000x652, 134K)

lets make semen white supremacy. That way fags cant pozz each other because white cum racist

Lmao this can't be real

These games "journalists" clearly get their marching orders from pedoera

>At least with Yea Forums it's just shitposting


Attached: 1525149844360.gif (554x400, 120K)

Blow it out your prolapsed asshole you demonic faggot.

Attached: 1563030935155.jpg (3007x1911, 1.82M)

>Best looking girl in the bar
God, that place must have the world’s best liquor or the world’s blindest people.

They're still getting aids nonetheless

No, anybody claiming it was about the soap bottle is damage controlling hard.
Resetera is mad because one of the devs said we should not be diagnosing people with gender dysphoria at birth.

Holy shit now this is based.

We cute

i mean you do nothing but complain about trannies and jews, what else can one assume? that you HAPPEN to align with nazi principles?

Notch, are you here?

Attached: Screenshot_20190826-133136_Chrome.jpg (2220x1080, 271K)

KYS. but u'll probably will do it w/o my advice.

Good. fuck devs for even giving them lip service.

He will now

Attached: sexist.jpg (660x772, 109K)


i see you're a fan of baalbuddy as well.

Attached: 1566210549630.jpg (1200x1176, 308K)

You can’t just remove a donation when you publicly flaunted it like that. That would just look worse.

hi daddy notch

Fucking based. Discord trannies on suicide watch (all along).

Drugs aren't the solution.


Attached: these-are-beautiful-times-it-finally-happened-61645673~01.png (500x277, 189K)

>i-i'm l-i-literally shaking you can't call us that word that's mean...
Stop abusing children you sick fuck.

Only after I tie your noose.

Attached: 1557419174111.jpg (810x500, 61K)


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SO LOONG, GAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: Liberals response to traditional american values.png (758x480, 517K)

Hi, I'm Notch!

follow your """sisters""" faggot

Attached: 1562952111039.jpg (1080x1484, 653K)

>>get negative ratings by gamers because of the removal of a sprite
Enough to send it to mixed.
>>get negative reviews by trannies because they're keeping a sprite
Enough to be kind of annoying on forums, but not that noticeable beyond social media.
Devs are starting to pick up on how irrelevant these puling chucklefucks are.

excellent taste but please reconsider ruining your life


>t. homo demon

>Stop abusing children you sick fuck.
As soon as you take your anti-psychotics. In fact you might say there's a connection between those two things.

based, this is why i pay taxes so you can play fantasy with expensive drugs for free



Attached: 1538397575670.png (658x901, 86K)


>Anything with the word gay in it is homophobic!!!!
>*says the word twat*
He didn't think this one through, did he?

Good lads! Resetera completely and utterly BTFO.

We shouldn't, that's fucking idiotic.

>add one letter 12 years ago
>Yea Forums starts seething HOW MANY MORE!!?!?

>all gays are the ones bitching.
there's plenty who aren't uptight cunts and can take the jokes and roll with it. Don't group them together.
there's a decent majority that are good people, just a small group of loud bitches that make them all look bad.

based tranny, don't kys

>tfw it has become almost impossible to have a discussion about the actual game
The game is good. Can't we just talk about the game?

Attached: 1522337109219.jpg (250x242, 13K)

>little girls in pageants
>kids stripping in girls clothing
>Yep nothing wrong here, how empowering for the boy to explore his gender identity

Reminder to remove your negative reviews
If you don't and you still complain after the devs listen to you and apologize, you're no better than sjw crybabies

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-26 Ion Fury on GOG com.png (866x1330, 178K)

>Patricia Hernandez

is there a bigger version of this? Halloween is nearing and I would like a new wallpaper.

>biggest board on a popular website gets astroturfed
who could've though

No, i want to see more pseudo-/pol posts

this is now a platform for /pol/. there will be no discussion unless it's about 'the jewish problem'


Olay is a FINE product it MOISTENS as well as CLEANS.

Triggered the libzzzz
Owned the libzzzz

Oh i guess there was a game in there but who cares.

