What a king must do

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Geddit cuz we're talking about fucking her.


Made for human cock.

Imagine Horde taking over all of Azeroth and a bunch of Orcs start dominating nighelf babes

too much gametes in your grey matter
your a faget if you dont dring :D

Does she have a cock?

Orc Cock*

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I sure hope so.

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>the decaying heads on his belt

not erotic at all

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stop posting porn

Fuck off tranny

>pulling panties down from under dress/skirt

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It must be there because nurses give injections, they don't take them.

why do men fetishize women so much?

Men on Yea Forums fetishize women so much because they're either too awkward to talk to them or see them as objects

there's a fetish for every kind of woman, fat, thin, long, short, bald, not bald, armpits, feet, hands, stomach big tits small tits. why do women not like men in the same way

They do, go outside

You will understand when your pubes grow in, son.

i'm most definitely not too awkward to see them as objects

neat, i'll go to the gym in a few hours, maybe someone will find me attractive someday.

I tried but no woman likes a short, fat, poor wageslave with a small dick.

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There are women for you, your standards are probably too high

My standards are what I can manage. Shower enough to not be a crusty fuck and walk enough to not need a mobility scooter.

If you can make a woman laugh then you can get in her pants

thats sexual assault and now he has to spend 20 years in jail

Not exactly a hard and fast rule, some dudes just don't have it.

Thinking like this will never get you laid

Bump that up a bit since I'm black.

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but it keeps me employed

I feel you, disregarding women is a good idea but if you think you'd get #metoo'd working your shitty job then you're way out of it, they only go after successful people

>not skullfucking your foes mid-battle
low test

That's just the difference between male and female brains. Men have greater mental range than women; men are more spread out across the intelligence spectrum. There are more male geniuses than women, but also more retards. Male IQ goes both much higher and much lower. Women are more in the middle of it, and that extends to everything to do with the brain and thought.

it happens to students too, just for attention for the girl and the guys future is ruined but enough of this depressing stuff, post things that make you happy

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what the fuck, man?

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you are a retard if you think it doesn't happen constantly to regular people

That is the future you chose.

That was a really weird fanfic. Like, it was terribly written, terribly out of character for just about everyone involved even by nu-Blizz standards, and it makes no god damn sense.
But I kept reading it just to see the next silly justification that author had.

How active is the erotic fanfic community for wow? Been thinking about writing some.

are there any fanfics about velen or yrel fucking an eredar

I couldn't bring myself to read it, even by fanfic standards.
I can't stand Anduin character and for me he will always be a pathetic twink.

Not that great. WoW story really sucks, even normies hate it. Didn't help that the majority of the male characters died.

Name 10

I wouldn't say constantly, but I have had a friend almost get royally fucked by some crazy lying bitch, so it certainly doesn't "only happen with successful people."

It's pretty bad.
WoW's strongest asset for this kind of thing is all the grade A quality ass on display. Fuck, if I had the time I could fill up an entire book with just ideas for all the ways you could use Tyrande in stories.
But most writers default to the following three things most of the time.
>Jaina fucks orcs
>Male OC has the homo sex with other male OC or canon straight man
>Jaina becomes a submissive and willing toy for Sylvanas.

Men being attracted to women isn't a fetish. It's normal sexual behaviour. Anything that deviates from this basic formula is a fetish however, so your desire as a man to suck cock is a fetish.

Would you?

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what do you mean "or"?

sauce? iqdb and yandex failed

I don't want to fuck up the world even more it's already in a shitter

the furry fanfics are ok

with a butt like that, oh yes

In every hole, and some places that aren't hole.