How do i into Bitterblack Isle, Yea Forums?
The dungeon and the monsters are fun by themselves but i can't deal any noticeable damage to the bosses and together with having to fight the same shitty wolves every time i want to re-enter it is making me want to give up and put the game to rest. Do i need to grind? i'm level 60 or so.
I defeated one of the bosses with throwblast but i can't say it's very fun or interesting to beat them like that.
Dragon's Dogma
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getting BBI gear makes a huge difference
I just kept rerunning old areas for the chests and just ran away from fights I couldn't win
Don't post my goat
Your goat is a bleating she-jobber!
grind some more, get some good gear and come back when you feel more powerful
Level is useless, it’s all gear.
Basically you have to grind cursed shit and then abuse your character and pawn’s vocations to get shit you can use.
Also, if you play MA, you are a fag and shouldn’t post about BBI
your level is fine to start BBI but you'll probably come up against some shit that'll push you around pretty quick.
I assume you already took care of Grigori, have you been farming the everfall for wakestones, gear, and dragonforging your gear?
Also dragonforged rust weapons are god tier for applying torpor to some of the bosses.
DDO shut down? lmao, seemed fairly popular last I checked
It's true
I agree with you but it looked radically different from Dragon's Dogma anyway. I'm much more interested in an actual sequel than a cash grab MMO with a DD setting thrown on top of it.
Dragon's dogma is the best unfinished game I've ever played.
This game somehow manages a more dull story and interactions than Skyrim.
Get better gear and come back after you hit level 100 at least
>come back after you hit level 100 at least
Don't listen to this retard
>hurrrr I like not doing any damage to anything
The way the defense formula in DD works means that if you're dealing practically no damage to something you straight up need a weapon upgrade to deal with them. But in BBI you've got some other options. Items like throwblasts can do a lot of damage to enemies, certain skills like Mighty Bend can pierce enemy defense, and there's a good longbow and shortbow available very early on in BBI behind two of the doors in Duskmoon Tower that you need a moonbeam gem to open, so you could try to rush a gem to get one.
>levels matter in this game
>base stats matter
Better weapons alone will be enough to deal damage to things. Stat gains from leveling are miniscule in comparison.
They literally do
>that entire world and all those new classes
MMOs were a mistake.
Is hard mode really the best way to play?
With status weapons, status items, Periapts, and some actual thinking, you can beat BBI as low as 30-ish.
And once you get a level 3 BB cursed weapon, your own stats mean jack shit.
And how exactly is one going to get a better weapon without being able to get to the lower levels where the good gear drops because you can't kill anything
your damage isn't affected nearly as much by level as it is by gear. Health and stamina are but waiting to you're level 100 is stupid fucking overkill. You should be able to at least clear Daimon's first form around level 80-100.
Defeating Grigori gives you new weapons depending on your class that in DA were specifically upgraded to be suitable for starting BBI with. You could also just get one of the weapons behind the moonbeam doors.
Hard mode is pretty shit. Enemy stagger/knockdown values go through the roof so that element is practically removed from play and everything shits so much gold that it quickly stops mattering.
Moonbeam gems, level 1 BBI weapons aren't hard to come by for a newbie to the area, actually taking some time to hit the everfall, DF weapons in everfall and overworld, rarefy DF gear just one time to do appreciable damage, status effects.
I love the game and yeah you might get your shit pushed in if you try to clear too far in BBI without proper gear but it's not insurmountable.
Rust bow with petrify arrows
>everything shits so much gold that it quickly stops mattering
this is the best part of hard mode though, it means you can go full Fashion Dogma without worrying about cost.
>not styling on your enemies in a game with so many choices in armor and gear
You're not completely wrong, but saying that you need to grind to level 100 for BBI is retarded. You only need level 51 to use level 3 BB weapons, and even then that's overkill, you can beat BB at even lower levels if you're not retarded.
It's not fun, stagger and knockdown are fun.
>Also, if you play MA, you are a fag and shouldn’t post about BBI
Dont listen to this fag, MA for lyfe. Just dont spam ricochet, instead set yourself on fire and kill monsters by climbing them. Also, fuck mimics.
>start the game up after not playing for a year or more
>remember I was trying to min-max my levels for Mystic Knight
>can't find my notepad with my progress
>can't find out if there's a way to view the level progress of my character
Is there a way to view the level progress of characters? I was going Mystic Knight, and I can't remember if I was done class-changing or not and could just stay Mystic Knight (level 90-something). I also never got around to finishing Bitterblack or doing the true final boss thing.
>all the dumbasses not knowing what it means
DDO going down was so dd2 could live. Youll get your classes, just in a non bloated mmo world
What's a good way to play a caster in this game? They're real fucking clunky compared to the martials in this game.