Donate to my patreon

Attached: download (2).jpg (259x194, 6K)

>wants intellectual interaction
>comes to Yea Forums
Nobody shows up to a dumpster fire to meet their wife ... or they shouldn't anyway

Attached: Capture.jpg (600x381, 40K)


that's not a thing that happens anyways. pretty pointless to say.

Remember the thread from yesterday asking if it delivered? There were done talking about the game but it was mostly tranny hate

>out of fucking nowhere
>meanwhile he mentions milkshakes like it's in any way related to subject at hand
Top zozzle.
>trannies and jews
Yeah, as we all know, there are groups of people you simply can't have a negative opinion of.

Based. Fuck devs and fuck trannys

Triggered dumb bible thumping pedo detected

That guy does look and sound exactly like the type who would know the ins and outs of school children.
I don't think this will be an overnight benefit or anything for the industry, but if "journos" dignify the situation with decent coverage, it will stand as a known quantity and it will serve as an example for developers to reflect on going forward. And that's what ReeeeEra is truly upset about: they're not just mad about taking a singular L and not getting their politically sanitized way this one time, but they're likely crapping themselves in fear since this will begin a gradual course of events that will expose the "influence" and "power" of their shitty little clique as nothing more than a shadow on the wall.

Don't be such a dumb fuck. Most "charities" are a scam, in particular this one. If you want to help people, and not just throw away money to feel like a good person when you aren't, personally find people locally who are genuinely in need and give them some food and clothing.

10% of the time I truly wonder what it takes to turn a person into a delusional faggot like in that pic, the other 90% of the time I just want them dead.

The donation was a good thing. /pol/ will reply to this post.

Holy fuck did they actually get so miserable after transitioning that they killed themselves

So exactly like you guys then. Look at this gay shit.

Attached: 1566611068524.jpg (613x2514, 1.21M)

Attached: fuckyeah.png (302x270, 40K)


Oh look, you're really just a Nazi, that explains it

>one side promotes giving kids puberty blockers therefore denying them a chance at a normal childhood and devastating effects to their mental and physical health

>the other side wants to stop this

Woah guys like horseshoe is real, thats why im a cool centrist, like both sides are really the same when you think about it

>look up what's so anti-SJW about Rimworld
>turns out all the "controversy" is pure libel

Don't just make up bullshit unless you're trying to get clicks for your article.

seems like whoever is running the voidpoint account got under his skin

pic related you in ~10 years

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The only charity I have EVER found that was even close to being legit was St. Jude's For the Cure.

If there were more trannies like you I wouldn't hate trannies as much.

Thanks for sharing.

Just give 'em the fucking money instead of being a patronising cunt

t. demon

based and estrogenpilled

Congrats Yea Forums on strong arming a small developer
You guys must be so proud of yourselves

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i met my husband on /r9k/

>all recent negative reviews complaining about not censoring the game are US accounts

What a shitty country

Finally! Devs telling censors to go fuck themselves.

Based, how's your buttbabies doing?

>Also had some graffiti on the wall in the game that called someone a fagbag.
Wouldn't graffiti like that do a lot for world building? What, fags think homophobia or transphobia or whatever doesn't exist in a sci fi dystopia?

>yes I copied my post from last thread, it was posted well after bump limit
There's no shame in it, user. There comes a point when we all do this, whether we want to admit this or not.

Make a new thread specifically for the game, I'll post in it.

If only you knew how bad things really were.

>making a collage
you really do spend a lot of time there dont you? Why dont you just stay there where you belong tourist?

You should know by now that their mindset is "anyone who isn't me is a literal nazi"

US has been the bane of world for a long time now


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user, puberty is the thing that comes after your childhood, and what puberty blockers are intended to do in this case is prevent the child from going through changes which produce gender dysphoria, which is in fact detrimental to their mental and physical health. The procedure is considered fully reversible. Hormone treatment and surgery aren't allowed at that age.

hasn't worked yet but he's determined to keep trying!

I don't know what you mean. Just google search "rimworld controversy" for a slew of outraged articles.

He’s not dead but he keeps trying to.

But first, let me just get through these superchats...

And yet resetera still got mad over it

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There's a reason I hate living here

user, the site you're currently posting in is 4channel dot org, this kind of shit does not work here, unlike the places you normally visit.
I'd suggest you to go back.

