>hack system
>can install anything you want
>but there is nothing worth playing
Worst console ever?
>hack system
>can install anything you want
>but there is nothing worth playing
Worst console ever?
It can't even emulate PS2. What's the point?
It annoys the crap out of me that anything I would want to play on a Vita doesn't exist.
No Sonic Mania, no Ritual of the Night, no racing games besides NFS:MW 2012, no Tekken, no Crash collection...
Biggest waste of potential ever.
Last I remember, it could barely emulate SNES and Genesis games. From what I remember, you essentially had to use a PSP backend to get anything to work...which itself was a shitty workaround.
Honestly, I figured this hardware would be pushing Dreamcast and Sega Saturn Roms. From what I can tell, the best it can do is PSP and PSOne, and that's only because it has built in emulators for those systems or something.
Maybe I'm wrong, it's been like a year or two since I looked into the hacking scene for the Vita.
You're not wrong. Even hackers don't give a shit. It's just that bad.
I honestly can't believe these farts spend more time making emulators for touch-based devices.
Like fuck them.
>No racing games
>Wipeout doesn't exist
>He doesn't know Tekken 6 is playable with CFW
Wrong, the Vita has PSP hardware and isn't emulating.
I literally hacked mine, put a bunch of games on it, swapped my Sony memory card with a sd2vita and used a program that factory reset my Vita.
There was nothing I wanted to play anyway so I don't feel like hacking it again
How easy is it to hack a Vita with a 4GB Sony memory card on version 3.65
What emulators could I feasibly install on it
I would like to play some PS1 games
just get a bluetooth controller
How would I hold my device?
Also I'm an iFag.
>I would like to play some PS1 games
Vita runs PS1 natively
Can you sideload those?
Most people I see just say run it through Adrenaline (though I imagine the Vita can better emulate the controls if run natively).
iPhone is compatible with DS4 and Xbone controller now
True but that still doesn't mean emulators are that prevalent for it.
I have an Android device but it's a tablet.
Well the tablet should be easier to set
It's pretty much just a Persona 4 and Dragons Crown machine for me at this point. Been playing Corpse Party (PSP) on it this week and have been digging it though.
wrong it uses emulation just like the psp
using adrenaline gives you the same control options as official ps1 games. it sounds surprising but it just werks.
I meant native emulation
>native emulation
based retard
SNES and GBA emulation still need more support.
The fucking 3DS can handle those perfectly, the Vita is more powerful and still can't and that's on the scene. We just need someone smart enough who can work on emulators that take advantage of the Vita's power.
Well I'm just assuming that native Vita games would be able to use the right stick, touchpad, and touchscreen to emulate more controls than running your PSP games through the PSP layer.
I could be wrong, though, I've never tried it (nor have I looked into PS1 conversion and if it's possible to move PSP PS1 saves over).
*PS1 games through the PSP layer
The Vita was kinda nice a few years ago as a way to play some exclusive Japanese games, especially as a cheaper variant to the PS4.
But now pretty much everything got ported over to PC or the Switch, so there's really no point in buying one.
I think only Utawarerumono is still stuck on it.
unless you're an iToddler, pic related is the best way to play on the go these days.
>Well I'm just assuming that native Vita games would be able to use the right stick, touchpad, and touchscreen to emulate more controls than running your PSP games through the PSP layer.
PS1 games run on Adrenaline let you do that. It's magic.
>I could be wrong, though, I've never tried it (nor have I looked into PS1 conversion and if it's possible to move PSP PS1 saves over).
All your PSP content (games and saves) just werk when copied over to your Vita memory card and run with Adrenaline. That includes the PS1 stuff.
You know what I mean
I actually couldn't play Duke Nukem 3D on the PSP because it didn't have enough controls.
Though with the Megaton Edition installed on my Vita I guess that's sort of moot.
Armored Core on PSP had horribly cramped controls. You had to claw literally constantly.
It's actually pretty good on Vita.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite also benefits from having a second analog stick
PSP games with better controls are worth it
Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, Patapon series, Gravity Rush if you don't have PS4.
I didn't even play GR until I had GRR so...
I have played Remastered via Remote Play, though, which seems a bit backwards.
God freedom wars was sick
>no sequel, or even just an HD port, to home consoles
It hurts.
Console is great, it's sony shitting on it and investing next to nothing that ruined it. They're fucking morrons.
Even so the homebrew scene should have done something more with it even if official devs turned up their noses.
The fact that homebrew devs didn't express an interest in building up the system might hurt more than the lack of official software.
The homebrew scene has actually fixed many of the problems with the vita
>memory card adaptors
>usb storage on PSTV
>can play all games on PSTV
>can tweak resolution/framerate options in certain games
>can actually play your previously purchased PSP and PS1 games
>can sync PS3/PS4 controllers
>video out (only over USB, though)
I wish the emulators were better though
>Get a PS2
>Think "Wow imagine all the games on this thing I can play"
>Already played the obvious ones on emulator
>Pretty much nothing worth buying
>People actually recommend me shit movie tie ins like the Godfather game
The PS2 has literally something for everyone. If you can't find a game you like on PS2 then you don't like video games.
Well there's some, but I was expecting way more. It's basically my Burnout 3 and Armored Core machine
you can play psp games on your phone though.
What you should be doing on your vita is get moonlight and stream games from your PC to vita. I've been doing it with wind waker and it works way better than I could imagine. Also using it to play visual novels or jrpgs from steam in your bed is really comfy.