I hope that the game's story and quests will be better, if it comes out at all
>if it comes out at all
That's what has me nervous.
I really don't understand why Capcom didn't give more support after they stated that it completely blew away their expectations in terms of sales of the first game. I feel like they would cancel it and hope every just forgets.
Just check the experience of each of your vocations, then do a linear regression with your total exp for integer solutions.
Stop being autistic.
I used to feel the same way before I did a recent Sorcerer playthrough, now it's easily my favorite vocation. The trick is to take a good spread of short/long cast-time spells, each with different utility, and of course have the wyrmking's ring and spellcast reduction augments.
A standard skill loadout for me was something like High Comestion/High Maelstrom/High Seism/High Necromancy/High Miasma/Holy Buff. High Comestion/High Miasma are fast cast spells that do good damage. Comestion can hit high while miasma does fantastic damage over time and can be stacked ontop of itself. Maelstrom does great damage to anything weak to dark but regardless of the damage it does it is the ultimate crowd control spell. Seism is a big, easily-aimed holy spell for big damage. Necromancy does a shit ton of stagger/knockdown to anyone it touches. It's a fantastic shield that you can precast before going into an encounter, it practically auto-kills maneaters so you never have to worry about opening a chest, and you can use the stagger/knockdown it causes to combo other spells off of it. Holy buff is extremely strong when cast on yourself and combined with the focused bolt basic attack. In fact, holy focused bolt is so obscenely strong and fast it's basically your main attack 90% of the time.
If I wanted to use bolide or exequy or some other spell I'd just swap it into an appropriate slot. Like bolide for seism, since they're both long cast time big damage nukes.
Keep in mind with proper timing you can jump cancel focused bolts like in pic related, and never teach any caster pawns the magick billow core skill.
Isn't this game literally just offline MMORPG?
Also redpill me on Mercedess. Can you loveher?
You can love literally any human NPC in the game.
Well in all bad Crapcom have all the fucking new assets to make Dragon's Dogma 2.
They need to weak things and history and they have a new game with the assets of DDO.
The history so far in DDO was good:
>Another country full of Arisens working with the White Dragon
>A new omen because Alchemy
Even the passive Tree was absolutely good
Redpill me on her RIGHT NOW. Why does she feel so qt and innocent and I want her to feel safe?
Because she's not offensively brown.
>Isn't this game literally just offline MMORPG?
The quests a very mmo-like, there's also a class system, skill system; but I'd just say those are more general RPG. The gameplay isn't, at least in my opinion. You have a "team": yourself, your pawn, and two pawns other people made or the game made(player created are always better) and you generally want a good mix of classes. There's a ton of crafting you can do but you'll mostly ignore it and just worry about constantly upgrading your gear.
Watch some BBI gameplay videos of a few different professions.
Because she is genuinely innocent and trying her hardest to be a good knight and leader of men but is ultimately a hopeless failure that needs to be saved by you and cries about it.
Where is roleplay aspect?
Fuck, she sounds so qt and nice I want to play this game just for her.
>Literally any human NPC
I'm fairly certain the Duke is not possible to romance. There may be some other exceptions to the rule but otherwise you're correct.
The Duke is no mere man.
>Always get Fournival or Carston as abducted by the dragon
Affection in this game is broken
The Duke, Dragonforged, and the Fool.
Hey, at least you didn't end up with the court jester or Fournival's daughter! *retch*
I got the merchant at the Devilfire grove camp, but during the beach scene it was the merchant from Greatwall.
This was fixed in Dark Arisen, you're just a homo.
My wife, Selene.
i didnt know that place was end game so when i first played the game i went with the girl at the docks and wandered around doing shit and toughing it out. i beat some stuff but got stuck on one of the bosses. it seemed a bit difficult so i looked up what level i was supposed to be to go there and everyone kept saying really high numbers. i went in at like level 13 or something. left at 30. class, great sword. fun times
I always get Jewtits or Quina and I always play Female Arisens.
I want to breed your arisen.
Literally this in many games for me. Unless im in full on serious mode im fashioning and styling the shit out of myself.
Bullshit. I went to BBI at around level 30ish not knowing what it was. When I finished my first run of it and came out I was past level 70. There was no more satisfying feeling than clawing my way through room after room, floor after floor, managing to just barely survive each new encounter. You're really missing out if you don't start it at a relatively lower level. It becomes a dungeon that grows with you and remains a challenge the entire way to the end.
I need context. Level? Did you reach post-dragon and/or NG+?
No fuck you, fuck you twice, we could have both. It was a f2p mmo god damn it. All that great classes and crazy lore and the ability to play with bros, gone. For fucking nothing.
good man