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I honestly just want P Hernandez to stop fueling every single fire she comes across.

Review bombing doesn't matter. Voidpoint/3DR likely only cares about how many copies sell. Since Resetera faggots didn't buy the game when it exclusively pandered to them, if any of the people on/v/ actually put their money where their mouth is and buy the game then the content will be left in.

New thread

already removed my negative review and re-bought the game after having refunded it last week.

step by step, day by day makes ResetEra and game journos go away.

Attached: alt-right incel nazi showing his symbol of hatred.png (533x476, 415K)

You didn't do shit you stupid faggot eat my entire ass

>intellectual interaction
Talking about a video game user, not war and peace. Is it too much to ask?

Just like Yea Forums got mad at the implication that they're Nazis

Must be because they're Nazis

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He’s ridiculously angry.

>this kind of shit does not work here
no, of course, nothing does, not facts, not logic.

I'm not at being called a nazi at all. If being a free thinker now in this era means you're a nazi, let's gas some kikes

I still don't have a problem with that. My issue isn't with LGBT people, it's with censorship. I'm not gonna complain if the dev's want to make contributions to charity, regardless of their reasons.

I liked the secrets, i'm a doomfag who hadn't played a build engine game before and had a blast looking for them, despite a couple being cryptic as fuck, are the old build games like this too?

New thread

You wont have anyone to blame all the worlds problems on anymore

>Everyone i disagree with is a Nazi

You won't have video games unless you first destroy all SJWs.

Good for you for being honest about how sinful transexualism is. What you need is God's forgiveness. I wish it were easy enough to tell you how to go about getting that.

faggot is boiling right now, kek.

>tranny subreddit has a unique thread tag for suicide announcements

Nothing else is large enough to warm her massive, hairy ass.


Why are you getting upset at that? Must mean you're a Nazi. I didn't make the rules.

>resetera: we want censorship
>Yea Forums: we want no censorship
>user: look those two are the same!

>reading comprehension

Doesn't horseshoeing in this case implicitly admit that ResetEra and the like are, in fact, dangerous parasites with unreasonable influence?

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I don't have any tranny cringe, so you can just have some standard reddit cringe instead

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>more /pol/ inforgraphs
Only smoothbrains take these at face value, they were designed to take advantage of the stupid and those who want to believe what they say.

You are really not enjoying your time here, huh?

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>if you censor your game to a group that doesn't buy them, i won't buy them
>if you follow anti-consumer practices and engage in a business war with steam and epic while lining your pockets i won't buy your game
seems fine to me desu

Will the 45% ever become the 100%?

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>Resetera: gets unreasonably upset over things outside the game
>Yea Forums: gets unreasonably upset over things outside the game
>user: it's different when we do it!

Post butt

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New thread

Who gives a shit

I liked it better before Stormfront invaded

that's one of those fake tattoos that goes away quickly? if so there's nothing cringe about it. that was pretty cool of the cinema to do.

No. I don't want to donate to a charity that condones transsexualism.

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How's the guy even have a job?

It's different because it's over differnet issues. One shared trait does not mean the two are the same.


>I spout what I learned from an infogram without looking into myself
You just make yourself look stupid, user.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>resetera: devs should do as we say!
>Yea Forums: devs should do as WE say!
>faggot user: Yea Forums is right because I agree with them!
>actual person: the devs should be able to make the game they envisioned without shitholes telling them how to do it

It does when that's the thing I care about

>everything is "things"
Nihilistic faggot.

>relevant in every possible sense of the word
I'ma let you know a little secret...
Invasion of retards like you damaged the site's quality more severely than any /pol/ LARPer.

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I was here before you.

Why would you even care?
Even if you don't condone it, it's a suicide prevention hotline, you can disapprove of someone lifestyle and still treat them humanely.
Just say you don't care about the game and went in for the rage fest..

Don't be so nearsighted. Things outside of the game matter a lot since they affect new games and even new content for this game.

Resetera asked to change the game, Yea Forums asked to restore it how it was. Don't twist facts.

You weren't, but it's time for you to leave.

>appeal to oldfaggotry
The last refuge of a butthurt faggot.

Fuck off, demon.