Radioactive area in game

>Radioactive area in game
>Geiger counter clicks start playing
>You don't have a Geiger counter

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What's a geiger counter?:)

its what Ripley used to detects the aliens

It's a device that counts the amount of geigers in the vicinity.
Geigers are radioactive particles that are harmful to humans

This is one of the best Wojacks I've seen

Name one game

Metroid Prime does it whenever you get near phazon

>area in game
>music starts playing
>you don't have a radio

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>>Radioactive area in game
>>Geiger counter clicks start playing in real life
>>You don't have a Geiger counter


That would be a Giger counter

based koma-chan poster

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You have fucking power armor in Metroid. There could be a geiger counter somewhere in there.

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>developers find intuitive way to show an invisible effect
>durrr why didnt they do it different

He looks like a trustworthy guy.

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Why would they draw a manga about such a boring task?

>floor in game
>you start walking
>you don't have legs

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Beats me. I just though it would be educational for that user

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>Radioactive area in game
>No indicators
>Doesn't just announce in the end credits that you died of cancer 10 years later

based soichiro honda

Gosh I hope there isn't any radioactivity in the house.

And that's how it works!

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It's like a motherfucker, except instead of fucking your mother it counters her geigers

Command & Conquer Renegade

What a dependent young girl, she'll be a great housewife.

>Rewind time
>Makes rewinding tape noise
>You don't have a tape recorder

>Game has graphite on the roof

>You don't have a Geiger counter
name a game where your told you dont have one
you cant.
therefore you always had one if you can hear the clicking.

>wojak poster

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aren't geiger counters pretty standard issue for military personnel? especially if you're fighting mudslimes? a mod for your smartphone that turns it into one is like 120USD lmao.


>FPS game
>your character never shows his killing license

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Post the rest you fucking pussy.

so I can get fried by Gamma rays just because the stupid thing doesn't detect any neutrons, free protons, beta radiation or alpha radiation? Gamma rays aren't particles.

this better be the end

>most games with radiation imply you have a geiger counter even if its not explicitly part of the gameplay
>its almost like its just a sound que that devs use so you immediately understand whats going on without pointless exposition or some other kind of indicator

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Fuck no. There are special NBC troops that will have them. But its not standard issue for grunts unless radiation is anticipated.

>game doesn't feature clocks

Rape scene inc

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Is there any game other than Black Mesa that also adds a noise shader? I love that effect.

its not

In Katana Zero you have a casette player so it not only explains the music but also the rewind noise

>has no day night cycle if you sit in a match for 24 hours

Used goods
She will succumb to innate desires for abusive old men

>game has radiation
>no option to dip a spider in it, let it bite you, and become spider-man

Why don't devs think in terms of current year?

''unless anticipated'' so when North Korea needs to go it iwll be issued/ they're ferocious animals that wouldn't mind flinging waste at the other ferocious animals of the US.

What game let's you pick up spiders?

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Post what? The house is safe, the guy's work is done and he's moving to the next one.

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Actually new research suggests that all electromagnetic radiation is particles. The whole wave/particle duality of photons might just be the particles causing ripples in spacetime.

you have a hazard warning meter on the left

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I do know the particlewave function of quantum physics, but doesn't thhat just describe BEHAVIOR? I suppose it's all just semantics. Do geigers pick up Gamma and Cosmic rays? Not that cosmics are a threat, ever...

Geiger counters don’t measure roentgens. Dosimeters are what you’re talking about, brainlet.

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It's a device that counts gay germans in vicinity

Then why is it always geiger counters in games instead of dosimeters?

In cod4 and black ops they mention dosimeters

According to wiki devices can detect gamma

>Doesn't know what radiation sounds like

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Name 64 games

>radioactive area
>gamma maxes out

Geiger counters CAN pick up alpha and beta particles, along with gamma radiation, but it can't tell the difference between them.

>implying radiation is a big deal

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In 3 when you're in areas with a shitton of phazon you can make out something under the clicking. It's laughter. Mocking laughter.

is it possible at all to have a tech tell you if you are being bombarded by cuck beta particles, or are breathing in alpha emitters and tanking gamma rays?

it's the number 2 cause of cancer, right behind chemical mutagens.

Happy ending.

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I love good endings

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Yeah, alpha particles are chunks of protons and neutrons, beta particles are only electrons

I know dosimeters exist, but I think I'd rather have a thing that tells me the dosage I'm enduring than what is happening around me. Radon gas is a concern, but polonium I don't ingest isn't as these alpha's only reach 10cm from their source.

Troops get a special tape they put on their clothes to detect chemical attacks, but it doesn't tell them shit about radiation.

What's a radio :O

what's the name of this educational leaflet then?
So i can share the information in my neighbourhood!

Is that an original wojak? Nice work.


Chernobyl has ruined depictions of radiation in every movie to me. Would love to see a Shin Godzilla followup that explores the effects of godzilla's radiation on innocents and the landscape of japan

Didn't they mention that the Godzilla radiation decayed pretty quickly? Not instantly, but it wasn't very long before Tokyo was habitable again.

I think you're right. There's also a tendency in Godzilla films for the monster to kind of soak up the radiation levels, like in GVD

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How is this new? People have been talking about this for nearly a hundred years

I don't understand your request. Are you seeking to detect emitters you've ingested?

Why was she crying?

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Cute demon core chan.

Measure the dose my body had to endure, as it would eliminate particles that didn't penetrate the skin.

Sometimes I turn music off for realism.

because she's a dumb retarded slut that's why

Name one game you deluded zoomer

Geiger counter

pretty good

>"Press A button to continue"
>Press the B button since the B button is also A button
>Game doesn't continue

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A "B" button is a "B" button, you can't say it's an "A"

Every single button is A button, if they are not A button they aren't A button, A button is A button and B button is also A button, X and Y are also buttons therefore X is also A button and Y is also A button.

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Wow this conversation is getting to smart for me

Shouldn't you be raping Angelica despite being the gayest man alive?

>press power button

There's no way her power suit wouldn't have some radiation detection system

She's a woman.

unless pic related or similar is involved, you DO NOT NEED THAT.

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These wojaks are really getting ridiculous.

Post rest of manga rape scene pls

you've seen nothing.

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>implying angelica isn't stu's personal whore

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God bless Josuke

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came here to post the geiger counter doujin

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I just like surreal yet minimalist paint art. shut your whore mouth

Why did he just assault that helpful young girl?

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what the heck? He could have broken his machine. I don't think this guy is a real scientist

>you have a Geiger counter
>it only goes up to 3.6 roentgen

UUUHH... guys? I'm starting to think this guy doesn't work for the municipal office...

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What are you talking about? He's wearing the uniform.

can you set a geiger to not warn you if the radiation is 10 times background or less? as that's harmless or even beneficial.

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A weird way to spell Niggers

>enter radioactive area

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3.6 roentgen?

Not good..... But not terrible...

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